New info from the Q&A




Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Crud, the videos don't work. Anyone got an alternate link to the Launch trailer?

I've been waiting to see those videos. Wonder why the user removed them.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Uhhh. What is the differencein that RAZER UI?



It is organized the same way the buttons on the Razer Naga are laid out, with 11 and 12 being the page turn buttons. I like it. Will be redoing my button setup to take advantage of this.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I've been waiting to see those videos. Wonder why the user removed them.
Yeah, but I want to see the launch video so I know what not to do in my own trailer. Once I know how THEY did it, I can go for showing other stuff while still giving a good sample of the issue/expansion.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Good to know they are already talking new zones for Preatoria. That 1 - 20 levels is going to get real crowded, really quick.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Anybody got those videos mirrored? Oh well, I guess I'll at least see the launch video tomorrow.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Thanks for this!
About Power Pool Customization:
Okay the actual things said are not quite as bad the OP synopsis (Still a bit deflating, but not as bad as it first sounded to me):

That's not a "no".
And I hope that we can convince them to make that a high enough priority to make the time.

Endgame System/Content and Power Pool Customization would probably be what I'd peg as two top contenders for development time (If I had magic control over WW... which I might... If I can remember the last few lines of that spell... hmmm...)
See I would have thought that it was already a priority and that they would already be working on it. I mean, they've been asked about it so many times in similar Q&As/interviews, one would have thought that they'd get the hint.

But if it's really something that's only being talked about as a possibility at this point, then yeah maybe we need to convince them that it's something that should be moved up the list.

The power customization system is NOT complete without pool customization.

Very interested to hear about the next booster(s). Not even gonna try to guess what they'll be, I'm not going down that road again.

And the Praetorian GM... Praet Hami maybe? Or Cole himself?



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
See I would have thought that it was already a priority and that they would already be working on it. I mean, they've been asked about it so many times in similar Q&As/interviews, one would have thought that they'd get the hint.

But if it's really something that's only being talked about as a possibility at this point, then yeah maybe we need to convince them that it's something that should be moved up the list.

The power customization system is NOT complete without pool customization.

Very interested to hear about the next booster(s). Not even gonna try to guess what they'll be, I'm not going down that road again.

And the Praetorian GM... Praet Hami maybe? Or Cole himself?
They might have been a little bit involved with a small expansion that recently launched. You may have heard of it.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I think it was pretty clear to anybody who remotely read anything at all related to City of Villains knew that Stefan / Lord Recluse and his cadre was a new creation that was inserted into the story, and that the pre-existing story was modified to account for the presence of the Rogue Isles.
Except, perhaps, the people who did it. It was delivered with the same Oceania-has-always-been-at-war-with-Eastasia style used for the Council retcon. Remember being told that Maria Jenkins' /info, which had been live for ~1.5 years, was "a mistake"?

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Gods, no. Let him stay dead.

Let any Primal characters that don't have goatee versions stay that way. New characters from here on out.
Goatee Swellguy approves Venture's message. (Not that he needs it, I just wanted to mention my Praetorian, Goatee Swellguy.)

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Gods, no. Let him stay dead.

Let any Primal characters that don't have goatee versions stay that way. New characters from here on out.
Which then begs the question, "Why use Praetoria at all?". Call it Prefect Earth and make it a whole new world. A 'mirror' earth was set-up that provided a host of interesting possibilities, a lot of which ride on how their world is different to the one we know.

If you are just going to pack it full of new characters, may as well start with a blank slate.



Which then begs the question, "Why use Praetoria at all?"
I wouldn't have.

A 'mirror' earth was set-up that provided a host of interesting possibilities, a lot of which ride on how their world is different to the one we know.
They're not interesting. At best they're low-hanging fruit.

If I were setting up a superhero RPG today I would utterly forbid, as a matter of the setting's metaphysics, all parallel worlds and time travel. They're more trouble than they're worth in terms of consistency and implications, and they're really only used as a shortcut.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Except, perhaps, the people who did it. It was delivered with the same Oceania-has-always-been-at-war-with-Eastasia style used for the Council retcon. Remember being told that Maria Jenkins' /info, which had been live for ~1.5 years, was "a mistake"?
For those who don't remember, I have three links that show the evolution of Ms. Liberty's family tree.

Her bio from just before launch.

A clarification (later partially de-retconned when her original first name was reasserted by the Freedom Phalanx book) by Manticore.

The moment of realization of the squick factor, from the implications of the Web of Arachnos story.

There are two possibilities here.

In one, Ms. Liberty was always meant to be Statesman's granddaughter, but it was a big secret that was meant to be a reveal for when Recluse was introduced, in order to give Statesman and Recluse some personal connection, but her backstory got complicated by, for whatever reason, the level 45-50 mission writers apparently not knowing what really should have been in the vaunted Story Bible, or just not paying attention to it.

In the other, Ms. Liberty was meant to be the heir to a dynasty of patriotic female heroes who had merely been Statesman's sidekicks over the decades, but someone caught onto the names used for older members of that line and decided that they would be great to use for Statesman's wife/Recluse's sister and her descendants by Statesman. The transitive property made Ms. Liberty Statesman's granddaughter, which was fine, but it continued on to make Dominatrix Tyrant's granddaughter, which is so far beyond fine that you can't see fine from there.

Both are possible. Both require people writing over established canon. Both require people not really thinking things through with the threads that are still there from what is arguably the story that most defines the final tier of a Hero in Paragon's career, where you rescue the biggest name there is, cementing your place among the legends of the city. In short, both have a stink of unprofessional behavior for a writer.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Goatee Swellguy approves Venture's message. (Not that he needs it, I just wanted to mention my Praetorian, Goatee Swellguy.) actually have a Praetorian called Goatee SwellGuy? *snicker*



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
See I would have thought that it was already a priority and that they would already be working on it. I mean, they've been asked about it so many times in similar Q&As/interviews, one would have thought that they'd get the hint.

But if it's really something that's only being talked about as a possibility at this point, then yeah maybe we need to convince them that it's something that should be moved up the list.

The power customization system is NOT complete without pool customization.
The main thing, as far as we know, holding up Power pool customization is coding time - the interface needs to deal with add OR subtract the needed info to the character, as well as manipulating them. Do you choose when you gain the power? You don't have them at creation. Do you force them to go to the tailor?

Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
They might have been a little bit involved with a small expansion that recently launched. You may have heard of it.
And it's not like coding time is freely available at any time otherwise, either.

Old threads are funny sometimes :

" thought for sure SONIC was going to be the Defender Set and Archery was going to BLASTERS. Whoo-boy, this is big news. I'm definitely rolling me an Archery/Archery Defender, baby!"

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



LOL @ Manticore trying to jump through the retcon created hoops in those topics.

Just admitting it's a retcon, which is entirely in genre, would be far more effective.

He also says that Requiem was a council spy in the 5th. I think that every time he gets a role in game there's some retcon involved. Requiem's been the leader of them, a spy working in the 5th, a spy working in the Council, the Nictus representative, a roman collaborator, the last stand against the council, and now he's sort of nothing with Reichsman around. At this point the best thing they could do with Requiem is make him some sort of retcon running in-joke.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Goatee Swellguy approves Venture's message. (Not that he needs it, I just wanted to mention my Praetorian, Goatee Swellguy.)
makes note to create pretorian toon named Shaved Monkey.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The idea of the Praetorian Stefan Richter coming back from the dead to help the Resistance fight Tyrant would be rather epic, I think - it could even be tied into the Incarnate content in Praetoria.
Dear God, if Recluse came back as a ghost like Ghost Widow with a Mag-100 knockback spider-tantrum power, I'd cry.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Originally Posted by RedSwitchblade View Post
Dear God, if Recluse came back as a ghost like Ghost Widow with a Mag-100 knockback spider-tantrum power, I'd cry.
I for one find the idea of a Ghost Recluse intriguing.

EDIT: Especially if Prime Earth Arachnos infiltrators are responsible for bringing him back.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
As a joinable faction, Ouroboros should top this list despite their not currently being an enemy group. Just sayin'.

Longbow ought to be a priority too, I suppose, even though we beat 'em up all the time over on redside... but seriously, can I have my Mender parts already? Please?
I'm excited about all of this and I agree - I reallllly want my Menders to look more the part - please give us those belts, shoulders, etc.!

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The Queen's Menagerie



And I assume this probably isn't planned - I'd love to be able to keep a Praetorian in Praetoria for the entire life cycle of 1-50. So if we ever got zones from 20-30 along with their plans for 30-50, that'd be epic.

Of course this would mean we need things like cape missions, costume slot missions and hopefully some form of salvage turn in for an extra costume slot. Probably some other stuff I'm not thinking of too. And yes I know about zombies, Primal Earth salvage turn ins, etc. so hopefully an alternate system with alternate salvage could be devised (tho I wouldn't care if it wasn't - just want the extra slot ).

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The Queen's Menagerie