Alpha Slot




What is it really? I have heard that it is part of the incarnate system, but what does it do?



What is an Incarnate system? lol I haven't read much of it at all 'cause I read that it is not included in this issue so I lost interest...

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Basically, the Incarnate system is 10 slots, the first of which was called the Alpha Slot. Supposedly, there were Powers or effects that you could craft and place in those slots, to give you buffs of some sort. Like more powerful IOs, except they didn't Enhance anything, you just got the Set Bonuses.

They're also like pseudo-levels, so when you have the Alpha slot filled, (or just unlocked?) you'll effectively be level 51, and able to take on level 51s on even terms.

That's all that's really been announced publically, outside of that they're putting it off to the next issue, and they will probably not be releasing all 10 at once. They want to save some so they can continue to keep raising the number of slots/levels.

[edit] And the reason it was delayed was, basically, it's going to be tied to the new content related to Praetoria, but they didn't have any content ready yet. There was no way to earn it, except for something they kludged together at the last minute, and more importantly, there was nothing to DO with it. You'd earn it, and then be exemplared back down the moment you teamed with anyone who was doing any of the current content.

So from what I understand, the devs decided to wait on the Alpha Slot until after the whole system is in place.

[edit^2] Note also that I believe the "Alpha" and "Omega" costumes and auras are intended to be a representation of these slots in some way.



I've been wondering what the alpha slot was, or what it was supposed to do, as well. A ton of people were angry about it not being in I19, but as far as I know, pretty much no one had any idea what it's purpose was.

What is the incarnate system?

What do incarnate slots do?

Of course, the reason they delayed it was because they weren't satisfied with it. Maybe someone can tell us what is was, since we're not gonna see it anyway. :P



First of all, I'm pretty sure Posi said they're looking at going beyond 10 Incarnate levels--it's something they're going to continue expanding for as long as they keep updating the game.

As far as the Alpha Slot goes, I don't know how much is allowed to be said since it was tested and pulled while still under the Going Rogue closed beta NDA, but it's effectively a global enhancement slot that works on every power you own, and that a small percentage (~20%) of that enhancement would ignore the limitation of Enhancement Diversification. It does not work with regular enhancements or IOs, but uses its own specialized craftable enhancements.

The different Incarnate levels all had craftable powers associated with them, and to my knowledge, Alpha was the only one that worked as an enhancement. Other levels will supposedly include things like pet summons and damage powers and the like.

But keep in mind that all of that is information based off of things that were removed from the beta and speculation from the crafting menus, and that it might all be completely different in Issue 19.


Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
Here is the info from the beta testing:
Wow, I didn't know that existed. Nifty reading.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
First of all, I'm pretty sure Posi said they're looking at going beyond 10 Incarnate levels--it's something they're going to continue expanding for as long as they keep updating the game.
I'm actually not sure if he meant that, or if he meant that he intended to release the 10 levels over time. Either way, it's not going to be a "release it all at once" think like CoV or the Going Rogue expansion, it'll be over time and the over next issues. Probably indefinately.

As far as the Alpha Slot goes, I don't know how much is allowed to be said since it was tested and pulled while still under the Going Rogue closed beta NDA, but it's effectively a global enhancement slot that works on every power you own, and that a small percentage (~20%) of that enhancement would ignore the limitation of Enhancement Diversification. It does not work with regular enhancements or IOs, but uses its own specialized craftable enhancements.
I honestly never studied it that closely, so some of my description was a bit off, such as it not being like Enhancements. But I think what I was trying to say is that you are not enhancing the SLOT, it's a bonus to your character, that just happens to take the form of global Enhancements that partially override ED. Much like global Set Bonuses that duplicate the effect of Enhancements, except that those totally ignore ED. (And are much, much smaller)

That's the Alpha Slot, though, and I saw some leaked information that suggested that powers of different kinds could be slotted in the Slots. (And that's mentioned in the link, too) So while that may not be true for the final product, the idea I think is that the devs can probably put just about any effect they can think of into one of these slots. And the info that the effects can be unslotted and switched around makes me think that's pretty interesting, too.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
That's the Alpha Slot, though, and I saw some leaked information that suggested that powers of different kinds could be slotted in the Slots. (And that's mentioned in the link, too) So while that may not be true for the final product, the idea I think is that the devs can probably put just about any effect they can think of into one of these slots. And the info that the effects can be unslotted and switched around makes me think that's pretty interesting, too.
Bolded portion for relevance.

Yes. I don't know if it's been removed already or not, but if you go into the Enhancement menu and hover your mouse over a power to bring up the short details, you might notice that some of them say "Interface capable" or something along those lines.

It's been reasoned that it means those powers would be able to benefit from whatever you'd have slotted in the Interface Incarnate slot. Before the Issue 18 beta started, there was even a leak about an Interface that gave attacks a -RES debuff.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
It's been reasoned that it means those powers would be able to benefit from whatever you'd have slotted in the Interface Incarnate slot. Before the Issue 18 beta started, there was even a leak about an Interface that gave attacks a -RES debuff.
/em muahahaha



The alpha info was linked to.

The other four slots, as best I can remember, that were revealed at the time, in no specific order:

-Judgement slot: An exteme damage nuke attack. Some were PBAoE, some were targeted, one was a cone I think. The were four flavours at the time; Pyronic Judgement, Ionic, Cryonic and Void that dealt Fire, Energy, Cold and Negative Energy damage. Further still, these could branch out into two possible directions giving the power either more damage or adding a control or debuff component to it.

-Lore slot: Summon enemies from enemy groups to fight for you. In the beta, there were only Praetorian groups listed: Clockwork, Warworks, Seers, etc. The most potent upgrade of any of these shown at the time allowed you to summon 1 Boss and 1 LT at a time from the group you chose.

-Interface slot: Added an additional component to your existing attacks; Fire DoT, -Res debuffs, -Regen debuffs, -ToHit, etc.

-? slot: A team buff AoE. IIRC, examples were along the lines of (+Dam +ToHit), (+Regen +Rec), (+Res +Per) and a self+team rez.

Also, don't forget about the mega Inspirations Incarnates will gain access to. They're already listed in Wentworths. You can only pop one at a time, but they're more potent than any other Inspiration. They also feature the [Ultimate] Inspiration that level shifts you up a combat level (you'll be fighting as a 51) for a short time. Also note the advanced Alpha Slots also combat shift you up when its active.




Never saw this stuff. Changing pants now.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Insane. I got a slight idea about "Alpha Slot" from a channel member last night, just that it was basically a choice of 4 to boost up some sections of your character. He also said that it was "confusing to explain" and I completely agree, it is slightly confusing but from reading the post that was linked, I got more of an understanding from it.

I see now that yes, this makes you quite a bit stronger than people who don't have Going Rogue. When the Alpha Slot comes along, I sense that MANY MANY MANY "high level" task forces will be ran to obtain the slot. So, I look forward to this coming.

But, 10 slots? If you were to slot in all 10, although only one would be available, 3 from Acc/Rech/Dam and a fourth for EndRdx, you almost nullify having to slot anything. Of course, it would be only 94.93% increase to those that are 3 slotted. But, if you were to slot, you could focus on all the "good sets" , not have to worry about what they do to you're power. To me, this seems insane. Just insane. But, I like it!

edit: Just realized one of the posts above, if only the first slot is "enhancement-like" I guess my last little paragraph is faulty. Pet Summons sound sick! So making my bug-related toon run around with 2 Arachnos spider-types, like Disruptors and Blasters. Can't wait.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post

But, 10 slots? If you were to slot in all 10, although only one would be available, 3 from Acc/Rech/Dam and a fourth for EndRdx, you almost nullify having to slot anything. Of course, it would be only 94.93% increase to those that are 3 slotted. But, if you were to slot, you could focus on all the "good sets" , not have to worry about what they do to you're power. To me, this seems insane. Just insane. But, I like it!

edit: Just realized one of the posts above, if only the first slot is "enhancement-like" I guess my last little paragraph is faulty. Pet Summons sound sick! So making my bug-related toon run around with 2 Arachnos spider-types, like Disruptors and Blasters. Can't wait.
You look at it and go what are they thinking ? They really need to make incarnate abilities only usable in incarnate content. Either that or between inherent fitness and these powers think about taking the difficulty slider to plus 6 or 7



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
First of all, I'm pretty sure Posi said they're looking at going beyond 10 Incarnate levels--it's something they're going to continue expanding for as long as they keep updating the game.
The emboldened portion (added by me for emphasis) has never been stated. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you'll see one slot over the course of 10 issues, for a total of 10 slots, with each new slot introducing some sort of content related to the slot. Especially since the 1st slot is called Alpha and the last one is called, of course, Omega.

Issues 19 and 20 will not be the entire Incarnate System, wholesale. They're going to milk it over 10 issues, give or take.



I said I liked it Another_Fan, insane but in a good way. And yes, I run at +2/x8 when I feel like "a challenge" but still, even with the Alpha Slot along with my fully IOd Brute, I see this slightly overpowering.. but in a good way. But, that post was made before I had read the comment about only the first slot was an enhancement.
And, yes I hope too that "incarnate abilities only usable in incarnate content" is true.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
When the Alpha Slot comes along, I sense that MANY MANY MANY "high level" task forces will be ran to obtain the slot. So, I look forward to this coming.
In the beta, the Alpha slot wasn't that bad, but then again, it was. Let me explain.

You could unlock it by doing any of the level 50 TFs or Hami only once. Alternatively, it could be unlocked with a number of Vanguard merits (roughtly as many as people average on a mothership raid).

Mind you, that just unlocks the slot.

I conjecture, that it doesn't work like that any more and you will instead unlock it via a soloable arc that introduces you to the Incarnate system to be added in i19.


After the Alpha slot was unlocked, things became complicated.

The slot was empty, and you needed to craft an "enhancement" for it. Each "enhancement" had a recipe. You already had every recipe, but you needed to aquire the special salvage to build it.

The basic salvage components were called Incarnate Shards. Shards had a chance to drop off of any enemy at 50+ and also you got X number of shards for running Hamidon.

Shards were combined to form Basic Salvage parts like 'Grai' Matter' 'Blood of the Incarnate' etc. Every enhancement recipe required you to obtain specific salvage parts that it required.

Besides combining Shards to make them, specific Basic Salvage parts would drop as the reward for the level 50 TF associated with them. If you needed 'Blood of the Incarnate' for example, you could run a STF and get it, usually faster than grinding for Shards alone to combine to make it.

So, you got your Basic Salvage parts to make your Alpha enhancement and you craft it from your Incarnate screen. Done, right?


Wrong. You've just made a Common Alpha enhancement. That is just the first level. The enhancement levels go from Common to Uncommon, Rare and then Ultra Rare, each more potent than the last. IIRC, only Rare and Ultra Rare apply a level shift.

How do you upgrade? I forget exactly, but it requires more Shards and I think sacrificing two Common enchancments to craft an Uncommon, with the numbers of Shards and enhancments needed to upgrade growing exponentially as you go.

The (sort of)good news? In the beta it looked as if you could get the stuff to make a single Common Alpha with only four hours of hard grinding level 50 enemies solo for raw Shards. Obviously, that's the longest route to take, and running the TF with a team would speed things up considerably.

That's how things were in the beta. By the time i19 gets here, things may be different. You may only be able to get salvage parts from the new Alpha Strike TF coming in i19 instead of from the other level 50 TFs. Who can say?

So yeah. Four hours investment plus the time to do an unlocking arc solo to get the bare bones Alpha Slot isn't that bad, and you can chase it further if you feel like it.

Plus, A.B.S.: Always Be Stockpiling...shards, for when you want to start chasing upgrades again.




Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Issues 19 and 20 will not be the entire Incarnate System, wholesale. They're going to milk it over 10 issues, give or take.
I believe it was stated that they plan to release 3-4 slots in i19.



Originally Posted by BenRGamer View Post
I believe it was stated that they plan to release 3-4 slots in i19.
i'm pretty sure that somewhere(pax maybe?) that i19 was going to be essentially i15 2.0 being the alpha slot and a tf and thats it. the rest will be 1-2 over every issue from now on.

so full incarnate stuff in 2012

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Well, according to a post from Positron, link below, he says something about at least 'a couple an issue,' so that people will be able to spend time getting them and, hopefully, the next couple of levels would be available when you do get them.

He also says they may go beyond 10 slots, depending on how it goes.



I think most of the reason why they pulled it from GR was because the initial alpha slot implementation felt too must like more of the same grind and people wanted new content to have to go through to earn the slots.

I think they want most of the new incarnate slot stuff to come from new content that we haven't seen, which means issue 19 and on, assuming they keep adding new slots, we'll see new content for it which is a big plus. But they also don't want them to be a quick earn. They want you to really earn the extra power, which I totally agree with.



Ah, thanks Johnny_Butane!
But that was in beta, and when it goes live people might treat it differently. Still though, even though ONE completion of a high level tf gets it unlocked, its not account-wide and people with multiple 50s will want to have it, so that means another TF. But, thats a positive thing because it helps you get moar merits.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Originally Posted by BenRGamer View Post
I believe it was stated that they plan to release 3-4 slots in i19.
May have missed that... do you have a link?



Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
But that was in beta, and when it goes live people might treat it differently. Still though, even though ONE completion of a high level tf gets it unlocked, its not account-wide and people with multiple 50s will want to have it, so that means another TF. But, thats a positive thing because it helps you get moar merits.

If I remember correctly from the beta, you get a choice of either unlocking the Alpha slot/incarnate salvage or getting merits, you didn't get both.

The system is being reworked though, so we won't honestly know all the nuances until open beta. But I'm betting that it will stay close to that model once it is here. After all, you can't have your cake and have it be nutritious and inexpensive and readily available and eat it too.

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I'm not paying any attention to how it was in GR beta, for the following reason:

When the devs don't like a system, traditionally, they pull it out and totally redo it until it does what they want. They destroyed two invention systems before building the one we have.
Except they never said they disliked how the actual Alphas worked, just in how they were unlocked.

And they never said they were scrapping it, just delaying.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
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Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize