How will the i19 news affect your Controller?




You know the news.

Anyway, since my mind/kin build is already tighter than a preacher's mom, I have to figure out 3 powers that don't need slots to be effective. OR i could try to squeeze one or 2 slots out of other powers if i really had to (With the BoTZ nerf, no sense in having that set in hover anymore... prolly just keep the KB prot in it and put the other slots elsewhere...) Just thinking aloud here, don't mind me...

Siphon power? Could throw an end redux in there, i have enough global acc to take care of accuracy issues...

Repel? An end hog to be sure, also not to useful most of the time (then again i did take TK >_>)

Inertial Reduction? Can easily get by with one slot, but then i'd almost never use fly and may as well respec out of that if i hadn't taken it for concept reasons...

Stealth? Good for a +recharge IO, and not being seen is nice.

Super Speed? Aleady have siphon speed, though it would make those long trips less boring...

Recall friend? Combined with the two choices above, it'd be nice to have on TFs to stealth and TP the team, though i suspect a lot of people will go that route, and i'd hate to be redundant.

Leadership pool? Dunno which power i'd end up skipping (prolly vengeance), but they're end hogs and would kinda cancel out my inherent stamina XD Also don't seem to give as good of a bonus as i thought they did...

Fighting Pool? Tough and Weave don't offer great bonuses to a controller, Tough seems decent, though... it offers +18.8% res as opposed to weave's 5.6% +Def. I think some people who already have decent stats might be able to use this to soft-cap themselves, but i'm not in that camp. Again, end hogs, though.

Medicine pool? Useless, especially since there's temp powers now that do the exact same things that i already can't do (Rez, self-heal w/out a target)

As you can see, this change opens up several options for me. What about you guys? Any powers you wish you could fit in but never could until now? Just going to take 3 powers from the stealth pool and use them as LoTG mules? Let's brainstorm, share and discuss!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



hardly if at all. Ill pick up recall friend on all controllers, Maybe leadership pool.. thats about it... and thats a BIG if...I dont give a crap if it is an inherent power now.. If I dont have SLOTS to make the other stuff I would take effective.. who gives a crap...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
hardly if at all. Ill pick up recall friend on all controllers, Maybe leadership pool.. thats about it... and thats a BIG if...I dont give a crap if it is an inherent power now.. If I dont have SLOTS to make the other stuff I would take effective.. who gives a crap...
Heh, I see where you're coming from. For me it's now more of a "What's good with 1 or 2 slots" instead of "ooh, 3 more fully slottable powers!"

Perhaps the Devs will give us a few more slots (3-6 squeezed in between levels 30 and 40 i would think), but that might make this change actually too powerful. We'll have to wait and see.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Well Peacemoon will be getting Telekinesis and Snow Storm. I was about to dump o2 Boost and Thunder Clap for them just to do some extensive testing anyway, but this news means i'll be able to have my cake and eat it too. :-) So really pleased.

I think it gives much more freedom in builds and should give people space to make some really interesting choices, which is great news for the game in my opinion.



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
hardly if at all. Ill pick up recall friend on all controllers, Maybe leadership pool.. thats about it... and thats a BIG if...I dont give a crap if it is an inherent power now.. If I dont have SLOTS to make the other stuff I would take effective.. who gives a crap...
A very short sighted view Airhammer, many powers are fully functional with just 1 slot. I suppose it comes down to what your primary and secondary is. Powers that I expect to see more often:

Ressurect, Mutation, Power of the Phoenix, Fallout, Group Invisibility, Inertial Reduction, Smoke, all the single target immobilizes, Some of the non Mind Control/Elec Control sleeps.

All those "nice to have but no room for" powers.

I wonder what hidden gems people are going to discover now that they have the space to try new powers.



In general, the types of powers I think I'll be picking up are things like Grant Invisibility, Invisibility, Hover, Combat Jumping, etc. The central theme there is powers you can slot with Luck of the Gambler +Recharge and still have them operate fairly well. Three slots of that provide +22.5% Recharge, which is almost as good as some powers (but not cheap).

Recall Friend is also not a bad power to pick up.

A few of my characters may be able to pick up some flavor powers I originally skipped, e.g. Force Bubble, Telekinesis, Bonfire, Repel, Increase Density, Snow Storm, etc, since none of those really require much slotting to be helpful.

My few characters without Super Speed (all of whom have Hasten, which I never skip on Controllers) will be able to take that and use the single slot either for -kb or stealth.



Well, I'll finally be able to make a build I'm happy with for my grav/storm. I always wanted one more power than I could take, so now I can jam in snow storm and get hover to go with my recall/TP combo to boot. As for the last one... eh, maybe hasten with one slot to hit during tough fights.

My earth/TA won't care as much, but I will be able to pick back up stone prison instead of having to use entangling arrow, which will be nice. Again I could take one-slotted hasten for tough fights. The last one... I dunno, maybe an extra epic power, or recall friend, or something.

My plant/storm is already slot-starved, but I can still use it to pick up spirit tree. With just 1 heal it won't do much, but I can lay it out for AV fights and it is also pretty and nicely thematic. Again I can fit in hasten, and maybe I'll take recall friend or something.

A lot of the time the powers this change frees up aren't very important, but what I really, really like about this is that it lets you take things *sooner* since you aren't trying madly to fit in stamina and the prereqs by 20. I might actually be able to go back to taking a travel power at 14 instead of pushing it off and using ninja run until I can fit it in around 30.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



I'd need to think about it, but I tend to build for concept first, then for solo utility. My Plant/Thermal skipped Power of the Pheonix, and will probably still do so - it has zero use to me personally most of the time. And if I'm in a team where it's actually *needed* then we've already screwed up beyond all belief. I don't take things like Hasten or Leadership or Recall Friend unless they actually fit the character in question. (In fact several of my characters already have all four Fitness powers simply because I didn't have anything better to spend the fourth slot on for that character.) I'm not a min/maxer - I understand in a vague sort of why the defense softcap is desirable, but I have less than zero interest in figuring out how to hit it.



Well I will finally be able to take Recall Friend and 02 Boost on my Grav/Storm without having to drop anything which makes me happy

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16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
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Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
A very short sighted view Airhammer, many powers are fully functional with just 1 slot. I suppose it comes down to what your primary and secondary is. Powers that I expect to see more often:

Ressurect, Mutation, Power of the Phoenix, Fallout, Group Invisibility, Inertial Reduction, Smoke, all the single target immobilizes, Some of the non Mind Control/Elec Control sleeps.

All those "nice to have but no room for" powers.

I wonder what hidden gems people are going to discover now that they have the space to try new powers.
Depends on the toon you have and what your build is you might get some very good choices. However im my current controllers I dont see a lot of use in getting a possible 2-3 power choices which I really wont be able to slot.

Leadership is a possibility for some. Recall Friend for pets..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Since it doesn't appear that we are getting anymore enhancement slots. I'll be picking a pool that is fine with 3 single slotted powers.

In this case it will be the concealment pool. Stealth, Grant Invisibility, and Invisibility will be come set mules for LotG +7.5s.

On the couple of toons that I have that use the concealment pool.... Well not sure yet. There aren't all that many pool powers that are all that useful one slotted.

Toons that have the medicine pool will probably pick up Resuscitation, Any toon that has Hasten but not Super Speed will be picking up Super Speed. Toons that have Combat Jumping but not Super Jump will pick up Super Jump.

There's not much else that I can think of that will be useful on most of my toons with only the base slot in the power.

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-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Well, I'll be picking up Acrobatics on most of my non-melee characters, which lets me save slots by not putting in Karmas and Steadfasts.



True you save a slot or two but you increase your end costs

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



For me, it will vary widely, depending upon the character. My Ill/Rad will get Mutation and Recall Friend. My Ill/TA will get to add Flash Arrow. My Earth/Storm will add Snow Storm, mainly for the -Recharge.

And some characters may add one or two powers from the Leadership pool, or a second travel power.

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Group Fly is a no-brainer for my Gravity Controller, purely because its so thematic. I also have a few characters on my other account with no travel powers, so its useful.

Combat Jumping is quite tempting for another LotG and the extra defence.

And I'm currently missing Propel. But that needs slots. I'll probably re-examine that one if/when Grvaity's animations get looked at.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Stealth? Good for a +recharge IO, and not being seen is nice.

Leadership pool? Dunno which power i'd end up skipping (prolly vengeance), but they're end hogs and would kinda cancel out my inherent stamina XD Also don't seem to give as good of a bonus as i thought they did...
...color me confused when you say Stealth is good for a LotG then say you'd skip Vengeance.



If suddenly every player in the game took manuvers and just slotted 1 end reduction, yeah this just about would break the game.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
...color me confused when you say Stealth is good for a LotG then say you'd skip Vengeance.
You aren't slotting the LotG for def.



I don't know about anyone else, but fitness pool has kind of got my dom stuck... I can't figure out two of the powers I can take... I put in power boost and has totally completed my build... I don't have any extra slots and I'm maxed out on LotGs.... I'm a sad panda... T_T



Without any additional slots, leadership is the only thing that could possibly help wiith my plant/storm.
Maybe the same with my fire/kin.

That's about it.

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Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
You know the news.

Anyway, since my mind/kin build is already tighter than a preacher's mom, I have to figure out 3 powers that don't need slots to be effective. OR i could try to squeeze one or 2 slots out of other powers if i really had to (With the BoTZ nerf, no sense in having that set in hover anymore... prolly just keep the KB prot in it and put the other slots elsewhere...) Just thinking aloud here, don't mind me...

Siphon power? Could throw an end redux in there, i have enough global acc to take care of accuracy issues...

Repel? An end hog to be sure, also not to useful most of the time (then again i did take TK >_>)

Inertial Reduction? Can easily get by with one slot, but then i'd almost never use fly and may as well respec out of that if i hadn't taken it for concept reasons...

Stealth? Good for a +recharge IO, and not being seen is nice.

Super Speed? Aleady have siphon speed, though it would make those long trips less boring...

Recall friend? Combined with the two choices above, it'd be nice to have on TFs to stealth and TP the team, though i suspect a lot of people will go that route, and i'd hate to be redundant.

Leadership pool? Dunno which power i'd end up skipping (prolly vengeance), but they're end hogs and would kinda cancel out my inherent stamina XD Also don't seem to give as good of a bonus as i thought they did...

Fighting Pool? Tough and Weave don't offer great bonuses to a controller, Tough seems decent, though... it offers +18.8% res as opposed to weave's 5.6% +Def. I think some people who already have decent stats might be able to use this to soft-cap themselves, but i'm not in that camp. Again, end hogs, though.

Medicine pool? Useless, especially since there's temp powers now that do the exact same things that i already can't do (Rez, self-heal w/out a target)

As you can see, this change opens up several options for me. What about you guys? Any powers you wish you could fit in but never could until now? Just going to take 3 powers from the stealth pool and use them as LoTG mules? Let's brainstorm, share and discuss!
Please fill me in on the new changes coming. Been away for 6 months, just came back last night.



Originally Posted by 187nut View Post
Please fill me in on the new changes coming. Been away for 6 months, just came back last night.
Basically in i19 the Fitness pool will be inherent and available from level 2. So you will get 3 new power choices between 6 - 20 which is pretty amazing. But we wont be getting anymore slots so people who already have a tight build might struggle to find a useful addition. There are a lot of powers out there which are good with just the base slot though, just depends what direction you want to go. I feel like the game will give us many more options for us to individualize our characters, so really looking forward to it.

One thing I haven't seen commented on so much is that with Stamina as inherent, you will be able to get some of the better powers sooner. I know I always put off things like steamy mist and ennervating field until after 20.



oh @#$$, this is great i didn't see the news either. Man, that is gonna cause a whole lot of changes. DANG IT. I just redid my tanker and was hitting my brute.

So we get three power choices, and......since we really don't know what they are doing with slots, assume no new slots. Hmmmm.

My controllers are fine, but sure, resurect and a few others. Wow, that should make tanks tougher.

hmmm, might look at tough and weave with man on lots of toons. Now that would be interesting. Someone already said something about everyone taking maneurvers, but you know, it is city of defense now. We need some way to enhance resistance (so they can put enemies that cut or debuf defense more). Maybe this is more than just getting a new inherent.

Interesting news.



I enjoy having multiple travel pools. All my controllers used to take Hasten, Super Speed, Hover and Recall Friend whenever possible (in addition to the Fitness line). However, over time, I became min-maxy and usually dropped Recall Friend and Hover.

So on all the ones possible, I'll probably work Recall Friend back in for sure. On 2 of my 3 accounts I have City Traveller, so I will be able to take Fly without Hover since it wont change my slotting. Most of my builds are too optimized on slotting to take Hover and get slots in it.

All of my Force Field controllers, and one or two other special cases, already have 4 pools and so they will be the ones on whom I'll really enjoy picking up extras.

Also, on all my characters who have one-shot wonder powers that I usually skip, I'll pick up those. That would include the rez powers on /Emp, /Therm, and /Rad for example. It would also include Dimension Shift, etc.

So, basically, I'll pick up little stuff for QoL. I probably won't change my primary slotting at all.


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