Praetorian Missions and Stalkers
I've heard similar accounts. It's apparently A Challenge.
I am suspecting that as soon as I can find a level-adjusty-person, I will adjust level to -1/x1.
So turn off hide. Your escort will be able to follow.
Ambushes almost always say something when they spawn, so the minute you see those little speech bubbles in your grill toggle hide back on and wait with your escort. When the ambush shows they won't see you and will stand around like any other spawn. Treat them accordingly, turn hide off and head on out. Rinse and repeat for repeat ambushes.
Sometimes, however, they follow so close on each other that Hide might not be recharged in time. You have two options:
1. Don't lead your escort anywhere until the first ambush arrives. Finish them off as above and stay right there until all the ambushes are done. This has the advantage of maximizing the distance between you and the ambush's spawn point.
2. The Zag Method. Ambushes for escorts almost always default to the escort's starting location if they don't meet the escort enroute. They will go there and stand around even if the escort isn't there, so turn hide off and lead the escort down a side hallway until you see the escort pass and scoot on out.
Hope that helps. Be aware that some ambushes will see right through hide. As a rule, they haven't traditionally been escort ambushes, but that might have changed with new content. I don't remember off the top of my head if that's the case in Praetoria.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
It's just you. They all are very easy to pull off if you took 2 minutes of your time before entering the mission to load your inspiration bars. Personally, i play with 0/2 without bosses and it's pretty good. If you think you won't make it, try with 0/1 and no bosses. You can take advantage of the new "leashed" spawns, because most of the times they are just following the escort. So, you can toggle on hide and run away while the spawn stays near the escort.
Freedom: @Negatron T-130
Currently on:
Aenisha - Titan Weapons/Energy Aura Scrapper Redside
--The fatal flaw in every plan is the assumption that you know more than your enemy.--
In the new missions, I'm noticing that after I die and return to the ambush spawn, they see through my hide.
This has been 20 levels of torture.
T. Hayes
@The Cleansing
I am really not doing well here. After 3 escorts I got a mission that placed me against a constant spawning ambush (I think 8 or 10 waves, I lost count). It was enough the NPC group that was supposed to be helping me died and left me alone... I died at least 4 times during that.
Now I'm stuck on "Katie's Mom" and that quest-line. I have to escort a trigger-happy psychic blaster to an elite boss... To make it worse, the EB summons a LOT of help. 5 waves of ambushes came running at once, not to mention her "pet" summon. If this is supposed to make me want to come back to CoX, it's doing a piss-poor job of it.
And I'm only at level 12, and on the "default" difficulty.
Am I the only one having this problem? I'm running into a LOT of escort and missions with ambushes in them in the Praetorian arcs, both of which are making stealth completely useless. For the escorts, they loose sight of you when you go "hidden", and the ambushes come right to you and start attacking even if you're hidden.
Now these are old problems, but usually these quest types were far more spread out. But in Praetoria I'm getting them one after another and leading to multiple deaths for my KM/Nin stalker (The worst being a constant ambush wave of Ghouls in a hospital, which lead to so much rage you'd think I was a brute.). Before folks ask, I'm a very old player (pre-issue 1) that came back to try out GR. Unfortunately I never managed to get a Stalker very far in the past, as I found how squishy they were at lower levels an extremely difficult hurdle for me to overcome. GR is not helping matters any right now.... |
So turn off hide. Your escort will be able to follow.
Ambushes almost always say something when they spawn, so the minute you see those little speech bubbles in your grill toggle hide back on and wait with your escort. When the ambush shows they won't see you and will stand around like any other spawn. Treat them accordingly, turn hide off and head on out. Rinse and repeat for repeat ambushes. |
I am really not doing well here. After 3 escorts I got a mission that placed me against a constant spawning ambush (I think 8 or 10 waves, I lost count). It was enough the NPC group that was supposed to be helping me died and left me alone... I died at least 4 times during that.
Now I'm stuck on "Katie's Mom" and that quest-line. I have to escort a trigger-happy psychic blaster to an elite boss... To make it worse, the EB summons a LOT of help. 5 waves of ambushes came running at once, not to mention her "pet" summon. If this is supposed to make me want to come back to CoX, it's doing a piss-poor job of it. And I'm only at level 12, and on the "default" difficulty. |
I've had no problems with escortees following with hide on, using a KM/Nin stalker too. Weird that you are.
If you read the OP you'll see that the ambushes are seeing through hide. I've had this same issue. There is one mission I was doing where there was a constant blast master single spawn. I kill one another turned up shortly after. Very very annoying. Someone mentioned moving from the initial trigger spot will stop the ambushes spawning. Not sure if thats true, but worth a try. |
This is from recent experiences with Vivacious Verandi arcs in St Martial on my steathly Night Widow.
From what I remember from non-GR missions (and it might be mission specific so worthless advice) if you move far enough away from the trigger point, and manage not to run into them along the way the Spawns should reach the trigger point and stop. At that point they go back to default AI and shouldn't see you if you then decide to approach in order do away with them (but doing so might trigger the next).
This is from recent experiences with Vivacious Verandi arcs in St Martial on my steathly Night Widow. |
This is what I remember also, but Im not sure if anything has been changed with this new release. Also, I seem to remember the trigger point is the point you are standing at when the ambush text appears. So if you and your kidnapee move far enough away, around a corner, out of Line of sight, the ambush will not find you. Also remember some ambushes are triggered based on % Health of the EB/AV, and some spawn a set number of times after an event occurs (then the mission text will change) if you don't kill that 1st ambush completely, and you are able to sneak away with your kidnapee you can complete the mission without the other spawns appearing. Sometimes the mission will end, sometimes you have to go back, but at least you can do it in a hidden state, knowing whats coming, and handle the situation without worrying about anything else.
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
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they're are 2 types of ambushes. location targeted ambush and palyer targeted ambush.
A location targeted can be avoided by moving away from the trigger point. a player targeted can't be escaped.
Yeah that can be a bit annoying but I am more annoyed by those "fire bombs" they throw on the ground that does auto DoT damage. It breaks my hide! T_T I have to watch where I stand and where my teammate starts the aggro because if I spend that LONG 6s (build up + as), I need to make sure I land. Sometimes my teammate would aggro right before I start, and the fire on the ground breaks my hide.
I've been playing on large teams so there are more fire bombs.... T_T
I just need to really watch where the aggro starts.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Also remember some ambushes are triggered based on % Health of the EB/AV, and some spawn a set number of times after an event occurs
As I don't normally play stalkers (Love them to death, but never quite got the hang of them), I actually didn't think about this as a problem when I started the "Katie's Mom" mission. I ASed the lady, and got her to half health in a few shots... and suddenly got attacked by what seemed like 5 waves of ambush spawns. That comment makes me think that she was set to trigger the ambushes at relevant points, and by ASing and hitting her hard and fast, I clean blew through multiple triggers and they spawned at once... and proceeded to shred on me.
And for the record, most of the ambushes I've encountered have been directed at me. I'm used to the "place' ambushes, so I made a point to move, wait for the spawn to settle into position, then ambush THEM. But in this instance, I've had very little luck, as they just start throwing out stuff at me the moment I'm in line of sight.
Yeah that can be a bit annoying but I am more annoyed by those "fire bombs" they throw on the ground that does auto DoT damage. It breaks my hide! T_T I have to watch where I stand and where my teammate starts the aggro because if I spend that LONG 6s (build up + as), I need to make sure I land. Sometimes my teammate would aggro right before I start, and the fire on the ground breaks my hide.
I've been playing on large teams so there are more fire bombs.... T_T I just need to really watch where the aggro starts. |
Odd note when I soloed that mission. Yeah they firebombed me in stealth, but the bombs did NO damage, and didn't break my stealth, until I struck. I think that was glitched, but for once a glitch in a Stalker's favor. ^_^
Yeah low damage along with do´s and stalkers lack of aoe damage make some of these missions dull.
I played through the Loyalist Responsibility arcs in both Nova and Imperial, part of the Power arc in Nova, and part of the Warden arc in Imperial and while all the things people have mentioned have happened to me (player-targeted ambushes, escort missions), once I got wise to it, I would plan out an "escape route" and clear out the mobs along the way on the path back to the Mission Start. In fact, I just recently did an escort mish where I ran to where the NPC was being held, then ran backwards through the map the clear the path. I like to think this is an advantage of being a Stalker rather than a weakness.
As someone mentioned earlier, often times beating the mobs that surround the escort NPC will trigger a location-based ambush. Move a bit out of the way, and they'll stop short of where you were. Then if you've cleared the way, it should be smooth sailing out of Hide.
It can be frustrating if the NPC has attacks, but if you've planned ahead, the path back should be fine.
Hmmm...soloed most of the Resistance Warden Arc with my Stalker, and except for a couple missions, I didn't have much of a problem.
Escorts followed me on hide (except for one of them), I always carried Purple and Green Inspirations (about 70/30).
Only mission I really remember have a problem with, was one were a bunch of ghouls ambushed the hell out of me! Took some hit and running after they killed me the first time.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
That was the mission I was referring to in my first post actually. Well, one of the missions. But also remember I'm not an experienced stalker. I died in that mission 3 times (or was it 4? I forget now... >.< ). But that's where I'm at, now I'm doing the Seeker's missions, which ends at the EB. Aside from the fact the mental seeker is trigger happy and drawing far more aggro then I am, the EB seems to summon waves of reinforcements in the battle. All of which combined to another trip to the hospital and vast amounts of rage.
Mind you, I'm playing a KM/WP, so could be a difference in builds as well.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Let me start off by saying the new content in Praetoria is definitely more difficult than any previous low level stuff. Personally, I like that but I can understand the frustration.
As I don't normally play stalkers (Love them to death, but never quite got the hang of them), I actually didn't think about this as a problem when I started the "Katie's Mom" mission. I ASed the lady, and got her to half health in a few shots... and suddenly got attacked by what seemed like 5 waves of ambush spawns. That comment makes me think that she was set to trigger the ambushes at relevant points, and by ASing and hitting her hard and fast, I clean blew through multiple triggers and they spawned at once... and proceeded to shred on me.
Overall the heavy use of location and player targeted ambushes can be problematic for any AT. It's not an insurmountable obstacle but it does require a change in tactics. Standing toe to toe and fighting until someone dies is not as effective as it is in either Paragon or the Isles. You've gotta play smart. AS, run and repeat is a viable method for bringing down such foes. Of course it's likely you'll run into another problem in the form of missions that require you to exit through the door but that's nothing new. Overall, you'll be much more reliant on inspirations and good strategy than most of us are used to employing.
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I'm not sure which arc it was, probably the MCKnight Arc, but in this arc, you receive a very high damaging temporary attack power (minigun), giving you a high damage dot with built in extra accuracy. I don't know about you guys, but after i had this power, soloing Elite Bosses was never a hard part for me. Because BU worked with this power, usually going BU+AS+Minigun pretty much mopped all EBs. Even with Vanessa DeVore, first time i used the combo went down to ridiculous health levels, i just ran around till i drop aggro, then rinse and repeat, puff there she gone.
I realise this might not be an option for someone who does not want to do the arc for obvious thematic/rp/whatever reasons, but for the rest of you out there looking how to mop up the bosses, this is the best awesomesauce power combination with AS and BU. And it has a lot of uses left before it is depleted, around 30-40.
Freedom: @Negatron T-130
Currently on:
Aenisha - Titan Weapons/Energy Aura Scrapper Redside
--The fatal flaw in every plan is the assumption that you know more than your enemy.--
yeah i love chain gun.
looking back i kind of miss the missions as i have started working of lowbie arcs in paragon. some where dull but most of them had nice mechanics and **** i havent read as much in this game ever.
100 destroyers made me rage. also the seer which they seem to have combined the ai of lady jane and fusionette and proiceeded to run wild shooting psi darts and shockwaves everywhere.
i just wish they had made some post so content.
I've had no problems with escortees following with hide on, using a KM/Nin stalker too. Weird that you are.
That said, I did okay with it, because rather than clearing things, once I got the first ambush, I just waited them out. There were... NINE. And if I just sat around waiting, I got all nine of them in a row, without having to kill anything more to activate them, about 10-15 seconds apart. All but one of the nine were three same-level minions. After that, the rest was comparatively easy. (The first one was a lt and two minions.)
If you read the OP you'll see that the ambushes are seeing through hide. I've had this same issue. There is one mission I was doing where there was a constant blast master single spawn. I kill one another turned up shortly after. Very very annoying. |
Someone mentioned moving from the initial trigger spot will stop the ambushes spawning. Not sure if thats true, but worth a try. |
Let me start off by saying the new content in Praetoria is definitely more difficult than any previous low level stuff. Personally, I like that but I can understand the frustration.
I ran this mission on my Brute and what you're presuming is correct. The ambushes are triggered based on how much health Seer 001 (The Elite Boss) has so if you AS her down to half health in one shot you're gonna trigger several waves simultaneously. That's a common problem for Stalkers when facing critters that call in help. This is compounded by the fact that she summons more Seers; all of which deal mostly Psionic damage, a type that almost no one has Defense against (Particularly in the early game). I survived by popping a few purples and killing her as quickly as possible. Letting Kate take some of the aggro helped too. Overall the heavy use of location and player targeted ambushes can be problematic for any AT. It's not an insurmountable obstacle but it does require a change in tactics. Standing toe to toe and fighting until someone dies is not as effective as it is in either Paragon or the Isles. You've gotta play smart. AS, run and repeat is a viable method for bringing down such foes. Of course it's likely you'll run into another problem in the form of missions that require you to exit through the door but that's nothing new. Overall, you'll be much more reliant on inspirations and good strategy than most of us are used to employing. |
Aye, that explains what happened there for me. I haven't hit that mission yet on my brute (Tho admittedly I likely won't, I was intentionally trying to see a different set of story arcs with her) so I didn't have the comparison. For me tho, Katie was already dead (Thanks to her aggroing everybody in range long before I could get into position or even set up for an attack). I set up to carefully pick off the support she was with (Got one, but the other was too close to manage that sort of trick). So I got the ball rolling with an AS on "Seer 0001" and just wailed on her hard and fast. I thought I might do okay, she was a little under half health and the fight was just warming up... and then I saw a gang of mixed Seekers and PPDs come charging in. I never face-planted so fast. When I stealthed back into the mission to take a look, I saw a mob scene at the door to Seeker 0001's place, PPDs and Seekers, all just loitering about in one HUGE group. I knew if I so much as touched the EB again, they'd be all over me, and since Seeker 0001's health reset, she likely also reset her summons too... >.<
As I mentioned earlier, I'm an inexperienced stalker who always thought the class was cool but never quite got the hang of it. This isn't helping much if the Praetorian stuff is THAT hard....
Am I the only one having this problem? I'm running into a LOT of escort and missions with ambushes in them in the Praetorian arcs, both of which are making stealth completely useless. For the escorts, they loose sight of you when you go "hidden", and the ambushes come right to you and start attacking even if you're hidden.
Now these are old problems, but usually these quest types were far more spread out. But in Praetoria I'm getting them one after another and leading to multiple deaths for my KM/Nin stalker (The worst being a constant ambush wave of Ghouls in a hospital, which lead to so much rage you'd think I was a brute.). Before folks ask, I'm a very old player (pre-issue 1) that came back to try out GR. Unfortunately I never managed to get a Stalker very far in the past, as I found how squishy they were at lower levels an extremely difficult hurdle for me to overcome. GR is not helping matters any right now....