Have Tip Missions become...Dalies?




I like to craft and play the market mainly so I can get recipes for my alts and my RL friends and family that play. My main banking toon has capped a couple of times, but it gets spent. It can get tedious spending a ton of time bidding on salvage (trying to find a sweet spot between whatever flipper or market genius is tyring to push the price something Living tattoo into the hundreds of thousands) recipes, crafting stuff I can't use to buy stuff I can, trying to decide if it is worth crafting in the first place, etc. ANYTHING that gives me something else to accomplish this is worth while.

I hate to spend my horded lucre. 100,000,000 for a stealth proc. Yeah, if I got to. I would rather buy mulitple sets of Crushing Impacts for melee toons and Thunderstrikes for ranged ones then dump all that into one IO.

Two days worth of 5 missions and 20 million inf and - Stealth proc? Yeah, sign me right up! Oh, and I get XP and regular drops? Right now I need several LoTg sets so I will run them. Once I got 'em, well on to something else.

Yep. For expensive stuff A-Merits. For all the other stuff the market.