What secondaries go particularly well with elec/?
Ive seen quite a few elec/kin controllers that work very well as sappers. Elec seems to do well as a stand alone primary (like Mind) and so you could use /Kin purely for the buffs and support. Sure you wont have crazy damage synergy like fire/kin or plant/kin, but it will sap exceedingly well, have great support to the team via FS, SB, transfusion and transference.
That's what I got for a purely skills kinda approach. I think they work well as far as getting the job done.
Now....Given that I've kinda burnt out a lil bit on uber build approach and min/max (ive spent way too much time thinking like that and it kinda makes the game less fun after a while)
Elec/Storm thematicly sounds like uber fun. With a good aura/costume theme you could be a crazy force of nature. Storm as a secondary isnt hard to learn to use responsibly and can contribute very well and as I said before, I think that elec is a good set that doesnt necessary rely on synergy with the secondary anyway.
So if I were just in it to have fun? elec/storm. totally. If i wanted my next IO'd out freak project? probly elec/kin.
Hope some of this helps in any way
I have the Elec/Storm that Griff is talking about, and while she's really strong, there is a fair bit of clash between the two. Elec needs people nice and clumped together, while storm causes quite the opposite.
So far though she's a beast. Freezing Rain actually works quite well with Elec. Yes, it breaks the sleep from static field, but they spend all their time on their butts anyway so it doesn't matter much.
Hurricane I use for the tough enemies that are mez resistant like Night Widows, which cripples them entirely. Very limited use, though, as static field is usually much more useful.
I just picked up Tornado and haven't had a chance to use it yet, but I think that will be VERY situational. Probably for big nasty enemies that are resistant to knockback, or MoG-ed Paragon Protectors.
I also have an Elec/Trick Arrow which has been pretty fun. Glue keeps people in the area quite well and so far I haven't found any clashes at all. Maybe give that a whirl?
Jazra -- Level 50 Illusion/Radiation Controller
Swayvill -- Level 50 Plant/Psi Dominator
Droshalla -- Level 50 Warshade
Latro Dectus -- Level 50 Fortunata
Starseeds -- Level 50 Elec/Storm controller
Well, /storm would certainly be thematically appropriate. I tend to find kin frustrating, I think almost entirely because transfusion can fail if something dies. I got used to dark miasma's lovely accurate-heal. I just made a mind/emp controller, so /emp is sorta overused in my list now. Hmm. /storm really does appeal thematically, even though it's sometimes unpopular. But I also already have two, I think. I like trollers a lot.
The thing I'm starting to realize, Seebs, is the more I play, the less I care about what powersets my friends are bringing. I just want them there and having fun. Got an NRG/NRG blaster who just looooooves knockback? Ok. Grav/Storm who sticks mobs into the ceiling and random (and I do mean random) places? Fantastic. You a scrapper with a standing request not to help out if she goes all Leeroy Jenkins on us and solo's a completely different floor of the mission and let her die? Awesome (In fact, I married that scrapper.)
If elec/storm sounds fun? Go for it. I know lightning everywhere with enemies flying this way and that and craziness ensuing sounds good to me. And I wouldnt mind one bit having that on my team. *
*Now if you are a Mastermind with your ****** Giant robots and demons, you are excluded from the fluffy happy statement above. That's right. I'll get you all! MWHAHAHA! Crowd up MY missions with your clang clang clang will ya!
For the best control synergy with elec, try /rad. Elec gives you an endurance gaining toggle, and requires melee, which is PERFECT for choking cloud. So after they are drained dry of enurance, they get held, lingering radiation can floor their recharge, EV and RI can neuter the enemies, and on the off chance that doesn't work, EMP will hold them all without fail and drain them dry at the same time. And for sh!ts and giggles, you can asplode your teamates, which is always a blast.
I'm going to toss my support behind Force Fields. Dispersion Bubble will keep you from being detoggled and provides a bit of defense making it easier to softcap smashing/lethal. That, in turn, makes life in melee a bit easier. The ally bubbles will make your rather squishy pets a little sturdier. You could even leverage knockdown in Force Bubble due to the lack of -kb in the AoE immobilize.
I'm finding, as well, that Electric is a very busy primary. Pairing it with a less active secondary could help to balance the work.
My first thought was that CoX needed an iconic player like Mr. Jenkins here. Then I realized we had an entire AT that acts like him and I just kinda shrugged off the notion.
Ahh, yes. Leeroy Jenkins, the archetypal player whose character has seen something with an orange box around it.
I was sorta thinking /rad might be nice in that the +end in elec control might help make up for rad's toggle density. In which case I may just reroll the toon because I don't like the name.
Hmm. $10 for a rename or a couple of hours of levelling 1-20...
I'm going to toss my support behind Force Fields. Dispersion Bubble will keep you from being detoggled and provides a bit of defense making it easier to softcap smashing/lethal. That, in turn, makes life in melee a bit easier. The ally bubbles will make your rather squishy pets a little sturdier. You could even leverage knockdown in Force Bubble due to the lack of -kb in the AoE immobilize.
I'm finding, as well, that Electric is a very busy primary. Pairing it with a less active secondary could help to balance the work. |
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
Allow me to cast my ostrakon for /Storm. Learn to love nooks and crannies where you can cram enemies with precision Hurricaning.
/Cold paired with Elec/ has alot of synergy for a few reasons:
- +def shields for the gremlins means they last longer since they only have resistance to energy.
- Elec/ isn't a high dmg set so Sleet and Heat Loss helps make up the difference.
- When paired with /Cold, also /Kin, you become a very nice sapper.
- Elec/Cold gives you quite an impressive amount of soft controls. There is something satisfying about being able to keep several groups of enemies from attacking your team since they are slowed/slept/end drained/confused/knocked down.
- Gremlins have lightning field(DoT taunt Aura) so shielded up they can tank for a little while.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

I was going to say thermals. Mostly due to grimlins being squishie so the shields help there. I dont recommend kin for any troller ever since the pet recharge nerf. While you do have fulcrum shift for damage in order to leverage it you would have to set the missions for more people to get at least 10 targets all the time. That can get to be overwhelming at times. Cold would work ok but I hate how long the good powers in the set take to recharge. I would have to entirely build the character around recharge to get around that. With thermals you can sap a bit with its single target sap power but its not like thermals needs any more sapping though. To me that set is what sapping should have been for all the other sets that can do it instead of the half ***** sapping we have on some powersets.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Throwing my vote for Elec/Storm. It's a lot of fun and unlike many combos, it never seems to run out of powers you can't wait to get. It's a great ride all the way to 50.
The comments about Elec control being 'busy' are correct; pairing it with a less intensive powerset is a good idea. Elec/Storm is a combo that can run at a basic level of activity, or ramp up to whatever is needed. Really cutting loose on one is a joy!
"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."
I agree a fair amount with the sentiments here, but I would actually suggest /sonic. Like /ff, sonic is a less busy secondary, and sonic actually needs the endurance support of conductive aura and static field even more than ff does. And it seems to me that sonic's resistance debuffs would help the offense-light elec/ set, given that it does have melee-oriented pets.
I anticipate the /sonic portion will be REALLY less busy for quite some time, as I largely solo and sonic barrier/sonic haven/disruption field won't be of any use until I have gremlins.
Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level
I would also suggest Storm:
By adding a hold proc to lightning storm and an immob proc to tornado (which also stuns) you can add a lot of (hard) control. Thunderclap has a good range (pbaoe wise) and recharges quickly.
As has also been stated above freezing rain besides debuffing ALSO adds control.
Snow storm is also great for keeping mobs together (something elec is weak with).
Storm (at the upper levels using tornado and lightning storm) can add a whole lot of damage. Tornado is an awesome solo tool and when used properly can augment a team well.
Anything works but the combination of the DoT in Storm and Cold, which is critical for the -Resistance debuff, conflicts rather spectacularly with the otherwise mostly amazing sleep in Static Field. It's not a huge deal on a team but when I tested those two powersets during the last beta it drove me crazy solo. On a team its not as big a deal since there are often DoTs flying around anyway. Static Field is just really, really good power solo and anything that shortchanges that IMO is a notable setback.
Storm Summoning specifically frustrated me greatly. The knockback conflicts terribly with the chain powers unless you exclusively herdicane enemies into corners. Throwing enemies out of the radius of Conductive Aura is also unproductive. I suppose there could be solutions to these problems, since I only played for an hour or so, but IMO of all the possibly combinations of Elec Control, Controller and Dominator, Storm is the "most difficult" if not necessarily "the worst."
Sets that I found to work particularly well with Electric are Force Field, Thermal, Radiation, and Trick Arrow. Each of those sets has its own pluses and minuses so take that for what you will. Elec/FF for example will probably never be a top favorite but the defense options, on a character taking the kind of risks where defense is needed, are ridiculous; capping to every position is a definite possibility if you just want the bragging rights, and capping to some and leaving others is another option. I found that on test a level 40 Elec/Trick Arrow could solo at +0x5 without an APP blast and even without slotting enhancements. Everything works well with Radiation, so no surprises there.
Empathy and Kinetics are in the performance middle ground for me, perfectly playable and with their own advantages. Sonic is not, just because I have a personal vendetta against it. Although at least of the three toggle-based Control sets Electric's toggle is endurance-neutral so it won't actively sink you the way it does Fire and Ice. I would personally much rather have the defense of FF (which carries over to your rather stupid pets) or the resistance + heals + buffs of Thermal than the unimpressive resistance of Sonic with its ok-ish debuffs. Your pets will work their hardest to make sure the Disruption Field isn't as useful as it could be but if you team a lot and just don't want to go Thermal + Psi APP I guess you could do it.
/Cold paired with Elec/ has alot of synergy for a few reasons:
Elec/Rad is pretty nice, too. All of Rads debuffs won't break sleep, so you can Static Field a mob, stroll on in, and debuff the living snot out of them. Conductive Aura works nicely with Choking Cloud, and helps alleviate its high end cost.
Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
I will also cast my vote for /Storm Summoning.
I like Storm for several reasons...
1.) O2 Boost: You can heal your injured Gremlins + Teammates.
2.) Steamy Mist: I really like this on my controller. It allows me AND my pets to approach mobs without getting attacked, until it is too late for the enemy.
3.) Thunder Clap: PBAOE Disorient. I like having another AOE "hard" control in my arsenal.
(I refer to Holds and Disorients as "hard" controls, since damage will not free "hard" controlled enemies. Immobs and Sleeps, I refer to as "soft" controls, since enemies can continue to fight when Immobilized, and damage will wake Slept enemies.)
Considering that Electric Control only gets 1 AOE "hard" control, Paralyzing Blast (not including Confusion) with a long recharge time, it is nice to have Thunder Clap, which comes up much more quickly than Paralyzing Blast AND lasts longer too!
4.) Freezing Rain: Nice for the -RES debuff, plus some damage mitigation due to the run-away and knockdown effects. Though, usually, I throw down Freezing Rain after I have things under "hard" control and let the -RES and damage PROC IO's do their thing!
The other powers, I rarely use... but sometimes they can be handy.
Usually, during AV fights, I will throw down the Lightning Storm for additional damage, use Snow Storm for the -Recharge debuff to help with damage mitigation, and even use Hurricane (a very very nice -ToHit debuff) to help neuter AV damage output.
All in all, Storm Summoning is a good secondary that can help add some AOE "hard" control to folks who are a bit lacking in that department, plus some means of neutering baddies damage output and softening them up to your team's attacks.
While other Controller secondaries offer team buffs/enemy debuffs comparable to (and at times, better than) /Storm Summoning, none offer an AOE "hard" control, with the exception of Trick Arrow's EMP arrow, which has a very long recharge time. Other sets may offer some measure of "soft" control, but considering Electric Control's relative lack of AOE "hard" control, I think Storm Summoning makes a lot of sense.
Consider the other Controller primaries...
Earth Control: 2 AOE "hard" controls.
Volcanic Gasses (AOE Hold), Stalagmites (AOE Disorient)
Fire Control: 2 AOE "hard" controls.
Cinders (AOE hold), Flashfire (AOE Disorient)
Gravity Control: 2 AOE "hard" controls.
GDF (AOE Hold), Wormhole (AOE Disorient)
Ice Control: 1 AOE "hard" control.
Glacier (AOE Hold)
Illusion Control: 1 1/2 AOE "hard" controls.
Flash (AOE Hold), Blind (technically, an AOE Hold)
Mind Control: 2 AOE "hard" controls.
Total Domination (AOE Hold), Telekinesis (AOE Hold)
Plant Control: 1 AOE "hard" control.
Vines (AOE Hold)
* Note: I did not include Confusion powers, as some people hate how confused mobs fighting each other cuts into your XP. Personally, I like Confusion and consider it a "hard" control, but since some don't, I did not include it here. For similar reasons, I did not include Gravity's AOE Intangibility power.
Anyways, as mentioned before, for Controller primaries with only one AOE "hard" control (such as Electric and Ice), Storm Summoning can help quite a bit. I also like it on Fire Control, as it gives you 2 AOE Disorients to lock down Boss-filled mobs with ease.
My 2 bits...
* Note: I did not include Confusion powers, as some people hate how confused mobs fighting each other cuts into your XP. Personally, I like Confusion and consider it a "hard" control, but since some don't, I did not include it here. For similar reasons, I did not include Gravity's AOE Intangibility power.
If anyone argues otherwise, simply direct them here.
I count confusion as a very nice hard control.
I have one and she is VERY good. The mixture once you look over the powers meshes very well.
I have an elec/rad that is sort of stalled out, I think because she never quite got my interest. I was thinking about rerolling, but I haven't got a good idea in mind yet.