Mensa's NCAA-style tourney of heroes...




For those who don't know, Mensa is an international organization whose sole qualification to join is that a prospective member's IQ has to be in the top 2% of the world.

Well, in this month's USA Mensa bulletin, they have presented a 64 member, 4 region Heroes Challenge. Members are to vote on their favorite in each bracket beginning Nov 1, with the Finals beginning Dec 6 and the winner crowned in March 2011.

I'll break down the brackets for you, and if there's any interest, keep you updated on the progress of the tourney.

But before I begin, wtf? No Doctor Who? No Tarzan?

Region 1: Literary Heroes
#1 Gandalf vs 16 Charlotte (of Charlotte’s Web)
8 Jane Eyre vs 9 Hercules
5 King Arthur vs 12 Elizabeth Bennet (no idea who this is)
4 Sherlock Holmes vs 13 Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes)
6 Odysseus vs 11 Robin Hood
3 Harry Potter vs 14 Scarlet O’Hara
7 Albus Dumbledore vs 10 Zorro
2 Atticus Finch vs 15 D’Artagnan

Region 2: Superheroes
#1 Superman vs 16 Blade
8 Lara Croft vs 9 Captain America
5 Wonder Woman vs 12 Punisher
4 Spider-Man vs 13 Ghost Rider
6 Hulk vs 11 Thing
3 Wolverine vs 14 Aeon Flux
7 Optimus Prime vs 10 Hellboy
2 Batman vs 15 Catwoman

Region 3: Theatrical Heroes
1 Yoda vs 16 Juror #8 (from Twelve Angry Men)
8 Han Solo vs 9 Jack Sparrow
5 Rocky Balboa vs 12 Rick Blaine (from Casablanca)
4 Jason Bourne vs 13 Beatrix Kiddo
6 Captain Kirk vs 11 Ash Williams
3 Indiana Jones vs 14 George Bailey (from It’s a Wonderful Life)
7 John McClane vs 10 Ellen Ripley
2 James Bond vs 15 Clarice Starling

Region 4: Historical Heroes
#1 Abraham Lincoln vs 16 Florence Nightingale
8 Charles Darwin vs 9 Michelangelo (NOT the Ninja Turtle, Durakken)
5 Thomas Edison vs 12 Alexander the Great
4 Martin Luther King, Jr vs 13 Marie Curie
6 Joan of Arc vs 11 Beethoven
3 George Washington vs 14 Jonas Salk
7 Isaac Newton vs 10 Winston Churchill
2 Albert Einstein vs 15 Louis Pasteur

The Region 1 winner meets the Region 2 winner in the Final Four. The Region 3 winner meets the Region 4 winner in the Final Four.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."
-Atticus Finch


Also on Steam



There are some really odd inclusions there. I mean, Charlotte's Web? Really?

For that matter, who decided the seeding of this tournament? Jane Eyre seeded higher than Hercules? A bunch of geniuses worked this out, heh?



Some of these are obvious throw-away matches.

4 Jason Bourne vs 13 Beatrix Kiddo
2 James Bond vs 15 Clarice Starling

should be

4 Jason Bourne vs 2 James Bond
13 Beatrix Kiddo vs Clarice Starling



Some are pretty meh.

Others have some potential. Han Solo versus Ash? Hooboy...

Holmes versus Calvin only looks like a mismatch if you're not aware of the sheer /chaos/ Calvin can seed around him. I doubt he'll win, but Holmes should be forcefully reminded of why he doesn't have any kids himself

"Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." --Sun Tzu, The Art of War



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
Some of these are obvious throw-away matches.

4 Jason Bourne vs 13 Beatrix Kiddo
2 James Bond vs 15 Clarice Starling

should be

4 Jason Bourne vs 2 James Bond
13 Beatrix Kiddo vs Clarice Starling
That's not how ranking tourney brackets work.



I'm trying to figure out how Lara Croft made it on the list of Super Heroes.

Huge tracks of land are not super powers, though they are super.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
12 Elizabeth Bennet (no idea who this is)
She's the main character from Pride and Prejudice.



I really want to pick Gandalf over Charlotte from Charlotte's Web, but he didn't face Shelob in the books.

Now, if it was Samwise...

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
I really want to pick Gandalf over Charlotte from Charlotte's Web, but he didn't face Shelob in the books.

Now, if it was Samwise...
Yeah, but Charlotte is a normal size spider, not a giant monster spider. I think the only way she could beat Gandalf is by distracting him with a beautiful web and then biting him on the throat or something. Or...wait, is Charlotte from a species of poisonous spider?

Also, I'm disappointed that they didn't have Anne Frank vs. Lizzie Borden (granted, Lizzie isn't a hero, but still she must be on the list!).

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



I'm confused by the list. Why are characters like Wolverine, Han Solo, Blade, Ghost Rider, ect even on the list? Charlotte? Most dimwitted humans are capable of writing human language, which was her claim to fame. Unless your talking about spider mensa. I'm looking at it as pure brainpower. Harry Potter made the list but throughout the course of the books, Harry Potter is bloody thick. Come to think of it I can't think of anytime where he shows any real intelligence. Don't mean to be a downer but it's hard to vote when I find myself questioning the participants.

Way to many alts.



Originally Posted by Scarlet_Phantom View Post
I'm confused by the list. Why are characters like Wolverine, Han Solo, Blade, Ghost Rider, ect even on the list? Charlotte? Most dimwitted humans are capable of writing human language, which was her claim to fame. Unless your talking about spider mensa. I'm looking at it as pure brainpower. Harry Potter made the list but throughout the course of the books, Harry Potter is bloody thick. Come to think of it I can't think of anytime where he shows any real intelligence. Don't mean to be a downer but it's hard to vote when I find myself questioning the participants.

With characters like Hulk and Rocky Balboa on the list, it's pretty clear that intelligence isn't the primary consideration for inclusion. I'm honestly not sure what kind of measuring stick they are using as the whole thing seems rather random.

It might make more sense if it was more clear, but not being a member of Mensa I guess I'm not smart enough to figure it out



Yeah, after reading it a second time I guess it's just supposed to be a tourney for favorites of mensa members. Not necessarily a battle of minds.

Way to many alts.



afaik, the whole thing is just a popularity contest. Also afaik, the general Mensa membership did not choose the candidates, the editors of the Mensa USA Bulletin chose the candidates; and then submitted to the general membership to choose their favorites.

That being said, I'll pick Calvin vs Spider-Man and Indiana Jones vs Darwin in the Final Four, with Calvin going all the way.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



NOT a necro post!
Round 1 finished yesterday, winners in Bold
Region 1: Literary Heroes
#1 Gandalf vs 16 Charlotte
8 Jane Eyre vs 9 Hercules
5 King Arthur vs 12 Elizabeth Bennet
4 Sherlock Holmes vs 13 Calvin [No wai! Calvin is way kewler!]
6 Odysseus vs 11 Robin Hood
3 Harry Potter vs 14 Scarlet O’Hara
7 Albus Dumbledore vs 10 Zorro
2 Atticus Finch vs 15 D’Artagnan

Region 2: Superheroes
#1 Superman vs 16 Blade [Blade … bites … the dust….]
8 Lara Croft vs 9 Captain America
5 Wonder Woman vs 12 Punisher
4 Spider-Man vs 13 Ghost Rider
6 Hulk vs 11 Thing
3 Wolverine vs 14 Aeon Flux
7 Optimus Prime vs 10 Hellboy
2 Batman vs 15 Catwoman

Region 3: Theatrical Heroes
1 Yoda vs 16 Juror #8
8 Han Solo vs 9 Jack Sparrow [I guess Han shot first?]
5 Rocky Balboa vs 12 Rick Blaine
4 Jason Bourne vs 13 Beatrix Kiddo [If only Jason’s first name had been Bill…]
6 Captain Kirk vs 11 Ash Williams [I guess Ash ran outta gas…]
3 Indiana Jones vs 14 George Bailey
7 John McClane vs 10 Ellen Ripley
2 James Bond vs 15 Clarice Starling [I’ll bet he got her number first…]

Region 4: Historical Heroes
#1 Abraham Lincoln vs 16 Florence Nightingale
8 Charles Darwin vs 9 Michelangelo
5 Thomas Edison vs 12 Alexander the Great
4 Martin Luther King, Jr vs 13 Marie Curie
6 Joan of Arc vs 11 Beethoven
3 George Washington vs 14 Jonas Salk
7 Isaac Newton vs 10 Winston Churchill
2 Albert Einstein vs 15 Louis Pasteur [What with all the voters being Mensans, I would expect all the brainiacs to win this region. Well, except Salk and Curie.]

Round 2 winners announced next Monday, Nov 15!
Region 1: Literary Heroes
#1 Gandalf vs 9 Hercules
5 King Arthur vs 4 Sherlock Holmes
6 Odysseus vs 3 Harry Potter
7 Albus Dumbledore vs 2 Atticus Finch

Region 2: Superheroes
#1 Superman vs 9 Captain America [Oooh, whatta matchup!]
5 Wonder Woman vs 4 Spider-Man [Another good matchup!]
6 Hulk vs 3 Wolverine [Of course, everyone knows, Wolverine’s first appearance was vs Hulk]
7 Optimus Prime vs 2 Batman

Region 3: Theatrical Heroes
1 Yoda vs 8 Han Solo [You all know what they say about blasters and hokey religions…]
5 Rocky Balboa vs 4 Jason Bourne
6 Captain Kirk vs 3 Indiana Jones [I get the feeling that this region’s gonna be Jones vs Solo]
10 Ellen Ripley vs 2 James Bond [Another entry in Bond’s little black book…]

Region 4: Historical Heroes
#1 Abraham Lincoln vs 8 Charles Darwin
5 Thomas Edison vs 4 Martin Luther King, Jr
11 Beethoven vs 3 George Washington [Sorry, George, but you’re Dun, dun, dun, DONE!]
7 Isaac Newton vs 2 Albert Einstein

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Lara Croft is the token video game character?




Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
Lara Croft is the token video game character?

This is Mensa. I doubt many of them have any video game knowledge beyond Pong and Pacman.

edit: Although I'm not sure I'd qualify Lara Croft as a superhero. Unless making pre-teen boys horny is a super power, in which case about 52% of the planet is populated by superheroes.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Let's see how close I come to picking the winners

#1 Gandalf vs 9 Hercules: Gandalf will win this one

5 King Arthur vs 4 Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes

6 Odysseus vs 3 Harry Potter: Harry Potter

7 Albus Dumbledore vs 2 Atticus Finch: Albus Dumbledore

#1 Superman vs 9 Captain America: Superman

5 Wonder Woman vs 4 Spider-Man: Spider-Man

6 Hulk vs 3 Wolverine: Wolverine

7 Optimus Prime vs 2 Batman: Batman

1 Yoda vs 8 Han Solo: Han Solo

5 Rocky Balboa vs 4 Jason Bourne: Jason Bourne

6 Captain Kirk vs 3 Indiana Jones: Captain Kirk

10 Ellen Ripley vs 2 James Bond: James Bond

#1 Abraham Lincoln vs 8 Charles Darwin: Abraham Lincoln

5 Thomas Edison vs 4 Martin Luther King, Jr: Martin Luther King Jr

11 Beethoven vs 3 George Washington: Beethoven

7 Isaac Newton vs 2 Albert Einstein: Albert Einstein

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I really hope Region 1 comes down to Gandalf vs. Dumbledore. My girlfriend insists Dumbledore would win, and she simply will not listen to reason.

On a side note, Han Solo & Jack Sparrow would make an excellent buddy cop movie.



Since BrandX did it, I'll do my own predictions of the winners, too. Note that these would not necessarily be my choices; these are the characters I think will win the voting.

Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
Region 1: Literary Heroes
1 Gandalf
4 Sherlock Holmes
3 Harry Potter
2 Atticus Finch

Region 2: Superheroes
1 Superman
4 Spider-Man
6 Hulk
2 Batman

Region 3: Theatrical Heroes
8 Han Solo [You all know what they say about blasters and hokey religions…]
5 Rocky Balboa
3 Indiana Jones [This one was tough to pick.]
2 James Bond

Region 4: Historical Heroes
1 Abraham Lincoln
4 Martin Luther King, Jr
11 Beethoven
2 Albert Einstein
I'm calling the top three now as King, Finch, and Batman, not necessarily in that order.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



<using Boogers voice from Revenge of the Nerds> Boy you Mensa's sure can party



Round 2 winners in Blue!
Region 1: Literary Heroes
#1 Gandalf vs 9 Hercules
5 King Arthur vs 4 Sherlock Holmes
6 Odysseus vs 3 Harry Potter
7 Albus Dumbledore vs 2 Atticus Finch [Wow, both Harry Potter superstars eliminated]

Region 2: Superheroes
#1 Superman vs 9 Captain America [the peekchurs associated with the contest showed the Bucky version of Cap. Woulda gone the other way if it had been Rogers...]
5 Wonder Woman vs 4 Spider-Man
6 Hulk vs 3 Wolverine
7 Optimus Prime vs 2 Batman

Region 3: Theatrical Heroes
1 Yoda vs 8 Han Solo [So, Han, what do they say about blasters and hokey religions?]
5 Rocky Balboa vs 4 Jason Bourne[Guess Rocky finally found someone he couldn’t go the distance against…]
6 Captain Kirk vs 3 Indiana Jones
10 Ellen Ripley vs 2 James Bond[insert something appropriately misogynistic here…]

Region 4: Historical Heroes
#1 Abraham Lincoln vs 8 Charles Darwin
5 Thomas Edison vs 4 Martin Luther King, Jr
11 Beethoven vs 3 George Washington[Sorry, Ludwig, but you’re dun-dun-dun-DONE…]
7 Isaac Newton vs 2 Albert Einstein

Round 3 winners announced next Monday, November 22, 2010:
Region 1: Literary Heroes
#1 Gandalf vs 4 Sherlock Holmes
6 Odysseus vs 2 Atticus Finch

Region 2: Superheroes
#1 Superman vs 4 Spider-Man
3 Wolverinevs 2 Batman [Does Batman have a plan for adamantium skeleton, adamantium claws and infinite regeneration?]

Region 3: Theatrical Heroes
1 Yoda vs 4 Jason Bourne [you gotta be kiddin'; that's not even gonna be close...]
3 Indiana Jones vs 2 James Bond

Region 4: Historical Heroes
#1 Abraham Lincoln vs 5 Thomas Edison
3 George Washingtonvs 2 Albert Einstein

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Round 3 winners in blue!
Region 1: Literary Heroes
#1 Gandalf vs 4 Sherlock Holmes
6 Odysseus vs 2 Atticus Finch

Region 2: Superheroes
#1 Superman vs 4 Spider-Man
3 Wolverine vs 2 Batman

Region 3: Theatrical Heroes
#1 Yoda vs 4 Jason Bourne
3 Indiana Jones vs 2 James Bond

Region 4: Historical Heroes
#1 Abraham Lincoln vs 5 Thomas Edison
3 George Washington vs 2 Albert Einstein

Round 4 winners announced November 29th:
Region 1: Literary Heroes
#2 Atticus Finch vs 4 Sherlock Holmes [Since it’s only Mensans voting, I’ll guess Holmes’ gonna win]

Region 2: Superheroes
#1 Superman vs 2 Batman [in the ‘leventy times this has been done already, has Supes ever won?]

Region 3: Theatrical Heroes
#1 Yoda vs 3 Indiana Jones [Can hokey religions beat a .38 and whip by your side?]

Region 4: Historical Heroes
#1 Abraham Lincoln vs 2 Albert Einstein [I voted for Link, but I’ll guess most Mensans would pick Al]

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Obviously Batman is going to win it all.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405