Climbing/Swinging Abilities and Hoverboard
I hope the Developers are working on more travel power abilities for Heroes.
It would give players a chance to roll a new toon. Or respec them to be able to choose new travel powers. |
Swinging was attempted, and scrapped because it looked stupid in wide open zones with nothing to latch onto. (the devs are sticklers for that, it has to look good or they won't do it)
Hoverboard would just be an animation option for Flight.
Of the 3, Hoverboard would be the most likely to happen, but still isn't very likely.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
What Claws said. Also, the latter part of that post makes next to no sense.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
It would be nice to see some new travel options, even if they are just reskins of the existing powers, in a similair fashion to that other super hero game.
Might seem crazy, but I don't think it would be a bad idea to put in travel power customization (maybe this is in the works if they ever do the pool powers)... could get a lot more mileage out of them if they did do this (though they work pretty well on their own). Heh, maybe that's why they weren't able to do pool powers before...
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Climbing is impossible with the game engine.
Swinging was attempted, and scrapped because it looked stupid in wide open zones with nothing to latch onto. (the devs are sticklers for that, it has to look good or they won't do it) Hoverboard would just be an animation option for Flight. Of the 3, Hoverboard would be the most likely to happen, but still isn't very likely. |
I could see it work, a modified Super Jump that let's you, more or less, jump in mid-air. Be the travel power in a 'Grapple Line' Pool Power, the first two being a weak immobilize (Wrapped up in the line) and weak knockdown (Tripped with the line), and the 20... I dunno. A half decent hold maybe? (REALLY wrapped up in the line)
I've seen "swinging" in another game. Because it's a travel power, it *has* to work in all zones to be viable.
You have no idea how stupid it looks to be "swinging" from thin air.
My suggestion for boards, copied and pasted from a similar thread:
I like the idea of boards. If we get power pool customization, we could perhaps have ice boards, fire boards, etc. In my mind it would fuction like a cross between fly and super speed. Perhaps in between the two in terms of speed, but more limited than fly in terms of height. It would be cool if they could implement some kind of system that would limit the movement speed as you gain altitude. Essentially slowing you to fly speed at higher altitudes and moving at close to super speed when you are close to the ground. I'm not even sure if that is possible. This might be a little overpowered, virtually making super speed and fly obsolete. Perhaps not having the stealth component that SS has and making it a little more end heavy would help balance the utility of the power. Anyway, here's my new travel pool.
Tier 1: Hover board- Similar to hover in that it gives a slight def buff, but limited ariel movement. Perhaps not allowing the player to hover above normal jump height.
Tier 2: Board smack- Single target, minor damage/stun
Tier 3: Surfing- The Actual travel power
Tier 4: Planted- KB protection. Only works while close to the ground.
Not sure about tier 4...
I doubt hoverboard will happen, but it would be pretty cool. Unlike the other travel powers which can be labelled generic, a hoverboard may be too iconic to be introducing at this late stage in the game.
Swinging is fun, but as others have said it looks pretty dumb in wide open areas. For me thats not a reason not to include it however, since i also find the fact i cant superspeed on water but i can jump and generally bounce all over it even more dumb.
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
Sounds Cool

Now, change the background so you're swinging from one island in Talos to another. See the problem?
Hoverboard doesn't necessarily mean hoverboard. It could be anything from a high tech floating device to a rocket/missile to a platform made of energy to a chunk of rock/ice and etc. But it would be best made a customization option for Fly rather than a whole new power.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Only if he told someone else what he figured out before he left. If he didn't, it falls to someone else to figure out the same thing, or another workable idea.
Mind you I've no citation or quote to link to so it could all be a figment of my demented little imagination as well.
There was banter from some Dev about customizable travel powers (electricity style Super Speed was the one mentioned I think) being looked at, so I'd hope Hover Board / other Custom Flight methods could be coming soon.
Mind you I've no citation or quote to link to so it could all be a figment of my demented little imagination as well. |
"Flying Carpets in I20"
Just to be one the safe side, I've called Castle up and talked him into making a cameo appearance.

Drop that Funky Beat, Castle

He said it outside the forums, quite awhile ago. I quoted what he said in a post, I didn't post a link to where he said it though. If you go back and watch the NY meet and great videos, Noble Savage doesn't come right out and say it, but if you watch how often he blinks when asked about future travel powers, you'll notice he is using morse code and the message reads
"Flying Carpets in I20" Just to be one the safe side, I've called Castle up and talked him into making a cameo appearance. ![]() Drop that Funky Beat, Castle |
Funny thing related new flight animations: back shortly before Power Slide was made available in game my flying electrical blaster used to to use the Power Slide animation for a few seconds after zoning. It looked like sky surfing. Add a disk under the feet and it's hoverboarding.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I don't think that climbing is impossible, just probably very difficult. I recall the screen shots of the BaB shark veritcal on a wall.
It doesn't have to be wall crawling either, I'd settle for wall walking. Oh to super speed up the side of a building. Yes I'd take two travel powers just to do it.
I vote for power customization in travel powers, since it allows you to do many things.
Flight: Can be with magic carpets and boards and ice floe and on giant rocks.
Super Speed: Can be on motorcycles or other things.
Those are the only examples I can think of, but if development wants to go crazygonuts, I'll let them.
TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide
Climbing is impossible with the game engine.
Swinging was attempted, and scrapped because it looked stupid in wide open zones with nothing to latch onto. (the devs are sticklers for that, it has to look good or they won't do it) Hoverboard would just be an animation option for Flight. Of the 3, Hoverboard would be the most likely to happen, but still isn't very likely. |
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I hope the Developers are working on more travel power abilities for Heroes.
It would give players a chance to roll a new toon. Or respec them to be able to choose new
travel powers.