What if roleplayers controlled Incarnates




Ok... as we are talking about Roleplayers... Let me bring two classic types...

The Orchid

Ok. So, for me to reach my full potential, I have to defeat countless armies of enemies.
Defeat many demi-gods.
Face danger and certain destruction to overcome my limits and unlock my true potential.


Cant I just sit here and maybe meditate?
Its safe here.
Its not like I am out there, exposed to dangers and germs. My dad says that germs are dangerous, you know?
Can I ask my dad to defeat the demi-gods?
And maybe a few of the armies... like... all of then?

Na... I better be going now... Dont call me... I will call you...

The Combat Monster

HA! Bring on! I can defeat everything you throw at me.
What? You want me to DELIVER this message to another god?
Yes, I know that you are the god of messengers, but you also are supposed to be the god of archers or something like that.
I only want your Blessing of Speed power and all that juicy recharge powers!
I think I will get another blessing then...

(((one contact later)))

Then I have to go on the Caves of Doom and bypass all the mindless slaves to kill only the Devil Mindbender?
I cant kill any of then? I know you are the god of Freedom. I really want that Status Protection bonus.
So if I kill only one its a fail? Forget it.

(((next god)))

So its only me and that Demigod.
And the countless armies of destrution.
And I must do it without inspirations. Sign me in!

(((138,387,378 minions, 18,211,213 LTs and 3,287 bosses later)))

Yay! I got my Blessing of Ares!
What it gives me?
Humm? 10 new weapon sets unlocked?
But I am Superstrenght!
Well... At least i have a new badge.

(((walks away)))

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



Shortest Incarnate Role Play Session Evah...

War Gawd: You have proven yourself worthy! I shall imbue you with my eldritch divine power!

Zero Hero: Wait... so it won't really be ME who is supreme... it will be me with you giving me extra power?

War Gawd: Well.. more or less... if you want to be technical...

Zero Hero: Wait a second here! So you're telling me it's just like the Patron Powers from City of Villains?

(Long moment of silence followed by a cataclysmic blast)

War Gawd (Sweeping away the ash remains of Zero Hero): NEXT!

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



@Insane V Presents...

A Short Story on Virtue
As told from the point of view of a dormant RPer

Fightmonger Zallitharsus: We must gathereth our forces and fight for the right to become Incarnates! Forsooth! Watch as I draw my War Mace and activate my Shield powers! Gaze upon my Valkyrie kilt and ring strap chest option! For some reason my eyes are on fire! What ho!

Punky McLonerguy: I'm so brooding and all of my plots involve deep introspection, which is similar to brooding but worth repeating. Also I use the Hipster hair style, Young Face 5, the Motorcycle Leathers jacket/sleeves and the Spiked Collar detail. I mean, I wouldn't be brooding and introspective without those key items.

Catgirl: SEX

SG Leader Clay: Let's go RP in our base for 5 hours and not play the game!

Clay's SG Buddies: HEAR HEAR!

General P. Military: I'm a Mercenary MM with Mall-Ninja-level knowledge of guns and I always wear a suit. Watch as I sit in Pocket D and use /atease to look like I'm paramilitary. Please say hello to my associate, John Q. Agent.

John Q. Agent: I'm that guy who always follows the General and says cryptic things and never answers "yes" or "no" and always responds with words like "perhaps" and "possibly". I also talk about conspiracies, espionage and subterfuge even though I only know what the first one is. My other costumes all have gas masks.

Level 6 demon character: I AM ZORTHOTH! BOW TO ME, THE TIEM HAS COME!

@Insane V: ... @#$% this, I'm going to farm Council.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by nalrok_athzim View Post
@insane v presents...

a short story on virtue
as told from the point of view of a dormant rper

fightmonger zallitharsus: We must gathereth our forces and fight for the right to become incarnates! Forsooth! Watch as i draw my war mace and activate my shield powers! Gaze upon my valkyrie kilt and ring strap chest option! For some reason my eyes are on fire! What ho!

Punky mclonerguy: I'm so brooding and all of my plots involve deep introspection, which is similar to brooding but worth repeating. Also i use the hipster hair style, young face 5, the motorcycle leathers jacket/sleeves and the spiked collar detail. I mean, i wouldn't be brooding and introspective without those key items.

Catgirl: Sex

sg leader clay: Let's go rp in our base for 5 hours and not play the game!

Clay's sg buddies: Hear hear!

General p. Military: I'm a mercenary mm with mall-ninja-level knowledge of guns and i always wear a suit. Watch as i sit in pocket d and use /atease to look like i'm paramilitary. Please say hello to my associate, john q. Agent.

John q. Agent: I'm that guy who always follows the general and says cryptic things and never answers "yes" or "no" and always responds with words like "perhaps" and "possibly". I also talk about conspiracies, espionage and subterfuge even though i only know what the first one is. My other costumes all have gas masks.

Level 6 demon character: I am zorthoth! Bow to me, the tiem has come!

@insane v: ... @#$% this, i'm going to farm council.
yay catgirl!



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
TechBot, that just about sums up my reaction...

And so far, going to take one toon to Incarnate AND Rp it along the way.

Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Punky McLonerguy: I'm so brooding and all of my plots involve deep introspection, which is similar to brooding but worth repeating. Also I use the Hipster hair style, Young Face 5, the Motorcycle Leathers jacket/sleeves and the Spiked Collar detail. I mean, I wouldn't be brooding and introspective without those key items.

[. . .]

SG Leader Clay: Let's go RP in our base for 5 hours and not play the game!
dammit, virtue

Also, you forgot the badass in a black trenchcoat who picks fights with everybody. And the level 3 supposed superhero who just sits in Pocket D all day drinking and hasn't actually fought in the game in nine months. Alcoholism has apparently ruined more heroes than all the supervillain plots combined.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
dammit, virtue

Also, you forgot the badass in a black trenchcoat who picks fights with everybody. And the level 3 supposed superhero who just sits in Pocket D all day drinking and hasn't actually fought in the game in nine months. Alcoholism has apparently ruined more heroes than all the supervillain plots combined.
Well, Mr. Trench is usually lumped in with Punky McLonerguy. And yeah, you're right, I'll have to remember him next time. xD

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Admittedly the first post confused me greatly, but I held my tongue and watched, seeing if there was going to be any reasoning from the OP about it. He gave it and it does get one thinking(Or, at least, me.) If you don't mind me asking TheHangedMan, is this actually some kind of social experiment you were trying? Was it just something you did for the heck of it? Is there a deeper reasoning?
No need to get deep about it. The OP tried to be funny, bombed miserably, and was called on it. Then he got butt-hurt and tried to fix things, and made it worse.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I've never actually asked this but what is role playing?
Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
edit: Santorican.
RP is Roleplaying. It means that you envision your character with a personality, background, likes and dislikes and interact with other players (and their characters) as the person you play. Meaning you do not just think about your character as a certain AT with those powerset and costume you chose, but as a living person, with reasons of being a villain or hero. Imagine playing Spiderman or any other character in the comics, or if you wanted to be a Batman like character... or any character.
RP'ing happens with other players that think like you do (if you roleplay) and you interact with them and you will create stories... just in game. Well that is the short gist of it.
I've been RPing to different degrees in different games for over 30 years.
It always strikes me odd when someone genuinely doesn't know what it is.

What Lady Arete said is good but I could simplify the idea even more: When actors in movies or TV are 'playing' a role they are, more or less, ROLEplaying that role with the other actors around them. What you as a player can do with your characters is not really all that different, except you are basically making it up on the spot as you go instead of rehearsing it beforehand.

Or here's another idea: Did you ever play "house" or "army" or "cops and robbers" when you were a kid? That was basically the kid version of roleplaying.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Okay... I'll give 'er a go...

Grammar Is For Noobs:
"Im Ra and im be your god sun god we bury you in pyramid maybe sphinx animal head maybe bird like me you fly? superspeed maybe jackal head? okay im Set and im be your god night god you come here to city of the dead wait your fire blaster cant be night Set evil your hero maybe osiris? okay im osiris and im be your god what? Isis? no i dont play chicks"
Come now, this isn't fair. Clearly, English isn't Ra/Osiris/Isis's first language. (Despite what Stargate might have you believe.)



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
@Insane V Presents...

A Short Story on Virtue
As told from the point of view of a dormant RPer

Fightmonger Zallitharsus: We must gathereth our forces and fight for the right to become Incarnates! Forsooth! Watch as I draw my War Mace and activate my Shield powers! Gaze upon my Valkyrie kilt and ring strap chest option! For some reason my eyes are on fire! What ho!

Punky McLonerguy: I'm so brooding and all of my plots involve deep introspection, which is similar to brooding but worth repeating. Also I use the Hipster hair style, Young Face 5, the Motorcycle Leathers jacket/sleeves and the Spiked Collar detail. I mean, I wouldn't be brooding and introspective without those key items.

Catgirl: SEX

SG Leader Clay: Let's go RP in our base for 5 hours and not play the game!

Clay's SG Buddies: HEAR HEAR!

General P. Military: I'm a Mercenary MM with Mall-Ninja-level knowledge of guns and I always wear a suit. Watch as I sit in Pocket D and use /atease to look like I'm paramilitary. Please say hello to my associate, John Q. Agent.

John Q. Agent: I'm that guy who always follows the General and says cryptic things and never answers "yes" or "no" and always responds with words like "perhaps" and "possibly". I also talk about conspiracies, espionage and subterfuge even though I only know what the first one is. My other costumes all have gas masks.

Level 6 demon character: I AM ZORTHOTH! BOW TO ME, THE TIEM HAS COME!

@Insane V: ... @#$% this, I'm going to farm Council.
All of my characters are RP characters, but some of this made me chuckle (because it's true). I often do a kind of impromptu game-mastering with my team-ups. I run with a small, loose-knit group of butt-kicking RPers (no, not the A-team), and most of our RP originates from the missions we're taking and the villain groups we're fighting. Lots of action, but it's not always "RP lite". When I'm the team leader, I'll often pick one or two teammates to focus on for the night, finding ways to work their characters into the story-lines we're fighting through, creating dramatic tensions within (or even outside) the established context of the game's story arcs. So I CAN'T understand HOW we could POSSIBLY hope to push any of our stories forward by standing around in Pocket D for hours on end! Look, to each their own. All the soap opera stars can go have a super group meeting and talk about their feelings, but I'll take some butt-kicking with my RP!

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Scene_EU View Post
I'll tell you about my Mother....
*freeze screen*

Damn Skinjobs, now there even screwing up my MMORPGs...

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
All of my characters are RP characters, but some of this made me chuckle (because it's true). I often do a kind of impromptu game-mastering with my team-ups. I run with a small, loose-knit group of butt-kicking RPers (no, not the A-team), and most of our RP originates from the missions we're taking and the villain groups we're fighting. Lots of action, but it's not always "RP lite". When I'm the team leader, I'll often pick one or two teammates to focus on for the night, finding ways to work their characters into the story-lines we're fighting through, creating dramatic tensions within (or even outside) the established context of the game's story arcs. So I CAN'T understand HOW we could POSSIBLY hope to push any of our stories forward by standing around in Pocket D for hours on end! Look, to each their own. All the soap opera stars can go have a super group meeting and talk about their feelings, but I'll take some butt-kicking with my RP!
... please tell me how I can join you and your buddies in doing all that. Seriously. THAT'S what I've been looking for.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
@Insane V Presents...

A Short Story on Virtue
As told from the point of view of a dormant RPer

Fightmonger Zallitharsus: We must gathereth our forces and fight for the right to become Incarnates! Forsooth! Watch as I draw my War Mace and activate my Shield powers! Gaze upon my Valkyrie kilt and ring strap chest option! For some reason my eyes are on fire! What ho!

Punky McLonerguy: I'm so brooding and all of my plots involve deep introspection, which is similar to brooding but worth repeating. Also I use the Hipster hair style, Young Face 5, the Motorcycle Leathers jacket/sleeves and the Spiked Collar detail. I mean, I wouldn't be brooding and introspective without those key items.

Catgirl: SEX

SG Leader Clay: Let's go RP in our base for 5 hours and not play the game!

Clay's SG Buddies: HEAR HEAR!

General P. Military: I'm a Mercenary MM with Mall-Ninja-level knowledge of guns and I always wear a suit. Watch as I sit in Pocket D and use /atease to look like I'm paramilitary. Please say hello to my associate, John Q. Agent.

John Q. Agent: I'm that guy who always follows the General and says cryptic things and never answers "yes" or "no" and always responds with words like "perhaps" and "possibly". I also talk about conspiracies, espionage and subterfuge even though I only know what the first one is. My other costumes all have gas masks.

Level 6 demon character: I AM ZORTHOTH! BOW TO ME, THE TIEM HAS COME!

@Insane V: ... @#$% this, I'm going to farm Council.

But where does my Beyond the impossible English Gentleman adventurer fit into that list?

Besides he LIKES sitting around drinking tea and telling tales, it is what a Gentleman does after all. He can't constantly be stabbing crocodiles to death with the shards of glass from his monocle....that would be tiring and he'd soon run out of monocles.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
@Insane V Presents...

A Short Story on Virtue
As told from the point of view of a dormant RPer

Fightmonger Zallitharsus: We must gathereth our forces and fight for the right to become Incarnates! Forsooth! Watch as I draw my War Mace and activate my Shield powers! Gaze upon my Valkyrie kilt and ring strap chest option! For some reason my eyes are on fire! What ho!

Punky McLonerguy: I'm so brooding and all of my plots involve deep introspection, which is similar to brooding but worth repeating. Also I use the Hipster hair style, Young Face 5, the Motorcycle Leathers jacket/sleeves and the Spiked Collar detail. I mean, I wouldn't be brooding and introspective without those key items.

Catgirl: SEX

SG Leader Clay: Let's go RP in our base for 5 hours and not play the game!

Clay's SG Buddies: HEAR HEAR!

General P. Military: I'm a Mercenary MM with Mall-Ninja-level knowledge of guns and I always wear a suit. Watch as I sit in Pocket D and use /atease to look like I'm paramilitary. Please say hello to my associate, John Q. Agent.

John Q. Agent: I'm that guy who always follows the General and says cryptic things and never answers "yes" or "no" and always responds with words like "perhaps" and "possibly". I also talk about conspiracies, espionage and subterfuge even though I only know what the first one is. My other costumes all have gas masks.

Level 6 demon character: I AM ZORTHOTH! BOW TO ME, THE TIEM HAS COME!

@Insane V: ... @#$% this, I'm going to farm Council.
I lol'd at most of it.

But I do take minor issue with the SG base example being 'Not playing the game'
How? Since when?

Hell, thats a lot of what me and my SG friends do. Why? Because we have some seriously awesome base builders who build seriously awesome bases by..uh...building. And its a great place to RP. Without Captain McLOLzor in Pocket D spamming us with his leetawesome rain of fire. Or crap like that.

Oh, and then theirs the IC missions. Where we steamroller everything in our path. Because, hey, a team of 8 good players with varying ammounts of tooled up toons does that

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I lol'd at most of it.

But I do take minor issue with the SG base example being 'Not playing the game'
How? Since when?

Hell, thats a lot of what me and my SG friends do. Why? Because we have some seriously awesome base builders who build seriously awesome bases by..uh...building. And its a great place to RP. Without Captain McLOLzor in Pocket D spamming us with his leetawesome rain of fire. Or crap like that.

Oh, and then theirs the IC missions. Where we steamroller everything in our path. Because, hey, a team of 8 good players with varying ammounts of tooled up toons does that
Allow me to clarify:

The SG leader and his base buddies are a parody of a certain Virtue VG I know. They spend 90% of their time roleplaying in their base, and when asked to come out and run some RP team missions they respond with either "We're in a RP meeting" or "We'll just use the AE if we want to play the game."

Not kidding. When I say 'not play the game' I literally mean that; they do not want to do missions in zones such as Grandville, Oakes, etc. That's a big letdown, if you ask me.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
... please tell me how I can join you and your buddies in doing all that. Seriously. THAT'S what I've been looking for.
My global name is Captain-Electric on Virtue. Would be glad to have you along!

True stories below.

Sometimes on a slow night, I'll join a team full of d00ds with one of my more personable characters. I'll stay IC, but really give the mission my full effort. And more often than being poked fun at (way more often), I'll receive tells expressing some kind of interest in "some RPs".

The result can be awesome. Two of the most talented roleplayers I run with are reformed powergamers who previously had no idea you could, ya'know, play the game while roleplaying. I've watched one of them go from reluctant and awkward to fully immersed. (I'm not just being nice, here. You wouldn't suspect anything unless they told you about it.)

Our rag-tag group isn't a super group or a static team. We're a few players with a bunch of characters whose friendships and stories are gradually intertwining, usually within the context of the story arcs we fight through.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Someone's from Freedumb.
As a mainly Freedumb player, I am deeply insulted by the insinuation that the OP is from Freedumb. Even we don't want him.

Originally Posted by TheShattered View Post
Change is for heretics and servants of Tzeentch. Are YOU a heretic?!




Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Allow me to clarify:

The SG leader and his base buddies are a parody of a certain Virtue VG I know. They spend 90% of their time roleplaying in their base, and when asked to come out and run some RP team missions they respond with either "We're in a RP meeting" or "We'll just use the AE if we want to play the game."

Not kidding. When I say 'not play the game' I literally mean that; they do not want to do missions in zones such as Grandville, Oakes, etc. That's a big letdown, if you ask me.
Ahh. I now understand and fully sympathise.
Yeah...we have meeting days and mucking about in base kinda RP...
And then we go curbstroller (the offspring combination of curbstomp and steamroller all in one painful bundle of fun :3 ) enemies into fine paste in IC missioning. Tis fun

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I want to be an incarnate of Rularuu.

Well, he IS a God.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Allow me to clarify:

The SG leader and his base buddies are a parody of a certain Virtue VG I know. They spend 90% of their time roleplaying in their base, and when asked to come out and run some RP team missions they respond with either "We're in a RP meeting" or "We'll just use the AE if we want to play the game."

Not kidding. When I say 'not play the game' I literally mean that; they do not want to do missions in zones such as Grandville, Oakes, etc. That's a big letdown, if you ask me.
I agree that does sound a bit, uh, excessive.

But while you, me or anyone else you can think of might think that's a "dumb/silly" way to spend time logged into CoH who are you or I really to judge what someone else considers "fun" here? Frankly I couldn't care less if any given individual here likes to RP instead of do missions 0%, 50% or even 100% of the time. It's their money paying for the monthly subscription - they can spend it however they want. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
I want to be an incarnate of Rularuu.

Well, he IS a God.
Would you be screaming at the Giant Eyeballs of Doom that attacked you that they were 'unbelievers' and 'heretics'?

Because that is Cthulhu cultist level crazy ("Yay we get to die first with a quick death!" is about the only reason you can think for worshipping and summoning a Great old one)...and make for an interesting, if incredibly hard to play, character.