Annoying foe runaway AI in HD video




Originally Posted by Castle View Post
You should also know that runners are a part of the game and eliminating that aspect of the game isn't really likely to happen.
Because "fun" isn't a design goal of this game?

Seriously, it would be fine if running away had some purpose to it. As it stands, there is no game function for it except to annoy and frustrate players. The to-hit function provides more than enough frustration without running away adding to it.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



I had an elite boss (Noble Savage) run away from me the entire time it took me to defeat him. Merely because I had hover and he could not punch me. He could hurl boulders to his heart's content, but did not. He just kept running.. and running.. and running... It made him quite a pain to defeat. I can't imagine that I broke an EB's morale simply because he couldn't punch me. As slowly as I was damaging him... I don't buy that either. Something in the morale script is borked.



Unfortunetly I don't have any proof of this but with running one of the things I've noticed is that I rarely have minions run away......however most liutenants will and since I reactivated my account *again I just keep dropping in and out based on money supply at the time* every boss character I have fought has run away. Not necessarily gotten away but has atleast made the attempt. Now this may have something to do with my kinetic/reflexes scrapper with the debuffs he lands on opponents and his pretty much purely dodging defenses*all or nothing damage to me pretty much* but I haven't played enough to know for certain.
My mastermind seems to cause this alot less*at the moment* but normally I have each henchman and myself attacking a different opponent after taking down the hardest enemy first and fastest and yet the other enemies don't run very often. Every once in awhile I'll have one run and get gunned down. But when I play him with my level pact buddy a katana/willpower scrapper we run into nigh constant runaways once again.*this is all below level 10.....maybe 11 on Praetoria*

Martian spy-lvl28-champion-energy/energy-tech/blaster
Stone Singer-lvl12-virtue-earth/sonic-magic/troller-RP
Jack Grimm-lvl17-virtue-zombie/dark-magic/MM-RP
Barbed Trap-lvl 6-virtue-spine/regen mut/Scrap-rp
((your like the park mascot and the tutorial to RP))-starlit savior about stone singer




The following are just my thoughts and reflect no special insider knowledge...

1: To reduce the amount of rewards/time you would otherwise get for defeating a spawn that you are obviously overwhelming. If your foes can't hit you and you are killing them 'too fast' (regardless of what they con to you), you should get less rewards in this case; you are obviously picking on guys whose combination of powers makes them poorly suited to challenge your build/team. As noted, this also helps balance out the reward/time ratio of debuff heavy teams (or would if such teams did not also liberally use slows, snares, and holds). Not that even chasing the runner essentially slows down your time/rewards ratio, thus acheiving the purpose.

2: To give crowd control an added purpose. CC, slows, and the likes are not only good for helping to defeat a spawn, but when a spawn threatens to give you less rewards by running, some CC can help you recoup the rewards by keeping them around to be defeated. It can be an additional incentive to team for some builds, or to diversify some damage-centric builds.

3: To add immersion. In a superhero game, foes that are obviously outmatched should run. If you are such a badA$$ that Godzilla runs when he sees you coming, that should make you feel good about yourself.


A: Aggroing other spawns would be overwhelming behaviour versus untwinked lowbies without vet powers. Besides, what good would it do to aggro more foes you can easily defeat?

B: They wander back so that you can finish off the spawn if you have patience even if you don't have access to Control powers. This is fine because it still lowers your reward/time ratio.

c: They run so far because they are 'hoping' you will get impatient and wander off before they get back, thus allowing them to reduce the rewards you would otherwise have gotten from that spawn. This often works.

In other words, the flee AI is a way of balancing rewards to challenge/time. If it were removed, it would likely be necessary to reduce the rewards for all foes in the game.


Instanced missions: mob flee AI is of reduced value in instanced missions where the foes can't actually get away, leading to annoying map searches.
This does still accomplish the purpose of lowering the time/rewards ratio, but since you are 'committed' to doing the mission and reaping the Mission Complete bonus, it is of questionable value.
One thing you might consider is programming 'griefed' foes in an instance to 'collect' at the mission entrance for one last big fight (unless the players just use the Exit buton).

Mission Objectives: not only can the foe not flee, but you cannot really choose to let them get away and take the hit in rewards to spend your time on other things.
My suggestion would be to give foes that are specific mission objectives (and Boss Rank or higher) some kind of 'desperation power' like a self-buff to damage and accuracy/to hit (or maybe to recharge speed and mez resistance) that they activate when 'griefed' instead of running away (except for foes like Tsoo Sorcerers or Diabolique, where the fleeing is part of the challenge). They may be doomed to defeat, but perhaps they can deal out a little debt before they go. In my personal experience, it is much more fun to deal with a desperation power than to just chase some guy all over the map when we both know he isn't going to escape.
Another way of handling this would be to program such objectives to autocomplete (with proper 'surrender' emote) after a certain amount of time of being griefed, giving out reduced rewards when autocompleting.

In general, you may consider having foes signal when they are in a 'griefed' state (like an exclamation point overhead), so that the players can make informed choices based on that fact.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Last night we were running STF (no tank). All AVs on second mission were running from us as little girls. While I can understand grief flag on minions and LTs (however annoying it is), but IMO, boss and higher, especially AV and GM, shouldn't run at all, but stay put and fiteklub with us.



Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
I would also like to mention Ghost of Scrapyard, it's not an exaggeration to say that he spends more time running than fighting, seemingly regardless of who or what is attacking him.

Now maybe it's by design, I'm not sure...maybe he's trying to "stick it to the man". But whatever the reasoning might be, I can't in good conscience call it good design, particularly when he spawns on the docks and is precariously close to either the Arbiter Drones or the black market. It's kind of pot luck whether he'll run towards them and insta-kill himself or run away from them, and missing credit for merits/badges that way is more than a little frustrating.
Reading what Castle wrote about how the leg it script works I would assume that the reason GoS runs is because of the sheer number of Scrapyarders that are KO'd.

If it is 50 leading the team against GoS then the Scrapyarders following would be conning grey so mowing down large numbers is easily done in one or two AoEs. Now because those Scrapyarders are following GoS you could assume they are considered part of the same spawn.

So according to the leg it script if defeating a critters allies to quickly causes it to run this could easily explain why GoS does run so much.

I could be wrong but it would explain GoS behaviour.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Critters run away for one of two reasons: A power or script forces them to or their "grief" flag has been set to true.

The Grief flag gets set to true when the enemy's morale breaks. Morale can break because a team mate died too quickly, or because they cannot attack their enemy effectively. So, if a group of softcapped players AoE nuke half a spawn down, the rest are pretty likely to run away -- a bunch of their team just died AND their odds of being able to retaliate are at minimal levels.

I'm not saying there isn't a problem; I am giving you, the players, more information regarding how it works internally. You should also know that runners are a part of the game and eliminating that aspect of the game isn't really likely to happen.

Seems to me that this should only be half the equation then. If the mob has experienced those things why shouldnt it run to get backup?

Runners drawing aggro is a main part of some MMO's but is non existant in CoH. While that makes the game alot easier, I kinda wish it wasnt so here.

I happened to enjoy the times in EQ where we had to bail out because of a runner drawing extra mobs into the fray on their behalf. I added a extra layer of planning and responsiblity to the group as a whole. To spot potential problems and inform the controller or blaster or scrapper so that they could neutralize that problem before it ends in a team wipe. But then again, that's just my personal preference.

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
Last night we were running STF (no tank). All AVs on second mission were running from us as little girls. While I can understand grief flag on minions and LTs (however annoying it is), but IMO, boss and higher, especially AV and GM, shouldn't run at all, but stay put and fiteklub with us.
The grief flag should be switchable and have no bearing on some toons. Certin mobs should act according to their percieved personality then a standard grief script.

I can see Protean running in a fight if he thinks he can use that to his advantage. But Lord Recluse should just be too damn mean to scare in any way shape or form. And heroes like Statesman should be in it to win it no matter what, after all. That's what makes them heroes in the first place. They run twords something that causes everyone else to run away in fear....

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I could live with runners if they were a little more rare, but one per fight is just pushing it.
I've played COH/COV sporadically for a long time and it seems to me that there have always been one runner per group. That's one of the things that make taunt and holds useful.



I have to wonder...Is it possible that the grief flag is adversely scaling to rank? In other words, the fact that a mob is an AV screwing with the values and making them more prone to run instead of less. Just a thought of a possible switch that could be flipped in the wrong direction.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Critters run away for one of two reasons: A power or script forces them to or their "grief" flag has been set to true.

The Grief flag gets set to true when the enemy's morale breaks. Morale can break because a team mate died too quickly, or because they cannot attack their enemy effectively. So, if a group of softcapped players AoE nuke half a spawn down, the rest are pretty likely to run away -- a bunch of their team just died AND their odds of being able to retaliate are at minimal levels.

I'm not saying there isn't a problem; I am giving you, the players, more information regarding how it works internally. You should also know that runners are a part of the game and eliminating that aspect of the game isn't really likely to happen.
I can totally agree with the example you provided. I would run away too. But what about the Hellions in Atlas Park? I have run up to a group of 3 +2 mobs and one of them takes off before I even attack. After reading this I thought maybe I took a bunch of insp so the mobs keyed on on that and took off. So I rerolled a fire/fire blaster and made sure not to take the vet powers so there would be no debuffs.

I run up to the first set of mobs I see. 2 LT and 3 minions. They all attack. Great. I get the first minion to about half health. One of the other minions runs away. Really? My health is dropping pretty fast due to being a blaster and that is enough to break his morale?

So I kill a few more mobs without any issues. Which I thougt was a bit odd since I am used to mobs always running away in Atlas. So I reroll to a scrapper BS/WP. A defense debuff would not prevent the mobs from attacking so I should not have any issues. I roll up to the first set of even con minions. Group of 3. I walk up without even drawing my sword. One takes off for the hills. I continue to not attack and let the remaining 2 mobs hit me for a while as I watch this hellion jump fences, jump back over fences, run down the street, jump on some cars in a parking lot then wander back to the spawn point. So far I still have not attacked. As soon as he gets back to see his 2 buddies beating me up and me not fighting back, he takes off again. I mean WTF.

The next group I go to has a LT and 3 minions. As soon as I get in aggro range, one takes off. I stand there getting pummeled for a bit and get down to about 2/3 health. About this time the minion that ran got himself droned. Then a 2nd minion takes off and he gets himself droned as well.

Is this WAI?



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Critters run away for one of two reasons: A power or script forces them to or their "grief" flag has been set to true.

The Grief flag gets set to true when the enemy's morale breaks. Morale can break because a team mate died too quickly, or because they cannot attack their enemy effectively. So, if a group of softcapped players AoE nuke half a spawn down, the rest are pretty likely to run away -- a bunch of their team just died AND their odds of being able to retaliate are at minimal levels.

I'm not saying there isn't a problem; I am giving you, the players, more information regarding how it works internally. You should also know that runners are a part of the game and eliminating that aspect of the game isn't really likely to happen.
I'm glad you mentioned what's going on here (i.e. it's good to have an official statement). The problem is when I was making a couple of AE missions I designed an enemy group "The Undead" to be zombies, based on my reading of the “Zombie Apocalypse Survivor's Guide”! Anyway, there was an option in AE for enemies to not run away based on damage taken, teammates defeated, etc. As we all know zombies don't run away, they continue to move forward always; I guess it's part of being brain dead more or less. Now (after a few patches ago) they run away like little ninnies. I never wanted to make a farm, just an interesting zombie story and its effect on heroes, civilians, and suggest who might step up to help out. But my own AE arc is beside the point. There's just no way to make a Romero-esque zombie now! That stinks (maybe like a death stench). I don't get upset about things like this too much; I just am a little put off at how patches are changing the purposeful intent in story telling. I suppose there's a bigger issue with this relatively new behavior (after playing the game for several years) that's bigger than my little story (e.g. maybe exploits, etc)…



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Is this WAI?
There are spawns that have a 'designated runner' that takes off as soon as the fight starts (I beleive to make CC more useful and to possibly 'pull' the player into a neighboring spawn).

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Those runners are the guys selling something illegal or purse snatchers. But we dont have as mans versus those sort of sdesignated runners.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
There are spawns that have a 'designated runner' that takes off as soon as the fight starts (I beleive to make CC more useful and to possibly 'pull' the player into a neighboring spawn).
Ok, then why do they run more frequently when I am on a melee toon but not when I am on a ranged toon? The same types of mobs in Mercy do not exibit the same behavior and it is very annoying in atlas trying to street sweep for your first couple levels if you cannot find a sewer team.



This AI issue is frustrating and unfun. Some examples follow.

1) A DB/WP brute and my rad/rad corr took on Deathsurge. He spawned to the east of the university, and he ran all the way to the northeast corner of the map by the time we had him down.

2) I've had purple/red-conning Hellions/Skulls flee from my lowbies. Similar behaviour on a MA/SR scrapper (not running toggles yet) or an archery/devices blaster. With no travel powers, I could hardly chase mobs that would often jump over high walls in their flight.

3) In-mission soloing: it's very frustrating to solo (at +0/x1) on my rad/rad corr. With groups that consist of three minions, one or two almost always run as I approach. I can pretty much forget about using debuff toggles too, since that's almost guaranteed to make mobs scatter.

4) Many tip missions have objectives that require me to clear out ambushing bosses and minions. Some of these minions would flee on sight, lose aggro, wander off, and become indistinguishable from other mobs. I've had to clear entire maps many times, just because Miss Thystle's PPD minions decided to flee and hang out with a side spawn or some such nonsense.

5) ITF's third mission has one of the generals surrounded by a bunch of EBs that are part of the objective. These EBs are notorious runners. It's not unheard of to have one or two run from the bridge through lag hill, while jumping up cliffs, all the way to the platform near the end of the mission.

I18 Hamidon raiding guide



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Ok, then why do they run more frequently when I am on a melee toon but not when I am on a ranged toon? The same types of mobs in Mercy do not exibit the same behavior and it is very annoying in atlas trying to street sweep for your first couple levels if you cannot find a sewer team.
I know there are designated runners blue side. I am not sure how many exist red side. They would make less sense in Mercy, since there are no illegal activities to catch people in there. In Mercy, no one cares if you deal drugs or break into someone's shanty.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
One more bug Castle if your still reading is the following. If you free a hostage and the hostage is being guarded by someone who summons a suedo-pet or a decoy phantasm, the hostage will not leave once freed unless the suedo pet despawns. In some cases this is bad because the hostage takes damage from the suedo pet until it despawns. Some hostages or helper npcs barely have hp to begin with but if they are sitting in caltrops for like 5 minutes they have almost none by the time it despawns allowing them to become free to follow you even though they been freed 5 minutes ago.
Yeah, hostages are not releasing until everything their captors "summoned" vanish, which sadly includes crap like Decoy Phantasms and caltops. Caltrops? Really? :P

Also ER, there are defenders and doms with CC :P

Back to what Castle said, while I agree it's a neat idea, I don't think the application works here. I wouldn't have a problem with the fleeing if:

The guy lost his morale so he was fleeing into the next spawn, either to join it or to bring it to you, because he clearly needs backup.

The guy lost his morale so he was fleeing OFF of the map and out of the mission, counting as a defeat.

The guy lost his morale so he runs to some distant corner of the map and cowers there crying and does not return to his spawn point.

Any of those would be sensible, if still annoying. Instead we have this "where is he GOING? Is he going to get a soda?" run-away and wander slowly back behavior.

I also agree that anything above yellow-con/Lt should NOT get runaway behavior. Whites and below, minions, ok. But bosses and red cons? Really?



Actually, all official "run away" mechanics aside, the thing that irks me the MOST are the mobs who run away to suicide into the nearest drones. They've even run PAST me to do this on many occasions.

I don't mind "run away" NEARLY as much as I do "self-kill-steal".

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Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Actually, all official "run away" mechanics aside, the thing that irks me the MOST are the mobs who run away to suicide into the nearest drones. They've even run PAST me to do this on many occasions.

I don't mind "run away" NEARLY as much as I do "self-kill-steal".
Deathsurge and many other GMs all do this way too much. At times I dont know whats worse, them suiciding or MoG PPs stealing half your xp because you couldnt kill them because they MoGed. Its at a point where things are really hurting the reward side of the game with this suicide crap. Its like they took a page out of lady janes book.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

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