Wise sages of music, help me rock!




Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
"kill em all" also didnt quite jell with me, its good but a bit stripped down.
Staying with the Metallica detour (sorry, I love talking music) I'll openly admit Kill 'em All is the odd man out album of the four. It was their first studio album and definitely falls under the term low-fi. The metal purist may feel it a tad "awkward" or unfinished and I can appreciate that, as most metal of the time period (and their subsequent next few albums) have richer production. Myself, I came into metal from a punk perspective (early 80s punk, not what they try and pass off since Green Day hit in the early 90s) so I actually appreciate the stripped down sounds of Kill 'em All and it's also why I love the original Garage Days EP and it's obvious punk influence. But there are some rocking songs on Kill em All. How can you not love this???? or this???? or even this punk inspired ditty?

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



I liked Metallica's Black album - it was almost nostalgic for me, as it reminded me of the Great Old Ones, like Black Sabbath, Deep Purple Mk II, and pre-cowbellian Blue Öyster Cult. I actually went to a Metallica concert not too long after that was released, which to date remains the last concert I've attended, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. They sounded GREAT - and I don't just mean they played well, which they did, but they got a really clean, clear mix in an auditorium in which many other bands failed to do so (looking at you, Van Halen). It was one of the two best sounding concerts I've ever attended, the other being an R.E.M. show (circa 1985).



Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
5) Dared The Knot. This is a shameless plug for some good friends of mine. Great industrial metal band with prog and alternative rock influences. Check them out here. I think you'll like them, they're drawing ideas from a lot of the bands you're asking about.
... Just listened to 'Fetters', and a few seconds into 'Dreaming of God' I was hooked. You plug well, because I -do- like what I'm hearing so far.

Like may not be a strong enough word though. Going to listen to the stuff on myspace before throwing $10 at them.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I'll address the whole Black album thing, from a pre-Black album fan's perspective. (Nobody do the age math on that please!)


As I said in another post, I'll give Death Magnetic another try. Maybe there is hope.
You know, that has to be one of the most reasoned and intelligent answers to that question I've seen in a bloody long time.

Kudos on you for that! Most of the time it's usually foul-mouthed retorts about "they sold out!!" or "it's a freaking masterpeice of metal and you die for hating it!!"

Death Magnetic is ok, not as good as their earlier stuff, far better than St. Anger. (Hate that album with a passion, rubbish tracks and gods awful production quality!)

I don't mind some of the tracks on the likes of Load and Reload, but I agree with you that it's more aimed at the masses than their earlier stuff is. (Battery and Shortest Straw are fantastic tracks, to my mind)

A debate about the band though, that would be a whole different topic

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post

No worries, I'm definitely going to give the suggested shows a listen to, though if anyone on your station plays some Drone (I wish I could get my hands on their EP, The Queen our Slave. I've only found a few songs on YouTube by them, and have some songs a friends sent me: The Queen is our Slave Run), Opus Bridge, The Delta Fiasco or Machinae Supremacy, there'll be some major props from me.

And again, thanks for even more excellent suggestions everyone, I'm going to be slowly making my way through these before my albums arrive.
Oh, well, you're in luck, I have that EP already, partial a bit of Run at times

I can't play it this week sadly, I'm doing my first theme night for the Rock Zone (Big Hair Rock!! All the best stuff from the likes of Twisted Sister, Poison, Thunder, Alice Cooper, Whitesnake, Kiss etc!! ) but I will definitely play some the week after for you, if you're tuned in, feel free to join the Rogues Radio channel in game, it's a public one!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Guns and Roses – Appetite for Destruction and Use Your Illusion;
The best rock band that self-destructed (GnR is Axel and Slash, not Axel only.) They have my favorite opening riff in all rockdom.

Golden Earing - The Continuing Story Of Radar Love

Mötley Crüe; they may have had the hair band look but they were definitely heavy. Heh, I remember cranking the opening riff to Kickstart My Heart in my truck and buddy wanted to know if there was something wrong with the engine.

If you want to go back to the 70’s you can’t go wrong with A C / D C, Motörhead , or Kansas.

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
I have an urge for music. Heavy, heavy music. Classic albums from the greatest bands of the late 80's, 90's and the early 2000's.

I'm looking to order some great albums from Amazon.co.uk, and am looking for suggestions. Currently on the list I have:

Soundgarden - Superunknown
Alice in Chains - Dirt
Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
Queen Adreena - Taxidermy.

So please, help a young woman in her time of need by providing her the means to experience some of the greatest albums of the time frame and genres, and I can always look things up on Youtube to get an interest.
I find that Rush pretty much fulfills most all my musical needs at even given point.



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
You know, that has to be one of the most reasoned and intelligent answers to that question I've seen in a bloody long time.

Kudos on you for that! Most of the time it's usually foul-mouthed retorts about "they sold out!!" or "it's a freaking masterpeice of metal and you die for hating it!!"

That's because it's coming from a true fan, that even though I don't really follow them anymore, I still have tons of respect and love for what they've done. I've also had a lot of time to think about it as opposed to a knee jerk--spur of the moment reaction type thing. They are still a great great band and very important to the history of Rock music, we've just grown apart the last few years, but I still think about them fondly. I just wish they'd find their way back home.

And Starflier, you have at least sold one person in this thread on to Priestess. Me! I Definitely have put them down on my list of bands/albums to check out. I love that we are seeing more throwback bands to 70s early 80s hard rock (Wolfmother, the Sword, even Queens of the Stone Age). Good stuff and thanks for the recommendation.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
I find that Rush pretty much fulfills most all my musical needs at even given point.
You are quite wise.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Megadeth - any CD with the exception of Risk.

"They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards." - General Creighton W. Abrams



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Oh, well, you're in luck, I have that EP already, partial a bit of Run at times

I can't play it this week sadly, I'm doing my first theme night for the Rock Zone (Big Hair Rock!! All the best stuff from the likes of Twisted Sister, Poison, Thunder, Alice Cooper, Whitesnake, Kiss etc!! ) but I will definitely play some the week after for you, if you're tuned in, feel free to join the Rogues Radio channel in game, it's a public one!
You do?! ... Whoa.

How many songs are on it? I have... Stationary Decay, Repeatedly (My favourite), Run, The Queen is our Slave and Change.

Wow, this has made my day. Just that someone else out there knows this band.


Have enjoyed a fair number of Queens of the Stone Age songs I've heard, though I think one of my favourites has to be Sky is Falling from 'Songs for the Deaf', which I tend to chuck on during Rikti Raids.

The only Wolfmother track I've heard enough to be stuck in my head is 'Joker and the Thief'.



Here's a heavy 90's classic that people have been rudely omitting:

Machine Head

Especially their debut album 'Burn My Eyes' (Davidian, Old,...)totally kicks *** and is a 90's classic imho. But there's also its slightly less brilliant successor 'The More Things Change ...' The more Nu-metal albums 'The Burning Red' and low-point 'Supercharger'. Their return to form 'Through the Ashes of Empires' and their latest, more complex master piece 'The Blackening'.

My favourite album from the 90's though is 'Nightfall in Middle-Earth' by German Speed/Power/Prog metal bards Blind Guardian. The fun thing about Blind Guardian is that they're total geeks and write songs about their favourite books and stuff. Nightfall in Middle-Earth is a concept album that tells a good chunk of the story from Tolkien's Silmarillion. It has melody, drama, epics, over the top queenesque layered choruses, 200 bpm thrash/speed metal riffs, flashing solos, acoustic interludes, and a singer that can pack an absurd amount of emotion into his voice, everything a music lover needs
They have plenty of other albums too varying from good to near perfection and from 80's speed metal to their current multi layered epic sound.

Fun fact: They wrote a song for the game Sacred 2. You can watch them motion captured and rendered ingame performing the song as an easter egg. Or search for Blind Guardian - Sacred on Youtube.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post

Have enjoyed a fair number of Queens of the Stone Age songs I've heard, though I think one of my favourites has to be Sky is Falling from 'Songs for the Deaf', which I tend to chuck on during Rikti Raids.

The only Wolfmother track I've heard enough to be stuck in my head is 'Joker and the Thief'.
Let me help you out then.

Some favorites:

White Unicorn. Very 70s trippy story telling type of song. Starts off pretty soft, give it it's time, it starts to rock around the :45 point.

Dimension. Definitely feels the sense of late 60s early 70s power trios with powerful tarpit like riffs and otherworldly lyrics.

Colossal. Sludgelike guitars with some sick lowend keyboards.

Woman Could have been on an early Zepplin, Purple or Sabbath album.

Best thing about this band is their live show. I caught them at a festival a few years ago and they stole the weekend.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Since you've touched a bit upon grunge (my genre of choice), allow me to add a few grunge and alternative albums:

Nirvana's everything, of course!

Soundgarden's earlier albums, "Ultramega OK", "Louder than Love" and "Badmotorfinger"

Alice in Chains - "Facelift", "Jar of Flies", and their self-titled

Temple of The Dog (self titled)

Mother Love Bone - "Apple", "Shine", Self-Titled

Green River - "Dry as a Bone/Rehab Doll"

Mad Season - "Above"

STP - "Core", "Purple", "Tiny Music..."

Meat Puppets - "Meat Puppets II"

The Vaselines - "The Way of the Vaselines: A Complete History" (currently getting heavy rotation from me)

Pixies - "Doolittle", "Surfer Rosa", "Come on Pilgrim", actually all of their albums are fantastic

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
You are quite wise.
You both have the Hickman seal of approval.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post

My favourite album from the 90's though is 'Nightfall in Middle-Earth' by German Speed/Power/Prog metal bards Blind Guardian. The fun thing about Blind Guardian is that they're total geeks and write songs about their favourite books and stuff. Nightfall in Middle-Earth is a concept album that tells a good chunk of the story from Tolkien's Silmarillion. It has melody, drama, epics, over the top queenesque layered choruses, 200 bpm thrash/speed metal riffs, flashing solos, acoustic interludes, and a singer that can pack an absurd amount of emotion into his voice, everything a music lover needs
They have plenty of other albums too varying from good to near perfection and from 80's speed metal to their current multi layered epic sound.

Fun fact: They wrote a song for the game Sacred 2. You can watch them motion captured and rendered ingame performing the song as an easter egg. Or search for Blind Guardian - Sacred on Youtube.
ah yes, they put that song as the first track on the "at the edge of time" cd, extended a bit, of course, very symphonic take on it. quite a few of their songs are on my task force playlists, when i know im down for a few hours, it helps to have some energetic music. also worth checking if you like hansi(the lead singer's) voice, is side project they did with iced earth called "demons and wizards" they had a few really good songs.

one sign that a metal band is good nerd metal is when they have a nearly 15 minute long song based on homer's "the illiad" (and then there was silence)

oh, and for the rush fans, any also dream theater fans? They work for my prog rock moods.



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
You both have the Hickman seal of approval.
All this machinery making modern music
Can still be open hearted
Not so coldly charted
It's really just a question of your honesty, yeah
Your honesty
One likes to believe in the freedom of music
But glittering prizes and endless compromises
Shatter the illusion of integrity


@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



WARNING: huge shill post ahead!

that Devin Townsend has done himself or has been part of. He is seriously one of the most underrated and criminally-obscure artists of our times. Singer, guitarist, songwriter, producer.

Some examples:

19-year old Devin as the vocalist for Steve Vai on the Sex And Religion album: 1 2 3

His initial post-Vai solo work: 1 2 3 4 5

As frontman for the greatest metal band ever, Strapping Young Lad: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

His Sci-Fi metal musical Ziltoid the Omniscient: 1 2

Or his other groups, the Devin Townsend Band: 1 2 3

And most recently, The Devin Townsend Project: 1 2 3 4 5

So yeah ... enter his name on youtube, watch every video with him in it, buy all of his stuff, and listen to it religiously. You will absolutely not regret it!

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
... Just listened to 'Fetters', and a few seconds into 'Dreaming of God' I was hooked. You plug well, because I -do- like what I'm hearing so far.

Like may not be a strong enough word though. Going to listen to the stuff on myspace before throwing $10 at them.
Sweet. Just be advised, some of the stuff on their Myspace is from the really low-fi demo we recorded early on (I was in the band at the time), and the sound quality is not what it maybe should have been. The Crossing, The Red Road, and The Machine Roars to Life are all good songs, but suffered from being recorded over a weekend in an apartment and not having enough time spent on making the bass and lead guitar sound good. The stuff from the album is much, much better in terms of sound quality.



You must listen to the THREE M'S OF METAL

Metallica's "Ride The Lightning"

Megadeth's "Rust In Peace"

Motörhead's "Another Perfect Day"

With these three albums you will have speed, anger, heaviness, and melody. You will have vocals ranging from the nasal to the chain smoking. They are all MASTERPIECES of metal.

Also, I cannot suggest Clutch enough. They are like... heavy funk-blues. It is truly awesome to listen to. Makes you want to start dancing and head-banging at the same time. A must-listen album is "Blast Tyrant."

And for longevity and importance to all of metal, I would HIGHLY suggest Dio. Anything at all by Dio. His Black Sabbath years have some of the best Sabbath albums of all time. His time with Rainbow produced some of my personal favorite albums and songs of all time. And of course, his solo career has some of the coolest classic metal songs ever made. Even his blues-rock with Elf is inspired and amazing!
Must listen to albums should be, in order of being made...
"Elf" by Elf. "Rising" by Rainbow. "Holy Diver" by Dio. "Dehumanizer" by Black Sabbath.
(Warning! Although all things by Dio sound somewhat Metallic, the bands that he was in range from piano-driven blues-rock to classic rock to doom metal! Dio is only consistent in his song writing ability, not in his style of songs!)



I'd say Muse - Black Holes & Revelations, if only to annoy Coin... *ducks*

Some personal favourites:
Joan Jett (& The Blackhearts):
Whole series of great albums to choose from... although sometimes NSFW.

Joe Satriani - Surfing With The Alien
If you like pure awesomeness in your guitar players, this guy taught Steve Vai, Nuno Bettencourt and,erm,Nigel Tufnel how to shred...
(sample track - Satch Boogie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1MJAyRN3Lg )

Iron Maiden:
...practically anything from the Dickinson years. And until you've seen Maiden live, you don't get the point. Showmen extroardinary...

Judas Priest - Killing Machine (aka Hell Bent For Leather)
Along with Queen (may their name be praised forever), The Stranglers, U2, and Joan Jett, it was this specific song linked below that perverted my tiny 6-year-old mind and converted me to the dark cause of true Metal...FOREVER. Click below, rock out.

Aerosmith - anything, but the Sony "Greatest Hits" double is nothin' but gold
*cuddles ragged AeroForceOne t-shirt and sings the following..*

Damn Yankees
Possibly Uncle Ted's finest hour, with a group of like-minded maniacs...

Nightwish - Once
No, this is not me singing.

The Cult - Love
No, this is not the Boosh singing, though Ian Astbury's taste in hats is hard to overlook. One from my 80s/90s black lace-n-leather waif period. (Wish I could still fit some of that stuff...)

Ozzy - Blizzard Of Oz
From one of the happiest periods of the Oz's life,just having acquired Sharon and a true and wise friend in a new young guitarist called Randy Rhoads, who also happens to rock like a beast... (RIP)

And finally, brothers and sisters, remember - live hard, rock out, believe in a better day, and if you love someone, you tell'em right now, all right? Stay bright. Not 'arf. Oh, and...

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



I personally suggest checking out Van Canto.

They're an A Capella metal band who currently do a lot of covers, but a lot of their original work is really good too.



Muse is pretty awesome.

("How did I miss that" edit) While not really "heavy" the Cult- Electric is definitely one of my desert island albums. Love that band.

The most amazing thing about Iron Maiden. Yeah, yeah musics great. Live show rocks: so what. Dickinson runs around on stage, belting out those songs, giving everything he's got to the audience at his age and FLYS their jet while they tour.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I'll address the whole Black album thing, from a pre-Black album fan's perspective. (Nobody do the age math on that please!)

The Black album is an important album. It's the one that turned Metallica from the best kept secret of all metal lovers into the biggest rock and roll band on the planet. You can't argue the "quality" of the album as it did become extremely popular with fans and people not aware or interested in them before. Once the smoke cleared and the tours ended and they put out ...........Load (ugh) it became clear that the Metallica we ended up with was a shell of the Metallica we had. Gone were the lengthy songs with changing time signatures and key changes and quite frankly some of the heaviness. We no longer got the head banging middle section of songs to rock out to in between verses, interesting lyrical exploration of tough to deal with subjects or blazing minute long solos from Hammet, instead we got tight, short, heavy popish metal. Songs for the masses. (I'm looking at you Fuel)

Now I don't begrudge them (or any band) the right to experiment with new techniques and song structures; it is afterall their right. But it's also the right of any fan to genuinely like or dislike what the experimentation brings them. They had stored up a lot of credibility, so this opinion comes after years of being let down by them (nail on the head= Some Kind of Monster). But I miss the more complicated Metallica music; I miss the more complilcated band. While maybe they've matured, they've also softened and that just isn't Metallica to me.

I don't hate the Black album, it was the album that got a lot of my non-metal friends to see and appreciate and even love the band I'd admired for years before that. The only problem is it turned them into the real fans and me into the old fossil that liked "those weird old albums". It's a bittersweet thing, the Black album. I had someone I dated years ago borrow my Black CD and after the breakup I found myself not that upset that it wasn't returned. Never bought another one, although in times of nostalgia I think about picking it up again. Hell, I played the grooves off the thing when it came out and I still have every note memorized, but it's still not Metallica-Metallica. For me at least. I can and do appreciate the album, but I don't "love it". When I jones to hear them, I want Blackened, or Battery, or Master or Am I Evil. I could go another decade without hearing Enter Sandman on the other hand.

As I said in another post, I'll give Death Magnetic another try. Maybe there is hope.
I know a lot of Metallica fans that claim they sold out with "Justice"

I think Metallica followers fall into two camps, you have the metal fans who like Metallica, and you have people who are just fans of the band. The former tend to be the ones most likely to call them sellouts.

I personally still like Metallica. Obviously their early stuff was much much better, but I don't hate some their newer stuff either. I've seen them twice in concert the last few years and they still put on a great show.

"Creeping Death" is my favorite song they do live. The whole audience shouting "DIE! DIE!" over and over to the song is pretty cool. I remember when I was younger and listening to that song, I could just say, "But Grandma, this is a bible story...."

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



Well, the "sellout" complaints over ...And Justice For All weren't really about the music though. Metallica up to that point had refused to do lip sync'd videos (or any videos for that matter) for their music, until One. And there was a big dust up over that with the die hard longtime fanbase. If you remember at that time metal was all about image (Hair bands ruled) and Metallica was one of the few heavy bands that stood up and refused to use image to sell their product. They finally gave in with One and then you get the double edged sword of exposure. More people see it and start to like it, but now it isn't the die hards little secret anymore. It changes things. You see this with any band that hits it huge, the old school fans get angry as soon as the nerd down the street in the Dockers starts jamming to "their" band. Personally, I loved the One video and loved the attention it brought to my friends who "didn't get it" yet. ...and Justice is such a good heavy heavy album too.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff