Email rollback
petitioned as well
The result? Duplicate items we get to keep.
EDIT: Ugh, the copy/paste from my NCSoft response got nuked even thought it was helpful. Since I can't copy/paste it, I'll summarize.
- Due to some global maintenance email was rolled back on the morning of November 18th
- If you have items you already claimed show back up in your inbox, keep them
- If you lost items you'll need to know what you lost and who sent them otherwise we can't help you.
PS. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY MODERATOR 5!!!! jeez. response. I mailed 20emails w/ recipes to my crafter last night before logging off. Toons I mailed from had maxed AE tickets and I made more recipe rolls with them after emailing. If recipes were returned it would put me way over recipe invintory?
edit: So it looks like I get the shaft since I can't recall exactly what was sent. I know a few of the sets but not the exact recipes. Approximatly a 1/2billion in recipes to be crafted. Kinetic Combats / Numina's / Obliterations / Erradications. YAY
Petitioned as well.
Lost all emails and attachments from characters I've since deleted. Some decent items I hope I don't 'lose' (no purples and only a few mil inf). If I do, oh well, nothing a little bit of farming can't get me again.
Just rather not have to farm since I got them without farming the first time, hehe.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
It's bad when we can't completely trust the email system and need to more closely track our own stuff.
I can't tell them if I lost anything, I emailed a lot of **** accross a lot of toons.
I just noticed this thread. but earlier today I emailed a purple recipe to myself and logged in a few mins ago, my email was empty! I checked all the toons that were logged in to see if I accidentally took it out...and none of them have it. i petitioned it b4 I saw this thread and found out there was a rollback that could've deleted my recipe.
I hope I get that one back I worked hard to attain it!

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.
Wow, and it went back about a week or so! I still have 4 Phenomenal Luck Inspirations that I used up during last Saturday's MoLRSF. I was hoping I'd end up with duplicated Stealth and KB procs that I e-mailed myself Monday night. No dice though. lol
It sucks that anything people put into storage during the last week is probably gone.
We just all need to take screenshots of our emails every night and keep track of who sent it. L O friggin' L.
Looks like I'm SOL.
I emailed 3 sums of money yesterday... combined total of just under a billion. I left somewhere between 400-500 unclaimed overnight. Gone.
I had about a dozen assorted recipes, and a handful of crafted Doctored Wounds which are gone.
Unfortunately, I don't remember any specifics.
Edit: I may have claimed the influence. I can't remember now. Gah!

Thank you, Champion.
If you remember who sent the mail you might have a chance. Petition it I guess.
:/ I don't. I was shuffling a bunch of crap between 4 or 5 characters last night, to characters with available market slots.
I'm not overly concerned. It's a bit of a disappointment, but I can only be so upset at the loss of pretend-possessions. I'm an inventory controller for a living, I don't want to do it in a game!

Thank you, Champion.
Wow. . . Just noticed this when I logged in this evening and was working on some issue 19 respec ideas. I had emailed myself an entire set of Hecatomb's in anticipation of issue 19 dropping this week. And now they are gone! Wow, I hope they roll this back.

And this sort of thing is why you cannot trust the e-mail system to store anything for any length of time.
When you send stuff to yourself, log off, log RIGHT back on, and claim it on the character you want to claim it on. Period.
yep, this happened to my wife yesterday. and it seams like the GM handling it wanted to know exactly what was lost.
since we cant remember what we had, looks like were SOL.
You would think that backups are kept.... in case something ... oh.. like this happens... response. I mailed 20emails w/ recipes to my crafter last night before logging off. Toons I mailed from had maxed AE tickets and I made more recipe rolls with them after emailing. If recipes were returned it would put me way over recipe invintory?
edit: So it looks like I get the shaft since I can't recall exactly what was sent. I know a few of the sets but not the exact recipes. Approximatly a 1/2billion in recipes to be crafted. Kinetic Combats / Numina's / Obliterations / Erradications. YAY |
I lost 4 LotG + rechs and some other stuff including a 500M gleemail.
The same GM the OP spoke to fixed mine quickly and efficiently. I gained a little out of the transaction as I regained a (20M ish) recipe I'd claimed.
If I was a devious type, I'd leave a 3BN PvP IO in my email, and keep claiming it just before maint and reposting after, on the grounds that I'd get a spare if it rolled back ...
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Is this a freaking test of how honest we are?
"If you know what you have lost, we can replace it"
I know i lost a 'Lvl 27 Miracle: heal' and a 'Lvl 50 Mako's Bite proc', but the rest i can't really remember, i know most were nice recipes, not crap.
But by naming just two, they can see the rest that i send at the same time, right? And it should be easy for them to see that data, so it shouldn't happen that people get stiffed out of recipes/infl/enhancements/salvage or inspirations because they mess up something.
Otherwise if they can't see it, i've lost a full set of Panacea's, 3 full sets of Purples (Arm's, Rag's, Apoc's) and an 2 emails with 999mill in it.
Hey, they should be able to track it with the data they have, otherwise, THAT'S what i've lost.
Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
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You need to file a petition and not a bug.
I lost a huge chunk of change via the e-mail system but got it all back with help from support. As long as you can remember what character sent it and around what time it's an easy fix.
Same issue I had 5 Kinetitc combat IO's fully crafted and sent to my blaster and they are long gone, 10 million in inf as well but that not a big deal.
Petitioned it but don't expect anything except the sorry for your loss blah, blah, blah
Well I've narrowed down what I lost one character. Their may have been another but I have 1 hero standing in front of the AE rep with no tickets/recipes/influence. I never received a response from my original in game petition should I send a new one? Requesting this character to be looked at?
Luckily my case was easy to resolve because I knew exactly how much inf. was sent... mostly because it was a gift for someone who never got it.
I wish the rest of you luck as well!
fyi and fya, email was rolled back for several toons on Liberty and Virtue (my guess is all servers). Not sure if the net result is duplicates or lost items but it was rolled back.
I've sent a petition in for both of my accounts.