Remove the recharge from Rest




I would greatly enjoy new no recharge rest even if it dropped combat toggles, suppressed non combat ones, was unslotable, had a taunt aura, and increased threat level (to make you a more likely target if more then one is available).



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
You left out the 'One shot kill' bit. Everyone always does. You happen to forget one minion, or a patrol comes around the corner, your hospital bait. Pure and simple.
There's too many ways around that. Most mezzes can last longer than 12sec, again you have extreme movement in travel powers that can simply get you to safety quickly, hiding such as next to a box or behind a column or a nook in the wall is as effective as being in another room in some cases.

But the simplest solution is Stealth. Since Stealth (and other invisibility powers) can be run with Rest without suppressing their Stealth Radius (and believe me, Rest doesn't for either Stealth, Super Speed or Hide...not quite sure about stealth IOs) you can practically take a nap at the enemy's feet and they aren't any the wiser.

In fact, no one gets negative effects from this, period.
That's if you believe the devs are considering changing rest. If they aren't, they might consider Rest balanced as is so any alterations to that power's recharge might result in a decrease in the regen/recovery values.

Honestly though, I'd actually love it if the devs took the recharge down to like 30sec and then cut the regen/recovery bonus to about a quarter of the values now. Wouldn't encourage topping off your bars even with it but if one is a bit too low, taking a few seconds will get you were you need to be. Nobody else would like that, though. Oh well.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
There's too many ways around that. Most mezzes can last longer than 12sec, again you have extreme movement in travel powers that can simply get you to safety quickly, hiding such as next to a box or behind a column or a nook in the wall is as effective as being in another room in some cases.

But the simplest solution is Stealth. Since Stealth (and other invisibility powers) can be run with Rest without suppressing their Stealth Radius (and believe me, Rest doesn't for either Stealth, Super Speed or Hide...not quite sure about stealth IOs) you can practically take a nap at the enemy's feet and they aren't any the wiser.
And this is all already possible and a pretty common defensive strategy, especially when soloing. Being up more often doesn't change how risky Rest is, which is not particularly.

Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
But as Arcanaville noted earlier.. If you're only occasionally needing it sooner than you are now, why is completely removing recharge superior to simply lowering the recharge?
Because the numbers Arcana supports aren't necessarily good enough. Let me paint a picture of exactly why I'm for this change:

I'm on a low-level SR Scrapper, soloing through a mission. Thanks to defense debuffs and constantly-spawning +1s, it's a tough, but manageable fight. After one such encounter, I'm all out of endurance, so I take a knee and Rest it back to full. Now that I'm ready for the next mob, I run in and...nearly get creamed thanks to that Lieutenant, but I just managed it.

So here I am, at 25% health. Rest is still on cooldown, and none of my remaining inspirations can be combined into a green. What do? Moving forward is suicide, running to get inspirations is equally time-consuming and annoying thanks to my contact being a zone or two away (and who knows how bad that would be if I didn't have Ninja Run).

I'll admit, 60 second Rest would be a godsend, and it might even solve that very real situation I presented in a timely enough fashion. But, 60 seconds or not, I would still be sitting around doing nothing waiting for Rest or natural Regen for some amount of time (let's say 15-30 seconds at most with a 60 second cooldown, followed by the time it takes to heal back up), to the point where having it instantly be up seems more reasonable. In other words, if the time remaining on Rest after such an encounter is 15 seconds, why make me wait any longer?

Based on that admittedly rough math, I'd almost be willing to advocate Rest with a 30 second recharge. But I know that there would still be some sort of edge case, or critical fumble, or just plain bad luck that could still happen even with the recharge that low. So instead, I'm still on board with 0.

(Plus I'm also bugged by that whole "have to wait before I can Rest" thing. )

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I'm on a low-level SR Brute, soloing through a mission. Thanks to defense debuffs and constantly-spawning +1s, it's a tough, but manageable fight. After one such encounter, I'm all out of endurance, so I take a knee and Rest it back to full. Now that I'm ready for the next mob, I run in and...nearly get creamed thanks to that Lieutenant, but I just managed it.

So here I am, at 25% health. Rest is still on cooldown, and none of my remaining inspirations can be combined into a green. What do? Moving forward is suicide, running to get inspirations is equally time-consuming and annoying thanks to my contact being a zone or two away (and who knows how bad that would be if I didn't have Ninja Run).
How often does that situation REALLY occur though? Is your position that it occurs quite frequently, or that it doesn't matter how rarely it occurs, it still justifies having Rest available on demand?

Despite this being sort of going around in circles here, I'll once again point out that there are already several existing ways to help a player manage their endurance to reduce the need to use Rest to replenish endurance. That lets a player keep Rest in reserve for topping off health, provided they don't have a self-heal available to them. Even a small amount of endurance reduction slotted into attacks goes a long way to keeping endurance use under control. Slotting end reduction is pretty much Brute 101.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
How often does that situation REALLY occur though? Is your position that it occurs quite frequently, or that it doesn't matter how rarely it occurs, it still justifies having Rest available on demand?
A little of column A, a little of column B. I play lots of low level characters, and it happens often enough to be a rather annoying inconvenience, which sours my fun. Of course, it also never happens at all on my higher level characters because I never use Rest anymore by then.

Despite this being sort of going around in circles here, I'll once again point out that there are already several existing ways to help a player manage their endurance to reduce the need to use Rest to replenish endurance. That lets a player keep Rest in reserve for topping off health, provided they don't have a self-heal available to them. Even a small amount of endurance reduction slotted into attacks goes a long way to keeping endurance use under control. Slotting end reduction is pretty much Brute 101.
I'll once again point out that the ways you listed are not reliable or always available. I've also had plenty of Brutes who will run out of endurance even when taking advantage of endurance reduction enhancements, particularly in small teams.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
And this is all already possible and a pretty common defensive strategy, especially when soloing. Being up more often doesn't change how risky Rest is, which is not particularly.
It kinda does change how risky it is, though. It was already pointed out how iffy using Rest was when an encounter is only a matter of time. Like seeing that minion is about to turn the corner and you're already resting.

The obvious solution is to stop resting and take care of the minion. But right now? If you do that, you'll end up with Rest recharging. Do you risk it and try getting as much END/HP as you can before it's too late? Stop and just deal with it, take out the minion and move on while Rest recharges? Play it safe and run away to fully top off HP?

If a proactive approach isn't taken to lessen the risk then there are consequences but it removes some of the risk the power currently has without a recharge. I can foresee waves of ambushes no longer being much of a problem. Just move to a point in the map that will take them a moment to get to, position your camera so you can see them coming down the hall and just kill > rest > kill > rest.

I suppose that's all right, ambushes can be a super pain for my Stalkers...but honestly, I'd imagine ambushes are suppose to be 'not easy'....

I'm on a low-level SR Scrapper, soloing through a mission. Thanks to defense debuffs and constantly-spawning +1s, it's a tough, but manageable fight. After one such encounter, I'm all out of endurance, so I take a knee and Rest it back to full. Now that I'm ready for the next mob, I run in and...nearly get creamed thanks to that Lieutenant, but I just managed it.

So here I am, at 25% health. Rest is still on cooldown, and none of my remaining inspirations can be combined into a green. What do? Moving forward is suicide, running to get inspirations is equally time-consuming and annoying thanks to my contact being a zone or two away (and who knows how bad that would be if I didn't have Ninja Run).
You're a SR. You've got good resists ontop of your defenses when you're at low HP. Either pop a purple (now the enemy won't touch you) or an orange (making your resists even more formidable) and truck along until a green does drop.

....just sayin'....

(Plus I'm also bugged by that whole "have to wait before I can Rest" thing. )
I always considered the power, Rest, to be something other than just taking a knee and putting on a few bandages. Seriously, how does that even work in RL or comics? I've never seen a hero walk around a corner, but his back against the wall for around 30 seconds and then is back to 100% when he's done(mentally ready to push forward, perhaps, but he'd still be bleeding and holding his pistol arm afterwards)...maybe if he rested for an hour or more, giving him a chance to take a pair of tweezers to the 2 dozen bullet wounds in his back...Is rest simulating time manipulation, where everyone can fast-forward time to days in the future, where the person is completely healed? Or backwards before he ever got injured.

As is now, to actually simulate a hero resting up before a hard fight, just using an /em sit and waiting for yourself to regen or recover fits perfectly seeing as around 15 min RT is supposedly like 2 hours in-game (probably wrong so corrections if you will), if you need to take 2 mins to get back some HPs, that's what? A quarter hour breather your hero is taking before busting the other 10 dozen automatic fire-arm wielding maniacs around the corner.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
It kinda does change how risky it is, though. It was already pointed out how iffy using Rest was when an encounter is only a matter of time. Like seeing that minion is about to turn the corner and you're already resting.

The obvious solution is to stop resting and take care of the minion. But right now? If you do that, you'll end up with Rest recharging. Do you risk it and try getting as much END/HP as you can before it's too late? Stop and just deal with it, take out the minion and move on while Rest recharges? Play it safe and run away to fully top off HP?
To be fair, if you purposefully interrupt or simply shut off Rest before the interrupt period is over, it doesn't go into cooldown. I've been in that situation before, both with wasting Rest and purposefully pulling out of it, and both tend to be rarer than having to wait for Rest to come back.

If a proactive approach isn't taken to lessen the risk then there are consequences but it removes some of the risk the power currently has without a recharge. I can foresee waves of ambushes no longer being much of a problem. Just move to a point in the map that will take them a moment to get to, position your camera so you can see them coming down the hall and just kill > rest > kill > rest.
That's an iffy hypothetical, IMO. Such a strategy would require pure-melee enemies, a very large map, and/or the speed of a travel power to actually buy you enough time to recover much of anything before they're on you again.

And in the end, even if it did work, it might reduce the risk of ambushes, but not in a way that could be leveraged for more reward over time. Honestly, if someone goes to that much effort to make sure they don't die to an ambush, more power to 'em. Especially since it would probably be easier to just leave the mission.

You're a SR. You've got good resists ontop of your defenses when you're at low HP. Either pop a purple (now the enemy won't touch you) or an orange (making your resists even more formidable) and truck along until a green does drop.

....just sayin'....
At such low levels, I might have the first auto if any of them, making the scaling resistance fairly minimal. Purples are also iffy due to the defense debuffs that were getting me wrecked in the first place.

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It sounds like the point you're trying to make is 'SR sucks at the low levels,' rather than 'rest should be always available.' One patches the other.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
It sounds like the point you're trying to make is 'SR sucks at the low levels,' rather than 'rest should be always available.' One patches the other.
Well, actually, I'm more making the point that there's too many potent defense debuffs at low levels, which affects everyone rather than just SR.

I'm also pretty sure this thread, and a lot of the feelings in it, have been spurred on by the somewhat harder difficulty curve of the missions in Praetoria.

Basically, while my motivations may stem from many disparate problems, changing Rest would help address all of them at once with the change of a single power.

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I dunno, my peacebringer didn't really care about his defence being debuffed. I'm getting the very strong sense that there's a lot of false groundswell going on.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
I dunno, my peacebringer didn't really care about his defence being debuffed. I'm getting the very strong sense that there's a lot of false groundswell going on.
Yeah. That might just have something to do with the fact thatr Peacebringer shields are resistance based, not defence?

Really, Rest being 0 or 30 second recharge would be a boon to everything pre-20, because it is more often than not you find yourself low on health and end every or every other spawn. And no, 'L2P' doesnt count, thank you very much. I learned to play a couple of years ago, and even now there are still certain mobs, missions and ATs that make we curse for a 0 recharge rest. Pure and simple.

It still confuses me why people argue against this. If you barely use Rest even pre-20, well done, good for you. For those who have need of it, it's a godsend. I still fail to see a downside.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



So what you're saying is, defense debuffing doesn't affect everyone equally. Ie, you're restating my point. Yes, everyone gets their defenses debuffed. Not everyone cares.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Reduce or remove recharge and add a taunt aura to rest ^_^.
/signed. That would be pretty funny against -40s.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I think for the first 20 levels, you should have a rest power that recharges in, say, 10 seconds. After that, make it 3-5 minutes or so.