Track Down Trapdoor (Ouro) HELP!




I took him down on 9 different characters solo before the changes in the patch. I need to try it again on a couple of characters to see if it's much harder.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
You could try and do something insane like get help to beat him

I don't get why people complain about not being able to solo some key bosses. I'm glad it's like this. It is an MMO after all.
This is an arc about a individual character seeking more personal power. There is even dialog that only one person gets to see in the arc. That "it's an MMO" argument is complete crap in most of the game, but is particularly ******** on this one mission.



Originally Posted by Mr_Blackmore_EU View Post
Took him on today since the patch set to x0/+0 knocked him in to the lava and it didn't even dent him like before tried to keep his bifurcations down but he summoned them faster than I could knock them down.

Then I tried on my Necro/Dark MM and he went down before I could target his first clone??

So not sure what to think!
He's easy if you can kill him fast with lots of pets or keep his clones from helping him.

He's a pain in the behind if you have to chase down his clones and kill them and then hurry back to hit him and then run off to kill his new clone then run back to beating on him...

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
To echo this: benumb (solo) didn't make a dent on him with the bifurcations up. With a team and decent damage he's still pretty easy, but solo -regen powers don't have much effect on him until the last of his furcations goes down. [Tested on Illusion/Cold controller solo]
I noticed last week that I had zero troubles with him solo on my Cold/Sonic, but he did die fairly quickly. He only bifurcated twice, and I only killed the first one. Benumb definitely helped on him, but I don't know that it would have been effective past the second bifurcation.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Try killing the clones.
This. The clones are what gives him the regen - kill them!

An alternative is to dump him in the lava to counteract his regen. Or do both!



Yeah, the "new" version of Trapdoor makes Nosferatu look like a Hellions Minion.

I couldn't get his Health to budge with my Earth/Storm Controller, despite using every slow, debuff, hold, immobilize, KD, and damage (both personal and Pet) that I had. On one attempt, I ran in before he had had time to burficate and tried to perma-hold him with Volcanic Gasses, Fossilize, Fissure, Thunderclap, and Stalagmites, while Stony, Tornado, Lightning Storm, and I all whaled on him. He STILL managed to bifurcate through all of that! I ran around killing his clones while my pets kept on him, but he still was at full power. At one point, I had him in the lava with all of the above on him and still nothing.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Standard responses to difficult solo situations..

*Temp powers. There are some really powerful temporary powers that a lot of players either don't know about or just never use.
Another source of help are the empowerment stations that can be had at bases. Most aren't particularly powerful, but every little bit helps. The Knockback Protection one can be *very* useful on some toons.



Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
At one point, I had him in the lava with all of the above on him and still nothing.
But did you kill the bifrucations?



Yep, I chased the clones as soon as I saw another one appearing (they're easy to kill). What surprised me was that, on returning to Trapdoor, none of my attacks did anything. I thought I would have had at least some initial success against him.

Maybe he has a clone closet somewhere in there with a lot of extras just standing around, regen'ing their Master.

I think I'm going to hang around Mender Remiel tomorrow and look for people in the same predicament. Unlike most missions, though, this one seems designed as a more "personal journey" for characters, going from regular folk to Incarnate, so big teams seem to me to be a little out of place here.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Originally Posted by AnElfCalledMack View Post
There's a variant on the "pin him in the lava" strategy that is rather fun, but only really available to Fiery Aura Tankers and Brutes. Just fight him in the lava. Turns out capped fire resistance does have its uses.
I think I will try that when I get my Brute to 50.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
<smartalec>"Nemesis dismantlers - click 4 simultaneously." Let's see ya inspiration your way out of THAT, smart guy! </smartalec>
Did they finally fix that?
Originally Posted by AnElfCalledMack View Post
There's a variant on the "pin him in the lava" strategy that is rather fun, but only really available to Fiery Aura Tankers and Brutes. Just fight him in the lava. Turns out capped fire resistance does have its uses.
Or hover. Or some form of immobilize. Hopping around so the fast path to you is to remain in the lava works too.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
I think I will try that when I get my Brute to 50.
Basically this is an option for any tank/brute/scrapper durable enough. Did it on my Inv/SS (but pre-patch). Now his regen is boosted to the point where holding him in the lava and beating on him is almost pointless if he has enough bifurcations up.

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Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Hopping around so the fast path to you is to remain in the lava works too.
Sometimes. On my Fire/Fire blaster, he simply wouldn't stay in the lava. I'd hit him once, he'd run away, regen the crap outta himself, run back, blast me, run away (rinse and repeat until I'm dead)...damndest thing I'd ever seen. Had not had any issues with him (other than a couple difficult pulls to the lava) prior to that. Probably the AI flaked at that point. But still.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Basically this is an option for any tank/brute/scrapper durable enough. Did it on my Inv/SS (but pre-patch). Now his regen is boosted to the point where holding him in the lava and beating on him is almost pointless if he has enough bifurcations up.
There are plenty of places any toon can pull him into the lava but not have to stand in it themselves.

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Well, I ended up lowering my difficulty level from +1/x1 to -1/x1 on my Earth/Storm Controller, and managed to kill Trapdoor pretty easily. He conned Yellow to me this time, and he only created 1 clone, as opposed to about 5-6 the previous times. However, that one clone made him completely invulnerable until I killed him. Then Trapdoor went down fast.

I think the problem I was having before was that Trapdoor ALWAYS had another clone somewhere on the map, despite the fact that I was flying around, trying to kill each one I found. I couldn't hold him in place AND kill every single clone at the same time, as he created clones so fast.

Apparently, even ONE clone makes Trapdoor invulnerable.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Up until this point, I've thought my Bots/Traps MM was an unstoppable bulldozer.

Not so.

Do you know how HARD it is to keep your own pets out of the frickin' lava when you're sending them around the room to kill the clones? GAAAH! Meanwhile ... Trapdoor does the Energy Transfer thing on me. Ouch.

I'm gonna need to pair up with somebody on this one. Maybe on my Stalker, it'll be easier, I can keep my own butt out of the lava and manage the clone/boss aggro.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Is TrapDoor also making as many bifurs as he wants now? Before I knew there was a limited amount he did, but now it seems like it's never ending.

Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay

You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free



Current patch for Trapdoor puts no limit on the number of clones he makes. Someone reported seeing over 20 in play.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



I've destroyed over 30 and wasn't able to put a dent on Trapy. Will get on later with a team. As soon as I kill one another was created. Making fighting him no fun at all. I understand wanting him to make him a hard fight, but when he has one bifur out his regen is higher than I damage output. At one time, when I was down and came back to fight there were three bifurs at every spawn point. Like I said though, I'll build a team later. Bah humbug.

P.S. If anyone wanted to know, this was on my BS/Invul Scrap. My MM took him down easy peasy, so did my DM/Regen Scrap, but BS/Invul can't keep up with those Bifurs.

Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay

You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free



I soloed it with 2 different toons after the patch and didn't notice that it was any more difficult before the patch. Just kill the clones. They go down in 1-2 shots and then go back to Trapdoor. I agree with the other suggestions made before, namely temp pwrs and base buffs:
* Envenomed Dagger
* Stun grenade
* Backup Radio

It was easier for my dom since he doesn't seem to clone if he's held/stunned.



Well, took him down with my BS/Invul. I didn't see that I had a Shivan earlier. He was only able to make one Bifur before I took him down. Need to remember to get more Shivans.

Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay

You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free



Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
There are plenty of places any toon can pull him into the lava but not have to stand in it themselves.
Not what I meant. I meant the "run into the lava and fight him there" method.

"Lure him into the lava and keep him there while you stand on a rock" is a very similar tactic but not the same.

I was only talking about the former, not the latter.

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