Going Rogue/Issue 18 - Patch notes for build 1850.201009101722.3T2




Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
GAH!!! What happened to Death Goggles!? It's got pieces missing from it! OR possibly, clipping badly on the Head of the Huge body type. What gives?

EDIT: Looks like most of the Science Pack Goggles have their tops missing...
Problem noted also on female model with Death Goggles. Large gap in the coverage.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i wouldnt mind the CoP as is if we actually got rewards from the enemies instead of ONLY the AV at the end

the merit reward would be justified as is if we got drops and inf from the baddies in the trial but with almost no rewards theres no incentive to do it unless you want the badge or as mentioned to have fun
The nerf is probably in anticipation of Incarnate rewards being tied to it or some other thing the devs don't want to comment on. Still this kind of bites since it means non optimal teams will have one less tool to work with.

Since it is obvious that regular teams can do a sub 15 minute CoP already I don't really see the point of banning nukes anyhow. The time needed to get 24 x 3 nukes far outweighs the benefit for a fast team anyhow. I can probably see a fast team doing a CoP in 8 minutes flat if everyone was sync'd perfectly and using nukes, but the collective time needed to farm so many nukes makes that less effective than just running in and being coordinated.

The CoP nuke nerf is just going to benefit the haves while the have nots are going to be left out in the cold once again.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
The nerf is probably in anticipation of Incarnate rewards being tied to it or some other thing the devs don't want to comment on. Still this kind of bites since it means non optimal teams will have one less tool to work with.

Since it is obvious that regular teams can do a sub 15 minute CoP already I don't really see the point of banning nukes anyhow. The time needed to get 24 x 3 nukes far outweighs the benefit for a fast team anyhow. I can probably see a fast team doing a CoP in 8 minutes flat if everyone was sync'd perfectly and using nukes, but the collective time needed to farm so many nukes makes that less effective than just running in and being coordinated.

The CoP nuke nerf is just going to benefit the haves while the have nots are going to be left out in the cold once again.
Ok - everyone really needs to stop with this. In relative terms, the CoP is hard. FOR THIS GAME.

Every encounter is exactly the same in this game. Smash stuff, kill an AV. Here they offer you content which requires the absolute minimum of coordination and the player's solution to this problem is: Get a bigger hammer. This is always the solution to any problem in this game becuase that's how the Dev's have chosen to make it. Its cake people. It really is.

I did this encounter for the first time and I laughed my *** off. This is what passes for hard in this game. The group I was with was trying to figure out how to kill the first wave of spawns (before the shield ever comes down on the AV) faster. They didn't address taking them down faster between shields - they simply wanted to take down the first group faster. The only group of spawns that just doesn't matter. Not one bit.

When I pointed out that we could easily finish the CoP, it was cancelled "because not everyone brought nukes like they were supposed to!".

This is the reason nukes got banned. 99% of the runs of CoP were requiring that you not only be X AT, but that you have nukes, shivs, boards with nails in them, anything and everything that could constitute a bigger hammer.

We were talking about this trial today on a global channel and you know what someone said? They said "Without nukes, how are we supposed to take down the AV in 45 seconds?!"

Big hint:

You're not.


The rewards are fine - its a 15 minute trial. It something that will be run later when people learn how to do this REALLY HARD thing on a whim, like the impromptu mother ship raids that happen now. And the pug CoPs will be done in less time than it takes to get the 24 people together. 10 merits for 20 minutes of your time is not all that bad - most servers can't run the ITF in 20 minutes - so it works out.

Heck, I'm sure in a few months someone will have this down so pat that they might even do a CoP run at least once a week if not more for the "quick merits".

People still kill Hami - obviously getting people together to do things (on most servers) is not an issue.



As for the amount of broken stuff in this patch ... AGAIN? Broken an AT's Patron Pool? Ruined costume pieces which were paid for?

Come on will you guys please check stuff before sending it live?

Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
The nerf is probably in anticipation of Incarnate rewards being tied to it
I really hope Incarnate has nothing to do with Cathedral of Pain. I never want to see that awful TF again.

My mains are absolutely worth Incarnate but I will not run CoP after I get the badge.

My last experience involved standing around for 90 minutes (at the point I joined only 4 people were required), a list of instructions longer than War and Peace, total failure to coordinate the obelisks at which point I lost the will to live and left. Apparently the teams didn't succeed so had I stayed, I'd have wasted over 2.5 hours rather than 105 minutes.

Horrible TF.

Only way I see it being done easily is by a large SG who runs together. I like my personal SGs and my globals for teaming thanks; I'm not joining a large SG with all the e-drama that goes with it for this - and I shouldn't have to.

I really don't like the way the game is going right now. We aren't Raid-focused with gear being the be-all-and-end-all. That's another game by another company. If I wanted to play a world of whatever, I would.

End-game content is one thing but stupidy-annoying-content (not just end game and I'm looking at you ambush-world) is a waste of everyone's time.

Oh have you fixed the rewards on AE arcs with more than one destructable object, yet? That was promised for i17.

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The Warburg nuke discussion sparked my interest - that particular temp power has been bothering me since they were introduced, pretty much. Why should orbiting nukes around Primal Earth work anywhere but there, on outdoor maps in present and future? Any such limitation would have them make sense - just restricting it to Citadel of Pain does not besides for the whole deity thing deciding rules there.

As for the Citadel of Pain-issue brought up here, before speculating about anything being made harder for Incarnate content, I'd consider it an attempt to bring in the extreme endpoint (hyper-coordinated teams with nukes) in line with the rest for data-mining completions (and/or attempt track records). Without the "crutch" it can be easier to see how to actually change the AV's to be a challenge to most, without trivializing them as soon as you bring the nuke hammer down. This line of thought may be totally wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a patch a couple of weeks from now tinkering with the AV regeneration rates, for instance, after there has been some data-mining done.



Originally Posted by Misaligned View Post
Ok - everyone really needs to stop with this. In relative terms, the CoP is hard. FOR THIS GAME.

Every encounter is exactly the same in this game. Smash stuff, kill an AV. Here they offer you content which requires the absolute minimum of coordination and the player's solution to this problem is: Get a bigger hammer. This is always the solution to any problem in this game becuase that's how the Dev's have chosen to make it. Its cake people. It really is.

I did this encounter for the first time and I laughed my *** off. This is what passes for hard in this game. The group I was with was trying to figure out how to kill the first wave of spawns (before the shield ever comes down on the AV) faster. They didn't address taking them down faster between shields - they simply wanted to take down the first group faster. The only group of spawns that just doesn't matter. Not one bit.

When I pointed out that we could easily finish the CoP, it was cancelled "because not everyone brought nukes like they were supposed to!".

This is the reason nukes got banned. 99% of the runs of CoP were requiring that you not only be X AT, but that you have nukes, shivs, boards with nails in them, anything and everything that could constitute a bigger hammer.

We were talking about this trial today on a global channel and you know what someone said? They said "Without nukes, how are we supposed to take down the AV in 45 seconds?!"

Big hint:

You're not.


The rewards are fine - its a 15 minute trial. It something that will be run later when people learn how to do this REALLY HARD thing on a whim, like the impromptu mother ship raids that happen now. And the pug CoPs will be done in less time than it takes to get the 24 people together. 10 merits for 20 minutes of your time is not all that bad - most servers can't run the ITF in 20 minutes - so it works out.

Heck, I'm sure in a few months someone will have this down so pat that they might even do a CoP run at least once a week if not more for the "quick merits".

People still kill Hami - obviously getting people together to do things (on most servers) is not an issue.
That's the most ridiculous post I've ever seen.

Part of it may be true in US peak time on a high pop server. You try getting 24 people together at say 5AM eastern on Victory or Justice (Australian prime time, my mornings). We've tried it precisely once, spent the full hour and got nowhere close to killing the AV.

All I got was the debt cap's worth of debt and an empty inspiration tray.

Balanced team ? we had to take what we had, which meant not enough buff/debuff. Nukes could up to now have done something about that.

Quick CoP run will not happen certainly vill side as the respec is faster, as well rewarded AND drops purples. Hero side, I get as many merits/hour by doing other TFs, and can do them without spending the time assembling 24 people (40 minute manti/50 minute numi/60 minute old posi).

I dislike it because of the lack of drops, and the fact that the choice of mobs makes some powersets completely worthless. I made the mistake of bringing an energy aura toon, no psi protection and massive to-hit buffs on the badguys, I might as well have not had a defensive set other than the mez protection.

I have not seen a Hami raid on either of the servers that I frequent at a time other than 1am/2am my time.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Misaligned is right though about the difficulty. This trial isn't hard. Anything a substantial number of people can do on their first try isn't hard. The CoP is would be the intro raid in other games.

However, you are correct as well. Without the rewards lining up with the content, people will do this for the badge then move on. There are multiple things I can do solo that reward more when you consider the set-up time involved here.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
Oh have you fixed the rewards on AE arcs with more than one destructable object, yet? That was promised for i17.
Yes. Pity that it was deeply buried in I18's patch notes so that no one knows about it.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
OK, I keep hearing about it on the Globals and Broadcast chat in the game. I know it is giving me problems and I have a new computer built to run this game. So how many other people here in the forums are experiencing a LOT more lag then usual and mapserver disconnects too?
Yes, since GR, I have more lag (though only a few temporary map servers and one full disconnect). However, there are a ton more people playing now than have been for quite some time, and I rather suspect that's the reason.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Misaligned is right though about the difficulty. This trial isn't hard. Anything a substantial number of people can do on their first try isn't hard. The CoP is would be the intro raid in other games.

However, you are correct as well. Without the rewards lining up with the content, people will do this for the badge then move on. There are multiple things I can do solo that reward more when you consider the set-up time involved here.
but he also pointed out the major flaw in that a successful run is completely dependent on the players and that alot of servers have trouble finding 24 people to do it, let alone those be competent players, which from my experience is becoming increasingly harder to find. but you're right, theres no point for those people to learn the trail and get better and use other strategies than "get a bigger hammer" if theres no reward for doing the trail, or when the only reward is so small that there isn't a point in doing it more than once. I'm still advocating a fairly large buff to the temp powers(mainly because you can't farm these) since, as you stated earlier, a change to the merit reward would make it an easy farmable trail once people actually learn it.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
GAH!!! What happened to Death Goggles!? It's got pieces missing from it! OR possibly, clipping badly on the Head of the Huge body type. What gives?

EDIT: Looks like most of the Science Pack Goggles have their tops missing...
Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Problem noted also on female model with Death Goggles. Large gap in the coverage.
Lots of clipping on the left sides of heads and faces with female models hairs and face details... not just these.

Life is something that happens while making other plans.



Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
Could we also take the time to correct the badge name for the exploration badge:

Justice Avenger | Socialite

The villain name Socialite (exploration) is a duplicate name for the Accolade Socialite.


Actually this was already corrected and didn't make the patch notes.


[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL="http://www.vidiotmaps.com/"]Vidiotmaps.com[/URL] & [URL="http://www.badge-hunter.com/"]Badge-Hunter.com[/URL]

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Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Mostly math, AFAIK.

24 players x 24 nukes applied to 1 AV = imbalance in encounter.

At least that's how it's been explained by players, as there has been no red name elaboration on this change despite repeated requests by the general playerbase. I'm unsurprised, honestly.
With all that we still cant beat it.How is remouving the nukes Help?

The regen should have been reduced.
What's the point of even trying now?



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Yes. Pity that it was deeply buried in I18's patch notes so that no one knows about it.
Really?! Thank you for mentioning it because I read the patch notes and I honestly had not seen this.

Much appreciated.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info



Originally Posted by Aibheil View Post
Lots of clipping on the left sides of heads and faces with female models hairs and face details... not just these.
Yep. Also noting a gap/disconnect between the head and chest portion of female models. Very noticeable when in the swaying animation after activating some powers. Head seems shifted to the left, which makes it clip through hair and leave a gap at the neck.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
There are multiple things I can do solo that reward more when you consider the set-up time involved here.
You don't expect the set-up time to plummet once people know what they are doing? As soon as a large enough population on a server learns how to run the trial, a SG who can get 8 to 10 members together should be able to schedule one of these and using globals and coalitions easily get to 20-24 people.

It takes a long time now because half the people on every run have never done it. Once people get a bit more organized, these will go very quickly.

What do you mean reward more when you consider the set-up time? I thought time and rewards should be separate? Now you claim that you consider how long a task will take you vs. its reward level when you decide to run it? Hmmm, maybe that is why the devs consider the same thing.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Yes, since GR, I have more lag (though only a few temporary map servers and one full disconnect). However, there are a ton more people playing now than have been for quite some time, and I rather suspect that's the reason.
I've noticed it around the clock and it doesn't matter how many people seem to be on the server. Even only one dot is enough to cause lag. I recently did a TF at about 4am to 5am EST with only 6 people and one guy got mapservered in every mission. Most of us also died at least once per mission thanks to lag. You know the type I'm talking about. Game stops working for about four or five seconds and starts up only to have your toon fall over dead. My personal favorite type of lag is the 300 yard lag spikes while trying to travel. I've even tried the "/unloadgfx" and "/sync" commands to no affect. Anyways, it's really starting to annoy me.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
You don't expect the set-up time to plummet once people know what they are doing? As soon as a large enough population on a server learns how to run the trial, a SG who can get 8 to 10 members together should be able to schedule one of these and using globals and coalitions easily get to 20-24 people.

It takes a long time now because half the people on every run have never done it. Once people get a bit more organized, these will go very quickly.
Well no, since this assumes you'll always have the same 24 people on all the time who can do it and WANT to do it.

If it were a hamidon the WANT issue wouldn't be an issue. If the current reward remains the same, it will be.

For some servers (especially UK) this is often impossible.

Only for the most close nit SGs who pre-schedule the time they are going to do the CoP do I see set up time decreasing.

For everyone else, not really.

And that's not necessarily a bad thing as this is a TRIAL, not a TF.

Like Eden and the Sewer and Hamidon Trial I'd expect some organization time.

Funnily enough it's why I prefer the Rikti raid more than pretty much every other raid type event in this game. I don't know what about that event that just brings folks out for it in a timely fashion. It's not hard, it doesn't give that great a reward (in general for most folks), but it seems that when someone calls "RZW raid forming" in the channels, folks RUN to join.

I don't see that happening for the CoP.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Misaligned View Post
Ok - everyone really needs to stop with this. In relative terms, the CoP is hard. FOR THIS GAME.

Every encounter is exactly the same in this game. Smash stuff, kill an AV. Here they offer you content which requires the absolute minimum of coordination and the player's solution to this problem is: Get a bigger hammer. This is always the solution to any problem in this game becuase that's how the Dev's have chosen to make it. Its cake people. It really is.

I did this encounter for the first time and I laughed my *** off. This is what passes for hard in this game. The group I was with was trying to figure out how to kill the first wave of spawns (before the shield ever comes down on the AV) faster. They didn't address taking them down faster between shields - they simply wanted to take down the first group faster. The only group of spawns that just doesn't matter. Not one bit.

When I pointed out that we could easily finish the CoP, it was cancelled "because not everyone brought nukes like they were supposed to!".

This is the reason nukes got banned. 99% of the runs of CoP were requiring that you not only be X AT, but that you have nukes, shivs, boards with nails in them, anything and everything that could constitute a bigger hammer.

We were talking about this trial today on a global channel and you know what someone said? They said "Without nukes, how are we supposed to take down the AV in 45 seconds?!"

Big hint:

You're not.


The rewards are fine - its a 15 minute trial. It something that will be run later when people learn how to do this REALLY HARD thing on a whim, like the impromptu mother ship raids that happen now. And the pug CoPs will be done in less time than it takes to get the 24 people together. 10 merits for 20 minutes of your time is not all that bad - most servers can't run the ITF in 20 minutes - so it works out.

Heck, I'm sure in a few months someone will have this down so pat that they might even do a CoP run at least once a week if not more for the "quick merits".

People still kill Hami - obviously getting people together to do things (on most servers) is not an issue.
There's nothing really hard about RWZ ship raids either but what I'm pointing to in terms of the CoP trial is that well organized teams won't have an issue with or without nukes. In fact from my original post I said that getting nukes is a loser for the fast teams anyhow since the time required to do that is less productive than just running in and getting it done.

The problem I have with banning nukes is that you are only punishing non-optimal teams and players that may not have many opportunities to get 24 people together. It's just another kick in the junk for those that couldn't get it done before. It also runs the risk of arbitrary changes to specific powers and encounters just to satisfy the whimsy of the devs.

I'm pretty sure you lucked through the encounter if you laughed you *** off doing the encounter for the first time. If you've been the one running the raid you should know what kind of headaches there are in getting everyone together and organized, and that not everyone is familiar with their roles, when to stop, start, gather etc. Of course that gets easier with time and repetition but if everyone leaves the CoP with a sour taste in their mouth then it pretty much is a deal killer for repeat business.

I'm all for making things harder in the game, but taking away a tool like the nuke seems like a spurious and arbitrary nerf. If they put an absolute limit on the number of nuke buffs that any player or npc could be buffed or debuffed by then it would make more sense than just pulling the nukes from CoP alone.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I've noticed it around the clock and it doesn't matter how many people seem to be on the server. Even only one dot is enough to cause lag. I recently did a TF at about 4am to 5am EST with only 6 people and one guy got mapservered in every mission. Most of us also died at least once per mission thanks to lag. You know the type I'm talking about. Game stops working for about four or five seconds and starts up only to have your toon fall over dead. My personal favorite type of lag is the 300 yard lag spikes while trying to travel. I've even tried the "/unloadgfx" and "/sync" commands to no affect. Anyways, it's really starting to annoy me.
Hmm. My SG has people from both coasts and one player in Europe, and, other than one person with a bad internet connection, we don't see disconnects.

I'd say we see the extended 1-5 sec server-side lag spikes once per hour, on average (and it's clear when it happens that it's server-side lag, as it hits everyone regardless of location). Primarily, we are playing on Freedom now, while still occasionally running on our original Guardian/Infinity servers. The lag is certainly more noticeable on Freedom, but given the load, that's to be expected.

What server are you on? It might be a server-specific issue.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Yep. Also noting a gap/disconnect between the head and chest portion of female models. Very noticeable when in the swaying animation after activating some powers. Head seems shifted to the left, which makes it clip through hair and leave a gap at the neck.

Indeed. This is a pretty big graphical bug. I hope it gets fixed ASAP

So, the female head is shifted (to the left, is it?) and all other things (including head details) are clipping and awkwardly placed on the head, as a result.


Many unhappy females hiding in their bases!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Well no, since this assumes you'll always have the same 24 people on all the time who can do it and WANT to do it.
It does not assume you have the same 24 people online. I am assuming that eventually 500 people will know how to run it and once that becomes true getting a fair amount of people who have done it before will become easy. I don't expect that to happen in the first month, although I do expect it to happen by the 2nd month.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.