How much do you really need?
I buy 10 at a time, list 5, and keep 5 up at all times i check, with common IOs filling up spots, cuz those are easy cheap moneys. Plus i do this while afk, and i even fight with myself.. (2 toons, listing, and buying the same exact things...)
And i still make a decent profit, daily. even fighting with myself.
I've started with as little as 5000 inf before. that takes awhile to ramp up into serious profits though. my preferred strategy requires around a billion to get started on.
I've started with as little as 5000 inf before. that takes awhile to ramp up into serious profits though. my preferred strategy requires around a billion to get started on.
I agree it takes little to start. I once decided to see how much I could make without giving my toons anything. I did the tutorial...listed the large inspirations I got for cheap(they sold for a lot more) and that was enough to get me into the salvage game, and placeing and winning some sporadic lowball bids on some doctored wounds recipes which I crafted for decent profit. It all steamrolled from there.
My "First 100 million" thread started with something like 55K of cash and goods. I scavenged to a few hundred thousand and went from there.
I think of it as "doing different things at different levels of wealth." Under a couple hundred thousand it makes sense to buy up level 50 recipes for 501 inf and sell them for 10,000; it makes no sense to do that when you've got a billion inf.
Memorizing (or crafting) generics makes a lot of sense at 1 to 10 million. As does flipping crafted ones- buy six at 55K, list for 201K, sell for 250 or 300 K.
10 to 50 million it makes a lot of sense to craft low end set IO's (buy for 1 million, buy a rare salvage for 2 million, sell crafted for 5 or 10 or 20 million.)
Actually, it still makes a lot of sense to do that up to a couple hundred million... my test case on that is coming up on a billion, but I had a good run on a buy for 3MM, sell for 40MM thing or two.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
And what is the best usage of time/effort/money for 51 mill+?
300 mill+?
500 mill+?
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

There's a lot of "Buy for 20, sell for 40" stuff that you can start getting into (if we extend the "sell for 10" up to say 100 million) for the 100-300 point.
I'm not sure what the "300M to a billion" stuff is. I think "high end orange stuff" has gotten moved into, or close to, the "buy 20, sell 40" range by tip missions.
At some point, around a billion maybe, purples are the way to go.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I've started with as little as 5000 inf before. that takes awhile to ramp up into serious profits though.
The least I've ever started with was whatever I got from killing one even-con in AP on the way to the market. I used that to pick up a few hunks of salvage to flip, and inside a week he was up to a couple million in profit.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Actually, the guide in my sig covers what I suggest for getting your first millions. Salvage flipping can be very profitable (relative to amount of inf on hand) at very low levels.
Mostly this was an experiment to see if I could make a go of it crafting IO sets with only 1 million.
Re: Purples after a billion...
I still avoid these things like the plague. I've made a couple hundred million off of a few - but that market is extremely volatile and I'm not knowledgeable enough about what the "normal" price is to make my bids on recipes. So anyone wanting to jump into that market would probably do well to do a LOT of research on prices before jumping in.
I don't try to keep track of normal prices. I go for a very short timeframe- buy it and sell the crafted the same day, ideally. So far I have only gotten my fingers pinched once or twice, and you can make ... buy for 256M, sell for 350M, minus 6.1 million of salvage, 0.6 million crafting fee [round that all up to 7M], and a 35M wentfee, that's a 51 million inf profit.
It's dangerous, true, because sometimes prices just drop by 50 million, but there's good money in it.
And it burns a lot in market fees.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
You can easily start with < 100 inf.
The only things that change are the niches you can invest in, and the time
it will take to reach an arbitrary wealth target (and the "time" part could
easily be argued even then).
Typically, I used these ranges (loosely speaking)
INF NICHE 1 - 15K Inspirations (bid 11 or so, flip for 1000 or so) L50 SO's (bid 111 or so, vend what you get) 15K-100M Common Recipe Vendoring (definitive guide in sig) Salvage Flipping Lowballed set IO (crafted from drops/bargain purchases) Crafting Generic Common IOs (Memorized recipes) 100M-2B Premium Set IO's including procs.(%Chance, Perf Shifters etc) Purple Flipping.
of these at the same time...
As Fulmen's rightly points out, some of the strategies are definitely not
worth the time past certain wealth points, and some are, of course, not
doable until you've reached certain wealth points (can't flip purples with
only 50K, and lowball SO's are a waste of time when you have 100M+)
The point I'm making? Regardless of your state of poverty, you can
easily climb the income brackets relatively quickly - even starting from
Any amount of Inf > 0 is workable into an arbitrarily sized fortune.
All it takes is a little time, a little knowledge, and a little effort...
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
Re: Purples after a billion...
I still avoid these things like the plague. I've made a couple hundred million off of a few - but that market is extremely volatile and I'm not knowledgeable enough about what the "normal" price is to make my bids on recipes. So anyone wanting to jump into that market would probably do well to do a LOT of research on prices before jumping in. |

I started with 150m and ended up with over 8b in a month. I'd say you can start with 90-100m. Really you can start with just 50k or so, and start flipping Positron's Blast, Performance Shifter +End, and other lowbie large spread IO's.
I don't try to keep track of normal prices. I go for a very short timeframe- buy it and sell the crafted the same day, ideally. So far I have only gotten my fingers pinched once or twice, and you can make ... buy for 256M, sell for 350M, minus 6.1 million of salvage, 0.6 million crafting fee [round that all up to 7M], and a 35M wentfee, that's a 51 million inf profit.
It's dangerous, true, because sometimes prices just drop by 50 million, but there's good money in it. And it burns a lot in market fees. |
I don't really do any research, basing my decision to buy/sell completely on the last 5, and I would estimate that I get burnt (as in lose money on the transaction) less than 10% of the time. Considering the obscene profits I make on the other 90%, I find that acceptable.
To run my inf creating machine requires about 11B tied up in the market over 25 toons. Of course I'm generating about 650M and managing 5 toons per day, mostly on high-end stuff.
When I ramped these toons up they all mostly started with whatever they popped from kills and I did stuff like flip alchemical silver (6k bids and 25k sells back then) and brainstorm farming (1k bids on base salvage -- turn 20 into rare salvage randoms for avg sale of like 1M or so) to generate their first millions....then I moved on to crafting generics and common set IOs. Eventually I move into buy/craft for 20 sell for 40 stuff which Fulmens mentioned. Finally I *cough*.....wait........move on to more profitable stuff.
She locks down niches. I raid other people's niches like a mammal eatin' dino-eggs. Her way is more profitable, but I could tell you everything I bought and sold, what my prices were, and it would have NO EFFECT on my ability to make money*.
* Well, I can't tell you, because I don't write em down, but it's the principle of the thing.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Edit: Deleted cause I'm slow and wasn't catching on.
For some reason, I clicked on the thread title expecting it to be about how much inf you need to stop marketeering. To retire, so to speak. I don't know what I was thinking!
I'm not sure what the "300M to a billion" stuff is. I think "high end orange stuff" has gotten moved into, or close to, the "buy 20, sell 40" range by tip missions.
At some point, around a billion maybe, purples are the way to go. |
The 'buy for 20, sell for 40' stuff seems to be getting a lot rarer. Back in my day, that was damn near everything worth slotting, but the average profit margins on most IOs seem to be a lot thinner now. There're still some out there, but they seem a lot scarcer than they used to be.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
If I am building a bankroll on a toon merit farming ae is better inf/time for me up till the 250 mill mark. Then I can start reliably making more inf. marketing than rolling bronze.
What do you do with all the profits? I know it's nice to see a big number in your Inf column, but what do you do with it?
I don't want to have to marketeer just to buy the IO sets I want for my character. Several times I have not had enough to even buy the common IO recipes, so I don't bother. Doesn't spoil my enjoyment, just makes me wonder why you raise prices just because you can.
Unless you are making donations to the new players so they feel they have a chance in the market?
Stone Pharoah:Tanker Lvl 50 Stone/SS
Robospike:Mastermind Lvl 50 Robotics/FF/Mu
Static Burn:Blaster Lvl 50 Fire/Electric/Munitions
Hidden Burn:Tanker Lvl 50 Fire/Dark
More on the way...
What do you do with all the profits? I know it's nice to see a big number in your Inf column, but what do you do with it?
I don't want to have to marketeer just to buy the IO sets I want for my character. Several times I have not had enough to even buy the common IO recipes, so I don't bother. Doesn't spoil my enjoyment, just makes me wonder why you raise prices just because you can.
Also, You dont have to marketeer to get sets. You can use hero merits, AE rolls, or regular old friendly merits. Beat up mobs till you get the salvage needed to craft them, and presto, sets. It will just take much longer to fully kit out a toon, if thats what you want. If you want it faster than that, I guess one will need to marketeer.
I dont want to have to work to buy a new computer, I just want to have a computer with all the bells and whistles. Right....
Unless you are making donations to the new players so they feel they have a chance in the market?
Unfortunately, that is also the laziest way to pay it forward. Many people in this thread go out of thier way to explain how to make influence, so you can kit out a toon. Some even use illustrations. Please dont forget, sure, they may market, but they also produce alot of "goods" as well. So can you. Find a nice drop that you cant use on your build? Sell it! Make millions, Kit out a toon!
What do you do with all the profits? I know it's nice to see a big number in your Inf column, but what do you do with it?
I don't want to have to marketeer just to buy the IO sets I want for my character. Several times I have not had enough to even buy the common IO recipes, so I don't bother. Doesn't spoil my enjoyment, just makes me wonder why you raise prices just because you can. Unless you are making donations to the new players so they feel they have a chance in the market? |
No one here advocates raising prices. Its not good for profits if nothing else. In fact we do experiments to see if we have any long term impact on the market with our shenanigans. Mostly we can do very little manipulation on a large scale. Sure sometimes I can play around with things to see how they work but theres more profit to be made in less instense fashion just capitalizing on well-documented supply and demand swings.
Why do I gather inf? To make more inf.....if truth be told. You need a large pile of inf to make another large pile of inf on the market (or its easier). Then you buy IOs with that inf. I have several top-end IOed to the gills characters that are terrific to play. Thats what I like to do. You may want to play differently. I applaud that...the fun part about the market is it allows both of us to play the way we want to
I wondered to myself - I said, "Self, how much do you really need to start marketeering?"
what the heck?!!

I would have answered myself, but then people would think I'm crazy...
When I sat down to do some serious marketeering, I sent my marketeer 150 million. I figure that is what I could part with and have no real issue if I lost it all.
Well, that was enough.
As I evolved, I found I wanted into the bigger markets. This lead me to keeping about 500 mil or more on 1 of my marketeers.
I then evolved into serious lazy speculation. I would list mid-range bids on expensive IOs, craft em, and list em for cost - allowing people to over pay me what they thought my time was worth. Apparently people think my time is worth a lot lol. This caused me to have a 2nd marketeer with 800 mil+ on him (cash and bids).
As I was flipping through my characters I came upon my first "official" marketeer. She's on Freedom, and I decided to move shop as I find the market on Freedom exceedingly annoying.
Anywho, I logged into her and for some reason I had let 1 million on her. Probably a typo. Seeing this I said to myself "Self, what do you s'pose we could do with that million?"
Again, I didn't answer. Silly people.
I decided to give straight crafting a shot. I took my mil and looked into set IOs that were going for ~5 mil which had recipes on the cheap. I found one, bid on 5 recipes and logged off.
Came back the next day and *poof*! I had bought them! YAY!
After some bid creeping on the salvage, I had to leave up my lowball bids and walk away for another day before I had enough salvage to make the 5 recipes I had bought.
Off to the table!
Bam! 1 done! Bam! 2 done! Bam! 3 done! *bzzt*
Oh dang... I don't have enough inf to make the 4th and 5th ones!!
Off to the market.
I list 1 using the 50% mark up method and log off since I didn't have enough inf to list 2 lol.
Day 3 now and I sold my enhancement! YAY!
I quickly take my massive profits and go craft the other 2 IOs. I then (being a tiny bit smarter) list the 4 IOs I have before looking for more recipes to buy. I bid on 10 recipes this time! (2 sets of 5) and I'm out of money again. *sigh*
Day 4 dawns with 4 sales and 8 purchases!
I am now in business people!
Here's my rules for myself (rules put in place to keep me from forgetting about her lol):
I have been at this for 6 days now.
I have 125 million on this character.
So, I now turn to myself and I say, "Self, I do believe you can become an ebil marketeer with nothing more than 1 million. Perhaps less. But a million is a nice round number."
My self doesn't answer me though. Cause only crazy people talk to themselves... right?