ET has first look at Green Lantern




Originally Posted by LunarKnight View Post
I thought it looked fine. Significantly better in motion than it did in stills.
Heh, yeah. That motion blur is a hell of a thing.



Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
The effects do look cheesy but they might be improved between now and the movie hitting the theaters. I'm more concerned with Ryan Reynolds coming across like he does in everything I've ever seen him in. I want to see Hal Jordan, not Ryan Reynolds.
Eh, I don't see this as bad.

Sean Connery. Harrison Ford. These are two actors that people love that pretty much play themselves. So Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds may not be such a bad thing.

Watching the trailer, it looks like he goes through some rough him learning to fly isn't him getting the ring and then POOF he can fly perfectly. Whether that's good or bad, I guess that's up to individual.

Didn't really have a problem with the mask, as it looked like a typical Green Latern mask.

I won't judge on the colors of the outfit to much. For one it didn't look that bad to me. But I also know, it's harder to get the colors to look good in the movies than it is in the comics.

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the fx weren't that bad imo, especially considering the video wasn't good quality.



Better quality vid:

I was neutral on this film. I neither like or dislike Green Lantern but I DO like super hero films regardless of character.

So I'll just say that the quality of that CGI is not promising at all...



Much better quality video. Makes some of it look better... and some of it much worse.
I like the suit transition. But the mask? I can't put my finger on it, but there's something off about it. It just doesn't look right.



Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
The effects do look cheesy but they might be improved between now and the movie hitting the theaters. I'm more concerned with Ryan Reynolds coming across like he does in everything I've ever seen him in. I want to see Hal Jordan, not Ryan Reynolds.

That's been my concern since the begining. Nothing about Ryan Reynolds says Hal Jordan to me, and Blake Lively is crap. From what I can see, Mark Strong is the only casting they got right.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
That's been my concern since the begining. Nothing about Ryan Reynolds says Hal Jordan to me, and Blake Lively is crap. From what I can see, Mark Strong is the only casting they got right.
Agreed about the Blake Lively casting. Said that since the beginning. Ryan Reynolds, on the other hand, can pull it off. I can understand them giving him a little more of a sense of humor than in the comics, since most of the time he's too stony faced and serious; they understandably wanted him to exhibit more of a personality. Plus, Hal is supposed to be the sort of guy who doesn't buy into Batman's crap, and I can see how Ryan Reynolds fits that bill.


Wanted to say, though, I hope they don't go overboard with Hal joking.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Much better quality video. Makes some of it look better... and some of it much worse.
I like the suit transition. But the mask? I can't put my finger on it, but there's something off about it. It just doesn't look right.
the mask seemed too bright



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
the mask seemed too bright
I think overall they should have darkened up the green of the uniform, but maybe they're trying to justify it by saying the Corps is supposed to be bright or something. Still doesn't excuse the bad CGI, though.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Much better quality video. Makes some of it look better... and some of it much worse.
I like the suit transition. But the mask? I can't put my finger on it, but there's something off about it. It just doesn't look right.
There's no texture on it. It's just a colour with lighting effects... basically, it looks like 80's CGI, before they learned how to make things look like they actually exist...



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Much better quality video. Makes some of it look better... and some of it much worse.
I like the suit transition. But the mask? I can't put my finger on it, but there's something off about it. It just doesn't look right.
I'll try.

First off, I'm looking at a copy of GL:Secret Origin, and the mask is almost completely different.
The mask i'm looking at (although hugs the nose like that teaser version) actually bends up passing the cheeks and then the twin peaks above each eye. Just google 'Green Lantern', Its like that in almost every version. Eyes are also completely white, not with horrid pale pupils... in other words the mask looks like this, same with 'Blackest night', same with 'Sinestro Corps', almost the same with 'No Fear' (although that mask has a peaked batman-esque nose flute a'la Alex Ross artwork).

The weird thing is, the mask on the video seems different and looks almost rectangular.
The plainest mask of all the variations is the one in the animated feature 'First Flight' but even that has more character than what i've just seen in that video. In previous leaked photos the mask looked like this, so either we are looking at it at an angle where it looks flat or they've changed it.
At 0:09 seconds it looks peaked at the temples, at 0.32 it looks different and horribly rectangular, so heres hoping its not a continuity error.

Either way I hate the bit @ 0.11secs where he shouts "I know right !", i know Hal is cocky but that just seems too typically the comedic Ryan Reynolds. I want to see Ryan Reynolds doing some character acting and portraying a decent Hal/GL - not the character absorbing Ryan Reynolds and oh hey... it looks, sounds and acts just like Ryan Reynolds.
I also don't like the way the suit is so tight, I mean theres tight and then theres "OMG, ahh my eyes !, FFS put it away !" tight, and I got the impression, the general feeling from the tone of that teaser that there'll be plenty of moments of Ryan Reynolds whipping his belt off or his shirt off (which i'm not sure will interest the majority of the fanbase going to see this).

The thing that is personally bugging me is why is Hal's face as Green Lantern (in almost every shot) red?, wth... am i missing something here?.

To summerise, this teaser has made me fear that although Martin Campbell directed a cracking Bond film in Casino Royale (my personal favourite), I'm not sure he'll set the tone right with a GL film
Also that video could just be the first stage past initial animatics with further post-production CGI to-do, but personally i doubt it because DC would of yanked any unofficial leaks and why would you tease an incomplete sfx.



he can decide on what the mask looks like right?



I think part of the problem people are having with the costume is that we're expecting it to look like cloth. I think maybe the movie is going for more of an energy thing; like the suit is actually made out of light or something.



Which is similar to how Johns has been playing it in the comics. So yeah, I can see that.

I do agree they should darken or tone down the mask a bit, though. In the comics, I've always sort of imagined it as being almost black, but with green reflective highlights or something. They don't necessarily have to do exactly that, but right now it looks a little too much like he went to a face-painting booth at the county fair.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy




My "it's crap" alarm just went off.




Yes... yes... my plan is working perfectly!
Keep fueling my starship, it run on tears and nerdrage...



I like it!



a wizard did it



The only thing that concerns me right now is anyone from the cast of Gossip Girl being in the movie, and that in the daylight/normal room shots i think the mask and costume came off a bit to "Green" but other shots looked fine.



I'm not sure why, but I find that every time I see him with the mask, he reminds me of Ben Stiller....

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