What if roleplayers controlled Incarnates




This is how I will play my Incarnates:

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by TheHangedMan View Post
This is my impression of y'all which only seems fair. This morning a bunch of people encountered something chaotic which they did not get. So they did what on every post every day. The guy who constantly degrades others and crows about how better he is put a post saying exactly that. The guy who posts funny links all the times did his standard funny link post. I could have posted anything but funny link guy desperately need a reason for the funny link. I'm better than you guy needs to declare himself better. Several of you admit you have no idea what you read but then posted a reason for schlepping out your standard response.

This company could have a great release or a terrible release but thats all irrelevant. Funny link guy will be posting funny links either way. I'm better than you guy will be same old same old. None of you will ever evolve or change. As such you no longer interest me. We have talked once and I have seen the reply I will always get from you.

Roleplayers are great. They are fun to group with. They come up with new ideas from nothing or constantly. I can run the same mission 5 times and have a new experience each time.

Power Levelers are great. Every time this game changes they adapt and become something new. Even though they claim they have one mission to repeat I have noticed they are always paying attention. They keep an eye out for some new tweak or tidbit of information they may have missed. One little thing can be magnified to become some new cavalcade of experience.

How I feel about these two groups of people was never important. An excuse for you to be the person you will always be was all that was important.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise crawling towards you. You reach down and flip the tortoise on it's back. The tortoise lays on it's back, it's belly baking in the hot sun beating it's legs, trying to turn itself over, but it can't without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?
I R Nexus 7

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Best. Response. Ever.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by TheHangedMan View Post
This is my impression of y'all which only seems fair. This morning a bunch of people encountered something chaotic which they did not get. So they did what on every post every day. The guy who constantly degrades others and crows about how better he is put a post saying exactly that. The guy who posts funny links all the times did his standard funny link post. I could have posted anything but funny link guy desperately need a reason for the funny link. I'm better than you guy needs to declare himself better. Several of you admit you have no idea what you read but then posted a reason for schlepping out your standard response.

This company could have a great release or a terrible release but thats all irrelevant. Funny link guy will be posting funny links either way. I'm better than you guy will be same old same old. None of you will ever evolve or change. As such you no longer interest me. We have talked once and I have seen the reply I will always get from you.

Roleplayers are great. They are fun to group with. They come up with new ideas from nothing or constantly. I can run the same mission 5 times and have a new experience each time.

Power Levelers are great. Every time this game changes they adapt and become something new. Even though they claim they have one mission to repeat I have noticed they are always paying attention. They keep an eye out for some new tweak or tidbit of information they may have missed. One little thing can be magnified to become some new cavalcade of experience.

How I feel about these two groups of people was never important. An excuse for you to be the person you will always be was all that was important.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Admittedly the first post confused me greatly, but I held my tongue and watched, seeing if there was going to be any reasoning from the OP about it. He gave it and it does get one thinking(Or, at least, me.) If you don't mind me asking TheHangedMan, is this actually some kind of social experiment you were trying? Was it just something you did for the heck of it? Is there a deeper reasoning?

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Admittedly the first post confused me greatly, but I held my tongue and watched, seeing if there was going to be any reasoning from the OP about it. He gave it and it does get one thinking(Or, at least, me.) If you don't mind me asking TheHangedMan, is this actually some kind of social experiment you were trying? Was it just something you did for the heck of it? Is there a deeper reasoning?
That seems to be the excuse he's falling back on and pretending was the original idea, yes.



So either he set us up the bomb, or his sense of humor is out of sync. I suspect the latter; I sensed some mistranslated frustration in his second post, which makes me wonder if there's some cultural barrier weirdness going on. My journalism classes were near my college's foreign languages lab (HUGE foreign exchange program), and I got to be friends with people from all over. And I discovered (painfully) that long-winded hyperbole is still considered to be pretty damn funny in some places.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
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I dunno, I think his post is pretty rough on powergamers too.

:Clam Control is .03 less damage and Witchery only gets me 243 different witch hat costume add ons. How about Rock Fist Melee, thats really good recharge and it breaks holds
I find this hilarious.

I find his second post to be something like a compliment sandwich. First, I say something bad about the people who have replied. Then I say something good about roleplayers. Then I say something bad about roleplayers, making it sound like I mean it to be good. Then I say something good about powergamers, and say something bad about them, making it sound like its good.

And in replying, I'm sure I've walked right into his trap. Eh, fine, at least it's entertaining.



Man, this guy's posts are so far from the truth it's not even funny.

The role player wasn't stupid enough.

Also, it wasn't using the walk emote.



Originally Posted by TheHangedMan View Post
I'm better than you guy will be same old same old. None of you will ever evolve or change. As such you no longer interest me. We have talked once and I have seen the reply I will always get from you.
Change is for heretics and servants of Tzeentch. Are YOU a heretic?!

In other news, it seems someone doesn't like people on the forums, which you could pretty much say is the internet in general. Bad place to be if you don't like people.

And something unrelated and unexpected .. bluhachib!

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



Originally Posted by TheHangedMan View Post
The guy who constantly degrades others and crows about how better he is put a post saying exactly that. The guy who posts funny links all the times did his standard funny link post.
You forgot one.

The guy who tries to be an armchair psychologist by attempting to (poorly) run social experiments on his fellow games crows how much better he is than everyone by being able to predict responses he'd receive for an asinine post.

Personally, I think that you're just backpedalling on a dumb post, but if you truly WERE running some kind of social experiment, well that's probably the biggest jerk thing you could do and places you firmly on my ignore list.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by TheHangedMan View Post
This is my impression of y'all which only seems fair. This morning a bunch of people encountered something chaotic which they did not get. So they did what on every post every day. The guy who constantly degrades others and crows about how better he is put a post saying exactly that. The guy who posts funny links all the times did his standard funny link post. I could have posted anything but funny link guy desperately need a reason for the funny link. I'm better than you guy needs to declare himself better. Several of you admit you have no idea what you read but then posted a reason for schlepping out your standard response.

This company could have a great release or a terrible release but thats all irrelevant. Funny link guy will be posting funny links either way. I'm better than you guy will be same old same old. None of you will ever evolve or change. As such you no longer interest me. We have talked once and I have seen the reply I will always get from you.

Roleplayers are great. They are fun to group with. They come up with new ideas from nothing or constantly. I can run the same mission 5 times and have a new experience each time.

Power Levelers are great. Every time this game changes they adapt and become something new. Even though they claim they have one mission to repeat I have noticed they are always paying attention. They keep an eye out for some new tweak or tidbit of information they may have missed. One little thing can be magnified to become some new cavalcade of experience.

How I feel about these two groups of people was never important. An excuse for you to be the person you will always be was all that was important.
Up your dose.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Okay... I'll give 'er a go...

Ahem, If Roleplayers Controlled Incarnates you would first have to determine what KIND of roleplayer we're talking about here...

The Script-Addict:
"Okay, so before we start RPing the scene I want to make sure we have everything locked down about what we're trying to accomplish here. Now, YOU want Incarnate powers, got that... Me? I'll play the god of fire, or should it be a goddess? And WHICH god of fire? Hey, how about Hephaestus? That way we could throw in armor references and perhaps a little weaponry to boot! .... .... (Four hours later).... Okay, I think we've got enough of the details hammered out to start. Oh darn! I've got to jet! I've got another RP I'm supposed to be discussing with a friend... I'll be playing Lord Nemesis!"

The Prose Master:
"Harken unto my words, mortal, for thou hath attracted the gaze of mine eye and the full attention of mine thoughts. Thou hath proven thyself worthy of the accolades of thine fellow mortals and yea, those very cheers and adulations hath rung deep within the echoing halls of the Immortals. Tales of thine adventures and heroism hath warmed many a long, endless night from the vaulted chambers of Valhalla to the dizzying heights and homes of Mount Olympus. Thus it is that I have descended from upon high to grant thee my favor for thine courage in the face of insurmountable odds. Kneel, therefor, before thine god and receive that which thine actions have so richly wrought."

Non-RPing Hero: "Uhhhh... could you repeat that? In English?"

The Cyber-Nookie Fiend:
"Oh, hey there hero, welcome to the Arrysium Pleasure Domes. I'm Eros and I'll be your... attendant... today. Now, the process for gaining your Incarnate powers is long... and hard... I'll be... infusing you... with my power several times over the next week or so. There'll be an "energy" exchange between us... I'll give you some... you'll give some to me... The ritual requires several positions of... ummm... "meditation"... so I hope you're on the limber side... we'll start with you worshiping at my altar... Oh, one last thing before we start... clothes hamper the energy exchange... no really... yes, even spandex."

A.D.H.D. (Action Description/Horrendous Dialog):
::The clouds roll dark and murderous overhead, in the distance the sky grumbles angrily. They roll and gather in ominous undulating waves as though battling among themselves or engaged in passionate vapor lovemaking rituals. Flashes of electrical brilliance appear, at first muted and deep within the clouds dark mass, then skittering across flexing surface like maddened fireflies in a windswept field. All at once the heavens are torn assunder as a lightning bolt the breadth of a mighty redwood tree, heavy in its years, joins war torn sky to peaceful land for a breathless instant. The world is silent in that eternity of suspended time as all shadows are anhialated in a white light as pure as justice. The thunder shatters the poised moment, rips the stillness to quivering shreds, flattening the grass at your feet outwards with the power of its oration. There, standing in the spot to which the lightning had lain claim stands the mighty Thor, hammer held tight in one battle-scarred fist. He looks at you with eyes at once hard and savagely joyful, youthful yet eternal. He speaks.::

"Howdy, dude! I'm like, totally ready to be your god and stuff."

Grammar Is For Noobs:
"Im Ra and im be your god sun god we bury you in pyramid maybe sphinx animal head maybe bird like me you fly? superspeed maybe jackal head? okay im Set and im be your god night god you come here to city of the dead wait your fire blaster cant be night Set evil your hero maybe osiris? okay im osiris and im be your god what? Isis? no i dont play chicks"

My God's Name is Sloth, What's Yours?:
"Okay, you have been teleported to the temple of the almighty war-god Ares. Umm, if you want a description go to my character's web page, I put in some links to some fantasy art websites there. Anyway, Ares appears before you... poof. Me mighty Ares, you little pissant mortal, me give you power, you accept gladly... yadda yadda yadda... we shake hands, seal soul pact, schmooz and ka-noodle.. bingo-bongo you've got god powers. See you later.. gonna log... my hands are killing me.. haven't typed this much in ages."

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by thehangedman View Post
this is my impression of y'all which only seems fair...

An excuse for you to be the person you will always be was all that was important.



My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I also don't get it. And I don't RP I just smash stuff.
Right there with you



Umm ...
How about a combination of a few of them... WITH the normal wit, intelligence and you know human know-how.
A few scripts, some good introductions, filled with quality dialogue.
Mix in some directions from the Devs/Mods, after all the Rp'er would be helping them.

I do not know if the OP meant it as an insult to RP'ers.
I know people do look down on RP'ers.. cause they.. you know get into the personality of the character and (gasp) want to play their character with triumphs and lows like in the comic books.

I hope I never meet the Cyber one... but I have NEVER met the sloth one Steel... Sure a few rp'ers may have some grammar problems, but they get rectified quickly (they want to learn). The Sloth one on your list... Not even sure that would qualify as being a Rp'er. After all Rp'ing demands attentiveness of your sorroundings (all the chat that is around you) and ALOT of typing. The sloth one would not have had the stamina to stay in a RP group.

But your list Steelclaw was humorous as always

edit: Santorican.
RP is Roleplaying. It means that you envision your character with a personality, background, likes and dislikes and interact with other players (and their characters) as the person you play. Meaning you do not just think about your character as a certain AT with those powerset and costume you chose, but as a living person, with reasons of being a villain or hero. Imagine playing Spiderman or any other character in the comics, or if you wanted to be a Batman like character... or any character.
RP'ing happens with other players that think like you do (if you roleplay) and you interact with them and you will create stories... just in game. Well that is the short gist of it.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
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I actually found the OP quite amusing.

If not, perhaps, in the way it was intended...

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
I actually found the OP quite amusing.

If not, perhaps, in the way it was intended...
I lol'd. Accurate to how Incarnates actually work? No. A rather amusing look at what happens when OOC meets IC? Indeed.