Unusual but fun?




Originally Posted by The_Overlord View Post
What unusual powerset combinations for any AT would you suggest to me that are capable enough in solo play and can be fun despite being typically 'unusual' or 'undesired' even?
I don't know if these fall under "unusual" or not, but two of my favorites are Cold/Rad and Dark/Archery (both Defender. ). Both are effective solo or teamed, with adjustments to playstyle accordingly.

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)



Originally Posted by Gwilthor View Post
As compared to primaries such as fire,grav,illusion etc... Mind control isn't quite as solo friendly, especially when you consider the Xp drain from using confuse for either mitigation or for a pseudo pet.
allowing you to defeat spawns much faster & safer than you otherwise could more than compensates for whatever xp it 'costs' you to confuse people.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
allowing you to defeat spawns much faster & safer than you otherwise could more than compensates for whatever xp it 'costs' you to confuse people.
This. Confusion actually boosts your overall XP / hour, provided you actually attack and don't just sit there watching confused mobs do everything. Only a portion of confused enemies' damage counts toward XP division so you can do about 1/4 of the total damage and still get half the XP, and you can defeat things a lot faster. Not to mention being able to defeat spawns you might not be able to otherwise.

(That's one reason I love Plant Control so much... the AoE confuse means I can mow down spawns 2-3 times faster than I could otherwise while still getting about 2/3 of the XP and only taking maybe a tenth as much damage.)

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

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A few ideas from me:
* Gravity Control/Storm Summoning 'troller - my main and namesake. Took me a while to master but can be great fun to play with loads of different options for different situations. Recently respec'd in Earth Mastery APP and have built him for high recharge and ~40% Smashing/Lethal defence and play him a bit like a controlling tank!
* Storm Summoning/Dark Blast 'fender - another fun character with interesting synergy (Tenticles and Freezing Rain, Dark Pit and Thunder Clap).
* Dark Miasma/Ice Blast 'fender - this is my little pseudo controller who has the potential for 4 ST holds if you take an APP or PPP one to
* Dark Armour/Ice Melee tanker - there is a thread in the tanker forum talking about this combo which again is a bit like a pseudo controller with all the tricks available
* Mind Control/Trick Arrow 'troller - a fun combo with lots of toys to play with. I love using Mass Hypnosis on a mob and setting up everything for Oil Slick Arrow at my own pace.

Another idea, if you decide to go Storm Summoning on a 'troller, is that you can get Mako's PPP and have two tornado powers going at once! I have a Fire Control/Storm Summoning toon which I am planning on doing that with.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



My somewhat unusual Praetorians :

Broadsword/Fire Scrapper. This is a pretty fun combo, especially now that you get inherent Stamina too. Parry goes a long way towards toughening up Fire, especially vs Melee enemies (Noble Savage was a joke against him) and you can make some truly horrific Orange Numbers.

Elec/NRG Domi : NRG hits like a truck nowadays and is mostly single target. That means you can happily sleep a spawn and then hold and 1-2 the minions in it one by one. This character easily soloed the Metronome arc with a shedload of Metronome Clockwork Lieuts at the end using this method. Buckets of layers of soft and hard control to work with. Power Push is one of NRGs best and most entertaining attacks.



Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
I have become enamored lately with dominators again. I haven't tried it, but buzzing around in my altitis inflicted brain was an EC/earth assault. It just seems... different. On my list of sets to try.
I can vouch for Elec/Earth Dom. I was really surprised by the strength of this combo - the sleep, end drain, single-target damage and multi-target knockdown make for safe and effective crowd control from a very early level. I got through Praetoria with few difficulties before inherent Stamina, and it's even better with SOs and more power picks.

Another one I've been having good luck with that I haven't seen a lot of is Traps/AR Defender. This is another good combo for Praetoria because it eats ambushes for breakfast, and in the later game Web Grenade + Ignite is insane.

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Storm/Dark Defenders aren't exactly unusual, but mine was pretty fun.

He wasn't the greatest damage output, but with all the -ToHit and the Tornado + Lightning Storm combo, I would have quite a bit of fun. I however, have not played him since the Defender inherent changes, so I don't know what his damage and etc. look like now. He was also pre-i9 and I was terrible at slotting back then.



Just a QR: read the thread and saw many folks coming *close*, but none proposing the hilarity that is a Grav/Energy Dominator. Made one as a lark while my preferred realm was down, and that villain was easily the most fun I've had getting to 10, ever.



I have an absolute blast with my bots/storm.

With practice, it is pretty trivial to corner a spawn and unleash the wave of glorious orange numbers of freezing rain, tornado, lightning storm, and a full spawn worth of 10+ burn patches from your assault bot can do. It is pretty easy to softcap yourself and bots(except your prot bots) and that pairs nicely with the -tohit from huricane. On teams, You can dial the kb back so teammates wont develop a facial tick. Solo, you can go full retarded without worrying about witnesses.

However, since everyone else in this thread has recommended storm as well, I will also suggest a Fire/traps corruptor. Traps is an awesome set with many tools to keep you safe, and the spawn primed for a fiery melty defeat.



I have been enjoyin my fire/ force field controller. I built it becase I had rarely seen one. Been great fun so far. Manuevers and air superiority help a lot in pre pet levels. I have all the vet attacks too so solo is fast.



Originally Posted by Gwilthor View Post
As compared to primaries such as fire,grav,illusion etc... Mind control isn't quite as solo friendly
Mind has a very nice single-target attack chain, which is a big boost to soloing.

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The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



From personal experience . . . I have mostly soloed my Mind/FF and my Grav/Storm controllers. Both of them solo quite well, but not real fast.

Mind/FF gets a great attack chain and one of the best "panic button" powers in the game early. Confuse and Mass Hypnosis make it easy to solo in low levels, as you can take foes out of the fight before it begins. At level 20, you get partial mez protection from Dispersion Bubble, something quite valuable for a solo controller. The knockback powers from FF are no problem for a solo player, and all you need are the two Ally-only bubbles to be welcome on any team. I have found in upper levels, Mind/FF's ability to do damage kind of flattens out, so the APP damage powers are a welcome addition.

Grav/Storm is the only Gravity controller I have been able to stick with. The combo has some really nice synergies. Since Crushing Field, the AoE Immob, does not have knockdown/knockback protection, the combo of Freezing Rain+Crushing Field acts like an AoE knockdown area. Gravity has decent (but slow) single target damage from GD+Crush+Propel, but that makes you susceptable to damage from other foes . . . until Hurricane can push them away and debuff their ToHit. In upper levels, Singularity is a great tank to draw aggro. You can also set up a "Corner of Death" with Lightning Storm, then send foes there with Wormhole and hit them with Tornado while you keep them in the corner with Hurricane. Storm made Gravity a lot of fun.

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Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



FF/Energy Defender - Kinetic Crash is a dirt cheap set, when you can find them for sale. More Knockback = More amusement. Taking Teleport Foe is a requirement for this one. (Both for retrieving enemies pushed through walls, and for teleporting lvl 1 Hellions to the top of City Hall and pushing them off with Power Push+full set of Kinetic Crash. {Mag 25 KB, I think? Ingame display is borked})
Kin/Dark Defender (Or Dark/Kin Corruptor for a bit more combat value)
Rad/Fire Blaster (OK, maybe not so much for soloing... It's an aggro magnet. A TON of fun with a good tank, though. Build Up>Irradiate>Fire Sword Circle>Combustion>Neutron Bomb>Burn is a thing of beauty... Provided anything lasts through the first three powers. lol)

Last, but not least.. Fire/Kin Corruptor (Yes, Corruptor, NOT CONTROLLER). Has the potential to solo the Synapse Task Force, and presumably almost anything else you throw at it, given enough IO's for the harder stuff.



Sometimes just making an unusual power pool choice can make a difference.

I recently made a BS/Shield scrapper. So far so staid and normal, but having her always fight from Hover added a lot for some reason. The extra maneuverability and animation changes made a big difference.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Even though the other proponent said it isn't a strong solo choice, I'll vote Grav/TA. It's only strong because it's not super high damage and the debuffs are more effective on groups than individual targets. But it can dish out crazy mez. This combo will let you reliably hold bosses by level 8 as long as they don't have mez protection. It can also wipe groups pretty quickly when you get Oil Slick. With Gravity Distortion Field and EMP Arrows, you get two mass-holds from range. And Singularity is great for tanking and locking stuff down. It may not pop tons of damage, but it's very safe. My own Grav/TA can fairly effortlessly lock down four bosses with just single-target mez. The only times I run into issues are against EBs equipped with PTOD. Other EBs get held like everything else.

Also vote for Elec/Earth Dom. It's crazy fun and Elec oddly enough synergizes with Earth's knock-ups very well for those moments your holds, confuses, and sleeps fail.

Also will vote for a human-only Peacebringer blapper. Decent ranged and melee attacks with decent resistances and self heals coupled with a mass mez, a nuke, a power that ought to be a nuke, and a god mode makes for some great fun. The low levels can be a bit of a pain if you go purist and skip Nova instead of just respeccing out of it later, but by 20 you should be fine.