Remove the recharge from Rest




Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
The subject is the suggestion. My argument is as follows:

1) Rest is a utility power that lowers downtime. Downtime in an action oriented game like City of Heroes should only be justified if there is a strong balance reason for including it.

2) Because Rest comes with significant debuffs while active (only affect self, -100% Resistance/Defense) any balance concerns are mitigated IMO.

3) Rest is a utility that provides its greatest benefit prior to characters reaching the ability to slot SOs or higher. Characters have weak endurance efficiency options and even characters with healing powers are limited by endurance (outliers like Regen notwithstanding).

4) Allowing more frequent use of Rest provide a space for more interesting and difficult encounters pre-20 because characters ever only need to survive the current encounter.

5) There is no five.

6) Or six.

7) I really should stop now huh?

8) OK, I'm done!
The only possible gameplay down side i see to this is its possible to be abused in game. Say i take a buncha damage but im not dead yet. So i run or fly off (i guess were talking teens here or level 6 with vet rewards) get enough distance to rest do so then run right back. Rinse/repeat as needed.

Right now I am limited by the recharge time for the ability to do this on a consistant basis. If there was no recharge i literally probably could do this 3-4 times during a single mob fight if i needed to. By the time we get travel powers we well outspeed most villians. And with the booster packs i would say most of us do even without travel powers.

Otherwise i love the idea, anything to limit downtime is great IMO.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Nor does it mesh with my experience. I might have to rest every several groups of enemies in low levels, and more often than not, it's to recover health not endurance. It is certainly not an every group thing, like some posters portray. Not to say that endurance management can't be a challenge, but the players I see constantly running out of endurance, are the ones that invariably leave Sprint or Ninja Run on all the time, waste AOE attacks on single enemies, etc.
I wasn't only talking about endurance, and I wasn't necessarily saying it was always an every mob thing. And I did say it depended on AT and other things, such as whether you're fighting in a group or solo, what enemies you're fighting, and so on.

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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Huh? What does that have to do with people either surviving OR NOT surviving a single encounter?

Are you saying that because some folks run into spawns with less than capped levels of health/power that making Rest instantly recharge would allow them to not do that? Well, folks have the option now to be careful. It's just whether they're going to learn from their mistakes or not.
No, I'm saying your guess as to what the majority of players are experiencing may not be accurate.

Actually wouldn't that only be true if the median blaster was debt-capped? Outliers would skew the average, no? I mean if 33% of Blasters completely sucked at it and were debt capped. And the other blasters had about a quarter of that, then the average would be 50%, but most blasters wouldn't be debt capped. No?
But they didn't only datamine debt. They datamined XP performance. The average blaster performance lagged significantly from the average performance across the board (actually the average blaster performance for all blaster powerset combinations for all level ranges in and out of teams lagged significantly from the average, which is an even stronger statement). That can't be the result of a minority of outliers.

Within encounters? Or between encounters?
Technically, within encounters to minimize what I have to do between encounters. In other words, I don't tend to play to just barely survive a single fight, which I know will put me in a position to have to rest between fights. Even with stamina and health, doing so would still mean a significant amount of downtime.

This is taking the argument to the extreme. Downtime should only exist if by its existence it offers gameplay options that wouldn't be there otherwise. So if the resource management game is fun, then SOME downtime is acceptable.

I actually agree that a minimal amount of downtime is acceptable. I think Rest's "time-out" where you have to make sure you're in a safe place and then wait until full meets all the requirements of downtime. There's simply no need to force low level players to stand around for up to 3 minutes waiting for their health to recover. That's not fun, and really serves no legitimate purpose other than to make the Fitness pool a complete no-brainer.
Now look who's taking the argument to the extreme. I supported the initial recharge reduction of Rest. In fact, I argued at the time that the correct recharge value for Rest should be closer to 60-90 seconds. That would be congruent with it being up about every three to five fights or so (at lower levels) and could be slottable if you wanted to be up every other fight or so. If you really want to rest every fight, you could choose to pay the slots to do so and take Hasten, you'd just have to pay for that option just like you do every other game play option.

What I'm saying is the notion that this game is designed or intended for fights to be balanced around survive-or-die without inter-fight consequences is false, nor is it something I would like to see the game move towards. There are arguments for adjusting the recharge of rest that are valid even within the confines of the current game's design. But I reject the argument that "downtime ain't fun, so the devs are idiots for keeping it around." Its the same argument used for so many changes that are nothing more than personal preference attempting to masquerade as game design savvy. And it makes presumptions dangerous to make. CO has a virtually zero downtime gameplay mechanism. It doesn't specifically seem to be appreciated by noticably more players than CoH's constrained resource system (and I'm not making a straight subscriber comparison here: I'm specifically talking about whether the average player would, in isolation from all other factors, prefer CO's resource system over CoH's system, all other things being equal). Changing this kind of thing just because everyone "knows" downtime is bad is specifically something that I was pretty sure wasn't a safe assumption, and CO demonstrated to me that caution was justified. This is definitively not a gameplay axiom.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
No, I'm saying your guess as to what the majority of players are experiencing may not be accurate.
The fact you offered doesn't support or refute what I stated. A lot of Blasters might have been at the debt cap because they suck. As you stated there's a lot of factors. All I said is that the majority of characters post-30 virtually eliminate downtime.

Technically, within encounters to minimize what I have to do between encounters. In other words, I don't tend to play to just barely survive a single fight, which I know will put me in a position to have to rest between fights. Even with stamina and health, doing so would still mean a significant amount of downtime.
The fact is that after a certain point, you don't have to play that way except on certain fights. At low levels those same fights are much worse.

Now look who's taking the argument to the extreme. I supported the initial recharge reduction of Rest. In fact, I argued at the time that the correct recharge value for Rest should be closer to 60-90 seconds. That would be congruent with it being up about every three to five fights or so (at lower levels) and could be slottable if you wanted to be up every other fight or so. If you really want to rest every fight, you could choose to pay the slots to do so and take Hasten, you'd just have to pay for that option just like you do every other game play option.

What I'm saying is the notion that this game is designed or intended for fights to be balanced around survive-or-die without inter-fight consequences is false, nor is it something I would like to see the game move towards. There are arguments for adjusting the recharge of rest that are valid even within the confines of the current game's design. But I reject the argument that "downtime ain't fun, so the devs are idiots for keeping it around." Its the same argument used for so many changes that are nothing more than personal preference attempting to masquerade as game design savvy. And it makes presumptions dangerous to make. CO has a virtually zero downtime gameplay mechanism. It doesn't specifically seem to be appreciated by noticably more players than CoH's constrained resource system (and I'm not making a straight subscriber comparison here: I'm specifically talking about whether the average player would, in isolation from all other factors, prefer CO's resource system over CoH's system, all other things being equal). Changing this kind of thing just because everyone "knows" downtime is bad is specifically something that I was pretty sure wasn't a safe assumption, and CO demonstrated to me that caution was justified. This is definitively not a gameplay axiom.
Interestingly enough, you haven't stated why you think downtime is desirable.

Lastly, I take a small amount of umbrage with the underlined. I presented my suggestion in a respectful fashion. I did not suggest that the devs are idiots and I really would appreciate if you not stretch things I say like that. I don't do it to you.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
All I said is that the majority of characters post-30 virtually eliminate downtime.
How do you know that? What evidence do you have to back up that statement? Is it simply self-evident in your mind?

Arcanaville brought up the blaster thing to demonstrate that what we think we may "know" about the game is not always true. It was meant to caution you against believing with certainty that "the majority of characters post-30 virtually eliminate downtime." It is possible you are right. It is also possible you are wrong.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
How do you know that? What evidence do you have to back up that statement? Is it simply self-evident in your mind?

Arcanaville brought up the blaster thing to demonstrate that what we think we may "know" about the game is not always true. It was meant to caution you against believing with certainty that "the majority of characters post-30 virtually eliminate downtime." It is possible you are right. It is also possible you are wrong.
Whatever. I know what I observe. And that is that in the post-30 game, six years of teams have moved pretty much non-stop. My anecdotal evidence isn't discounted by Arcanaville's statement.

And all that is irrelevant to the issue at hand, but I do so appreciate you all bumping the thread with irrelevant observations!

Without dissent, thread like this die. So thank you. Please feel free to share any other thoughts you may have.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Interestingly enough, you haven't stated why you think downtime is desirable.
When someone is asking for a major change in the core resource management paradigm, which could have extensive repercussions, the onus is on them to demonstrate conclusively why the change is necessary. Not just desirable, not just 'a good idea', but necessary. This has not been done.

It is not the responsibility of those who do not see that change necessary to defend it. All they have to do is point out flaws in the logic stating that the change is needed.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
My anecdotal evidence
I'm just going to leave this here where you can look at it.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Interestingly enough, you haven't stated why you think downtime is desirable.
Death is also not desirable. Its there specifically because its not desirable.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
I hate to ask this, but are any of you running on higher difficulty levels on your solo lowbies?
Given that Praetoria City lacks a difficulty changing person of any fashion...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Arcanaville brought up the blaster thing to demonstrate that what we think we may "know" about the game is not always true. It was meant to caution you against believing with certainty that "the majority of characters post-30 virtually eliminate downtime." It is possible you are right. It is also possible you are wrong.
That's asuming you didn't "know" Blasters were lagging behind and terrible to play, especially solo. I have a hard time imagining how anyone who played a Blaster solo before the Defiance changes would not have noticed that, as even Blaster proponents at the time acknowledged this, but argued it was a benefit because Blasters were "hard mode."

If the argument here is "we thought Blasters were great but they actually sucked, so that's proof we don't know," then that's a very poor example because it takes what was blatantly obvious to anyone who actually played, and to a fair few who just observed.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This is an interesting topic, a character who is unfit and experiences the same exact combat will need to rest more than a one who is fit. Those who hit hard versus soft will need to rest more as well. Forcing everyone to pace themselves the same way is nonsense. Some fighters explode in a fight and normally win by a quick KO. Others go the slow route and go for the long decision.

Rest is a strategic component in the game. I designed my Energy/Energy stalker with a Bruce Lee/ Mike Tyson mentality. Hit Very Hard Very Fast to conquer them and then rest after the fight. That character rests as soon as the mini area is clear so that bar is always full for the next fight. If I need to handle a tough boss or greater threat, I pick which toggles to use and start slugging it out. If I get tired, I placate run around the corner, hide and rest. Works great.

Many years ago in a game long ago called EQ, abusing rest after every mob fight when other enemies were nearby was handled by increasing mobs aggro detection of those using rest, perhaps this could be added to COH while removing the recharge timer.

If you are in Line of Sight of a Mob and Resting versus Standing, those Mobs would and should chase you down to defeat you.

The numbers guys would have to determine if resting near another player in combat would force the MOB to break aggro and to what distance would be safe versus dangerous.

Let everyone rest when they want to and attach consequences to it!

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Death is also not desirable. Its there specifically because its not desirable.
Do you realise what kind of argument you are making here? Death is undesirable, and largely because it takes time to recover from it and travel back to the mission. Ending a fight with low bars is not desirable because it takes time to recover from it and wait for health and endurance to come back. In theory, and indeed in practice from what I've seen, death and a certain kind of victory become equal. Because I can assure you - I've taken MORE time to sit on my hands and wait for my endurance to recover than I would have taken if I'd died and flown back to the hospital. Does that not strike you as *** backwards?

Here's the thing - right now, if I have a self-resurrection power like, say, Rise of the Phoenix and I've slotted it, it is more advantageous for me to DIE towards the end of the fight, resurrect and be at almost full health and endurance, than it is for me to keep on fighting and win, but then have to rest when Rest isn't available. Any time it is more advantageous to me to take my hands off the keyboard and die instead of fighting on, something is wrong with the system. Something that you really ought to be able to see, Arcana, and that baffles me.

Disincentive for playing "wrong" is important, obviously, otherwise it's a sandbox and not a game. However, this disincentive should not be intentionally designed to waste people's time and irritate them. I do not need to be "punished" by a game that I pay to play. And, yes, I went there. I can deal with consequences for dying. I can deal with consequences for playing poorly. But those consequences do not have to, and indeed shouldn't, constitute me being given a time out in the corner unable to do anything.

If I die, I travel back from the hospital. It makes sense, and above all else, it gives me something to do while time is passing. If I win but don't have full bars, I wait. And while I wait, I have absolutely ZERO activities I could be doing. It'd be the same as if after every fight I got a loading bar that lasted for 30-60 seconds, because it's the exact same thing. And, no, zone loading does not take anywhere near this long, not on my rig.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
When someone is asking for a major change in the core resource management paradigm, which could have extensive repercussions, the onus is on them to demonstrate conclusively why the change is necessary. Not just desirable, not just 'a good idea', but necessary. This has not been done.

It is not the responsibility of those who do not see that change necessary to defend it. All they have to do is point out flaws in the logic stating that the change is needed.
Which the Evil Geko already did in his original post, if you'd like to go back and read it. His positives have so far not only not been proven to be false, but have not even been addressed, not that I could determine. Instead, the counter-argument basically consists of "Champions Online did it, so we shouldn't" and "downtime is good for the game." Sorry, Arcana, but that's what it comes down to.

At this point, I dare say the Geko has the right to ask for justification.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
When someone is asking for a major change in the core resource management paradigm, which could have extensive repercussions, the onus is on them to demonstrate conclusively why the change is necessary. Not just desirable, not just 'a good idea', but necessary. This has not been done.

It is not the responsibility of those who do not see that change necessary to defend it. All they have to do is point out flaws in the logic stating that the change is needed.
No, it's not my responsibility to provide statistical evidence that I have no access too. It's my responsibility to explain why I believe my suggestion is sound and for the devs to compare that to their proprietary statistical evidence and decide if my idea is sound.

This BS argument has been brought up in the various other arguments I've made over the years and it still makes no sense.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Death is also not desirable. Its there specifically because its not desirable.
Right. Death is a penalty. It's a marker that, "Hey hero/villain you didn't win."

It's interesting to me that every MMO out there with death penalties, including this one have made their penalties less severe over time. But the existence of death as a penalty, provides a good reason for making recover downtime as minimal as possible.

Death provides a time penalty in the form of experience debt (or eating rested exp) and possibly travel time back to the point of defeat. What's the difference there? You can play away the penalty. The assumption always has to be that the core activity of the game is fun so working off debt should likewise be entertaining. That plus the fact that the penalties for death have been lowered make death a reasonable penalty for defeat.

But recover downtime puts you in a situation where you have to STOP playing the game. You can go back for inspirations, perhaps, but that's often going to be longer than it takes for your health to recharge naturally.

Thanks for all the negative responses. Truly. I hate making suggestions that die immediately.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Here's the thing - right now, if I have a self-resurrection power like, say, Rise of the Phoenix and I've slotted it, it is more advantageous for me to DIE towards the end of the fight, resurrect and be at almost full health and endurance, than it is for me to keep on fighting and win, but then have to rest when Rest isn't available. Any time it is more advantageous to me to take my hands off the keyboard and die instead of fighting on, something is wrong with the system. Something that you really ought to be able to see, Arcana, and that baffles me.
If you're at a level that you have a self-rez available, and you're still relying on Rest to keep your endurance or health up, then you're doing something seriously wrong. Your entire statement there, Sam, consists of nothing but hyperbole in an attempt to bolster your argument. Just like most of the other claims people make that they have to use rest after every single fight, and they're "always" waiting around for rest to recharge.

Heck, just now, just before starting this post, I finished an entire mayhem mission on a lvl 18 EM/WP stalker. Guess how many times I used rest? Zero. Zip. Nada. Didn't need it. No Stamina or Quick Recovery. Finished every side mission, fought every ambush & every spawn I came across.

There are options for dealing with endurance & HP management that already exist in the game. Having an always available rest is completely unnecessary. One consequence of having Rest on a recharge timer, is that it gives players some incentive to learn to use the already existing tools to manage their endurance.



Signed, as ever.

Oh, and;

Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I believe the only reason you don't die from one hit while resting is because there's explicitly code in the game that's meant to keep player characters from being one shot.
Seriously; Where to people keep getting this idea from?! It's not true! Go in game, go up to a mob of even con or higher, and hit rest. In fact, to prove it, go to the warzone or somewhere and walk up to the biggest, nastiest Rikti you can find. Then rest in front of it.
You. Will. Die.
One shot, one kill. End of story.
There is no one-shot rule. Or if there is, its only in very extreme cases.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




Is it a myth or not?

I always thought we did have a 'no one-shot' mechanic in place. What your seeing could be DoT ticks that count as more than one shot, or perhaps multiple attacks hit at once, like an Alpha.

From deep within my mind I seem to recall something along the lines of
falling damage only being able to take you down to 1 point and the same with ALL attacks, be it Lusca or a Hellion. It's just that most times attacks come so fast it feels like one-shot.


Now I'm all curious if this has just been a myth this whole time. Anyone know for sure?

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Given that Praetoria City lacks a difficulty changing person of any fashion...
I just thought I'd failed to notice it. Since I haven't needed to change difficulty in praetoria, I didn't go looking. But then, I typically don't in normal play, either, so it seemed like a pertinent question to ask, since that's something other people do that I usually don't, at least, not until late 20s (at the earliest).

Good to know, thanks for confirming.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Here's the thing - right now, if I have a self-resurrection power like, say, Rise of the Phoenix and I've slotted it, it is more advantageous for me to DIE towards the end of the fight, resurrect and be at almost full health and endurance, than it is for me to keep on fighting and win, but then have to rest when Rest isn't available. Any time it is more advantageous to me to take my hands off the keyboard and die instead of fighting on, something is wrong with the system. Something that you really ought to be able to see, Arcana, and that baffles me.
Wrong? At that point the character is one that derives strength from defeat, as long as defeat isn't too frequent. It makes perfect sense from here.

I mean, c'mon, "Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine" isn't just a great quote, it's a genre trope for a reason. And under these circumstances, the game supports it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Signed, as ever.

Oh, and;

Seriously; Where to people keep getting this idea from?! It's not true! Go in game, go up to a mob of even con or higher, and hit rest. In fact, to prove it, go to the warzone or somewhere and walk up to the biggest, nastiest Rikti you can find. Then rest in front of it.
You. Will. Die.
One shot, one kill. End of story.
There is no one-shot rule. Or if there is, its only in very extreme cases.
Incorrect. That is not "one shot" as far as the code is concerned.

You see one attack. You are getting HIT with two simultaneous ones. Watch your combat log. For Rikti, it's typically slashing and energy. The game sees it as two attacks, two "hits" of damage, and you will die.

If it's 100% energy, 100% lethal, whatever, you will not, so long as you have no damage from any other source.

Technicality? Yes. But it still makes the "one hit code" statement true.

I'll put up screenshots I just took.
1: The "two hits" a rikti sword does, lethal and energy.

Note the *two sources* of damage - the "Hit with lethal" and "Hit with energy" damage. Two hits. Yes, one attack, but two bursts of damage.

2. A level 11 stalker (260 hit points) requiring two hits from a Headman Gunman rifle (one shot of 803.95 points of energy damage) to be killed *because of the one shot code.*

Note I have the combat attributes window up. I SK'd her to get her to the zone, then dropped team and let her take a swing at the *single* Rikti Headman Gunman I kept around there. They do *one* hit of damage with their rifle - energy only.

See the amount of damage?
See her hit points?
See that she had to get hit with TWO attacks for this enemy, 35 levels or so above her, doing more than three times her hit points in damage, to kill her? That is the result of the one shot code.

If I hadn't killed the mezmerist from the first one (since I wanted to isolate an enemy doing a single damage type,) he would have killed her in one attack... one attack that does two "hits" of damage, one energy, one lethal.

If you don't believe that, and want to insist there's "no one shot code," make a level 1 *anything* on Pinnacle and I'll set it up so you get hit with the same thing. You'll see you require two single-damage-type attacks to be killed, even if the attacks hit for more damage than you have HP.



So I'm not going insane. I knew my blasters had been saved by 1 point on a few occasions as I used to monitor it with the old defiance...

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
What I'm saying is the notion that this game is designed or intended for fights to be balanced around survive-or-die without inter-fight consequences is false, nor is it something I would like to see the game move towards.
What people are arguing for isn't the simplified fight or die model that you seem to be interpreting them as arguing for. Rest, even with an instant recharge, still represents a loss of time (which is exactly what death is). If you survive with 100% of your resources intact, you can can head to the next fight without waiting. If you survive with 10% of your resources intact, you have to spend the next 17 seconds using Rest. The use of Rest is, in and of itself, a cost that you are having to pay. If you manage your health and endurance intelligently, you won't have to pay the cost in downtime as often, which still provides a reason for you to take powers that supplant Rest as a primary source of after combat recovery while those same powers still provide you with in combat recovery capabilities. Removing the recharge wouldn't somehow remove the impetus to make a character more self-sufficient. All it would do would be to make Rest a viable but still suboptimal alternative, which, unless the devs honestly want everyone to take Stamina and/or a powerset with an endurance assistance power (which I think they've outright said they don't want to do), would be an intelligent thing to do.



I'm pretty sure I got hit by Uber Recluse once, on a blaster, and didn't die. Some thing along the lines of 5000 damage.

So I would say there's a code to prevent you from being one-shotted, at least if you're at full health. It's too bad it doesn't apply to attacks that have two damage types though...



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
There is no one-shot rule. Or if there is, its only in very extreme cases.
There is, actually - I forget when it was implemented, but you can't go from 100% health to dead in a single tick of damage. If a power has two damage components, however, yes, you will die - if you have, say 300HP and get hit by a power that does 1000HP damage, you'll get knocked down to 1HP. But if the power does one tick 1000HP damage and one tick of 1HP, then you'll be dead.