Wise sages of music, help me rock!




Let's not forget another hobby of the mighty Bruce: champion sabre and epee fencer. Who challenges entire squads to cash-for-points duels, then takes them all on at once...

I'm not going to get into the whole Metallica Sold Out debate...again, but do have to say: "Some Kind Of Monster" is almost as funny as Spinal Tap, for all the wrong reasons.

Also, if you like your rock truly, gloriously, everything-louder-than-everything-else overblown, you would be most wise to invest in a copy of Metallica's S&M. It is mighty.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



If you want a modern band that redefines the term 'Rock Out!', look no further than Killola. They're like Joan Jett turned up to 11. I'm at work so I can't give you links but they're not difficult to search for.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



I came in to make sure that Wolfmother got a mention and see that MentalMaden has it under control. Wigged out the first time I heard the self-titled album. The rock-god nostalgia was HEAVY.

For the record, MM, you and I are in 100% agreement on Metallica although I'll always have a soft spot for the black album due to it being released while I was in the army. Good memories of massive debauchery, German girls and German beer. Heh... that and RHCP's Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik.

Edit: To the OP, I see that you picked up Tool: Aenima. Great choice but please add Tool: Undertow to the mix as well. It's in my top 10 albums of all time.

Be well, people of CoH.



Some of you people have... weird... definitions of heavy music.

Anyway, tossing out of a few.

Ministry - The Last Sucker
Ministry - Psalm 69
Nine Inch Nails - Broken

Anything from Rammstein, but I think Herzeleid or Mutter fit what you're looking for the most.

And for a Finnish version of Rammstein, try Turmion Kätilöt and the albums
Pirun nyrkki

And echoing
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
And anything by Devin Townsend. Just keep in mind that his material ranges from experimental prog rock (any of the bands using his name) to industrial thrash metal with Strapping Young Lad.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



*Heeds the wise DreamWeaver*

(And everyone else of course!)

Muse are a band I originally didn't like, until of course, 'Knights of Cydonia'. The video won me over, and then I got other song recommendations such as 'Plug in Baby', 'Supermassive Black Hole' and 'Invincible', one I need to look into more though.

Bruce Dickinson is a pretty amazing chap. I loved the solo album he put out in... what, 2004? Can't quite recall, nor can I recall where it is annoyingly, and there's always been a bit of Iron Maiden somewhere to listen to.

Dio's... well, Dio. Loved his appearance in 'The Pick of Destiny' and yeah, definitely going to seek out more.

Sweet. Just be advised, some of the stuff on their Myspace is from the really low-fi demo we recorded early on (I was in the band at the time), and the sound quality is not what it maybe should have been. The Crossing, The Red Road, and The Machine Roars to Life are all good songs, but suffered from being recorded over a weekend in an apartment and not having enough time spent on making the bass and lead guitar sound good. The stuff from the album is much, much better in terms of sound quality.
I figured as much RE: the sound quality.

Now, I'm not going to take, take, take (and drain others of their love and emotion), so I feel I should give back some of my favourite music to people who may not know of them. (But likely you do.)

From Finland!

Traffic Island - Words in my Mouth
CMX - Punainen Komentaja
Kotiteollisuus - Kultalusikka
Apulanta - Pahempi Toistaan
Superchrist - Tear Me Down Tonight

From Germany!
Pornophonique - I Want to be a Machine

From the UK:
The Tunics - Cost of Living
The Lost Levels - Deadlight

From Turkey:
Mor ve Otesi - Bir Derdim Var

From Japan:
The Mad Capsule Markets - All the Time in Sunny Beach
X Japan - Weekend

And finally, from Sweden:
Machinae Supremacy - Skin



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
I'm not going to get into the whole Metallica Sold Out debate...again, but do have to say: "Some Kind Of Monster" is almost as funny as Spinal Tap, for all the wrong reasons.
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes! As I said in one of my posts, that movie was the straw that broke the camels back for me. At least in Spinal Tap you feel sorry for them when they take second billing to a puppet show.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
I'd say Muse - Black Holes & Revelations, if only to annoy Coin... *ducks*
*picks up something heavy like a handy Slayer album and throws it at DW!!*

To paraphrase Bernice from Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert......"I've said it before and I'll say it again.....No more Freaking MUSE!!!"

Gods, I hate that band with a passion, complete WSB!! (Tune in to my show for what that acronym means) but hey, each to their own

The rest of that list does indeed rock hard though, so, you know....you get a reprieve!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
You do?! ... Whoa.

How many songs are on it? I have... Stationary Decay, Repeatedly (My favourite), Run, The Queen is our Slave and Change.

Wow, this has made my day. Just that someone else out there knows this band.
Seven tracks on my EP.

No Concern
Stationary Decay
The Queen Is Our Slave

Can't remember where I got it, I think it was a friend I used to work with, I worked in a CD and DVD shop for over 10 years and collected a LOT of music in that time. Bad for me but good as well, the company went bankrupt and was taken over three times befor giving up the ghost and they did a lot of clearance sales, CD's for about 25-50 pence each, so I was getting the likes of the entire discography of Iron Maiden for about £5

needless to say I bought a huge amount of stuff whilst it was cheap, plus as staff that lost their job we were allowed to grab a load of stuff when the company went under as we never got our last months wages

Bad times personally, but great times for my CD collection

Anyway, I've dug the CD out and added it to my mp3 playlist for you, so it's all set to go after my next theme set, make sure to tune in

Also, if you want to see my playlist have a look at the thread here on my forum for the full and current list, but bear in mind it's ever expanding as I add more CD's from the vaults!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I'll address the whole Black album thing, from a pre-Black album fan's perspective. (Nobody do the age math on that please!)
I'll simplify this for you. It's Metallica with Cliff Burton and without. "But '....And Justice' didn't have Burton." They were too far along in the process to really do much else with the album. One of my friends who is a hardcore Metallica guy admits that album lacks a definitive voice from the bass because Newsted was tossed onto the record late. Once they got past that album, they stared to rethink things and without Burton there they branched out towards the masses more.

To be honest, I don't think I can blame them too much. It's like they knew that could do what they were doing and do it at a high level, but at some point you have to wonder what else is out there. I probably like "Master of Puppets" the most, but the Black album has some amazing individual songs on it.

To add somebody I don't think has been mentioned. Living Color first album for obvious reasons needs to be listed. The rest of their stuff falls more into check on a singles basis, but there's some great stuff there. I got a lot of frustration out listening to Auslander

Kings X is also worth looking into. Kings X were so good technically of a band other bands hated having Kings X open because they knew they had to follow Kings X.



Now that I think about it, I can't believe no one's mentioned KMFDM. Even I didn't mention them. Oh well. KMFDM, check them out. Some of the earliest and best guitar industrial out there. Probably start with the Brute album, then move on to Light. Amazing stuff.

Also, if you can get ahold of any of their stuff Diatribe was pretty amazing. Very obscure industrial band that I think only put out one album, but it's an awesome album. Sadly, it's not up on Amazon or iTunes, but you might be able to find the CD used somewhere. Trust me, this is one you can safely buy sight unseen. It's really that good.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I'll simplify this for you. It's Metallica with Cliff Burton and without. "But '....And Justice' didn't have Burton." They were too far along in the process to really do much else with the album. One of my friends who is a hardcore Metallica guy admits that album lacks a definitive voice from the bass because Newsted was tossed onto the record late. Once they got past that album, they stared to rethink things and without Burton there they branched out towards the masses more.
Not really true I'm afraid, he'd been with the band a year before recording of Justice even started. Newsted had already played on an EP ($5.98 EP Garage Days Re-revisited) with them and finished a brief tour with them, so he wasn't "rushed into the studio" for .....And Justice for All. Now I'll accept arguments that it wasn't the same without Burton as many would agree he was the heart and soul of the band. But I think its a mischaracterization to imply that Justice doesn't work because Newsted was hurried or rushed or brought onto the record late given he'd already recorded and toured with them by the time they hit the studio for Justice. In fact Hetfield broke his wrist shortly after Newsted was hired, keeping them from going on SNL.....he had time for that to heal, record an EP and do some touring before Justice was recorded.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Now that I think about it, I can't believe no one's mentioned KMFDM. Even I didn't mention them. Oh well. KMFDM, check them out. Some of the earliest and best guitar industrial out there. Probably start with the Brute album, then move on to Light. Amazing stuff.
I knew of Alice in Chains and KMFDM from their music being used in the soundtrack for the Street Fighter 2 animated movie. 'Dem Bones' plays when Ken is driving in one scene, and in the fight between Chun-Li and Vega, 'Ultra' kicks in.

... I think I saw that back in 1999 for the first time. Fair time ago!



Not sure if these two have been noted but they are awesome:

Van Halen - For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
Pearl Jam - Ten
Led Zeppelin - IV



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
Newsted had already played on an EP ($5.98 EP Garage Days Re-revisited) with them and finished a brief tour with them, so he wasn't "rushed into the studio" for .....And Justice for All.
What I'd be curious to know is exactly why Newstead sounds so much better on that EP than on Justice. I mean, he sounds great, perfectly mixed and with an awesome tone. Then Justice rolls around, and it's like "Wait, did Metallica fire the new bass player and just record without one?" I like Justice, but the virtual lack of bass is a mark against it.



Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
What I'd be curious to know is exactly why Newstead sounds so much better on that EP than on Justice. I mean, he sounds great, perfectly mixed and with an awesome tone. Then Justice rolls around, and it's like "Wait, did Metallica fire the new bass player and just record without one?" I like Justice, but the virtual lack of bass is a mark against it.
He "claims" the mix was still part of his initiation to the band and they "wanted it that way".

My theory, given that the EP is all covers there were basslines already established. With Justice he was responsible for the creation of the basslines (to an extent) and even though he'd been with them a while, he hadn't found his voice yet. (i.e. He ain't no Cliff Burton) I also think there was a lack of confidence on his part to separate the bassline from the guitar riffs, instead he basically mimics the guitar parts on bass. Then by the black album they had Bob Rock telling them what to do.

Personally I'm not that turned off by the bass on Justice like others seem to be. Is it Burton? Not at all. Does it ruin the album? Far from it.

Edit- Interesting I found where someone "remixed" the album enhancing the "original bass". Not sure how legit it is, some of the songs sound a bit obnoxious but Shortest Straw does seem better. Edit 2- then comparing it to Burtons "enhanced" bass part on Battery from MOP, it's pretty obvious that Newsted, while adequate, just wasn't at the level with Burton. Few are.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



KMFDM is definitely a good one. I'm just going to throw Foetus out there, too.
This is the same guy who does the music for the Venture Brothers.



Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
Now that I think about it, I can't believe no one's mentioned KMFDM. Even I didn't mention them. Oh well. KMFDM, check them out. Some of the earliest and best guitar industrial out there. Probably start with the Brute album, then move on to Light. Amazing stuff...
For someone looking for heavy material, I'd advise avoiding the earlier experimental techno KMFDM. I'd say go for anything post Angst.

And on that note, anything from Raymond Watts/Pig/Pigmartyr (all the same main guy) is awesome.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Iced Earth

The three-disc Alive in Athens set is definitely worth the buy.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Another 90's classic that I haven't seen mentioned yet:

Type O Negative. Dark, tongue in cheek, depressing and genius.
The singer passed away earlier this year (around the same time as Dio) of a heart attack after a life of debauchery and jabs at society and religion, ironicly a short while after he started to clean up and supposedly found christ. R.I.P. Peeter Steele.

From my previous post:
Machine Head. The band that got me into heavy music. This song defines heaviness for me.

Blind Guardian. My all time favourite band. Motion captured in the game Sacred 2 for extra geek points.

Iced Earth. Another great band with some classic albums from the 90's.
Jon Schaffer the band leader and song writer also gets geek cred for being a comic buff and creating an album about Spawn (The Dark Saga) even getting Todd McFarlane to provide the cover art.

Demons & Wizards. If you like the above bands, chances are you'll like this one too. It is a cooperation between Jon Schaffer and Blind Guardian's singer Hansi Kürsch.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
How about a little woman-fronted death metal?

.... A cute blonde with a voice straight outta hell. I'm disturbingly aroused.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
.... A cute blonde with a voice straight outta hell.
That what you're into, Bill? Enjoy.

Bonus #1. Bonus #2. Since we're talking rocker chicks, how about a band full of them?

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff