Happy Birthday Penny PA
Thank you Fista! And thank you Victory, you all are a great community!
I heard she's a Philly fan...........
Happy b-day anyway
I've already forgotten about most of you

w00t... HDB, Penny!
A new power or slots? If slots... 2 or 3?
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Pretty sure it's APP time. Least they opened up more choices .....
I've already forgotten about most of you

Hippo Birdee to you
Happy birthday Penny!
It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.
Happy birthday..Penny
Happy Birthday, Penny! We can celebrate it tomorrow, after we get the MBSF badge
Damnit I need that BADGE!!! and my main account is down...
Congratulations and all that. Hope you have a fun day of year +1 and the family doesn't make you work too much on it!
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
You're getting oooolllllddddddeeerrrrr.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Penny
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Happy B-lated BDay!
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
Happy B-Day a little late...
Murph's 50s:
H: Tank, Cont, Def, Scrapper, Blaster, Bane
V: MM x5, Corr x2, Stalker, Dom, Fort
Awwww.... a day before mine!!! Happy late B-Day!!!
Happy B-lated BDay! |
Sorry I missed all your Birthday TF fun.
Happy Birthday!
Something witty and profound