Honoring of Back Alley Brawler and the 8 at Galaxy City tonight?




Originally Posted by Tic-Toc View Post
But "BABs" just sounds right.
You sure about that??

Thank you for setting this shindig up Marcian! It was wonderful seeing our community come together to pay tribute to those who made our game so great.

Fare thee well Back Alley Brawler and the unnamed 8. You will be sorely missed.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You've never used WASD or the arrow keys?
I see wut you did there

Originally Posted by Manoa View Post
You sure about that??

Thank you for setting this shindig up Marcian! It was wonderful seeing our community come together to pay tribute to those who made our game so great.

Fare thee well Back Alley Brawler and the unnamed 8. You will be sorely missed.
and there!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Another good way of honoring him would be to call him BAB, and not BaB, BABS, BaBS, Babs or BaBs
But BaBs is a cool name, makes me think of BaGs, you know Brain Austin Green

You know whats really weird, not only do their names sound alike but look at this photo I took at Herocon 2 years ago, its BaBs speaking at a panel

They even look like the same person.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
My proposal:

We roll lowbie toons at meet at Galaxy City as a way of discussing, honoring, and thanking (if they show up) the nine people that were recently laid off.

--PROPOSED Details:--
Justice Server
Galaxy City (By the Trainer)
7:15 PM (Pacific Time)

What details could we bring to makes this event better?

This event is to honor and thank people that have worked to provide us with a product we enjoy so much, we pay money again and again just to be a part of it.

Who would be interested?
I would have been interested, except I did not read the forums while this was going on

Is it possible to hold another, but with a planned start time so those of us who missed out can have another chance to honor BABS in company of fellow Heroes and the reformed shady folk?


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Mermoine View Post

I have 74 screenshots from tonight, in various poses and angles if anybody would like a copy of something.

Thank you everyone that showed up tonight for this. I hope BaB truly gets the message how much he is loved and will be missed.

And to all the people that shall not be named, who were invisible tonight. Thank you for coming.
I am sorry I missed this. I would have been there in a heartbeat


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



I would have loved to have come to this. I considered making a trial account and rolling out a quick funeral-clad Storm, until I realised that the gathering would be at around four in the morning for me. I like sleep.

I hope BaBs knows just how fond of him this community is. The pictures here are heartwarming, and this one is just downright beautiful:

Very nice work, all.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Well, the girl-BAB all the way to the left was "In Honor of BaB," my tribute girl. I logged her out next to Back Alley Brawler and there she shall remain <3
Yeah, the girl all the way to the right was just something I'd already made on that server for a now-in-limbo return to comic guides... one that was gonna have a "mock interview" with some devs. In each, I had an interlude pic that had the interviewer (shandora) dressed in each signature hero's theme, posed next to the interviewee. Babs was the first one I was working on.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't forget that he had a normal private game account as well as his red name account, so it's quite possible he'll still play, even if he'll never let on who he is
Are you kidding? He took the early retirement so he could focus on more important things like C*v V. Duh!



If I hadn't been without internet last night I would have been there so assume I was there in spirit.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



It was great to see as many show up as did.
We had a few moments of idle chatter before it all started and everyone even managed to keep the powers down.

No stupidity going on of spamming powers, everyone doing what was asked .... yes... even the monkeydance.

Chris is a well liked person because of his work talent and his personality.

While I'm sure all of the people at Paragon are great, we are only given the opportunity to talk to a scant few of them.
Chris took that opportunity with us and allowed us to 'make him become one of us'.

Thanks to everyone that could show up to show some support for the man who gave us 'teabag' haha.

Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server



Few others, now that I'm not at work - mostly inside the crowd, with one earlier as the gathering was getting started.



I REALLY wish I could have been there.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You've never used WASD or the arrow keys?
I do have 1 level 50 Tanker

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
I do have 1 level 50 Tanker
So do the Kheldian player who don't know where the Atlas Park train station is

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Video of the Farewell Party

The people I've linked it too so far in the US have been able to play it but if it's not working for anyone please let me know (and which country you are in for reference) and I'll try to re-upload another version.

I would also like to say while editing the video Super Ratz had me rolling on the floor with how his MJ dance was almost perfectly synced with Everybody's Free.



Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
Video of the Farewell Party

The people I've linked it too so far in the US have been able to play it but if it's not working for anyone please let me know (and which country you are in for reference) and I'll try to re-upload another version.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So do the Kheldian player who don't know where the Atlas Park train station is
Bah! Samuraiko has pics of me in the Shadow Shard and Cim. Ask her if I can find the train

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
Video of the Farewell Party

The people I've linked it too so far in the US have been able to play it but if it's not working for anyone please let me know (and which country you are in for reference) and I'll try to re-upload another version.

I would also like to say while editing the video Super Ratz had me rolling on the floor with how his MJ dance was almost perfectly synced with Everybody's Free.
Good times Thank you for posting it

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



I think very few devs in this industry get this kind of fond reaction from the games they leave. I can't think of any devs outside of this game that I actually like and appreciate, let alone with the depths of friendliness I feel for the CoX devs. I hope BAB sees this video and knows how deeply he was appreciated.



Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
Video of the Farewell Party

The people I've linked it too so far in the US have been able to play it but if it's not working for anyone please let me know (and which country you are in for reference) and I'll try to re-upload another version.

I would also like to say while editing the video Super Ratz had me rolling on the floor with how his MJ dance was almost perfectly synced with Everybody's Free.
Awesome Video!

<3 BaBs.

Everlasting Ruling Authority@President SK



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I think very few devs in this industry get this kind of fond reaction from the games they leave. I can't think of any devs outside of this game that I actually like and appreciate, let alone with the depths of friendliness I feel for the CoX devs. I hope BAB sees this video and knows how deeply he was appreciated.

I will take it a step further and say there was at least one game (HGL) where I had a strong dislike of the devs.

I hate I missed this, I didn't get home from school till 11:45 est though.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I will take it a step further and say there was at least one game (HGL) where I had a strong dislike of the devs.

I hate I missed this, I didn't get home from school till 11:45 est though.
I was going to try and find a better time, but people had started camping out for the event upwards of two hours in advance. The train gained momentum too quickly for me to change the tracks.

That's a lot of BAB love!



LOL, the holding of the torch, is a nice touch. Awesome.



That was a pretty sweet video.