Fixing Knockback.




since I didn't see it mentioned...

The developers have investigated using IO's to convert the behavior of knockback. I'm pretty sure Castle made the post in one of the closed beta forums since I can no longer find it. The indication was that whichever developer was assigned to the task kept breaking the engine, and there was no reliable way to get the modification working.

That does not mean that the possibility of a real-time knockback modification isn't entirely out of the cards.

One of the aspects of the current engine is that Knockback, knockdown, and knockup are all derivatives of the same effect at different orders of magnitude. The desire has been expressed for an engine revision that treats each power as it's own separate effect, rather than magnitudes of the same effect.

It might be a safe assumption that an underlying change to how the engine processes the knock effects might make it possible for the developers to revisit allowing players to mod the effects.



I just wanna point out also that any change made preferably shouldn't destroy the sets either... While my assault rifle girl would be pleased to see knockback "nerfed" - my electricity/energy blaster would be VERY upset, if the secondary set's knockback became useless!

It just feels like the knockback effect needs some options, to make it team friendly.



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
The assault rifle set has knockback on 3 of the 4 first skills. That's a lot. One of them, (m30) also sends enemies flying in all directions,
No it doesn't. The only radial KB in the game comes from PBAoE KB powers, such as Solar Flare or Repel. KB in this game uses the player as the originating point, not the impact location, and as such it can't cause radial KB unless the player is the focal point of the power (again, Solar Flare and Repel are prime examples). The only way to force radial KB with M30 Grenade is to stand in the middle of the spawn while using the power.

Furthermore, M30 Grenade's base KB is only mag 3.32. Even if you used it right in the middle of a spawn, thereby forcing the resulting KB to behave in a radial manner, you couldn't "send enemies flying in all directions" without maximally slotting the power for KB, or using it on enemies which con significantly below your level. Mag 3.32 results in a KB distance of less than 10' when used on critters which con +0 to your level and have no KB weakness (Clockwork are weak to KB, for instance, and therefore would be knocked back further).



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Castle said that they spent a month trying to create KB reduction for powers via a special IO or power. They couldn't get it to work, it was buggy and unreliable.
Years, literal years ago I suggested creating a knockdown enhancement (This was before IO's even) that when slotted turned KB into KD.
Thus allowing those that don't want KB to slot accordingly.

Around level 38 my Eng/Eng got so fed up with the KB hate that he just stopped teaming all together. Specing into Stealth+SS and becoming a boss killer.

It wasn't even that I wasn't in control. I'd learned long ago how to be
cautious when targetting thru the tank. I used my KB to help the team, knocking mobs into the melee guys or corners or whatnot.

It didn't matter how smart I played the toon though, Most of the time I wasn't even given a chance. I'd join a team, hike through 3 zones to join them, only to be instantly kicked as soon as the leader saw I was Energy.
1st few times it happend I'd send a /tell and try to explain I was a responsible KB user.... Never mattered though. Ignorance is as ignorance does and this was just after Ragdoll was released, so the KB hate was in full bloom back then.

I didn't know they'd even made attempts at creating something like this. It's a shame that they couldn't get it to work but at least they tried!!

I recently re-rolled the Eng/Eng as a Praetorian to go Redside. I'm so in love with KB in Praetoria that I'm actually slotting to increase it!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



The people who have a knee jerk negative reaction to knockback are the same types who have a knee jerk reaction to confuse. And they are the same types who will kick team members if they click the glowies in the TV respec. They think they know how to play the game, they make assumptions, and they have never bothered to actually observe to see if their belief is founded on reality. I don't consider being kicked from teams like that bad. I consider it a helpful gesture on their part to point out to me that they don't know how to play and would make bad team mates.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
The people who have a knee jerk negative reaction to knockback are the same types who have a knee jerk reaction to confuse. And they are the same types who will kick team members if they click the glowies in the TV respec. They think they know how to play the game, they make assumptions, and they have never bothered to actually observe to see if their belief is founded on reality. I don't consider being kicked from teams like that bad. I consider it a helpful gesture on their part to point out to me that they don't know how to play and would make bad team mates.
OH what a glorious addition the notes feature was.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
The people who have a knee jerk negative reaction to knockback are the same types who have a knee jerk reaction to confuse. And they are the same types who will kick team members if they click the glowies in the TV respec. They think they know how to play the game, they make assumptions, and they have never bothered to actually observe to see if their belief is founded on reality. I don't consider being kicked from teams like that bad. I consider it a helpful gesture on their part to point out to me that they don't know how to play and would make bad team mates.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
since I didn't see it mentioned...

One of the aspects of the current engine is that Knockback, knockdown, and knockup are all derivatives of the same effect at different orders of magnitude. The desire has been expressed for an engine revision that treats each power as it's own separate effect, rather than magnitudes of the same effect.
Knockup is its own effect. Any magnitude of knockup will do knockup, unless resisted. Any knockback that is of mag .67 or lower (might be set at <1.0) will do knockdown.

That post you speak of was in the i18 closed beta.

And 100% true story, I IO my toons at level 22 for less than SO'ing them out costs.