I'm considering re-rolling but I want advice!
It's hard to offer much without knowing why you don't like the character, or why any builds you come up with for it seem unfun. Without that any suggestions will be a shot in the dark.
As to Plant/Earth Dominators, the two sets don't synergize particularly well, but they don't work against each other either, so if that's the combo you want to roll I'd say go for it. Out of curiosity why is Plant/Thorns not up for consideration? It seems like the thematic pick.
The reason I say I don't think Plant/Earth works together all that great are twofold. First is that after using Plant's main group control, Seeds of Confusion, you usually want to follow up with AoE damage, which isn't /Earth's strong suit. Second is that /Earth is one of three Dominator secondaries that gets Power Boost, which does very little for Plant. Seeds has a long enough duration that there is no need for Power Boost.
Following up with what Supernumiphone said, it's important to know what you think is 'fun'. And it would also help to know what you mean by 'ineffective'. If you mean you can't stand freely in a mob with your mission set to +4/x8, well, that's something.
If you can't even do your own missions at base difficulty, that's something too.
Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.
Isaac Asimov
It's hard to offer much without knowing why you don't like the character, or why any builds you come up with for it seem unfun. Without that any suggestions will be a shot in the dark.
As to Plant/Earth Dominators, the two sets don't synergize particularly well, but they don't work against each other either, so if that's the combo you want to roll I'd say go for it. Out of curiosity why is Plant/Thorns not up for consideration? It seems like the thematic pick. The reason I say I don't think Plant/Earth works together all that great are twofold. First is that after using Plant's main group control, Seeds of Confusion, you usually want to follow up with AoE damage, which isn't /Earth's strong suit. Second is that /Earth is one of three Dominator secondaries that gets Power Boost, which does very little for Plant. Seeds has a long enough duration that there is no need for Power Boost. |
Plants/Thorn is the natural choice, sure. That's part of why I don't want to do it. I've noticed a theme with other characters that burn me out: they feel too "samey-same". I want a him to remain plant based, and I don't currently have any Plant Control characters. It seemed perfect, but my mental block is making it difficult. Earth seemed good for concept reasons.
So, go ahead and shoot in the dark! I'll take anything that doesn't use Spines (Thorns is okay as long as it's not with Plant Control) or Regen.
Following up with what Supernumiphone said, it's important to know what you think is 'fun'. And it would also help to know what you mean by 'ineffective'. If you mean you can't stand freely in a mob with your mission set to +4/x8, well, that's something.
If you can't even do your own missions at base difficulty, that's something too. |
plant/storm is sorta planty, and I was grouped with a spines/wp named "gorse" who really looked like a gorse bush.
Well, if it was button pushing/babysitting you don't like, then Willpower is regen without the button pushing.
But, I don't think any dom would make you happy if you don't like micromanaging what your character is doing. Doms and trollers are both wet toilet paper squishy, and require the constant use of controls to keep you up. And Plant doesn't really have any passive controls that give you much defense at all.
If you're fine with melee, spines/wp seems like a better choice.
If you don't want to go with a Plant/Thorn dominator, then I'd say give a Plant/Storm controller a try.
It's very synergistic and VERY powerful feeling, so long as you don't mind a lot of "Mass Chaos Control"
6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.
I have a character where I made two versions back before we could swap sides: Plant/Storm controller and Plant/Ice dominator. the character is a tree spirit. I also have a spines/nin stalker who bought a super-power kit from devouring earth limited and became a plant-monster ninja. And I have an Earth/thorn dominator.
I can say that spines/thorns really sucks compared to any other attack set I've tried. Sure it has a few ranged options. But the actual AoE is not that impressive (compared to claws for instance which does a better job using nothing more than Spin), the attack speed (animation times) are horrid, and it does too much lethal and not enough toxic. I can't really recommend that you try another spines or thorns character based on my experience with them. the earth/thorn dom I would delete completely except earth/ is so much fun all by itself. I pretty much pretend that character doesn't have a secondary.
Plant, on the other hand, is a spectacular set with many fun abilities. It is powerful when slotted cheaply, and it benefits from dumping lots of cash into it too. I can confirm that both versions are fun, but I like doms far more than controllers and storm has a few too many powers that are hard to control (tornado, hurricane) or are throw always (gale, O2 Boost). I doubt I'll ever make another stormie of any AT having this one is more than enough. It's cool and powerful, but not my bag of tea just like your issues with regen it requires too much babysitting (stand here everything gets messed up, stand there it works ok. Use this power only after applying -kb, use this one before, blah blah blah, way too much hassle, I want click-kill-done and that's not storm).
Try a plant dominator. Go either /fire /elec or /psi for your secondary to get good AoE attacks. /Psi also has drain psyche which is awesome to overcome your squishiness. I really love my plant/ice and it has a solid elemental feel to it, plus you can color the attacks to look like earth crystals if you want. At epic go either /fire /ice or /leviathan. /Soul has some great clickies but they are just what you don't want in the form of click to gain endurance etc.
If you go plant/elec/leviathan you can really have a ton of summons leaving you free to do your thing. Flytrap, Creepers, Voltaic Sentinel, WaterSpout and Coralax out all at once drawing aggro off you and upping your damage at low/no end cost. then you cause confusion and have awesome holds, immobilize and AoE attacks (plus plant's aoe immobilize is the highest damage out there). /Elec has some solid hard-hitting AoE's and leviathan has a cone -res to up your damage against whole spawns (I also slot achiles heel in my flytrap since it has two attacks one of them being a cone that use it).
That's my recommendation anyway.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Thanks everyone, with special mention to Gavin (that's a great post). If nothing else, I now feel brave enough to delete a lvl 31 character...the highest I've ever deleted. You guys gave me direction, which is exactly what I had hoped for!
I think practically any concept can work thanks to power customization, so I might just go with Ice or Electricity on a Dominator. I think I'll post an update after the weekend so you all know what I tried out.
I have a Spines/Regen character that I've had since 2004. He was the 3rd character I ever made. I have one little problem, though: I hate him.
I just wanted a plantlike hero character. Every build I can come up with either in-game or in Mids turn out to be rather ineffective/unfun, or prohibitively expensive. He's almost lvl 32, and I keep feeling like I should give his T9 primary a shot before nuking him...but I never play him. |
I just want to say that Throw Spine IS the reason why you want to play Spines especially on Stalker. Without Throw Spine, the whole set is very very inferior (especially on Stalker). Slot it well and you should like Spine more. If you don't like Spine after slotting Throw Spine, then maybe the set is not for you.
For plant look, Plant Control is a very good choice as it starts and finishes strong (Seeds of Confusion at lvl 8!). Plant and Earth don't mesh too well as somebody has explained but it doesn't mean they don't work. Maybe you like the melee attacks in Earth. It's quite damaging and feels very "brutish".
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
As to Plant/Earth Dominators, the two sets don't synergize particularly well, but they don't work against each other either, so if that's the combo you want to roll I'd say go for it. Out of curiosity why is Plant/Thorns not up for consideration? It seems like the thematic pick.
The tradeoff for the cone attack in most dom sets is fissure, which has a smaller AoE than most. I well placed cone will always out target it. You have to weigh that against the fire and forget aspect of it. It also allows you to play in full time blapper mode, further encouraged by the presence of mud pots. Mud pots is also, notably, the only damage aura available to doms. You should also bear in mind that a good chunk of dom AoE damage is going to come from your PBAoE, melee range is not optional >shrug<.
Build up vs. power boost the win goes to build up unfortunately. Supernumiphone is right here. Even modestly IO'd your controls will last MUCH longer than the mobs. It's another give and take. I find that I forget to use BU on click heavy builds (as any dom will be). Passive adds like mud pots word great for me.
The one thing I would recommend, to anyone considering a set with the animation, is watch the animation for tremor. Now watch it again. One more time.... watch it. Imagine a universe where you are doing that every 5-10 seconds. It's a looong one. The rest of the animations are great though! Oh, did I mention the dominator +hold in seismic smash?
Good gravy... I'm going to play my plant/earth.

My vote would be Plant/storm. Seriously, it's that fun. You just end up throwing so much crap at a mob it just can't comprehend it all. Seeds, Creepers, Tornado, Lightning Storm, and epic attacks. You can even go Plant/storm/ice for just a mass of DoT damage inflicted upon a confused mob.
Another vote for Plant/Storm here. Mine is one of my few 50s and is my favorite Controller yet... not only is Plant awesome but it has a ton of -KB so you can really cut loose with the Storm powers without scattering things. Of course you can also just leave off the -KB and toss stuff around too if you need the extra mitigation... though since 90% of the enemies are going to be shooting each other instead of you you seldom will.
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
Mud pots is also, notably, the only damage aura available to doms.
I think Plant/Storm is an excellent combo as others have said, but with the OP not liking very active clicky sets I don't think it's likely to be the combo for them.
Lol! Whoops, slept on hot feet :P. Only secondary Damage aura, you could take both were you so inclined.
Other than power boost though, what's the argument for lack of synergy w/Earth Assault? Not trying to be fecetious, I honestly don't see a lack. Plant has 1 cone which can be used while closing distance >shrug<. Doesn't seem like a deal breaker.
To the OP: Likely no dom is the cruise control toon you're looking for. You will rely on a scad of powers to be effective. The effect can be massive if you play it right, that's the tradeoff.

Plant/Storm is good. Another possibility is to make a Plant/Fire (a strong combo) and choose green colored Dark Fire custom colors. It looks more like you are throwing something solid than fire.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
I'm leveling a Plant/Kin right now and it is THE most fun character I have ever played. I'm floored at how much fun I'm having, and Kinetics makes all that fun even crazier. Carrion Creepers is seriously one of the coolest powers I've ever used. I loooooove the character. So... if you haven't decided yet, my vote is Plant/Kin.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker
Here's my update:
Didn't re-roll yet (but I'm very sure I want to). Helped my girlfriend really skyrocket her Plant/Storm for double XP. Holy moly, you guys are right. She just got Lightning Storm, and I am amazed at the stuff she can accomplish. Most missions I felt nearly useless.
For the record, it's not exactly the clickiness that bugs me about this character. It's being a Scrapper with a ridiculously clicky secondary, and a boring primary. One of my favorite current projects is a Blapper, and I haven't seen anything else that has to click more than he.
I love all the feedback in here guys. I really appreciate it!
On Plant/Storm The damage is nice, but for me the knock highly limits it. Tornado can chuck enemies out of a single immobilize and the holds have no -kb. I found that trying to control the knock was more effort than I wanted. Not that it doesn't work, but it is more effort than I want to put in.
That's why I voted for the dominator. But I have both and play both.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
I love my Plant/thorns Dom. Seriously. She really does some cool things.
Knockback is overrated as a problem. In this case, against tough single targets Tornado lets you do good damage to kb resistant EBs, and renders any non-kb resistant Boss or up nearly helpless.
I much prefer waterspout with its knockdown.
and yes, you can control it so they fly into a wall. But I suck at that. As I said, the powers are fine, the set is fine. It's just not for me. I see others do it and it is awesome. I try and it is epic fail.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I have a Spines/Regen character that I've had since 2004. He was the 3rd character I ever made. I have one little problem, though: I hate him.
I just wanted a plantlike hero character. Every build I can come up with either in-game or in Mids turn out to be rather ineffective/unfun, or prohibitively expensive. He's almost lvl 32, and I keep feeling like I should give his T9 primary a shot before nuking him...but I never play him.
I love his name, concept, and backstory. I'm looking at making a Plant/Earth Dominator (2XEP Weekend seems like a good time), and I want to know if these sets synergize into maximum fun. I'm mostly soliciting the Plant/Earth Doms here, but any advice is warmly welcome.