Unavailable names




About a year ago I got to name a sonic defender Siren's Call
I was like woohoo
Imagine the odds of that



I have battlemaid on freedom, im surprised I've managed to keep it for as long as I have.
Id be real pissed though if that toon got generocized!

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Originally Posted by RogueDemonhunter View Post
Mind you, I wouldn't let such a policy effect accounts in good standing or even ones that come back every 3-6 months or whatever. An account that's been dead for more then a year? 2 years?!? 3 or more?!!?
This is a huge sore point with me. I get that they want to encourage old players to return but can anyone honestly claim a strong emotional attachment to a character they haven't seen for 3+ years?

I say that they ought to free up names from accounts that have been inactive for an uninterrupted 3+ years. If someone re-ups for as little as 1 month, it resets the timer. If they come back for free reactivation weekend, it resets the timer. This policy would only snare people who have clearly expressed that they have no interest in coming back.

And hey, if by some miracle someone who hadn't played for 5 years came back, it's not like their characters would be gone, only the names.

What really gets under my skin is that this policy unintentionally punishes active players in favor of inactive players.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



My son re-subbed after 3 years (or close to it) to join me when I subscribed. He was so attached to two of his characters that he paid to have them transferred to Justice from Protector which had been his old stomping ground.

While it would seem reasonable to make a policy like that my son's experience tells me otherwise. Of course if they made it easy to reclaim the name or re-name on first attempt to login, then it would probably be ok. If they just deleted the characters that would certainly not be ok.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post

What really gets under my skin is that this policy unintentionally punishes active players in favor of inactive players.
I understand what you're saying here, and even agree with you. But I don't think that you being punished unfairly or not. If anything it causes you to be more creative when it comes to making you name. I know thats not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. And maybe one day they will release those names that are held by Delinquent accounts to be reused, but until then there are still many names out there.



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
My son re-subbed after 3 years (or close to it) to join me when I subscribed. He was so attached to two of his characters that he paid to have them transferred to Justice from Protector which had been his old stomping ground.

While it would seem reasonable to make a policy like that my son's experience tells me otherwise. Of course if they made it easy to reclaim the name or re-name on first attempt to login, then it would probably be ok. If they just deleted the characters that would certainly not be ok.
Oh, no, I don't think anyone is saying the characters should be deleted.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



At one point, I forget what it was, but I wanted to test something like "does the sound of this aura wear off after a few seconds". So I made a test character.

The name "Testy McTesterton" was already taken.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
The name "Testy McTesterton" was already taken.
Was that on the test server?

The name I got that I was surprised was available was on my second toon, a technology tanker: Alloy. I thought that was so obvious for a guy in powered armor. I was also surprised that I got Captain Freem right after that April Fool's Day announcement.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
My son re-subbed after 3 years (or close to it) to join me when I subscribed. He was so attached to two of his characters that he paid to have them transferred to Justice from Protector which had been his old stomping ground.

While it would seem reasonable to make a policy like that my son's experience tells me otherwise. Of course if they made it easy to reclaim the name or re-name on first attempt to login, then it would probably be ok. If they just deleted the characters that would certainly not be ok.
Here's how the "Let's free up some names" script works.

They set a level limit (originally it was up to 25-35-ish, not sure exactly; currently level 6 I believe).

Goes through a list of accounts.

Active? Skip.

Active in the past 90 days? Skip

Inactive for 90+ days? Examine

Character at the level limit or higher? Skip

Character below the level limit? Unresevere Name

Unreserved names have the following effects :

Character is dropped from Supergroups.

Character Avatar (to show name is unreserved) no longer will show up on character select screen once the account is reactivated.

If someone attempts to use the name while unreserved, they get it and the pre-existing character is Generic'd, IIRC.

Once you reactivate, if a character's name has been unreserved you must log into that character to "re-register" the name if it's not been generic'd to prevent someone else from getting it.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I'm not being snarky here, but I'm really surprised at the number of people who claim they cannot get good names.

On Freedom alone since Saturday I've gotten:

Abyssal Rift
in silent lucidity
come out and play

In the last year, again on Freedom, I've gotten:

Cheat Code
a lost teddy bear
Revolutions of Ruin
Not Without Incident
Jerusalem Thorne
Going Baroque
Ainfean (which is Irish for storm)
Let Them Not Weep

This isn't counting all the common name characters I've made, including Elijah and Bryce.

So, I really cannot grasp the idea that people claim there are no more good names, when there are obviously plenty out there. Maybe it's just me, but I don't have a problem coming up with new and creative names.



I suspect that the difference comes to what one considers a "good" name.



Originally Posted by GibsonMcCoy View Post
I'm not being snarky here, but I'm really surprised at the number of people who claim they cannot get good names.

On Freedom alone since Saturday I've gotten:

Abyssal Rift
in silent lucidity
come out and play

In the last year, again on Freedom, I've gotten:

Cheat Code
a lost teddy bear
Revolutions of Ruin
Not Without Incident
Jerusalem Thorne
Going Baroque
Ainfean (which is Irish for storm)
Let Them Not Weep

This isn't counting all the common name characters I've made, including Elijah and Bryce.

So, I really cannot grasp the idea that people claim there are no more good names, when there are obviously plenty out there. Maybe it's just me, but I don't have a problem coming up with new and creative names.
Those are what you consider "good" names. Here's a few examples of what I consider "good" names:

Atom Master
The Decoy

See the difference? I don't expect I'll ever pick up a comic book and see the superhero In Silent Lucidity fighting an evil plot to conquer the world by he villainous Not Without Incident.

Look, up in the sky - it's a bird, it's a plane, it's... uh... Let Them Not Weep?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
See the difference? I don't expect I'll ever pick up a comic book and see the superhero In Silent Lucidity fighting an evil plot to conquer the world by he villainous Not Without Incident.
My personal test is to actually say the name in a few comic-booky style statements.

"[Name]! I knew you had to be behind this!"
"Robots attacking the zoo? Quick, call [Name]!"
"The royal rubies stolen? Only [Name] could pull off that caper!"
"Get that vault empied before [Name] arrives!"

Needless say, this means I usually stay with short, one or two word names in the [Noun] or [Adjective Noun] style. "Let No. 6 Comes With Eggroll know that they're attacking the lab!" doesn't roll off the tongue for me.



Well, we almost had a thread that mentioned character name systems, but had nothing to do with the whole "name purge/no need for name purge" & "aren't good names/are good names" subject... For about 30 seconds maybe?
Oh well!

I would have agreed with your original supposition, mousedroid... Who knew it was actually more complex! Interesting!
Sorry you couldn't get the name after all.

Lastly... Yeah, people need to remember that "good names" are a highly subjective matter.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Without name threads, I wouldn't know that CoH isn't worth playing if you can't have Fire Boy nor that the original Fire Boy's computer was infested with weevils while he went to Afghanistan the day after launch to rescue orphaned kittens -- but he'll be back any day now and will ragequit without Fire Boy waiting for him.



I don't make a toon until after I have a name picked. If I can't get the name or a derivation thereof, I just don't make the toon.

I have all my toon slots filled on Freedom atm. Everytime I come up w/ a new name I have to check and see if there's an existing name I like less and then I delete that toon.

So, yeah, I am hoarding t3h gud namz



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
I don't make a toon until after I have a name picked. If I can't get the name or a derivation thereof, I just don't make the toon.

I have all my toon slots filled on Freedom atm. Everytime I come up w/ a new name I have to check and see if there's an existing name I like less and then I delete that toon.

So, yeah, I am hoarding t3h gud namz
I don't think I've ever not been able to get a name for a character... sometimes having my first choice unavailable leads me to a bit of creativity and ending up with a much better name than I had originally. Just last week I rolled up an AR/Dev blaster with a military theme named "General Seating". There's also my Fire/EM blaster "Delta Farce" and several others. I've also leveled a Defender based on the stereotype of an empty headed surfer dude wearing sunglasses and a speedo named Bogus Wave. Then there's my Plant/Storm controller based on the old Red Skelton limerick:

Algie saw the Bear.
The Bear saw Algie.
The Bear was bulgie.
The bulge was Algie.

He's a huge model 7' tall bear named Algie's Bear.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Those are what you consider "good" names. Here's a few examples of what I consider "good" names:

Atom Master
The Decoy

See the difference? I don't expect I'll ever pick up a comic book and see the superhero In Silent Lucidity fighting an evil plot to conquer the world by he villainous Not Without Incident.

Look, up in the sky - it's a bird, it's a plane, it's... uh... Let Them Not Weep?
Here are some names that I consider pretty good:

Death Warrant
Doctor Mischief
Doctor Arboreal
Professor Ursine
Pale Tiger
Sir Brimstone
Father Wicked
Steel Locust
Neon Flash

These are all names I've found available over the last two years. I think I could realistically see any of them appearing in a comic as a superhero/villain name.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
See the difference? I don't expect I'll ever pick up a comic book and see the superhero In Silent Lucidity fighting an evil plot to conquer the world by he villainous Not Without Incident.

Look, up in the sky - it's a bird, it's a plane, it's... uh... Let Them Not Weep?
I give it the newspaper test myself.

Say you are that editor of the Daily Bugle or the Daily Planet. The big front page story you had almost ready to break for your next issue turned out to be all wrong, so you need a replacement front page story by morning.

Which of these two headlines would you go with?

Ainfean valiantly thwarts a deadly plot to detonate a nuclear device in Hackensack New Jersey by the infamous Let Them Not Weep

The mysterious winged hero Cloud Ranger single handedly prevents the notorious Atom Master from shrinking the entire city of Seattle

However, I do think that Revolutions of Ruin would make a great villain group name at least, much better than a name for an individual villain.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
based on the old Red Skelton limerick:

Algie saw the Bear.
The Bear saw Algie.
The Bear was bulgie.
The bulge was Algie.
That's not a limerick. Limericks have 5 lines, they're presented in amphibrachic or anapestic meter, and the lines have an aabba rhyming scheme.

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
But his daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man
And as for the bucket, Nantucket

But he followed the pair to Pawtucket,
The man and the girl with the bucket;
And he said to the man,
He was welcome to Nan,
But as for the bucket, Pawtucket.

Then the pair followed Pa to Manhasset,
Where he still held the cash as an asset;
But Nan and the man
Stole the money and ran,
And as for the bucket, Manhasset.

Admittedly, my favorite limerick is not actually a limerick:
There once was a man from Peru,
Whose limericks ended on line two!




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
That's not a limerick. Limericks have 5 lines, each line is a multiple of 3 syllables, and the lines have an aabba rhyming scheme.

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
But his daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man
And as for the bucket, Nantucket...

Admittedly, my favorite limerick is not actually a limerick:
There once was a man from Peru,
Whose limericks ended on line two!
Oh my! And here all these years, I've been doing the Nantucket limerick wrong. :blush:

And my favorite is:

There once was a man from Seattle,
Whose limericks never did rhyme.
Try as he might,
He could not get them to fit properly.
So he gave up and took on another hobby instead.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Oh my! And here all these years, I've been doing the Nantucket limerick wrong. :blush:
There are many variations. Most unacceptable for the forums.




Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
Here are some names that I consider pretty good:

Death Warrant
Doctor Mischief
Doctor Arboreal
Professor Ursine
Pale Tiger
Sir Brimstone
Father Wicked
Steel Locust
Neon Flash

These are all names I've found available over the last two years. I think I could realistically see any of them appearing in a comic as a superhero/villain name.
Yep, those are more along the lines of names I look for. Not to say that GibsonMcCoy's list was bad, they are just not what comes to mind when I think of "good" names. And yes, I have snagged several good names on Virtue myself in the last year or so:

Brainstem (Mental/Plant dom)
Rattletrap (Electric/electric brute)
Beams (rad/energy blaster)
Doctor Toxic (Necro/poinson MM)
Lord Stormbringer (Electric/Storm corrupt)
Demonstorm (DS/SS MM)

and I'm even fairly happy with the name I settled on when I couldn't get Atom Matser for my Praetorian version of Beams - a Rad/Rad Corrputor I named X-Raze.

Still it kinda sticks in my craw a bit that there are names out there, potentially going to waste on characters that will never be played again, for which I have concepts I'd love to play and roleplay.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon