Fixing Knockback.




Can we get knockback magnitude lowered so it becomes knockdown? That way people that want it can slot for knockback.

Before people start posting that they rely on knockback for soloing, knockdown would be just as good for damage mitigation anyway.

Just something I wanted to throw out here, as I'm so very sick of people complaining about it in team. I know people are going to say to hover over the mobs, but that's still not very effective.

GearTech 50 AR/Dev Blaster
FireFusion 50 Fire/Rad Controller
Spike Urchin 50 Spines/WP Scrapper
Sacrile 50 Earth/Fire Dominator
Necrosis Siren 50 DM/SR Stalker



In before the flames.....

Honestly, while I personally agree with you this can be a fairly touchy subject and several different threads have been started only to devolve into flame wars.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Next question?



Well, before it becomes flames, I am someone who doesn't mind knockback. This is just a change that might meet both sides halfway. This would also see knockback sets get more use than they do. I understand liking knockback, but I hate people whining about it constantly and getting kicked from teams because of it.

Edit: I don't come to the forums that often, so I wasn't aware this was a hot issue. Just ignore this and let it slip away. I'll just stop playing my blaster who was rolled in Issue 1 to appease the people that hate knockback..

Also, the people that come in an just say no, why no be constructive about why this would be a bad idea. I just want to play my damn hero without people ********!

GearTech 50 AR/Dev Blaster
FireFusion 50 Fire/Rad Controller
Spike Urchin 50 Spines/WP Scrapper
Sacrile 50 Earth/Fire Dominator
Necrosis Siren 50 DM/SR Stalker



If you have to slot to enjoy knockback you reduce the amount of slots available for damage, recharge, end reduction and accuracy. Anyone who wishes to have knockback would have to nerf themselves.



I wish there was a way we could choose what effect we wanted on a power. For some I would totally choose knockback.. Others I would choose Knockdown..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
If you have to slot to enjoy knockback you reduce the amount of slots available for damage, recharge, end reduction and accuracy. Anyone who wishes to have knockback would have to nerf themselves.
Not really. Make it an IO that gives: Dam, +Special Effect: Lowers KB Magnitude.
Call it something like "Oppressive Gravity" or "Vertical Velocity"

Luck of the Gambler is allowed to do something similiar, so I don't foresee a huge problem in something like that.



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
I wish there was a way we could choose what effect we wanted on a power. For some I would totally choose knockback.. Others I would choose Knockdown..
I would pay for this to be real.

Also, sorry, I wasn't thinking about it causing problems with slotting. As usual, I shouldn't post while upset. Is there anyway I can delete this thread?

GearTech 50 AR/Dev Blaster
FireFusion 50 Fire/Rad Controller
Spike Urchin 50 Spines/WP Scrapper
Sacrile 50 Earth/Fire Dominator
Necrosis Siren 50 DM/SR Stalker



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Not really. Make it an IO that gives: Dam, +Special Effect: Lowers KB Magnitude.
Call it something like "Oppressive Gravity" or "Vertical Velocity"

Luck of the Gambler is allowed to do something similiar, so I don't foresee a huge problem in something like that.
And for the SO crowd?



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Not really. Make it an IO that gives: Dam, +Special Effect: Lowers KB Magnitude.
Call it something like "Oppressive Gravity" or "Vertical Velocity"

Luck of the Gambler is allowed to do something similiar, so I don't foresee a huge problem in something like that.
I was thinking this also, new IO sets that incorporate knockback into the set, so you wouldn't lose your damage, accuracy, etc.

But still, I guess it would gimp people that want knockback in their powers before they start slotting sets.

GearTech 50 AR/Dev Blaster
FireFusion 50 Fire/Rad Controller
Spike Urchin 50 Spines/WP Scrapper
Sacrile 50 Earth/Fire Dominator
Necrosis Siren 50 DM/SR Stalker



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
And for the SO crowd?
They would be doing the same thing they'd have to do if they wanted KB protection and didn't' get it from one of their powers.



Expanding on what Airhammer said, what if you could select between knockback and knockdown at the tailor. When you are on the power customization screen, each power with KB could have two checkboxes, to select between KB and KD.

Would that be something everyone could agree with? Not that it would ever happen, you'd have to have checkboxes for every aspect of the power or at least every powers secondary effect, and that would be a nightmare to code, I'd imagine.

I guess this could be something to be thought about if the game was in beta, but it's way to late to change powers that have been around so long. Again, I don't want my post to be the cause of a flame war, should I report my post to get it deleted or just edit everything out?

GearTech 50 AR/Dev Blaster
FireFusion 50 Fire/Rad Controller
Spike Urchin 50 Spines/WP Scrapper
Sacrile 50 Earth/Fire Dominator
Necrosis Siren 50 DM/SR Stalker



Originally Posted by Deganji View Post
Expanding on what Airhammer said, what if you could select between knockback and knockdown at the tailor. When you are on the power customization screen, each power with KB could have two checkboxes, to select between KB and KD.

Would that be something everyone could agree with? Not that it would ever happen, you'd have to have checkboxes for every aspect of the power or at least every powers secondary effect, and that would be a nightmare to code, I'd imagine.

I guess this could be something to be thought about if the game was in beta, but it's way to late to change powers that have been around so long. Again, I don't want my post to be the cause of a flame war, should I report my post to get it deleted or just edit everything out?
I wouldn't mind something like that either, but it kind've sets a precedent if they decide to allow you to change any other secondary effects of a power, and could probably become a messy system in a hurry. If it's just regulated to KB though, I wouldn't mind.

I still like the IO idea better because I think it fits in better with what already exists in the game, and forces new players to use the power as it is normally intended for awhile before switching it's secondary effect, but I wouldn't be standing in any picket lines if they went with your idea instead either.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I wouldn't mind something like that either, but it kind've sets a precedent if they decide to allow you to change any other secondary effects of a power, and could probably become a messy system in a hurry. If it's just regulated to KB though, I wouldn't mind.

I still like the IO idea better because I think it fits in better with what already exists in the game, and forces new players to use the power as it is normally intended for awhile before switching it's secondary effect, but I wouldn't be standing in any picket lines if they went with your idea instead either.
True, but they couldn't really only allow you to only change knockback without it being unfair to people that may want to shut off the secondary effects of thier powers. Not that I can think of any you'd want to shut off, but there would be some people that would.

I'd like the IO sets also, but as LISAR said, it would be unfair to people that aren't high enough to slot IOs or just don't even slot IOs, there has to be some that don't.

I wish we could go back to the old days when everyone just had fun and didn't complain about every little thing in groups. I posted because I was angry at a group that complained about my knocking one mob back after the rest were dead. Mostly lazy melee that wants to stand in one spot the whole spawn. That stuff just gets to me, I'm too emotional I guess.

GearTech 50 AR/Dev Blaster
FireFusion 50 Fire/Rad Controller
Spike Urchin 50 Spines/WP Scrapper
Sacrile 50 Earth/Fire Dominator
Necrosis Siren 50 DM/SR Stalker



Originally Posted by Deganji View Post

I'd like the IO sets also, but as LISAR said, it would be unfair to people that aren't high enough to slot IOs or just don't even slot IOs, there has to be some that don't.

I'm going to specifically address this, since it seems to be coming up a lot. I'm not sure why SO only users feel or got the idea that SO's should be on equal terms with IO's, because they aren't, and they never have been. IO's provide multiple enhancements in one slot, set bonuses, and other, much more specific buffs like KB protection, global recharge, global acc, etc. Generally speaking, IO's are superior to SO's, and are more "difficult" to obtain than SO's.

The only promise towards SO's is that the game, as it was before IO's, would be balanced around the assumption of their sole use. Given that people have "tolerated" KB for the last six years, an IO that changed KB to KD is not at all out of line with this design principal. You aren't losing anything you already had in deciding not to use a -KB IO, but neither are you gaining the benefits it would have offered. It's the same for anyone who decided not to use a KB Protection IO, a Stealth IO, a Luck of the Gambler +Rech, or any of the other options available.

I'm not really on the same boat about feeling that everyone should have the option of turning KB off either. There are likely some huge balance issues I'm not bothering to think about behind doing that. Requiring at least some sort of limitation on how much -KB you can put into your powers makes me feel far more comfortable with this type of change in that you have to give up "something", even if it's just a slot, in order to obtain -KB in your powers.

I also don't like allowing people to slot -KB right out of the gate either. They should become familiar with how the set is intended to play first so that they can better make a decision for themselves on what powers they feel should have -KB, or if they actually like KB. Allowing a checkbox type system would force the hive mentality of the playerbase to dictate whether or not someone should have KB, and probably wind up killing whatever choice anyone had in the matter. The lowest I would allow a -KB IO to be slotted is probably 20 or 25.

Ultimately this probably requires a lot more in depth analysis, as I'm sure there's at least 1 or 3 powers that might become drastically overpowered by allowing -KB.



The only fix KB needs is Rag-dolling player characters.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Deganji View Post
Edit: I don't come to the forums that often, so I wasn't aware this was a hot issue. Just ignore this and let it slip away.
It's ok. There were many threads regarding knockbacks. In short, there isn't anything wrong with knockback. It is a playstyle that the whole team needs to work together. As such, it is not a popular playstyle. Usually, there are a lot of arguing in knockback suggestion threads because there are ways to imitate the effect of knockdown using knockback powers under existing game mechanics. In addition, it is unclear what would happen to this legitimate playstyle if players were given a choice between knockback and knockdown. Some people don't want such a fun playstyle to go extinct.

Originally Posted by Deganji View Post
Also, the people that come in an just say no, why no be constructive about why this would be a bad idea. I just want to play my damn hero without people
There are usually not many constructive posts in knockback suggestion threads because people don't agree with the motivation to start with. While you think that knockdown needs fixing, and start making suggestions hoping that there can be fruitful discussions about the suggestions, some people don't think that knockdown has a problem to begin with. As time goes by with many such threads popping up, those people get sick and just say no without explanation.

Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
I wish there was a way we could choose what effect we wanted on a power. For some I would totally choose knockback.. Others I would choose Knockdown..
Originally Posted by Deganji View Post
Expanding on what Airhammer said, what if you could select between knockback and knockdown at the tailor. When you are on the power customization screen, each power with KB could have two checkboxes, to select between KB and KD.

Would that be something everyone could agree with? Not that it would ever happen, you'd have to have checkboxes for every aspect of the power or at least every powers secondary effect, and that would be a nightmare to code, I'd imagine.
I think the idea is ok. Sounds funny that if I want to switch between kb and kd, I need to change my costumes.

There was a recent suggestion called charge-up. The interesting thing about the idea is that it is a real-time control between kb and kd by pushing buttons differently. This way, you don't need to change builds or costumes to switch between kb and kd. Changing builds can't be done during combat as well. My own idea is to click a power for kb, but shift-click the power for kd, for example.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I'm going to specifically address this, since it seems to be coming up a lot. I'm not sure why SO only users feel or got the idea that SO's should be on equal terms with IO's, because they aren't, and they never have been. IO's provide multiple enhancements in one slot, set bonuses, and other, much more specific buffs like KB protection, global recharge, global acc, etc. Generally speaking, IO's are superior to SO's, and are more "difficult" to obtain than SO's.

The only promise towards SO's is that the game, as it was before IO's, would be balanced around the assumption of their sole use. Given that people have "tolerated" KB for the last six years, an IO that changed KB to KD is not at all out of line with this design principal. You aren't losing anything you already had in deciding not to use a -KB IO, but neither are you gaining the benefits it would have offered. It's the same for anyone who decided not to use a KB Protection IO, a Stealth IO, a Luck of the Gambler +Rech, or any of the other options available.

I'm not really on the same boat about feeling that everyone should have the option of turning KB off either. There are likely some huge balance issues I'm not bothering to think about behind doing that. Requiring at least some sort of limitation on how much -KB you can put into your powers makes me feel far more comfortable with this type of change in that you have to give up "something", even if it's just a slot, in order to obtain -KB in your powers.

I also don't like allowing people to slot -KB right out of the gate either. They should become familiar with how the set is intended to play first so that they can better make a decision for themselves on what powers they feel should have -KB, or if they actually like KB. Allowing a checkbox type system would force the hive mentality of the playerbase to dictate whether or not someone should have KB, and probably wind up killing whatever choice anyone had in the matter. The lowest I would allow a -KB IO to be slotted is probably 20 or 25.

Ultimately this probably requires a lot more in depth analysis, as I'm sure there's at least 1 or 3 powers that might become drastically overpowered by allowing -KB.
Actually I read the post wrong. I thought the suggestion was for an IO that returned KB to powers that had been turned to KD.

An IO to change KB to KD would be fine with me.



Personally, I enjoy my KB, it's just fun to ragdoll my enemies around the room, or better yet, get them hung up and helpless in some wall protrusion in the sewers. (it doesn't happen real often, but it's highly amusing when it does). I also understand the frustration of trying to control mob location via taunts and how a energy torrent can make everything so much more difficult. So in favor of helping everyone out a little, here's a couple ideas...

1) [Knockback Suppression]: Knockback Suppression would be an Inherent toggle available to every character at level 1. It costs 0 Endurance, and can't be forcibly detoggled by stuns/etc (maybe even make it stay on through death). It's sole function is to cap the players maximum KB output at Knockdown levels. That way, if you like KB, you leave it off, but if you don't like doing KB, or you're with a team that wants you to dial the KB back, you toggle this power on, and voila, no more pinball mobs. It doesn't require any special enhancements, doesn't use anyone's precious enhancement slots, and is usable by anyone whenever they want it, and can equally be ignored by anyone who likes playing pinball with the badguys.

2) Taunt IO - Knockback Resistance: This would be an IO Proc that goes in any Taunt power, and gives any enemy affected by the power enough knockback resistance that they won't get knocked around. Tanks, scrappers, & Brutes (and anyone who gets the Presence taunts... Does anyone actually use those?) can make sure that no badguy goes anywhere during combat except under his own power. It's not perfect, but puts the power in the hands of those most detrimentally affected by knockback. Added bonus, it helps against Fusionette's KB, since you couldn't kindly ask her to toggle on [Knockback Suppression]. Further, some tanks aren't bothered by KB, and if that's the case, they don't have to use it if they don't want to. Make the recipe for this proc drop fairly commonly, or even be purchasable from an NPC (such as at the Hero/Villain lounges, or in the Arena) so that there's plenty readily available.

3) Ok, this last one is only slightly related, but I'd love to see melee armor set based on Gravity control, where you get a black hole themed taunt aura that causes the enemies to be knocked off their feet and pulled toward you.

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.



The problem with IOs/toggles/what have you that would make knockback into knockdown is the fact that knockdown is simply knockback with a magnitude of <1. For it to work, you'd have to make whatever it is reduce your knockback magnitude accordingly. Consequently, turning your powers from knockback to knockdown would make it harder to knockdown any mob that has resistance or protection. Also, any mobs who are few levels below you or more would still get knockbacked.

Now, if you changed it to knockup, you wouldn't have as much issue. Yes the enemy would still travel. Yes, it'd look silly on many powers. But enemies who are knocked up don't travel much horizontal distance, even if you have enough magnitude to send a mob on the street high enough to wave at people on the AE balcony.



We fell off pace, but we're back on the horse again!!



Originally Posted by Deganji View Post
Can we get knockback magnitude lowered so it becomes knockdown?
Across the board? No. For a specific power? Present a reasonable case to the developers and they might consider it. But a global nerf to KB, not happening.

That way people that want it can slot for knockback.
And slotting for KB would be pointless because the maximum possible KB one could get from a KD power would be mag 2.

Highest KD possible before it becomes KB: 0.74 or 0.75 (forget which, irrelevant in this instance because the end result is nearly identical).

Maximum +KB from enhancements: roughly 175%.

0.75 * (1 (base value) + 1.75 (enhancement value)) = 2.0625.

Mag 2 KB does little more than knock enemies back a couple of feet. In regard to damage mitigation, the extremely short distance enemies are knocked back at that magnitude means they won't be on their backs perceptibly longer than they would be if they'd been knocked down, thus the slight increase in magnitude translates to no effective improvement in damage mitigation. KB enhancements are rendered functionally moot at that point.

Additionally, locking all players at or below mag 2 KB completely and totally obviates one of the most fundamental reasons we have KB, that being to convey a sense of strength and power. KB is only partially intended as a "soft control", it's also partially intended as a "wow" factor, something which really puts the player in the mindset of that incredibly powerful comic book character. If all it does is scoot an enemy backward two or three feet, it's lost half of its purpose and is no longer a valid candidate for continued inclusion in the game. You might as well remove it entirely (which means giving up KD as well) and replace it with a more easily balanced and managed (from a developer standpoint) soft control.

Before people start posting that they rely on knockback for soloing, knockdown would be just as good for damage mitigation anyway.
So would Fear, or -Recharge, or a little more Defense... but punting an enemy into a wall so hard that you can almost feel bones breaking is fun. Just not getting hit a little more often, well, you can do that by standing under the globe in AP. It doesn't convey a feeling of being a super-powered comic book character very well, but it does mitigate damage.

Just something I wanted to throw out here, as I'm so very sick of people complaining about it in team.
Team with different people or tell your teammates to suck it. If they're too stupid or lazy to press the W key once in a while, they have more significant problems than KB. If they're just selfish maggots who believe they're the most important members of the team and their fun takes precedence, then they deserve to have every enemy they ever fight knocked all over the place.

I know people are going to say to hover over the mobs, but that's still not very effective.
It is effective. Being knocked back against a floor or a wall is functionally equivalent to being knocked down, all the enemies do is bounce a bit.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Not really. Make it an IO that gives: Dam, +Special Effect: Lowers KB Magnitude.
Castle said that they spent a month trying to create KB reduction for powers via a special IO or power. They couldn't get it to work, it was buggy and unreliable.



Originally Posted by Deganji View Post
Can we get knockback magnitude lowered so it becomes knockdown? That way people that want it can slot for knockback.

Before people start posting that they rely on knockback for soloing, knockdown would be just as good for damage mitigation anyway.

Just something I wanted to throw out here, as I'm so very sick of people complaining about it in team. I know people are going to say to hover over the mobs, but that's still not very effective.
When did knockback become broken, that it needed fixing?

Not that I'm this big fan of knockback, but if it bothers me that much, I just won't pick the set. If it doesn't I learn to work with it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I was playing around with the assault rifle set the other day. I loved the set - at first. After a while the knockback was becoming more annoying, and teaming was becoming a pain. Seemed to me that the knockback distance also increased with level - starting off as good natured knockdowns, and ending with more hangtime than Magic Johnson.

The assault rifle set has knockback on 3 of the 4 first skills. That's a lot. One of them, (m30) also sends enemies flying in all directions, from the origin of the detonation - making it exceptionally difficult to use, even when you position yourself as to knock the enemy into a wall.

In the end, I dumped the char. It was just being ridiculous. Solo was fine, but team play was completely ruined. I'd agree actually that something is "broken" and needs to be fixed. It's not well thought out.

Fire, ice, radiation, electricity... all sets have a secondary effect, but only the knockback effect can be a hindrance - and my gosh what a hindrance it can be!