Victory WTFs (Weekly Task Forces)
ive never really had any major anomalies show up while running the weekly tfs
however, today i started trying to form a silver mantis, wait 10-15 min and 0 respones, so i change to just asking for padders, it took me 50 minutes to even get A response about helping to pad
all this just made me hate the min team size requirements of tfs even more

I am sorta wishing for a break in these also. 1 month on/off kind of stuff. Or maybe 1 per month. TFs are nice, but tired of running of them and want to get back to regular content for now.
Plus I don't want these S/TFs to get burned out. I still want to do them with lowbies I bringing up. But people may not want to join because it is not the weekly target. Will I find people? Of course, been on some other things besides the WST this last month. Just don't want to hear we will speed this run b/c only in it for the Notice or whatever.
Interesting concept, just don't want to drown in it.
Zerging TFs to get the 50 badge burned me out on TFs in general. Now I am glad I got the badge and it's over. I don't have to log in to just do TFs and can work on my new lowbie. Farming wolves in Striga was awesome compared to doing a bunch of mind numbing TFs.
Zerging TFs to get the 50 badge burned me out on TFs in general. Now I am glad I got the badge and it's over. I don't have to log in to just do TFs and can work on my new lowbie. Farming wolves in Striga was awesome compared to doing a bunch of mind numbing TFs.
apex, tin mage, and ITF can all be done under 40 min easy, and they have good rewards as well, so during those weeks i plan on running or joining a lot
i am also taking it slow in hopes the 50 tf badge will be relooked at, because 50 tfs is a LOT to run on 1 toon, if they made those badges global then i prolly would not have minded as much

ive been taking my time with that badge, i plan on working on it a lot more during weeks which have fast and easy tfs (and march has a lot of those)
apex, tin mage, and ITF can all be done under 40 min easy, and they have good rewards as well, so during those weeks i plan on running or joining a lot i am also taking it slow in hopes the 50 tf badge will be relooked at, because 50 tfs is a LOT to run on 1 toon, if they made those badges global then i prolly would not have minded as much |
Only story I have is that, according to the rest of my team (I didn't see it myself, was on the opposite side of the map), I spawned 4 cysts in very close proximity to one another in an outdoor 'disable device' map.
Bah... needs more Doom, Flux.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

however, today i started trying to form a silver mantis, wait 10-15 min and 0 respones, so i change to just asking for padders, it took me 50 minutes to even get A response about helping to pad
Dusty Trophies

However, it appears from the lack of comments in this thread, my ability to find "interesting" teammates may be reaching hamster-like levels.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
Other than being subjected to Shamster tactics, I've had no issues finding teams for these Targets, and no issues with the few people I pick up from global channels.
I am utterly annoyed at the badge situation, and the non-worthwhile drops for sub-50 TFs however. And I think I say that with each and every run. I will eventually get it done, but I don't have the time, patience, or interest in cramming in anymore than I already am.
Flux, get a bigger, better circle to run with. Just say no to PUGs >.>
I've already forgotten about most of you

Oh...I've spent a great deal of time laughing at my keyboard. The disparity in skill level of level 50s in CoX is astounding. While I can appreciate casual players who don't have the time or inclination to really max out their builds, this does not excuse the ability to follow simple directions.
I've been a many PUGs with a few veterans, and sympathized with their frustrations, but I never got annoyed. The whole thing was just too damned funny.
Me: My team recall isn't up, anyone else have it? Tanker: I have Assemble Team. Me: Can you tanker stealth to the end? Tanker: I don't have tanker stealth. Me:...can you run to the end of the mission. Tanker: I don't know the way. Me: Never mind, I have recall friend. When I teleport you, then you use team recall. Tanker: You mean Assemble Team? Me: Yeah, that works too. I teleport tanker to final room. Tanker then makes a b-line for Hro'Dtohz Me: WTF are you doing? Tanker: Tanking the AV |
Zerging TFs to get the 50 badge burned me out on TFs in general. Now I am glad I got the badge and it's over. I don't have to log in to just do TFs and can work on my new lowbie. Farming wolves in Striga was awesome compared to doing a bunch of mind numbing TFs.
I can't believe you got through that many TFs without taking a spoon to your eyes. More power to you, but wow....

I'll take a different route here. I formed tons of Kahns, LGTFs, and STF/LRSFs and honestly, it was kind of fun meeting players I had never met before. Even with team of 3 players I knew and 5 pick up players (we shall call them PuPs) the TFs were never longer then anticipated (I think I had a STF that went 47 mins).
Sometimes it maybe that persons 1st time running a tf in a 'speedy' fashion and in those cases I usually try to communicate with that person via tells as what we are doing for the mission we are on as well as the next mission. I can't think of anyone who actively complained during the WTFs that we were speeding, I think most of the angst against speed runs is that people think they will end up face planting a lot while the team runs off and leaves them behind. This 'can' happen but it doesn't take that much longer to clear to objectives or tp people to objectives if they can't stealth.
So yeah, I really haven't had any bad teams since these WTFs started.
(Had a horrible 2.5 hour LGTF a few weeks before, but I'm trying to block that out).
I could did out the chat log but last 5 min went like this:
controller who can find objectives: Here (meaning clammor and last 2 hostages)
All but team leader and one other go to last room
Team leader and other person die
Flux tp's them team leader refuses tp other takes it and the rez and runs back to where team leader is
Team leader: Fine your on your own
Team clears where team leader is and rad tries to rez him
Rad troller: He must be afk I tried to rez 2 times
Team goes back to main room
me: I bet he's all pissy cause we didn't follow him so he is just going to stay dead.
we kill clammor
Tell to me from leader: Exactly you need to follow the leader.
my reply: Leader went the wrong way
we rescue hosteges
Tell from leader: Remember who has the kick button
me: I am about to be kicked copy and paste tell
we kill last scaner and complete before he can kick me
End of 2+ hour sis tf
good times
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Yay Philly! Stickin it to Tha Man.
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
if you are onthe team entire tf and get kicked last mish you should still get a reward
had one of those types of star poeple on an ITF, got to last mish and i get kicked for no reason, so im sitting at the market and i still get the reward table popup a few min later anyway lol

Yes if your in the last mission for 3/4 of it your supposed to get the reward though i have heard from some it doesn't always work. I wasn't to bothered by it i find stuff like that very lol. If i was worried i wouldn't have pressed it by copy and paste'ing the tell in team chat. I found the "I'm leader I can kick you for sassing me" attitude amusing. The 2+ hours for a pug tf gets a bit long for me though, it's different with friends having fun and making jokes etc.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Dang, Rox, no wonder you're burnt out. I haven't even got the first badge on GP yet... I've run the TFs 2-3 times, but always on different characters that needed them (GP always gets one spot). I thought that 50 was ridiculous when I saw it, and after they just lowered the ridiculous badges down (and GP STILL does not have his last damage or influence badge, even with their requirements lowered. He's getting close, but he's not there yet).
I doubt I'm ever going to get it if they keep it at 50, but I probably should work on it some week. Maybe get a couple in on Apex, that's a fun TF (though not more than that, I don't want to get burnt out on it, either).
Anyway, I do rather like that some other non-WTF are being run this week. I was getting a little depressed at not being able to get much else going the past few weeks. I wish the devs would allow shards to drop on any content now... I want to be able to run regular story arcs with a team again. I've had a few small teams going, but most everyone has been running a WTF.
I wish I had some bad groups to talk about, but I've always had a few veterans with me, and the newbies I've had are always open to hearing about what's up. Though part of the reason for my good experience might be because I either have the star, or I'm teaming with a leader that I know already. Can't honestly say I've joined anything else in a long while.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
For the most part I have been on some very, very good runs. I've joined quite a few, and had many where either myself or my normal team mates led, and most everyone has been just great. When me or my friends lead, we normally do not do speed runs, we do the "If it's in our way we will kill it", going for shards, and have never really gotten a complaint, but been surprised to see that a lot of people had never done things like the LGTF without someone teleporting them to the end of the mission. Crazy.
Did have a couple really bad ones:
The first was an STF that a friend and I joined in on, where we both knew from the team makeup that we would fail (no tank, only support on the team was me, on my /thermal), but we would probably be fine up until the last mission, and we decided to ride it out for shards. After an hour and a half and we were still trying to kill Aeon, we pretty much gave up on it.
Other was an LGTF, we passed, but it took about 2:45. I dont think I ever took that long on one before. A few people had apparently gotten the time wrong on a ship raid, and started advertising it, a friend and I joined, and when everyone figured out what happened, we decided to run an LGTF, because we had quite a bit of time before the raid actually started. Everyone on the team wanted in the raid, so we started with the understanding that we had to be done well before it started, to make sure we all got in. But the leader insisted that we run on +4 difficulty for the first couple missions "for drops", people insisted on killing everything in sight (including the waves of Clockwork that come at the end of the last mission that you can just ignore and exit on).
On the last mission I suggested something I never do, that we stealth and TP to the back. No one had any form of stealth except me (I am on an empath defender with the power Stealth, not Invisibility, and Fly, not Super Speed, and no stealth proc). I somehow pulled this off, otherwise this TF would have been well over 3 hours. And of course, RWZ was full when we finally completed, and the team missed the raid.
Other then that I have had fantastic runs, 2 bad ones out of the dozens I did during the first 3 weeks of WTFs (havent been doing it much this week on Psyche and Mantis) seems like a really good average to me.
@Incarnadine - 50s on Victory:
Electric-Boogaloo (Electric/Psy Dominator) | Floating Flame (Fire/Psy Blaster) | Guldo Golem (Stone/Mace Tanker) | Hornak (Elec/Elec Brute) | Insatiable Greed (Demon/Dark Mastermind) | Solar Explorer (Plant/Thermal Controller) | TimeTraveler (Kin/Ice Defender) | Verranil (Emp/Archery Defender)
On the last mission I suggested something I never do, that we stealth and TP to the back. No one had any form of stealth except me (I am on an empath defender with the power Stealth, not Invisibility, and Fly, not Super Speed, and no stealth proc). I somehow pulled this off, otherwise this TF would have been well over 3 hours. And of course, RWZ was full when we finally completed, and the team missed the raid.
So... My grav controller did it. No stealth. No invis. No superspeed. No mez protection. I just *flew* to the damn end and tp'ed the team.
Afterward, I advised the stalker to do the honorable thing and delete his character.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Heh, was on a LGTF the other night with a very bad stalker. Any attempt by him to rush/tp/stealth would be met by him dying five times and accomplishing nothing. We wanted to stealth/tp on the last mission and the stalker refused because "I can't get by the drones."
So... My grav controller did it. No stealth. No invis. No superspeed. No mez protection. I just *flew* to the damn end and tp'ed the team. Afterward, I advised the stalker to do the honorable thing and delete his character. |
Last few weeks have been filled with people doing this. Just kind of annoying to me; people "stealthing" with aggro toggles on or rushing whichever way they can.....and then, more often than not, NOT having recall available and others just can't get through the wall of mobs.
While not rage-worthy, did have some episodes of people insisting on +++ mob difficulty while exemp'd, people clamoring for better coordination and then going off on their own path, and a couple times of "I'm the aggro magnet, follow me!". Typical stuff. It happens. We still get stuff done without bodily harm being insinuated.
I've already forgotten about most of you

Or maybe this should be: Victory, wtf (what the ****)?

, I have created this thread as a place for people to relate their adventures in wtfing. Please, no names, the guilty have rights too

Not sure at this point. I must admit that the weekly grind is really beginning to get to me. This hasnt at all been aided by some of the PuGs Ive subjected myself to.
On one hand, the wtfs seem to be bringing more people to the table for tf/sfs. On the other, the wtfs seem to be bringing more people to the table for tf/sfs If you get my drift
Now, bear in mind, for the first couple of years in this game all I did was either PuG or run solo depending on my mood. So I thought Id seen just about every sort of strange/funny/stupid/childish/weird/good behavior possible. However, since the implementation of the wtfs, Ive seen more concentrated interesting actions by people than I thought possible.
Personally, I feel that the devs need to give us a break from wtfs every few weeks. (i.e. every fifth week, have no wtf available or w/e). I realize that *I* dont have to run the wtfs every week and can do w/e I want with my time. Unfortunately, if you have many 50s, as a lot of the long-term player do, you feel obligated to strike while the iron is hot and get as many of them finished (your level of OCD or commitment defines what exactly that means).
After a few runs of the same tf in a short period of time, all I want from that tf is done.
I dont mind running for drops on occasion but aimlessly wandering through missions in the hopes that they will somehow complete themselves, makes me want to bite pieces of my desk off. And really, in my experience, grinding a tf for incarnate shards seems almost futile given the randomness of the drops. It has seemed for me that the difference in shard drops for speed runs vs. grinding is maybe 2-3 shards, ymmv.
Anyway, in the spirit of sharing (because, after all, sharing is caring)
So there I was on a Sis P with 5 other controllers. The tank/brute had dcd (he had warned us of the possibility, was having power issues in the area) after about the 2nd mission.
We had pressed on and were closing in on the home stretch. We were approx 100 minutes in at this point and I had the rest of my life waiting on me. The next mission was Axel-F. I was on my ill/rad and stealthed down to where he was hiding at the back of this large cave map. TPd Philly on her electric/kin to me and we dispatched Axel and his spawn. Mission ends, good times.
I believe we either had a fedex or a tap the phones mission next. Then it was on to KR and Sky for the disabling of the sonic devices. I bop over to the missions, stealth through and tap the glowies. In these situations, reveal is a nice power to have. Someone actually complained about waiting for everyone to get in these missions before completion hmmm Note to self: Mission completion xp/inf still really seems to matter to some multi-year vets
Last mission. Defeat Clamor, free 5 hosties, whack sonic device.
Not really a mission you can stealth as the hosties are spread out. However, 2 of them are almost always in the last room with Clamor.
So we push through and have freed 3/5 hosties. I have already run reveal on the map and know where Clamor is, so I start moving in that direction. Strangely there are no mobs in the corridors I go through, but w/e. I end up at the last room and Clamor is waiting about 20 feet from the entrance to the room. 3 other controllers have followed me but the team lead and 1 other have gone off to fight extraneous mobs the lead dies and then says something to the effect now you can finish without me.. and we did .He had refused two rezs and a port to a clear area
He did, however, in tells, more or less say that people should follow the team lead because they have the kick button .
I look forward to everyone's tales from the dark side as well as the various peoples desperate need to tell me I was in the wrong about how I approached the last few missions.
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.