Healing as a Defender




Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
I just chose an Empath as my new defender. I really don't want to think of him as a pure healer.
I've played each defender set to at least 32 (except Traps), and I find Empathy is low on my list of favorites, even though my first defender and first controller were both Empathy.

One of my favorites is Storm. It has a decent single-target heal for when things do go wrong, but it has a lot of debuffs and knockdowns and other things to prevent your team from getting hurt in the first place. Storm was my second defender, and I've come to like it more over time.

Not that there's anything wrong with Empathy: the set has great buffs, and I recommend trying all the sets out. It just gets a little old being a buff bot.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Not that there's anything wrong with Empathy: the set has great buffs, and I recommend trying all the sets out. It just gets a little old being a buff bot.
For you maybe. It can also get old being a debuff bot.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Sb plz.



One of the things I find ever so amusing about this whole ... um ... debate is it's phrased as if having good support and healing capabilities are somehow mutually exclusive with the role of a blasting offender.*

My latest Empathy/Sonic/Elec build (on Rianna) has HA, HO, and AP (a first for me for AP) along with Fort, CM, AB, Assault, Tactics, Maneuvers, and Vengeance effectively slotted. The HA with Spritual is something in the neighborhood of 307 hp, the HO over 600. I can and do run an attack chain with fully slotted screech. shriek, scream, EF buffed by Aim and Assault. In the various Weekly target TFs I think I hit my Dreadful Wail roughly once every 3rd spawn or so (about once every 90 seconds or so) and usually the first thing I try to do to every spawn is lay into them with Howl and its 60+ ft cone. She also has 65ft stealth with Recall Friend. And while only my teammates can say just how delusional I may be, I think I'm reasonably safe to say that those little green icons along side their names are usually abundant enough to be consider "supportive" despite my tendency to lay into whatever spawn looms into view.

Guess I think they aren't nor should they be. The only limit on one vs the other is the Player at the keyboard.

Reyna Morningdew (Lvl 50 Emp/Rad/Dark/Spiritual)
Rianna Sidhe (Lvl 50 Emp/Sonic/Elec/Spiritual), both of Green Machine

Dark Lightning (Lvl 50 Emp/Dark/Dark/*)
Tryth (Lvl 50 Emp/Sonic/Elec/Spiritual)
and several more in the 35+ range

*Nevermind most defender blasts are also "support" by virtue of their secondary effects.



Originally Posted by Doomguide View Post
One of the things I find ever so amusing about this whole ... um ... debate is it's phrased as if having good support and healing capabilities are somehow mutually exclusive with the role of a blasting offender.*

My latest Empathy/Sonic/Elec build (on Rianna) has HA, HO, and AP (a first for me for AP) along with Fort, CM, AB, Assault, Tactics, Maneuvers, and Vengeance effectively slotted. The HA with Spritual is something in the neighborhood of 307 hp, the HO over 600. I can and do run an attack chain with fully slotted screech. shriek, scream, EF buffed by Aim and Assault. In the various Weekly target TFs I think I hit my Dreadful Wail roughly once every 3rd spawn or so (about once every 90 seconds or so) and usually the first thing I try to do to every spawn is lay into them with Howl and its 60+ ft cone. She also has 65ft stealth with Recall Friend. And while only my teammates can say just how delusional I may be, I think I'm reasonably safe to say that those little green icons along side their names are usually abundant enough to be consider "supportive" despite my tendency to lay into whatever spawn looms into view.

Guess I think they aren't nor should they be. The only limit on one vs the other is the Player at the keyboard.

Reyna Morningdew (Lvl 50 Emp/Rad/Dark/Spiritual)
Rianna Sidhe (Lvl 50 Emp/Sonic/Elec/Spiritual), both of Green Machine

Dark Lightning (Lvl 50 Emp/Dark/Dark/*)
Tryth (Lvl 50 Emp/Sonic/Elec/Spiritual)
and several more in the 35+ range

*Nevermind most defender blasts are also "support" by virtue of their secondary effects.
Nicely done. Any empath that plays like this is more than welcome on any team I have rolling. You have shown that empaths can be effective and (dare I say) dangerous...

You should say that bit again: Having good support/buff/debuff is not mutually exclusive with blasting.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
I just chose an Empath as my new defender. I really don't want to think of him as a pure healer.

I'd like to think I can help the team out of tight situations. I'd like to think I can still do moderate damage, while giving my team an edge in hitting, and causing damage. I think that's what an Empath can do and to label any single AT in a pigeon hole is just wrong.

A tank CAN and does absorb damage right? But they can damage back, they can also show signs of soft control.

This is an example of why these kinds of threads turn people off of an AT..... you GOTTA play what you LOVE. Then if you MUST, classify the bejesus out of it. But at the end of the day... who gives a rats hairy **** what you're classified as? Have fun. Kill stuff. Heal stuff. Get XP... repeat.
Good for you and welcome to the Defender forums

Originally Posted by Doomguide View Post
One of the things I find ever so amusing about this whole ... um ... debate is it's phrased as if having good support and healing capabilities are somehow mutually exclusive with the role of a blasting offender.*

The only limit on one vs the other is the Player at the keyboard.
Doomguide is spot on with this.

My Empath was built many moons ago as a support toon with 6-slotted Hasten! Since then I've had many revisions of the build and am so in a love/hate relationship with the limp-lettuce damage.

Empathy is a poor set unless you invest a LOT of money in -Recharge. The reason being that to become an adept buffer (and more than just a "Healer") you need to get those stonking recharge timers down on AB, Fort and the two Auras.

Currently, with I-don't-know-how-much money spent on IO's, and the Incarnate Spiritual powers, I have a 26 second downtime on the Auras, perma AB (14 seconds to spare), and Fort on a full team of 7 (can't do yourself) if I spend the 16 seconds in-between it recharging to blast/CM/heal. I can't manage that, so I tend to make sure Fort is on those that need it (maxing at about 4-5 toons) so that I can actually spend some time blasting.

With Chance to Hold procs in all my blasts, and the epic sleep and hold, I can almost become a mini-controller. And don't tell anyone else, but I chose AP over HO. Why? You're unlikely to be pulling aggro if you need to use a single target heal, so AP is more bang for your buck. If a team is in the mucky brown stuff when you've got both aura's running and Fort on the main players, your own health is the last thing to worry about. That's just me though, and I never tell anyone.






I tell ya, to me after player close to 6 years if you just happen to read some good threads you learn a lot.

Goes to show you how some info about anything let alone info about a game or game mechanics can be either really useless stuff or really insightful.

I was fortunate to read the Force Field debate over in the Mastermind forums and had my eyes opened up to this similar question just from another angle.

Sadly as in many MMO games the core ideas fall to the way side as the game evolves. Back in the day Empaths were a must you just could not rely on the dark heal to work all the time and you couldn't afford to have them fail when you needed. Empath was the must have goto healer. Stone Tank was the must have. Kinetic with increase density was next on the list. Of course every kin had speed boost but teams with a stone tank would take a kin with ID over another that didn't have it.

Today Inventions along with sets that have been ported over from either side has changed all of that. Before where a stone tank was the only tank just about defense capped. Today the defender is defense capped let alone EVERY Tank and Scrapper.

Today set bonuses now give that dark defender tons more accuracy that really limits the heal from missing even against AVs. Even if it does miss the protection players are afforded today allow the ability to miss one or two heals. Let alone all the recharge, endurance increase, defense, heal, etc that set bonuses offer.

I know something is askew when a retard like me can tank an AV with my defender while the moving away to give the actual Tank player a chance to ress and set back up after a death.

Personally I would take something other then an empath. I feel there is enough for everyone to go around and fix themselves up that I don't need to be holding their hands. Further you do not need 8 players for much of the TF / SF content. How many times have you had a scrapper, blaster, tank or a brute who talks so much trash talk just to play half the TF on his or her back.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
Personally I would take something other then an empath. I feel there is enough for everyone to go around and fix themselves up that I don't need to be holding their hands. Further you do not need 8 players for much of the TF / SF content. How many times have you had a scrapper, blaster, tank or a brute who talks so much trash talk just to play half the TF on his or her back.
Up until this point, I was agreeing with nearly everything you said. But, speaking as an inveterate tanker player, I love seeing Emps. Not because I need their L33T H33L1NG 5K1LLZ, but because a Fortituded, AB-ed Blaster is a huge help to team survivability. How? By nuking enough of the spawn that the Tanker only needs to handle the alpha strike. My Fire tanker is great at taking alphas, but can wilt a little under sustained damage - the downside of Healing Flames' front-loaded survivability. If I can know that after diving in, hitting Burn, FSC, HF and Fireball, we'll be down to bosses, then I can be a lot more confident. And, of course, if I can get a Fort too, that's just amazing - I get defenses to keep me alive and damage to deny that to others. It also gives me a little buffer of ToHit against groups like Carnies that can leave my "kill 'em faster" plan a little wanting when my attacks all park at 10% chance to hit.

Also, because Fiery Aura has no fear protection, so a Clear Mind being available for the Riders or Hami in the LGTF is really nice. So nice, in fact, that I've started an Emp/Ice Defender of my own. And yes, I do blast - in fact, I'm not great at finding teams, so I kind of have to blast a bit while I'm soloing.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Show signs? Having enemies attack the tank is the best soft control there is.
I'd actually consider Taunt, in particular, to be a hard control, and one of the few that work on AVs. If you can FORCE a foe or group of foes to attack only a teammate who can survive it, its just as effective as using a Hold or Stun. In many cases more effective, since tanks tend to cause foes to clump up where they are more subject to AoE damage, debuffs, etc. Admittedly, its a problem if in fact the Taunter can't survive the aggro, but there are situations where any other hard control fails as well.

To the OP, if you are considering an Emp, an Emp/Sonic is not a bad choice. Relatively little AoE, so you aren't constantly getting aggro, and a substantial help in situations where Emps are often weakest, helping an already sturdy team more quickly take down hard targets like AVs. And if you want to solo, /Sonic has a nice AoE sleep which lets you safely take spawns down one at a time and deal with ambushes, the bane of soloing squishies.



Sonic blast is a good thing to give an empath. Also any control/emp though they can be slow to level at first.



As an empath, three of your powers only do the effect you paid the endurance for when someone's actually hurt, and one of your powers only works when someone's dead. Oof. Because so many powers are situational, you'll rely on your secondary more - play (and build) an empathy defender like a blaster who has the best Medicine pool ever. My favorites are Radiation Blast (fast recharge plus lots of AoEs), Sonic Attack (resistance debuff helps your entire team almost as much as a global damage buff), Ice Blast (two holds), and Psychic Blast (often not resisted), but the most important thing is having a good attack chain that keeps you continually putting out damage whenever you're not needed to save someone's bacon.

Fortitude is your speed boost. With three recharge IOs, it comes up just under every 30 seconds, and lasts for two minutes on each. That's enough to keep four teammates with perma-fortitute, which on most pick-up teams will cover all your melee allies.

Look into six-slotting Heal Other (Heal 3, Recharge 1, Endurance 2). Instead of healing your entire team for a seventh of their health every eight seconds, you heal one person for half of their health (with three heal IOs) every four seconds. Considering you're usually only worrying about one person (the one who grabbed all the aggro) dying, use this and save Healing Aura for the rare times when you can't find someone right away or when everyone's taken a notable chunk of damage.

Finally, consider another powerset. Three unorthodox healers are Traps, Cold Domination, and Storm Summoning. Traps defenders get AoE defense and healing (Triage Beacon and Force Field Generator), plus crowd control in Caltrops, -resistance in Acid Mortar, and -regen in Poison Trap. Cold Domination is an endurance healer, not a hit point healer, what with the ability of Heat Loss to grant everyone Endurance and thereafter cap everyone's Recovery (great against Malta) to go with their three shields. Storm Summoning's O2 Boost is a single-target heal and Clear Mind rolled into one, as well as an AoE defense buff and many minicontrol powers.

Proud member of the Steel 70! | Global @Radmofet ; usually on Pinnacle, sometimes on Virtue.



Originally Posted by Mofeta View Post
Finally, consider another powerset. Three unorthodox healers are Traps, Cold Domination, and Storm Summoning. Traps defenders get AoE defense and healing (Triage Beacon and Force Field Generator), plus soft crowd control in Caltrops, -resistance in Acid Mortar, and -regen in Poison Trap. Cold Domination is an endurance healer, not a hit point healer, what with the ability of Heat Loss to grant everyone Endurance and thereafter cap everyone's Recovery (great against Malta) to go with their three shields. Storm Summoning's O2 Boost is a single-target heal and Psuedo Clear Mind rolled into one, as well as an AoE defense buff and many minicontrol powers.
Bolded fixed.

Psuedo because it only does Stuns and Sleeps. It also has Endurance Drain protection in there too. Great for people using wakies >.>

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



I have a suggestion (thats only valid if you can do this, and are willing to.. Starting in Praetoria or Villian side would be required).

You could go Pain Domination. It fills an intersting bridge between a heal set, buff set, and a debuff set.

Can't be a Defender however, but Pain Domination gives you those 3 non-To hit heals, buffs, and even a debuff, along with a Regeneration Toggle.

Closest to a Defender would probley be Corruptor Root /Pain

Never liked Empathy's play style much, Pain however I'm digging since it mixes things up a bit.

Just a thought however.

Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu



Pain will have you healing more than Empathy. Once Empathy gets Fortitude and some recharge bonuses up, you won't be needing to heal nearly as much. Pain has significantly inferior mitigation tools, but it does give more damage output to the team.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



After 7 years (off and on) of playing my Emp/Dark, I can tell you that being a total buff/heal bot is absolutely boring. I've managed to set up a nice buff cycle that provides long enough gaps for me to do other things.

Though, I am of the opinion that all these new trials and other content being introduced may increase the usefulness of Empathy. I've seen some of these new AVs, etc put out some big damage. And, it is nice to have good old PBU + Healing Aura to help an entire league recover faster.

IMHO, this is a game where the usefulness of any single AT or power set has more to do with what the situation requires.

Come to think of it, with everyone having access to Interface for debuffs and Destiny for AoE buffs, there are a lot of times when traditional "support" characters may be less required. But, I still prefer to have the classic support available. Nothing like having a good player covering your "six" sometimes.

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



My 0.02 inf worth, I think empathy is fine as a buff set in addition to a heal set. My preference however is /thermal. The thermal shields can really cut down on healing. The top tier debuffs are very satisfying.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Boring for some people. Always have to remember that different people enjoy different things.

I do agree with the rest of what you said, though. My FF/Dark is basically a bad blaster on the trials. The buffs are kinda nice, sometimes, for the Lambda split, and force bubble is cute for the BAF prisoners, but that's about it.

Of course, FF/Dark is pretty underwhelming to begin with, but whatever, I've had it for 7 years, too, and I'm too stubborn to change.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
-10 for "Gather for auras" when outside of combat (not counting Mish start).
-30 for "Gather for auras" when in combat.
-50 if the word "hugs" or "cuddles" is involved.
+10 for the Empath not calling anything and just knowing where to cast the aura to get the most people.
+1000 for using Vengeance as your primary heal.



I keep planning to make an empath one day.

I can't figure out how to make one without any of the heals, though. You have to take one of the first two powers.

I guess I could settle for taking only the PBAoE heal and only using it when no one else is around as a self heal.

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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I keep planning to make an empath one day.

I can't figure out how to make one without any of the heals, though. You have to take one of the first two powers.

I guess I could settle for taking only the PBAoE heal and only using it when no one else is around as a self heal.
Special Snowflake Syndrome is baaad Dechs, don't go there

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
+1000 for using Vengeance as your primary heal.

The worst part of the iTrials is the fact that 2 out of 3 times I can't use Vengie on the corpse, because they're on another team, but I'm still probably obliged to bring them back to life.

The worst is when I trigger Power Boost first and then realise



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I keep planning to make an empath one day.

I can't figure out how to make one without any of the heals, though. You have to take one of the first two powers.

I guess I could settle for taking only the PBAoE heal and only using it when no one else is around as a self heal.

I did that once with a character I called Dr. Irony and dressed like a surgeon. When the team leader asked why I didn't heal, I'd say I didn't have any heals, thus, the name. Then I get kicked.

Anyway, to the OP:

"Healing" for the most part is the least desirable buff, since it assumes damage was taken and now needs to be fixed. Tactically, it is much, much better to never take damage in the first place, and other Defense and Control powers do that pretty well in CoH.

However, "Healing" does come in handy in lower levels before toons have all their other mitigation powers (shields, debuffs, controls). It also comes in handy when the team gets in over their heads, or, when there is a foe that bypasses ordinary defenses (e.g., Hami Raids) or there is overwhelming odds (e.g., MotherShip Raids).

The problems with "Healing" and the Empathy set are:

1. The Empath ignores their buffs (e.g. Fortitude) and their attacks (Primary Set) to be a dedicated "Healer". Most teams don't need that much healing, and so, the healer is basically doing nothing helpful most of the time.

2. Non-Empaths, most notably certain team leaders, require a "Healer" to be on their team even though they're just going up normal content. They'll exclude other Defenders in order to get that "Healer"; or, they're planning on engaging in over-their-heads activities like herding +4 spawns and need a "healer" to keep them alive. The rest of the team sits backs and waits for the herd, which makes this tactic *less* rewarding since so many people are doing nothing for long periods of time.

3. See here.

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Would like to take issue with some things you said...

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I did that once with a character I called Dr. Irony and dressed like a surgeon. When the team leader asked why I didn't heal, I'd say I didn't have any heals, thus, the name. Then I get kicked.
While such a tactic may be worth some humor, it is not something I would tolerate. If you are going to play a certain AT (doesn't matter what), I don't think it is being unreasonable to expect you to build and play that character such that they can make a good addition to the "average" team. Personally, if I was the team leader, I would have kicked you too. In fact, I tend to kick people who bring a toon to my team and you do not have the key powers that make you valuable to my team. I've kicked Kins who don't have SB...

Anyway, to the OP:

"Healing" for the most part is the least desirable buff, since it assumes damage was taken and now needs to be fixed. Tactically, it is much, much better to never take damage in the first place, and other Defense and Control powers do that pretty well in CoH.

Healing isn't a buff at all. People who even think that healing classifies as a "buff" needs to go pick up a dictionary.

However, "Healing" does come in handy in lower levels before toons have all their other mitigation powers (shields, debuffs, controls). It also comes in handy when the team gets in over their heads, or, when there is a foe that bypasses ordinary defenses (e.g., Hami Raids) or there is overwhelming odds (e.g., MotherShip Raids).

Slightly disagree. I tend to favor the approach of having a variety of characters who can increase the survivability of the team and keep us rolling. IMHO, everything is a welcome addition to my team.

The problems with "Healing" and the Empathy set are:

1. The Empath ignores their buffs (e.g. Fortitude) and their attacks (Primary Set) to be a dedicated "Healer". Most teams don't need that much healing, and so, the healer is basically doing nothing helpful most of the time.

Already addressed a long time ago. But, we must accept there are people who enjoy this role. I discourage people from this style but to each his own.

2. Non-Empaths, most notably certain team leaders, require a "Healer" to be on their team even though they're just going up normal content. They'll exclude other Defenders in order to get that "Healer"; or, they're planning on engaging in over-their-heads activities like herding +4 spawns and need a "healer" to keep them alive. The rest of the team sits backs and waits for the herd, which makes this tactic *less* rewarding since so many people are doing nothing for long periods of time.

Again, we've been over this recurring issue before. Education of the masses is the best solution here.

3. See here.
Most things addressed in bold type. Your post does speak of an attitude among some "vet" players that isn't helpful either, but that is a discussion for another time.

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



Originally Posted by Breog View Post
Closest to a Defender would probley be Corruptor Root /Pain
First of all, necro bump. Second, is that suppose to be Root/pain because I have no clue what the hell that is.



Originally Posted by DrGemini View Post
While such a tactic may be worth some humor, it is not something I would tolerate. If you are going to play a certain AT (doesn't matter what), I don't think it is being unreasonable to expect you to build and play that character such that they can make a good addition to the "average" team. Personally, if I was the team leader, I would have kicked you too. In fact, I tend to kick people who bring a toon to my team and you do not have the key powers that make you valuable to my team. I've kicked Kins who don't have SB...
This is a very intolerant attitude, and quite ignorant if I do say so myself. I'd say more, but that much would get modded for sure.

An empathy defender can be a great addition to a team without having any heals. They are not needed, especially if the buffs and debuffs of his secondary are used to good effect. Not every kin needs SB.

Suffice to say I am quite pleased I've never been on one of your teams. In fact, teams run by people like you are the reason I stopped joining teams at all.

I only run teams now, and they're run by my rules:

Any build, any budget, no exclusions.

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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.