How do you get lazer beams to shoot out of your eyes?

Call Me Awesome



I read you can do it in i19 but no one in the game can tell me how.
I couldnt find it in the costume creator.

Global: @Fire Beam



Well, you got your combat aura eye targeting lasers, and you got your Laser Beam Eyes from ancillary power pools. I think the former requires a super booster pack be purchased; I have them all and can't recall if one of them unlocked the eye targeting lasers.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Well, you got your combat aura eye targeting lasers, and you got your Laser Beam Eyes from ancillary power pools. I think the former requires a super booster pack be purchased; I have them all and can't recall if one of them unlocked the eye targeting lasers.
The Cyborg Booster introduced the first combat auras. The auras are a glowing/holographic visor and lasers out of either or both eyes.

The other methods are the attacks Laser Beam Eyes available to Tankers and Scrappers in their APPs and X-Ray Beam from the Radiation Blast powerset.

Edit: i'm not aware of any new methods of projecting lasers from your eyes being added in i19.

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Originally Posted by Firebeam View Post
I read you can do it in i19 but no one in the game can tell me how.
I couldnt find it in the costume creator.
depends on your power.

Only powers that offered eye blasts to begin with were given additional options. Specifically those appear to be:
  • Radiation Blast: X-ray Beam
Yeah, that's it. I just went and cross-referenced all of the powers listed as having new animations with an open costume creator:

Sadly, while the impression was given that Issue 19 would allow you to change the emanation point of powers, the actual implementation of the update is a single new animation for individual powers.

* * *

For reference, the Cyborg booster pack also allows you to select lasers for your eyes as costume parts:



And Warshades get Ebon Eye

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I think the OP may be referring to the power customization, location of attack origin changes in I19 and is confused.

Also it's LASER not LAZER.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I think the OP may be referring to the power customization, location of attack origin changes in I19 and is confused.

Also it's LASER not LAZER.
He may be, but we can't just pick any power and choose to shoot it from our eyes.

He still has to have a character with a powerset that has Laser eyes in the first place, and Radiation Blast X-Ray Beam is the only set/power so far that has an alternate laser eye animation.



Brutes can also get the Energy APP now, I grabbed it on respec when I19 went live. Now my Brute is even more like a certain Kryptonian family.



I asked for sharks with freaking lasers on their heads and all I got was power customization.

<moves pinkie to corner of mouth>

Mwuahahahahah...<Cough> <Cough> <wheeze> Ahem.

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Originally Posted by ura hero View Post
i asked for sharks with freaking lasers on their heads and all i got was power customization.

<moves pinkie to corner of mouth>

mwuahahahahah...<cough> <cough> <wheeze> ahem.
:d lol



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I think the OP may be referring to the power customization, location of attack origin changes in I19 and is confused.

Also it's LASER not LAZER.
Pfah, nooo it's "LAAAAZURRRRRRR." (with air quotes, srs bsns.)

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I think the OP may be referring to the power customization, location of attack origin changes in I19 and is confused.
Yeah, I think there was an assumption that attacks that previously were fired from the hand could be fired from the chest or the eyes, and attacks that were fired from the eyes could be fired from the hands or chest.

As it is, we got ONE new animation for most attacks, and most of those were merely a different animation using the hands. It would have been nice if the eye attacks were given an alternate animation that used the hands, but instead we just got a second animation using the eyes.

Interestingly enough, though, I have noticed that some of the Sonic powers (at least in Sonic Resonance) that originated from the mouth now can be fired from the hand. Since the original animations are sort of vague and really only come from the general location of the face, I guess you could say the old attacks are coming from the eyes or head. (Like psychic attacks)



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Interestingly enough, though, I have noticed that some of the Sonic powers (at least in Sonic Resonance) that originated from the mouth now can be fired from the hand. Since the original animations are sort of vague and really only come from the general location of the face, I guess you could say the old attacks are coming from the eyes or head. (Like psychic attacks)
I've found breath powers (fire breath, frost breath) were given alternate animations where the cone originates from an outstretched hand, rather than the head/mouth region.

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Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
I've found breath powers (fire breath, frost breath) were given alternate animations where the cone originates from an outstretched hand, rather than the head/mouth region.
I want my fire breath attacks to look like this.

Flaming Fart Attack!



How do you get lazer beams to shoot out of your eyes?

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Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Yeah, I think there was an assumption that attacks that previously were fired from the hand could be fired from the chest or the eyes, and attacks that were fired from the eyes could be fired from the hands or chest.
A completely unfounded assumption, by the way, given that alternate animations already existed for two powersets (Super Strength and Martial Arts), so there was no reason to assume that we would be getting anything different for the ranged sets.

But people read into things what they want to read, then get angry when reality doesn't match. It's sad and hilarious at the same time.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I want my fire breath attacks to look like this.

Flaming Fart Attack!


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Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
I've found breath powers (fire breath, frost breath) were given alternate animations where the cone originates from an outstretched hand, rather than the head/mouth region.
Yeah. For some reason that example was escaping me.

It does seem odd, though, that the devs redesigned attacks that come from the mouth to have different alternatives, but did not redesign attacks that come from the eyes. I personally think someone was being a goofball.

The OP, though, I think may have been asking about attacks that DON'T come from the eyes being costumized so that they DO. Which is sort of the opposite. So although it's a possibility in the future, the answer is "not at this time".