Real Numbers: When they're wrong

Adeon Hawkwood



So, there's a lot of cases where Real Numbers are some combination of "totally useless" or "wrong" or whatever. e.g., the accuracy listed for Rain of Fire in Fire Blast is 2.00, but in fact, the pseudo-pet does not have an accuracy of 2.00, it has a normal accuracy of 1.00. Team Teleport says it's an effect with some radius, and a range of 25 feet, but in fact, the range is closer to 200 feet.


1. Are these "bugs"? As in, is it conceivable that people at ncsoft/Paragon would consider a report of such a thing to be a bug report, and possibly fix it?
2. Is there a single canonical list of all the cases where the real numbers are Just Plain Wrong?



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
1. Are these "bugs"? As in, is it conceivable that people at ncsoft/Paragon would consider a report of such a thing to be a bug report, and possibly fix it?
I think it is considered a bug (and I've reported a few) but like a lot of minor issues it's pretty low on the devs' radar.

2. Is there a single canonical list of all the cases where the real numbers are Just Plain Wrong?
Not to my knowledge, the wiki has a Known Issues page but it doesn't have anything about that there. I've considered starting a page on the wiki to compile a list of all the little "gotchas" in the power system (things like real number errors, procs that work weirdly and an explanation of power boost) but I never get around to it.



i think the 25 feet are for the radius in which all things are teleported to the spot you want to

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Originally Posted by vernichterhelge View Post
i think the 25 feet are for the radius in which all things are teleported to the spot you want to
Could be. Is that, in fact, being enhanced by teleportation range powers? If I three-slot it for range with level 50 IOs, will I get a 40-foot spread of team mates instead of a 25-foot?



i'm not sure about the first one involving RoF...but pretty sure the "25' range of team teleport" is stating that teammates must be within 25 feet of the caster for them to be teleported.

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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



The accuracy of the fire rain is 2.0 for placing the area of the AoE, but the chance to hit each target is based on a different accuracy. This should be true for most placeable powers.

The range on the teleport is the point blank range of allies who are affected, not the distance you all travel.

If they consider it a bug at all, it is a display bug. But really it's just an artifact caused by having two relevant values that need to be displayed for the same display value.



Hmmm, curious about that...

I'm wondering what powers I have slotted wrong because I see certain powers (Rain of Fire, Ice Storm, etc...) that say acc. of 2.0X and so I'm like, "sweet, no acc. needed!" Hmmm...

That and someone told me about a week ago that the poison trap from the Traps powerset needs Acc in it because the chance for hold has a tohit check against it....I just had it slotted for 3 hold and 3 rchg...

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
That and someone told me about a week ago that the poison trap from the Traps powerset needs Acc in it because the chance for hold has a tohit check against it....I just had it slotted for 3 hold and 3 rchg...
The initial hold is not auto-hit, the periodic chance to hold and the debuffs are auto-hit. Personally I use the Lockdown set but you could also use acc/mez HOs.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
1. Are these "bugs"? As in, is it conceivable that people at ncsoft/Paragon would consider a report of such a thing to be a bug report, and possibly fix it?
Absolutely. Whether they can or will have time to fix them, only they can say, but they're definitely bugs.

2. Is there a single canonical list of all the cases where the real numbers are Just Plain Wrong?
There will be when you're finished compiling it. Thanks for volunteering!



They're not bugs, they're correct info. They just point to a different stat than the one you expect.

Summoning a Rain of Fire upon your enemies has a 2.0x acc modifier, but the rain itself has a base 1.0x acc modifier like most attacks. I believe other people have the Team Teleport example covered.



When you see something that calls a pet, and that accuracy is listed at 2.0, means it is autohit. Not that the pet cannot miss, but that you have 100% chance of placing the pet where you want it to be placed.

The pet has whatever inherent accuracy the pet has. If the power allows accuracy enhancers I try to put in at least 50% points more.

The numbers are right as listed, theyre just confusing to someone who doesnt understand the system.


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Originally Posted by Largo View Post
The numbers are right as listed, theyre just confusing to someone who doesnt understand the system.
Well, they're technically 'right', but they don't give out the information that they should. The accuracy number of a power should tell you what percentage chance that power has to hit an enemy. Telling you that the pet placement is auto-hit is worthless.



As others have mentioned, these are valid but fairly meaningless information, come about because of how the powers are implemented. Every power has an accuracy whether it needs to hit something or not, and that's what gets displayed by the system for things like summoned pets. "Patch" powers like rains happen to be, as implementation details, summoned entities just like an Animated Stone or Fire Imp, so we reasonably think of them as attacks and not pets, so displaying the accuracy of the summons is especially confusing.

These are "bugs" in the sense that they're not working as seems sensible to the end users, but not in the sense that they're working as designed. Modifying the Real Numbers info to show us the accuracy of the pet and not the power would require some fairly significant special exception handling for those cases where the power summons something. So that particular example could certainly be improved, but doing so would be an enhancement of the system, rather than a bug fix.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
These are "bugs" in the sense that they're not working as seems sensible to the end users, but not in the sense that they're working as designed. Modifying the Real Numbers info to show us the accuracy of the pet and not the power would require some fairly significant special exception handling for those cases where the power summons something. So that particular example could certainly be improved, but doing so would be an enhancement of the system, rather than a bug fix.
Alternatively, since the accuracy of the "summoning" doesn't really matter the devs could simply change it so that the main power has the same base accuracy as the pet or pseudo-pets primary attack.



That would be an improvement for most of the patch/rain powers, certainly. I don't know why the summons needs a 2.0 in a stat it doesn't even use in the usual sense.

I think, more broadly for powers where we summon things we properly consider pets, making it 1.0 might just obscure the reality even more. If nothing else, the 2.0 stands out as different and weird, and might get people to question whether it's right. For pets, their accuracy really varies by the powers they activate, so putting a 1.0, which looks like a pretty reasonable accuracy value, might lull people into thinking that reasonable looking value must apply to everything the pets do.

It's a pretty crappy justification of having a weird accuracy number in place, but it's something that came to mind when making my earlier post, and why I didn't make the suggestion you have.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
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Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I think, more broadly for powers where we summon things we properly consider pets, making it 1.0 might just obscure the reality even more. If nothing else, the 2.0 stands out as different and weird, and might get people to question whether it's right. For pets, their accuracy really varies by the powers they activate, so putting a 1.0, which looks like a pretty reasonable accuracy value, might lull people into thinking that reasonable looking value must apply to everything the pets do.
Well most of the powers that summon a true pet (as opposed to a pseudo-pet) now list the pet's actual powers in an expandable list inside the power window. Also, as a practical question how many pets actually have different accuracy modifiers for different attacks? In general I think most pets either only have a single attack or have accuracy of 1 for all attacks.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That would be an improvement for most of the patch/rain powers, certainly. I don't know why the summons needs a 2.0 in a stat it doesn't even use in the usual sense.
The summon powers have had abnormal accuracy modifiers since inception, long before any dev even considered showing such numbers to the players. (People like Red Tomax showed us the numbers anyway.)

Considering the powers designers pretty much just play around with Excel spreadsheets, the most logical conclusion is that summon powers have an abnormal accuracy as a helper flag to the dev that it's not an actual attack power. The abnormal accuracy powers may even be used to aid in searching through the tens of thousands of powers which exist in the game.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
As others have mentioned, these are valid but fairly meaningless information, come about because of how the powers are implemented. Every power has an accuracy whether it needs to hit something or not, and that's what gets displayed by the system for things like summoned pets. "Patch" powers like rains happen to be, as implementation details, summoned entities just like an Animated Stone or Fire Imp, so we reasonably think of them as attacks and not pets, so displaying the accuracy of the summons is especially confusing.

These are "bugs" in the sense that they're not working as seems sensible to the end users, but not in the sense that they're working as designed. Modifying the Real Numbers info to show us the accuracy of the pet and not the power would require some fairly significant special exception handling for those cases where the power summons something. So that particular example could certainly be improved, but doing so would be an enhancement of the system, rather than a bug fix.
I was going to suggest that in the general case these are non-trivial problems to solve, but while thinking about that reply it just occurs to me I think I might know what Real Numbers is doing with Rain of Arrows. I'll put that theory to the test and if its true, I might be able to discuss a fix with pohsyb tomorrow.

In the general case, it is in fact non-trivial to parse the powers database into meaningful descriptions, given all the Rube Goldbergian twists many powers have (for example: Jolting Chain, Phase Shift, Soul Extraction). However, its possible with enough effort for Real Numbers to show meaningful information. Enough effort might be a very large amount of effort, though.

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Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
They're not bugs, they're correct info. They just point to a different stat than the one you expect.
The purpose of Real Numbers is to inform players exactly what their powers do. Whether the information is correct for the specific pointer it's referencing is irrelevant, it's a bug because it's not performing the intended function of giving players accurate information on those powers.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
The purpose of Real Numbers is to inform players exactly what their powers do. Whether the information is correct for the specific pointer it's referencing is irrelevant, it's a bug because it's not performing the intended function of giving players accurate information on those powers.
I actually had this discussion with the devs when Real Numbers was in development. Given the complexity of the powers system, it was never going to be perfect. So the question was: accept it was always going to be giving misleading information sometimes, or give no information.

Those are still the only two choices you have. To eliminate all sources of misleading information from Real Numbers would actually take more time than it would take to redesign all those powers to be less misleading in Real Numbers. This is especially true given that different people have different thresholds and definitions of "misleading." Most players - not just the ones on the forums, but the majority of all subscribers - probably have no correct notion of what to do with any of the accuracy or tohit numbers in Real Numbers. I would bet real money that more than half misinterpret the defensive percentage numbers as percentages of attacks rather than percentage points of defensive modifier. Accuracy is listed as a multiplier (i.e. 1.4x) because I won the argument that listing as a percentage (i.e. 40% or 140%) would be all sorts of misleading.

You can try to eliminate as many sources of misleading information or descriptions as possible, but in a sense the system will always be "bugged."

Technically, the correct answer to "what is the accuracy of Rain of Arrows" is: Rain of Arrows is a location power, and thus does not actually check a tohit against anything, and thus its accuracy is irrelevant because its never used. Rain of Arrows does cast a pseudo-pet that itself attacks anything in its radius, and that attack does have an intrinsic accuracy of 1.0. Any other answer is technically incorrect. But you're unlikely to see that show up in Real Numbers anytime soon.

Of course, its easy to say that "obviously" the correct answer is "1.0." Until you ask the same question of Chain Induction.

In a very real sense you're wrong. The intent of the Real Numbers system is not to be accurate. Its actually to be as useful as possible, being accurate only when accuracy itself is likely to be useful to the average player. Take "base tohit." We often talk about "base tohit of the player" as if this actually exists. It does not. Base tohit is a function of the target. When we say "base tohit" we really generally mean "base tohit of the player if the player targeted an even con critter (without level shifting) or a combat-modifier-neutral giant monster." So technically, the number shown in Real Numbers is not just erroneous, its actually completely fictional. However, if it instead only showed tohit *buffs* then "base tohit modifer" would often be zero. That would also be less than useful to the average player, who doesn't know the purple patch by heart. So it shows 75%. Which is wrong in the technical sense, and also wrong in the colloquial sense, and often just plain wrong period. But its wrong in a way that is probably useful to many players.

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While not a case of the numbers being wrong, Tough and the Defender APP version of Temp Invul claim that both powers give damage resistance against all types. (Which would be cool for Tough, but even I'd admit that 30% out-of-the-box resist to all damage types for one toggle would be a bit hax, even though defenders could need it.)

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I think that's for PvP, it's just not particularly clear in the power description/info.

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Many pseudopets are listed as having 2x accuracy, I assume, to make them easier to pinpoint in a spreadsheet. It's not a "bug" per se, it's merely returning an accuracy value which has no bearing on the power and is not of any use to the player. It's technically returning the correct accuracy value, it's just not the one you want.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
The purpose of Real Numbers is to inform players exactly what their powers do. Whether the information is correct for the specific pointer it's referencing is irrelevant, it's a bug because it's not performing the intended function of giving players accurate information on those powers.
I'm not sure I accept that definition of "bug." Technically the system does exactly what it is told to do, accurately. It's not a bug, because it works. It does strictly what it was told to do. It's just that it wasn't told to do the right thing. Maybe it doesn't do what it should do in theory, but it does what it should do insofar as what it was programmed to do.

If I make a program to tell me what color apples are: red or green, and it tells me they're red, it's right. Some apples are green of course, but I only gave it the ability to return one answer. It can't do something I didn't tell it to do.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
It can't do something I didn't tell it to do.

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If the program was told to do the wrong thing, that is also a bug.