Could /Regen use something else?




Ahh /Regen... One of my first characters was a Dual Blades/Regeneration Scrapper made about 400 days ago, back when I read alot of threads about how /Regen was awesome and all the shenanigans Katana/Regen Scrappers had with AV's.

But having played /WP I can't help but think that /Regen is needing a little something, perhaps my build isn't quite as good as it needs to be? Perhaps I just forgot how to play /Regen... But it does seem inferior to /WP...

So a little comparison:

Constant high amout of +regeneration.
Heal with a 1 minute base recharge.
+Max HP and moderate heal with a 6 minute base recharge and 2 minute duration.
Huge +regeneration power with a 10.8 minute base recharge and 1.5 minute duration.
Godmode +defence and + resist power with a 4 minute recharge and 15 second duration.
Trivial +resistance auto power.

Auto +max health and trivial resistance power.
Moderate S/L and Psionics resistance toggle power.
Minor Psionics defence.
Moderate to high regen based off number of surrounding enemies which also reduces the tohit of nearby enemies.
Moderate +Elemental and Energy Defence and minor S/L defence.
Moderate +S/L resist and minor all other damage +Resist 5 minute base recharge 2 minute duration "Godmode" with a crash.

So it looks pretty fair, /Regen gets bursts of godmode ontop of high regen with a clicky heal to mitigate large hits, but Willpower has nice resists to the main damage types and not bad defence to other damage types and can get similar regen to /Regen in large groups of enemies with the resists making up the difference when down to lower numbers.

But my /Willpower character survives alot better than my /Regen character, even if my /regen uses hasten and has recharge slotted in all the clickies, it seems to be all down to the constant +Health in WP along with resists and -tohit limiting the damage taken to allow to regen to work its magic.

I can't help but think that /Regen needs either I bit more regen (So that it will be higher than Willpower stood in 10 guys without needing to use a long recharge clicky) or perhaps making Resilience a decent power but I'm not sure what could be done to it with the Cottage Rule.

So what does everyone else think about the Regen vs Willpower situation?



The only thing I'd like added to Regen is -Rech and -Regen resists. If only one of those, -Rech resist. A well played and built /Regen can survive insane things. I would probably like playing a Regen if I could stand the clickiness and redraw when paired with Katana which is the only set I'd like to pair it with.

WP on the other hand, it survives better when on "autopilot". When fit hits the shan there isn't much WP can do to help it because it's all toggles and autopowers outside SoW. Regen on the other hand excels in this kind of situations because it can push the limits of its survivability very high.

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Originally Posted by Kiwi View Post
So what does everyone else think about the Regen vs Willpower situation?
I think it's a dead horse issue that comes up fairly often. /regen needs -regen resistance and that's about it. I soloed in my 30s for 5 levels without using the click powers and I never died. This was with SOs. There have been a number of times I have died on a WP character and I did so out of frustration thinking my /regen could have pulled it off. WP has less "oh crap moments," but has less ways to deal with those moments than /regen. With WP, if you get low on HP you basically have to be in the middle of a mob and hope it ends well.



I think Regen is still one of the very best sets available and buffing it in any substantial way (aside from giving it a bit more -Regen resistance) would be incredibly silly.

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Anything with layered protection like Willpower is going to feel more sturdy than the click heavy Regen. When you start adding +def, and +resist (from IOs or otherwise), Regen gets real sturdy, real quick.

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Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I think it's a dead horse issue that comes up fairly often. /regen needs -regen resistance and that's about it. I soloed in my 30s for 5 levels without using the click powers and I never died.
I would vastly prefer that it got -recharge resistance.

(a) The regen debuffs out there are preposterously large. You would need on the order of 90% resistance to make them not automatically floor you regardless.
(b) While I am regen debuffed from time to time, I cannot ever remember that alone getting me killed if I still have my click heals.
(c) When I am recharged debuffed (which happens a lot more often than I am regen debuffed), my regen alone is never enough to save me except sometimes if I can still use Instant Healing. My click heals and Reconstruction in particular are a much larger component of my regularly-available survival tools.

However, I do think that such a buff would be "nice to have", and aren't "needed" per se.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
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WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Debuff resists for recharge and regen.

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We don't want the Dev's attention back on /Regen.
Trust me.

Everytime they look at the set it gets nerfed, not buffed.

Its somewhat of a meme around here.

That said, Regen is a lot more reactive than WP. With Willpower you can turn on your togs and go to town without micro-management.

With Regen you've gotta constantly pay attention to spikes and DP to drop, etc etc.
My Regen scrapper feels far superior to my WP Brute. This could just be my perception though. I just find that WP can get quite boring when I'm just click, click, clicking attacks without fear.
At least with Regen I have to be 'in the zone' to do that.
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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I would vastly prefer that it got -recharge resistance.

(a) The regen debuffs out there are preposterously large. You would need on the order of 90% resistance to make them not automatically floor you regardless.
(b) While I am regen debuffed from time to time, I cannot ever remember that alone getting me killed if I still have my click heals.
(c) When I am recharged debuffed (which happens a lot more often than I am regen debuffed), my regen alone is never enough to save me except sometimes if I can still use Instant Healing. My click heals and Reconstruction in particular are a much larger component of my regularly-available survival tools.

However, I do think that such a buff would be "nice to have", and aren't "needed" per se.
-recharge resist makes no sense for a /regen. At least -regen resist does. If I get hit with -recharge, I pop Hasten.



It's been said a lot before, but it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if IH went back to being a toggle. It would likely have to be toned down a bit, but the consistent regen would be worth it. DP, Recon and MoG would keep it plenty active.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
We don't want the Dev's attention back on /Regen.
Trust me.

Everytime they look at the set it gets nerfed, not buffed.

Its somewhat of a meme around here.

That said, Regen is a lot more reactive than WP. With Willpower you can turn on your togs and go to town without micro-management.

With Regen you've gotta constantly pay attention to spikes and DP to drop, etc etc.
My Regen scrapper feels far superior to my WP Brute. This could just be my perception though. I just find that WP can get quite boring when I'm just click, click, clicking attacks without fear.
At least with Regen I have to be 'in the zone' to do that.
I like being challenged.
i still consider the changes to MoG a buff. It even thematically suits the set now instead of turning you from a character who heals really quickly to a character with capped defense against most damage types who can't heal at all and takes quadruple damage from psi attacks with no defense against psi at all. (Technically it took you to 1/4 hp and gave you 75% damage resistance against all damage but psi and special damage types.)

New(er) MoG is much better overall IMO.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i still consider the changes to MoG a buff. It even thematically suits the set now instead of turning you from a character who heals really quickly to a character with capped defense against most damage types who can't heal at all and takes quadruple damage from psi attacks with no defense against psi at all. (Technically it took you to 1/4 hp and gave you 75% damage resistance against all damage but psi and special damage types.)

New(er) MoG is much better overall IMO.

And -rech, to me, makes perfect sense - you're already healing faster than anything else, getting through something making you sluggish should also be faster.



The only thing /Regen needs is to get Revive looked at; the power should have an untouchable component added to it. It's worthless as a battle revive without relying on MoG being taken and recharged.

Edit: -Recharge resist would be nice, though.

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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Anything with layered protection like Willpower is going to feel more sturdy than the click heavy Regen. When you start adding +def, and +resist (from IOs or otherwise), Regen gets real sturdy, real quick.
I agree with this entirely. The only time in my MA/Regen's career where he had issues was in the late 20s when things were damaging him faster than I could fire off one of my clicks. I added in Tough, and that was it for his rough spot. Now, with Weave and IOs, I don't even need Tough on a lot of the time. Regeneration is doing quite well as is.

Originally Posted by streetlight View Post
It's been said a lot before, but it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if IH went back to being a toggle. It would likely have to be toned down a bit, but the consistent regen would be worth it. DP, Recon and MoG would keep it plenty active.
No, I don't agree. Regeneration has a lot regeneration from other sources that is up all the time. Instant Healing is one of the many responses you can have to an extreme situation, adding a layer of response. Removing that for a slight boost all the time would be a weakening of the set, in my opinion. Being able to respond to a tough situation is part of the fun and one of the benefits of Regen, and why I prefer it over Willpower, actually.

Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
The only thing /Regen needs is to get Revive looked at; the power should have an untouchable component added to it. It's worthless as a battle revive without relying on MoG being taken and recharged.

Edit: -Recharge resist would be nice, though.
All the revive sets in actual powersets should have a bonus attached to them to make them work well in combat. Fiery Aura's Rise of the Phoenix works well in this regard. Not sure what Revive should get... untouchable component? +defense with your surging recovery? massive -to hit to surrounding mobs as they see you recover spectacularly from your injuries? Something fun and useful with mobs about is all.

Not sure if Regen resistance or an adjusting of Regen debuffs in the game is more necessary. It's ridiculous that one blast from a Malta Titan lieutenant completely flatlines Regeneration, and even resisting that a good amount means the debuff is still ridiculous. That seems too high for everyone, but especially a powerset that is characterized in a major way by its regeneration.

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Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
A well played and built Sword/Regen can survive insane things.
I'd like to point out that only sword wielding regenerators are capable of insane things, but then again my level of insanity is vastly skewed lol.

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Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
-recharge resist makes no sense for a /regen. At least -regen resist does. If I get hit with -recharge, I pop Hasten.
How do you figure when the 4 of the click powers that you rely on are all recharging powers and three of those don't buff your passive regeneration directly? I've been pimping regeneration out for the longest time to get both debuff resistances but I don't think the gods are hearing my prayers. Maybe I need to offer a burnt sacrifice....

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it could use IH being reverted to a toggle.

Yes and the aggro cap and target cap needs to be removed too

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Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
The only thing /Regen needs is to get Revive looked at; the power should have an untouchable component added to it. It's worthless as a battle revive without relying on MoG being taken and recharged.

Edit: -Recharge resist would be nice, though.

I think it's a shame that WP gets nearly all the utility of Regen + an awesome rez (the thing has +dmg, +ToHit, +recover *AND* a big recharge bonus! For 90 seconds!...granted it does have a dmg and ToHit debuff after that 90 sec).

If not a 10sec untouchable on the Revive, how about a 90sec +res to all dmg (except psi). Then at least it'd have some incentive for me to die...



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
-recharge resist makes no sense for a /regen. At least -regen resist does. If I get hit with -recharge, I pop Hasten.
No offense intended, but when it comes to asking for buffs, I could give a rats tooshie what makes thematic sense. I'm going to ask for what is most helpful.

If you're saying that recharge resistance doesn't make sense because you don't think it's what would be most helpful, I have no idea why our experiences with the powerset would be so divergent.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
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Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
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Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I'm not sure how a -recharge resist is unthematic for Regen, either. You're so well-conditioned and recover so much that you should ignore such debuffs to some extent. We also have the Passive Power "Resilience" in the set, which would fit thematically, and also make it more attractive for people to take.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
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Belated Justice, #88003
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Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I'm not sure how a -recharge resist is unthematic for Regen, either. You're so well-conditioned and recover so much that you should ignore such debuffs to some extent. We also have the Passive Power "Resilience" in the set, which would fit thematically, and also make it more attractive for people to take.
How is end drain resistance thematic for Dark Armor or Fiery Aura? How is recharge debuff resistance thematic for Shield Defense? If the debuff resistance is needed or desired for the set to achieve a reasonable point of balance (which I believe */Regen does, since it's the only set that has absolutely no debuff resistance whatsoever made worse by the fact that it has no reliable avoidance mechanisms either), then you can think up a thematic reasoning for the set to have it.

Using performance concerns for reasons to not provide */Regen with something that everyone else gets and largely takes for granted doesn't really make much sense anymore anyway. With the way that the traditionally underperforming sets have been getting buffed recently, */Regen is nowhere near being a top performer anymore (unless you assume it's being used by a highly competent player rather than an average player, which is playing by double standards when you consider how skill-leveraged mechanics are balanced in pretty much every other area of the game).



Seems I am in the minority here, but I will say it anyways. /regen is fine as is, in my opinion. The only thing that may give you trouble is a large alpha strike, soloing a large mob, or an hard hitting AV. In PVE it handles most missions like a walk in the park. I don't think the game was intended to be balanced soloing that kind of aggro for a scrapper. In PVP they are insanely hard to kill 1v1, unless you happen to be on a /cold or something to steal the regen and recharge. Making them more powerful would be a serious unbalancing. The only weaknesses of a /regen is the lack of resistance and regen resist. If you took either of those away would not be a good balance as a whole.



/Regen really could use some regeneration debuff resistance. All it takes is one Plasma Blast and suddenly my mix of Integration, Dull Pain and Instant Healing is knocked down to 0.00% Regen rate.
Willpower's version of Fast Healing grants RegenDR; I don't understand why a set that relies on Regen lacks it entirely.

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