Why do I never see fly on builds?




fly is also kind of limited by character concept, running and jumping can just be an extension of being really strong OR have some mystical reason, flight and teleportation HAVE to have a power behind, and even then not all powers make sense for it.



Look up.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Durien View Post
fly is also kind of limited by character concept, running and jumping can just be an extension of being really strong OR have some mystical reason, flight and teleportation HAVE to have a power behind, and even then not all powers make sense for it.
Heh. funny, I trend toward natural origins, as such superspeed and superjump are the two I avoid on said characters. Why? even at peak training, the level of speed/jump height are...inhuman. Flight can be justified with equipment, as can teleport. I look at superspeed and say "even with special equipment, there's no way a trained human could maintain those strides." The piston boots help with the unnaturalness of the jump height, but I still look at somebody landing a 600 foot leap and say, "Geez, they'd break their legs!"

So up until recently, it was flight with tech for natural, or teleport. Bless the ninja pack, it really works for the unpowered. (But I still use rocket boots/flight a lot.)



Ninja run is the best money I ever spent on this game.



I was once took SS + SJ on a build and maxed out the speeds. OMG what a feeling. I got addicted and feel slow on my fly toons or even my toons with just SS or SJ and not the combo.

Fly is not fun for me indoors and in caves, but that is just me. I like to zip agound with SS indoors, running around like a crazed lunatic.

That said, everyone should do what is fun and makes since for the build. There is not right or wrong with travels powers. Some work better in certain conditions, but hey that is what makes it fun.



Originally Posted by AnElfCalledMack View Post
Air Sup is fantastic on a Controller if you're planning to solo them at all before level 32. 'Trollers have very few sources of good damage, and can swap Air Sup between smacking a mezzed enemy for Containment damage, or keeping a bad guy on his back while you get the spawn under control. Brutes can aslo get some good use out of Air Sup, as they need as many attacks as they can get to build Fury, and Air Sup animates really quickly.
I don't solo, so that doesn't really come up for me.

I'm not saying it's not useful (My SS/WP brute from way back when had it and loved it), I'm just saying that for me, it's not as useful as other things I could be taking. Add that to the fact that I don't like the travel power that it unlocks, and it's easy to see why I don't dip into the pool much.



Originally Posted by TameDragon View Post
Nice to see a few replies to my OP.

As i stated in the OP i nearly always take the flight pool cause it fits my concepts on most of my chars (mainly dragons or some type of winged toon) and when I'm on a squishy i like to be able to float above the NPCs shooting away on blaster/troller/fender etc without getting hurt (much)

It's just a shame when you get people with the "must have" mentality for other travel pools.

I haven't seen many flyer's on my home server since i started but i did get a PUG TF with about 6 or 7 of us who did which was awesome.

Yes fly can be slower than SS but when you're up in the air you don't have to zoom around buildings etc as much as you would if you had SS IMO.

I love fly and no-one will take that away from me
Something else that I didn't see mentioned that might be affecting it is the fact that flight is extremely easy to get without wasting a power pick on it. There are tons of ways to get a jetpack.



QR --

Most of the builds you'll see on the message boards here are for either speed farming or PVP. There's no real reason to fly when you're farming, and flying is slower than SJ+SS in PVP.

That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with taking the flight pool (and as you and many others have pointed out, Air Superiority is a fantastic soft-control power)... It's just not the best pick when you're trying to squeeze every ounce of performance you can out of a character.

People who build their characters without focusing on min/maxing (i.e., just about everybody playing the game who isn't posting builds on these forums) will simply pick whichever travel power they want for their characters. Personally, I'm a huge fan of flight, so I've put it on at least half my characters.

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Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
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Originally Posted by firespray View Post
Something else that I didn't see mentioned that might be affecting it is the fact that flight is extremely easy to get without wasting a power pick on it. There are tons of ways to get a jetpack.
ah but a jetpack isn't nearly as nice as seeing wings flapping in the wind now is it?

Short Story I did: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=228383

DevArt Page: http://tamedragon.deviantart.com/



Originally Posted by TameDragon View Post
ah but a jetpack isn't nearly as nice as seeing wings flapping in the wind now is it?
Pretty sure that wings still flap with every version of jump and fly regardless of how you get it. Course, you also have the pack in question crammed into the middle of your wings and clipping heavily with them...

For the record, both of my min-maxed main characters have fly. Once you get the 60 month vet reward and especially after I-19 and fitness going inherent, there really won't be any reason for those wanting fly NOT to take it.

BZB's I-19 build doesn't even slot more than a single basic lvl 50 flight speed in it and he'll still be at the fly speed cap.

Edited for missing word.

Be well, people of CoH.



Hover is actually hard to use. You need to be outside of melee to really make use of hover that is impossible to do on some maps. Some powers (burn) do not work with hover. You have less manuverablity using hover then you do with sprint and CJ. It is hard to judge your Z access without a means to know how far away your target actually is.. this can cause PBAOE attacks to miss.

Flight is craftable, purchasable, gotten via mayham/storyarcs and via a day job. With it being so available (and cheap) why bother wasting two power choices on it?

The flight pool has 3 powers all dealing with flight and all of them unstackable with each other. Do people really need that much flight.. to get group fly you are going to be either hovering and using air sup or having two flight powers to travel around with. It does have a great melee attack but does that really offset the other three choices in the pool when you have sets like Super Jump which offer 4 powers all of which are useful.

Flight speeds scale rather then being static. It feels slow early on so you put slots into it but at 50 you need only swift and 1 SO/IO flight enhancer to cap the speed (not sure about swift) but I know with the buffs to flight over the years it used to cap at 3 SO's in flight and now caps at 1 SO.

The best advantage of flight is that its the second safest travel power (invis is the safest :P) and is very useful to those with slow machines allowing them to travel around more easily.

CJ and super jump end up being better picks because you have great manuverablity and a one of the best all around travel power to boot. Great speed, enough verticle movement for most areas, nice diverse pool overall a really good set.

Personally I like the hover/fly combination but if I was building a character to cap defenses I would go with CJ/weave over hover/weave just for the manuverablity on a mission maps.



Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
Hover is actually hard to use. You need to be outside of melee to really make use of hover that is impossible to do on some maps. Some powers (burn) do not work with hover. You have less manuverablity using hover then you do with sprint and CJ. It is hard to judge your Z access without a means to know how far away your target actually is.. this can cause PBAOE attacks to miss.
All that comes from experience. And not a lot of experience, either... just a few minutes and you'll get the feeling for it. There are also still plenty of occassions where I'll be standing on the ground and misjudge my distance to a target due to a weird camera angle or good ol' fashioned not paying attention.

Flight is craftable, purchasable, gotten via mayham/storyarcs and via a day job. With it being so available (and cheap) why bother wasting two power choices on it?
Air Superiority is not a waste of a power for a melee character or Controller, and Hover is not a waste of a power for a ranged attacker.

The flight pool has 3 powers all dealing with flight and all of them unstackable with each other. Do people really need that much flight.. to get group fly you are going to be either hovering and using air sup or having two flight powers to travel around with. It does have a great melee attack but does that really offset the other three choices in the pool when you have sets like Super Jump which offer 4 powers all of which are useful.
Nobody's going to take Group Flight unless they've got an especially team-focused build, like an all-primary Defender, or maybe a Mastermind who wants to keep his/her minions close but still be able to fly around. It's slower than regular flight, and is almost always less useful than Flight + TP Friend... but there are still people out there who want to take it for concept reasons.

And just because I can't resist: loljumpkick! Also, Combat Jumping cannot stack with Super Jump, so it doesn't fare any better than Hover/Flight in that aspect.

Flight speeds scale rather then being static. It feels slow early on so you put slots into it but at 50 you need only swift and 1 SO/IO flight enhancer to cap the speed (not sure about swift) but I know with the buffs to flight over the years it used to cap at 3 SO's in flight and now caps at 1 SO.
They boosted the base flight speed recently, so it no longer feels that slow at the beginning... but they did leave the cap the same. I've heard that has to do with server replication issues (having to figure out your position with that much control in 3D space is way more difficult than figuring out a jump arc with a little bit of wiggle room for movement), but it's still a little depressing that it can't be made a little faster.

The best advantage of flight is that its the second safest travel power (invis is the safest :P) and is very useful to those with slow machines allowing them to travel around more easily.
Invis isn't a travel power... It also utterly fails under several circumstances (Rikti drones and others ignore all forms of stealth). And given a large, open area, it's easier to soar over your enemies than it is to sneak through them.

CJ and super jump end up being better picks because you have great manuverablity and a one of the best all around travel power to boot. Great speed, enough verticle movement for most areas, nice diverse pool overall a really good set.
In your opinion. Flight and Hover have much, much higher maneuverability.

Personally I like the hover/fly combination but if I was building a character to cap defenses I would go with CJ/weave over hover/weave just for the manuverablity on a mission maps.
Okay... now my head hurts. You spent the entire post bashing the Flight pool, but now you say you like it?

And it goes without saying that CJ+Weave is better for min/maxing than Hover+Weave for most characters. Maybe not for a Blaster, but for just about any other AT, definitely.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

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Ranged Character
+Ranged Defense



I'm actually really liking hover on my min/maxed stalker. It's nice to be able to float just over the heads of enemies, letting me easily reach whatever target I want and limiting the number of mobs that can be in melee range at a time. I see myself using it on lots of melee characters... even though I much prefer SS to fly.



also betting that you will see it a lot more after I19 goes live making fitness inherent. those looking to fit in a couple of "nice to have but couldn't fit it into my build" powers that need little to no extra slotting may be picking up hover and/or fly. especially those with enough time in to skip right to level 14 power picks.



What Sailboat said...

Most of my toons have Fly - even my PvP ones.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
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Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Pretty sure that wings still flap with every version of jump and fly regardless of how you get it. Course, you also have the pack in question crammed into the middle of your wings and clipping heavily with them...
Was meaning the view when you are actually flying Bill, as you stated the pack clips with wings, especially if its the little tiny bat wings (hell i can't even see those on my granite most of the time with a jetpack on)

Also to the rest, I didn't want to start an argument over this, i just wanted to know what most people think that's all. If someone else prefers CJ/Acro or SS that's fine but personally I love fly and just wish people who do make builds consider that.... ESPECIALLY if asked to look over a build with fly in instead of either laughing in my face or telling me to reroll/respec. That's probably what I'm trying to get at here and didn't make clear enough in the OP. Trying to get build help for a concept is like trying to pull teeth from a healthy running horse.

Short Story I did: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=228383

DevArt Page: http://tamedragon.deviantart.com/



I do alot of Valkyries so I have alot of characters that can fly.

Most people can replace fly with jetpack and be happy.

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Of my 45 alts, about 80% have Fly and 20% have Leaping. My Stone/Stone Tanker TP and TP Foe (in addition to SJ) for controlling the battlefield. I used to have SS on a Scrapper, but the computer I was using at the time couldn't handle the fast framerate updates and would frequently freeze.

Flying is fun! Especially since they just doubled the flight speed.

Back in 2004, I got my Tanker up to level 12 and took Hover. It was so cool that I spent about an hour hovering over Perez Park, just looking around the map in awe. Silly, but its still one of my favorite CoH memories. LOL

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Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Unless I have a specific concept I am building for (this is true on maybe 25% of my toons), my default movement is Superspeed+Hurdle+Combat Jumping. I've used all the movement powers at one time or another and no other option is more utilitarian, especially with the easy access to jetpacks. Super Jump is very handy, but if I want fast, my SS+ option is faster, and if I want ease, then flight is easier. Just my personal preference.

I do like flight, however, even though it is pretty slow. It's very handy on blasters with slotting to boost ranged defense. Also, Air Superiority is probably the most underused awesome power in the game. One of my plans for Fitness going inherent is to add AS to many melee toons (especially tanks) for whom their first attack is measly. I'll put the slots in AS instead and just leave the old Teir 1 unslotted and out of my attack chain. I so rarely see people use AS, but it is always so effective and fun.

I get Combat Jumping on nearly every toon, but I rarely use Super Jump. I also only rarely use Teleport, but I can forsee that many of my toons will add Teleportation after Fitness goes inherent because you can add the the powers and get almost all of their effectiveness with zero slots.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
Flying is fun! Especially since they just doubled the flight speed.
I'm not sure this is true. I know they are increasing the amount that Flying gets boosted by Swift and it will be faster at lower levels, but the flight speed cap is unchanged.

I think.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



I have Hover on all my GM soloers (except the 2 Trappers)



As soon as I hit the 60 month vet reward, I have a few characters that will switch into Fly. For min/max'ing I've taken SS or SJ, but greatly prefer flying to either of them.



Almost all my non-melee characters fly. Almost all of my melee characters do not fly. I find flight inconvenient as a way to move around with the relative precision that you tend to need for melee. (In melee, I need to move adjacent to a particular opponent. With ranged powers I usually only need to move to a position where I can fire from, or at most specific, get centered on my foes or my team.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by TameDragon View Post
I know super speed is usually taken for for hasten, leaping for CJ/Acro but WHY do i never seen builds with fly in?
You've never teamed with me. I play fliers almost exclusively.

That said, as others have mentioned upthread, flying just isn't the most build-efficient travel set. It's also slower than most of the others, even after slotting.

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