Magic Store

BigBoss Eyepatch



Hey guys, just A quick question where can I find me a magic store that sells lvl 35 SO's?



Best place I like to get 35 SOs is with the vendors in RWZ.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Rikti War Zone eh... don't you have to be at least 35 to get in there?



Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
Hey guys, just A quick question where can I find me a magic store that sells lvl 35 SO's?
The standard Magic Store Blueside is a vendor on the street, I forget her name but she looks like a harum girl, right near the AE building in Brickstown. You will have to do a mission for her to buy from her. She will show up on your map as a vendor.

But there are several other places you can get level 35 SOs. The previously mentioned Vangard Base in the Rikti War Zone. (and you do NOT have to be level 35 to get in there any more). I'm not positive, but Mender Roebuck may sell them in Ourobourus. I believe the vendor in Cimmeroa also sells level 35 SOs, but you have to be 35 to get in there.

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Ah right, thanks guys. I'm 32 at the moment, so wanted to find out where to locate them ready for when I hit 33



Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
Hey guys, just A quick question where can I find me a magic store that sells lvl 35 SO's?
Talk to Serafina in Brickstown, located near the AE building and marked on the map as "Magic Store." She'll give you a mission; after you complete it, you'll unlock her store.



Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
Ah right, thanks guys. I'm 32 at the moment, so wanted to find out where to locate them ready for when I hit 33
Erm, you know that you can slot 35s at 32 don't you?



Hi, slot them now at 32!

edit: lol beat to it by Carnifax

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unless you are a cheese!



The lady in the Midnighter Club in the back meeting room with a cup of tea also sells level 35 magic SO's.

But the best bet is to go to Bricks and run the genie Serafina's mission anytime after level 30. She's the official level 30-40 Magic store.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Erm, you know that you can slot 35s at 32 don't you?
Wants to stack them with his existing 30+'s to make 36's?



Also, I'll point out that most zones had their level restrictions removed some time ago.

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Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Erm, you know that you can slot 35s at 32 don't you?
I know it's silly, but for a number of slots I will wait until 33 vs 32 (or 38 vs 37, etc) just to have a chance of combining the new enhancements with the old ones. Even though I have a couple billion available across accounts. Old habits die hard (like selling at the appropriate origin store...).

edit: Golden_Avariel beat me to it.

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Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
Wants to stack them with his existing 30+'s to make 36's?
Possibly, makes sense if that's what they did at 27/28 as well (since the penalty at 32 is only -10% rather than -20 per SO).

I actively dislike the "Combine" dialogue popping up for everything I reslot so I try and avoid it by slotting at 27/32/37.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Possibly, makes sense if that's what they did at 27/28 as well (since the penalty at 32 is only -10% rather than -20 per SO).

I actively dislike the "Combine" dialogue popping up for everything I reslot so I try and avoid it by slotting at 27/32/37.
I was only taking a guess at the reason to wait. I know I wait until 18 and 23 to combine mine (the "Combine" dialog isn't THAT bad ). By 32 I usually have a full slate of IO's so I don't normally need SO's that high unless it's an emergency (lack of salvage or in a hurry to slot a brand new power).



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
I know it's silly, but for a number of slots I will wait until 33 vs 32 (or 38 vs 37, etc) just to have a chance of combining the new enhancements with the old ones.
I do the opposite; I slot the new SOs (when I use them) the instant I can, just so that I don't have to sit through all the combine screens that pop up, because they annoy me so much. :P




Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
Rikti War Zone eh... don't you have to be at least 35 to get in there?
Not for several issues.

edit: and I prefer RWZ because it is ungated, so quick. (Though I haven't done Serafina's arc in forever. May be a nice change of pace. Thanks for the reminder, all.)

And as a pure aside, 35 is when I start putting in IO sets, many of which I have pre-planned/purchased.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
Rikti War Zone eh... don't you have to be at least 35 to get in there?
No. You can get in at level 1 and, since there is an entrance in Atlas Park, it's also a popular place to visit a tailor.

Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
I believe the vendor in Cimmeroa also sells level 35 SOs, but you have to be 35 to get in there.
The vendor inside the Midnighter Club sells them also and you can get in there (once you do the arc) at level 10 (assuming we're talking about blue side).

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The Mentor Project



Yeah, I agree with Chyll. At level 32 I start putting level 35 ios in the slots.
Stops you from reslotting every few levels. Also lvl 35 io = 36.7% while a level 50 so = 33.3%. You get more bang for the buck and can recycle them whenever you respec.

Also I didn't see anyone say this but you can use Ae tickets to buy your Magic Sos. Or just bid 10 inf in Wents now you are bound to get a few just from people like me who dump them for others.



As an aside, For natural origins there is a 35 vendor in Founder's Fall also. (Didn't know about the others so went there to get my IO's for my 33 scrapper.. )



Originally Posted by kamxam View Post
As an aside, For natural origins there is a 35 vendor in Founder's Fall also. (Didn't know about the others so went there to get my IO's for my 33 scrapper.. )
um... wait.
Firstly, the Natural vendor in Founders is basically the exact equivalent of the Magic one in Brickstown. There is one for EACH origin.
Magic - Serafina, Brickstown
Natural - Agent Six, Founders
Science - Holsten Armitage, Brickstown
Technology - Mark IV, Founders
Mutant - Penny Preston, Founders
You can only go to the Natural contact and buy enhancements that you can use if you are Natural origin.

As for the second sentence, I imagine you meant to say SO's. You can't buy IO's from anywhere except the market or a crafting table (or a player).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
um... wait.
Firstly, the Natural vendor in Founders is basically the exact equivalent of the Magic one in Brickstown. There is one for EACH origin.
Magic - Serafina, Brickstown
Natural - Agent Six, Founders
Science - Holsten Armitage, Brickstown
Technology - Mark IV, Founders
Mutant - Penny Preston, Founders
You can only go to the Natural contact and buy enhancements that you can use if you are Natural origin.

As for the second sentence, I imagine you meant to say SO's. You can't buy IO's from anywhere except the market or a crafting table (or a player).

As an aside, if you for some reason don't have the Ouro portal by 35, running the science vendor's mission (you don't have to BE science to do so) will unlock it.



You can run it as early as 30. I usually do it as part of the Aura mission. I much prefer fighting rikti in a door mission to going in Crey's Folly and trying to do it there, especially at 30th.



I love how people are so quick to respond without even asking which side is he on ¬_¬



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
I love how people are so quick to respond without even asking which side is he on ¬_¬
True enough... though the first answer worked for each side.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Man you are right. I guess I assumed hero-side because the villain-side stores are in every single zone and take no special effort to find or use.

For completeness then, the level 35 magic SO's are in Nerva or St Martial at the Magic Quartermasters marked on the maps. I like the one in St. Martial because it's right behind the hospital.