Building a Demon Character...
DM/Fire Brute
Claws/Fire Brute
Claws/Dark Brute
Give those a shot; tons of damage, and the /Dark will provide some fun survivability. Remember, with /Dark and /Fire they have to kill you twice!
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

For something that really feels powerful, somethng that 'can dish damage, take damage, and feel awesome', I think you're probably looking at a melee character. That's my take on it, anyway.
That said, I'd recommend either a Tanker, Scrapper or Brute. For Tankers, I'd probably go with either Dark Armor or Fiery Aura with Fiery Melee, Super Strength or perhaps Battle Axe for secondary. The same powersets but reversed for Brutes, I'd say, though you might also consider Claws. For Scrappers you could go Broadsword, Fiery Melee or Dark Melee with a secondary of Dark Armor, Fiery Aura, or perhaps Invulnerability.
I think my first choice out of all that personally would be the Axe/Dark Brute, or SS/Dark if you feel the character is more to eschew weapons in favor of strangling the life out of things with his bare hands. Dark Armor offers a good number of demonic-type powers and is exceptionally strong once properly IO'd out. You could also opt for a Fire/Dark Brute to really push the demonic angle, though I personally think Axe or Super Strength might carry more meance visually speaking.
That's my thoughts on the matter anyway, hope if was at least somewhat helpful.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Brutes are an obvious choice that I can agree with. I would suggest, however, that you consider Stalkers as well. They're not as tough, but for a sneaky demon it might be more "in character".
I'd also suggest setting aside one or two costume slots to try and match existing MOBs in the game, such as a Longbow costume, to represent others he's possessed.
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
Fire/Fire Tanks dish out damage better than you might think, and have a definite edge over Brutes as far as "take damage" and "feel awesome" go.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I've got an Electric/Dark Tank that I love to death. Only has the one +damage power, but otherwise has all those bonuses, and a slightly tougher defence to boot. It's not quite as thematic for a demon, though.
The less your character looks like Slash Ragequit, the better. He's even got black/dark red flames in Fiery Aura.
dont discount stone/ fire brutes either. they have a lava weapon "skin" choice that could work for an infernal guy. plus, the hammers make a beautifully satisfying smash.
For an off-the-wall suggestion, maybe a fire/fire dominator? You're surprisingly tough when the enemies can't attack, and the damage is pretty solid.
I've got an Electric/Dark Tank that I love to death. Only has the one +damage power, but otherwise has all those bonuses, and a slightly tougher defence to boot. It's not quite as thematic for a demon, though.

Red-violet electrical energies and dark powers resulting from a failed demon summoning that resulted in a demon possession that left the summoner in control (mostly)...
It looks suitably wicked, in all his forms.
Edit: A little gold thrown into the energies due to the magical chains.
In his in between man/demon form (and most common costume):

One of two forms when the demon is brought forth more completely for battle:

My demon characters are...
-Dark/Invul brute
-Fire/MAce Tank
-Thugs/Dark Mastermind (The thugs are named 'Damned' 'Fallen' 'Gunner' 'Blood brother' etc)
-Martial Arts/Regen Stalker
-Firey Blast/Thermal Corr
-Axe/Super Reflexes Brute
-Dark/Fire scrapper
...Anyway... I suggest Dark Melee and Fiery Aura on any of the melee classes that can have them. They give a lot of fun powers, let you heal end and regain HP, and Rise of the Phoenix is amazingtastic. Brute feels the most demonic, but Scrapper and Tank are solid as well.
NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases
Much as I hate the combo, I'd actually suggest a Dark/Dark Brute or Scrapper. Dark powers are a very good fit to the non-Dantean demons out there who exist more as abstract evil, shadows and illusions, in that it's so heavily based on fear and illusions, as well as powers which drain and debilitate. You can always recolour it to something else if the purplish darkness bothers you.
As far as shapeshifting goes, you can play that with costumes and costume change emotes. I have a vampire-inspired character who has so far done a good job of transforming into a bat and transforming into mist, and eventually into a werewolf when I get him high enough in level.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Well, this is something of a soft spot for me: Destriana, my first character and first to 50, is a demon-themed Fire/Fire Tanker. Bsic backstory is that a Hellion screwed up a summoning, then MAGI offered her a chance to stay in the mortal realms as a probationary hero. I find that unnaturally-colored flames did a pretty good job of getting the "demon" idea across, but I was aiming for something a little softer than what you.
If you do take a Fiery Aura or Dark Armor character, you're finding yourself a little squishy for your taste, and you're around blueside, go to Striga Isle in the mid-20s and do Stephanie Peebles' missions (also available through Ouroboros). The Wedding Band temp power she gives lasts for two hours, and it's a great help on hard encounters. With that power, my normal shields, a little defense from IOs, a Fortitude and a set of FF bubbles, I could tank Lord Recluse while the rest of the team took out the towers. And this was my first STF.
Well, mine is a DM/Will Brute. Using the costume slots, you can shapeshift. I use a change costume shortcut to go from old man, to suave business type to beast. I chose the sets for function as well as form, but Willpowwer is a bit 'shiny' for a demon. BUT, my idea of a demon incorporates using sort of currupted angelic power (see the shiny gold willpower stuff).
I haven't played him yet, due to 19.5, but he's all reserved and sitting in Praetoria... waiting.
So for a while now, I've been wanting to build a super-strong demon-themed character. Basically, a lot of my characters have received powers by deals with a devil, or are possessed by an evil demon. This character is that demon.
The character, for all story purposes, is practically omnipotent. Its a shapeshifter, it possesses people, it grants abilities, etc.
The character has "existed" for a while, in all sorts of planning stages and in other character backgrounds, but I want to implement him/her/it (genderless shapeshifter) into the game, but I cannot figure out WHAT to do as far as power sets go.
Demon Summoning seems like an obvious choice, but I do have one (related to her backstory), and I'd rather have a more directly-offensive character than an indirectly one. I'd like it to be a character that can dish damage, take damage, and feel awesome when playing. Melee ranged might be best, but I also like ranged.
Here are some ideas I'm thinking about:
- Fire/Fire Brute
- Fire/Cold Corruptor
- Demons/Dark Mastermind
- Demons/Thermal Mastermind
- Fire/Kinetics Controller
- Fire/Cold Controller
- Fire/Fire Scrapper
- Fire/Fire Blaster
- Fire/Fire Scrapper
- ANYTHING. Seriously. With power customization, I can alter it to fit the theme, but I'd like something that's awesome and versatile. The only catch is I'd rather not have to "wait to 50" or anything very high in level to finally get the build together, and would rather not require set bonuses to be manageable.
If anyone can give any suggestions, that'd be amazing. I've been stumped on this for quite a while.
50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server