Have Tip Missions become...Dalies?




As I work through my 3rd straight night of my five tip missions, the though hit me like a truck. Have tip missions become the dreaded....dalies of CoX?

Anyone who has spent time in that other game knows the bad rap that dalies got over there. "Second job" "Must-Do's" Etc. Personally, I'll be doing them everyday to I can experience the different things the morality system offers, however, there is a currency style reward for doing these missions, so based on that reward, have these become a must do?




Originally Posted by Slauterhause View Post
As I work through my 3rd straight night of my five tip missions, the though hit me like a truck. Have tip missions become the dreaded....dalies of CoX?

Anyone who has spent time in that other game knows the bad rap that dalies got over there. "Second job" "Must-Do's" Etc. Personally, I'll be doing them everyday to I can experience the different things the morality system offers, however, there is a currency style reward for doing these missions, so based on that reward, have these become a must do?

I thought that way originally then I remember I make more on the market in less time than it takes to do them so I stopped bothering. I do Tips for alignment changes and nothing else.



Nah, not when you have finished your character.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
I thought that way originally then I remember I make more on the market in less time than it takes to do them so I stopped bothering. I do Tips for alignment changes and nothing else.
Negative, I don't mean the INF reward, I mean the alignment merit reward at the end of the morality mission that can be used for shiny things (so I hear - not quite there myself yet).



I know what you meant and I'm saying I make more on the market than the shiny can be used to buy in less time.



Yeah that is exactly what they are. But you know...at least it is SOMETHING to do as we wait for the next issue....

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Not if you don't want them to be. *shrug* I play the game to play a character, not go after shiny #13275. If I happen to *get* said shiny, great.



Eh, some people like dailies, plus you are not forced to ru them, if you enjoy them (im loving the writing thus far) then they are added content. Coh doesn't have a lot of different tiers of rewards, so if you are doing them just for rewards, there are more efficient ways, no "must do" to keep up with a power curve, just an additional option for getting good recipes, some rp refining, and content, we always go on about wanting more content, right?



For those of us who don't play that other game, what is a "daily", and why is it considered a bad thing?



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
For those of us who don't play that other game, what is a "daily", and why is it considered a bad thing?
A quest you can do X times a day. Because it is repetitive and grindy.

sidenote: tried wow didn't like it. In fact after trying it I thought hey I used to play that city of villains game I should go try it.. been back ever since.



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
For those of us who don't play that other game, what is a "daily", and why is it considered a bad thing?
That depends on which "other" game he is referring to. The dailies the "other" game I play are given to characters at or near the level cap. They consist of exploration and/or PvP missions that give you points you can then use to buy "purple" equipment that is "soulbound" to that character. The equipment varies from items for your starship to personal equipment for you and your away team.



And in another NCSoft title that features flying, they're a recent addition for a variety of content. Good or bad, not sure, never ran them.

Alternatively, the tip missions have become doilies. Little lace doilies. Potentially lace doilies of evil, depending on which way you're taking your character... and I don't think anyone's heard of a heroic doily.



The 'Daily" Quests in most games usually consist of some arbitrary reason to go "kill 100 boars and bring me back their spleen for my bizarre fetish we're never going to talk about."

CoH "Daily" quests are fun. Probably nirvana by comparison.



I started down this path. In my defense, I have a reason: I'm trying to correct the deficiency in the level 30-40 market (with a little help from my friends.)

I started out with the "One per two days if I do all the ones it lets me" mindset and now I'm more in the "one per three days if I do what I feel like" camp. Possibly interspersed with some "50 merits of TF" days.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I thought of that the other day too, even though I've never played that game with the dailies. My friends and tons of co-workers do so I've heard all about it.

this is a pretty sweet deal though. Every 2 days we can get another normally brutally expensive proc, global, whatever recipe that we'd normally pay out the wazoo at the BM for. Of course, crafting and selling is still the better money-maker.

come to think of it, maybe after a while the brutally expensive procs, etc. will drop in price a bit.



That's what I've noticed, myself. The VMs are upping supply and decreasing demand, though at different rates, so the prices are slowly dippin'.



Prices on some of the more expensive pool C (LotG, Miracle, Numina) have been fluctuating wildly for the last week, which I can't seem to figure out, but they'll eventually settle to a price that's lower than they were before.

Of course, with all this stuff happening at once, part of the price change is coming from the merged markets, and some is coming from alignment merits bringing in new supply. It will be a while before we start to see lots of market activity because so many people are leveling up new characters and running through Praetorian content.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



EDIT: Nevermind, looks like paragonwiki has finally been updated with more details rather than the base stubs that were there last time I looked. So I found the answers.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
I thought that way originally then I remember I make more on the market in less time than it takes to do them so I stopped bothering. I do Tips for alignment changes and nothing else.
While it's true that if you know how to "play the market" it's relatively easy to make enough INF to buy anything you want some people find the whole idea of playing the market as frightfully dull and mismatched to the idea of playing a hero or villain. On the other hand some people might legitimately consider the "daily Hero/Villain merit" method for recipes to be slow and boring for its own obvious reasons. Fair enough.

To me the whole dailies aspect of the alignment missions simply provides yet another method for people to gain access to rare recipes. Having multiple ways to obtain things that appeal to different playstyles can only be considered a good thing for this game. Some people are willing to trade off time for certainty or time for money. These different methods each have their pros and cons. And afterall there's no rule that says you must like or use both methods.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
To me the whole dailies aspect of the alignment missions simply provides yet another method for people to gain access to rare recipes. Having multiple ways to obtain things that appeal to different playstyles can only be considered a good thing for this game. Some people are willing to trade off time for certainty or time for money. These different methods each have their pros and cons. And afterall there's no rule that says you must like or use both methods.
+1 Rep... if we still had that.

It is really nice for those of us who don't run TF's very often AND don't like to play the market. It really fits my playstyle a lot better than the previous methods.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
To me the whole dailies aspect of the alignment missions simply provides yet another method for people to gain access to rare recipes. Having multiple ways to obtain things that appeal to different playstyles can only be considered a good thing for this game. Some people are willing to trade off time for certainty or time for money. These different methods each have their pros and cons. And afterall there's no rule that says you must like or use both methods.
Yea I absolutely agree with this, and although I'm the one that started this discussion, I never meant for the idea of 'dailies' to come across as a BAD thing. I'm a very solo-oriented player due to RL demands, so this additional way to get shiny things that I'd otherwise maybe never see, is spectacular. It just feels that I need to keep on top of them every day, hence my request for others' thoughts.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Prices on some of the more expensive pool C (LotG, Miracle, Numina) have been fluctuating wildly for the last week, which I can't seem to figure out, but they'll eventually settle to a price that's lower than they were before.

Of course, with all this stuff happening at once, part of the price change is coming from the merged markets, and some is coming from alignment merits bringing in new supply. It will be a while before we start to see lots of market activity because so many people are leveling up new characters and running through Praetorian content.
I think that some people have been trying to set the price, and some people are using their past experience with either the villain or hero market to set the price without realizing that many items were priced very differently between the two.

I also think that you have thousands of items that have yet to be relisted. I know that I haven't bothered to re-list items from most of my characters because I've been busy with the new content.

I think it will be a month or two before we get any real stability.

As for the "dailies" aspect, I currently am running tip missions everyday, but only because they are new content for me. I do not feel obligated to do them and have stopped to join TFs or run story arcs for badges, merits, and temp powers.

I made a new character, went through the Praetorian missions, and now intend to run tips back and forth the morality continuum to level him up, cashing in my A-merits before I cross over.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I don't play the other MMO, so thier definition of "Dailies" is probably different.

To me, though, the concept of "Dailies" would be along the lines of what those silly facebook games (which my wife is totally addicted to) require.

Things/Actions (missions) that you MUST do every day or else you are punished by losing progess.

In that way, our Tip missions are not Dailies, as we can do Tips then leave them be for months at a time if desired without actually losing anything. Our "Dailies" may be limited in the quantity you are allowed to do per day, but aren't in any way required.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



I was obsessing over doing them the first few days but then I got over it and went back to doing what I want to do. I'll only be doing it to switch now.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Well, since it seems like the alignment merits will be an easier way to get some of the more in-demand IOs that I like to use, but are never in-stock, I'll probably add doing them into my normal rotation of "things I do", but I'm not going to obsess over them (at least I don't think I will at this point...too early to tell yet).

Note that I'm not really talking about the "overpriced stuff", I've got more then enough money to afford (pretty much) anything I want off of WW, but it's the ones where there simply aren't ANY for sale (for days/weeks at a time) at all that I'm hoping this new path of aquisition will help with.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.