Issue 18 Fury changes




Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
When trying to make ATs more in line with each other, You can't ALWAYS buff upward. If you do, then eventually all ATs will be too powerful for the game, and the only way to counter that will be to BUFF all the NPCs.

That equates to a global Nerf of ALL ATs - why isn't that more obvious?
I see your point . but all im saying is dont rob Peter to pay Paul.
you dont have to nerf brutes to make me play a scrapper or a tank .
i enjoy all the at's for what they bring to the table i can make evil tanks to use the armors that are too squishy for brutes like dark an fire . i can make a scrapper because i dont want to be hidden on a stalker ect.
Fury ( the most awsome inherent ever) didnt need any thing.I never had any problem building or keeping fury even when i solo av's .they didnt need the" tonya harding "treatment .castle didnt need to hit brutes in the knee caps with the nerf bat so scrappers an tanks could shine .my only hope now is that mabey the incarnite system will help me return my brutes to godhood.



Originally Posted by GangstaBlade View Post
I'm still heaps pissed at that it's now 30% it should be atleast 55%, I'm litterally biting the skin off my thumb reading this.
Before you chew your thumb off, you should probably test it carefully first. First of all, the patch note saying that fury generation starts dropping in efficiency at 30% is wrong: it actually starts dropping at about 37% or so. Second, because Fury decay is now only 0.75/sec while in combat, your effective rate of Fury generation is actually *higher* now than on live for all values of Fury below 37%. Beyond that, generated Fury per swing and per attack starts to drop slowly such that with the lower decay you'll probably still see a *higher* fury generation rate until at least 40%-45% or so (I don't have the exact numbers in front of me at the moment). And *then* the increased drop-off of the new curve will cause your fury generation rate to drop relative to live, until for very very high levels of activity what used to generate something like 90%-95% fury or a little higher will now generate something between 80% and 88% fury for the extreme case.

The break-even point is actually not all that far from your own stated 55% mark, so you shouldn't have any problems at all.

Although this change is described as an across-the-board nerf, due to the nature of the new Fury generation curve and the lower decay rate, its not exactly. For those who used to say that in teams it was almost impossible to achieve more than about 40% fury (although I never saw that myself) its actually a *buff* - for the exact same situation on live they will generate more fury now than in I17. For those that used to hang around the 40%-65% range (approximately), its going to be about the same, maybe slightly lower. For those that used to generate 65%-90% fury, its going to be somewhat weaker. In the *worse* case, about 10%-15% fury, or 20%-30% damage buff.

The people the generation change most affects are those that were sitting at very high levels of Fury to start off with, that were definitely generating damage levels significantly higher than Scrappers. Those that were not aren't going to be hit as hard if at all because their lower Fury generation isn't hit as hard by the new curve, and the lower decay rate is thus proportionately more significant to them. To say that the change takes Brutes that were in teams and generating low levels of Fury to start off with and then makes them even worse is a mischaracterization of the change, that fails to take into account the much softer generation curve and the much lower decay rate.

Also, as an aside, Going Rogue finally fixes (to a degree) the bugged-since-the-beginning-of-time Fury bonus for hard targets. Brutes generate bonus Fury for every attack against either an AV or another player in PvP.

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Subjectively, yes I do less damage, but certainly enough do notice. My fury bar plateau's at 70. But being a Dual Blades brute and being lower at the damage scale to begin with compared to other primaries... now I'm not pleased with the performance at all. Especially when most things I face at lvl 50 have lethal resistance it hurts me the most. Performance-wise compared to my Scrapper, she's taken a big step back, gearing me to want to play my Scrapper more than my Brute now.

I do not like the change at all. It's one thing to nerf a single power, but when all my attacks are doing less damage from what they were it's very hard to swallow and except. I'm not going to delete it or ragequit over it, I invested too much in it as it is, but this really hurt. Hopefully when things cool down from Going Rogue, I'll spend more time with the Brute, but right now the goal of moving it blueside has been knocked down on my priorty list for all of my existing toons post-GR.



I dunno....tweaking something like this years after it was released...that's pretty odd. As a designer, you learn that sometimes you just need to leave well enough alone. This tweak is to adjust player archetype choice which is a bit silly IMHO. All that should matter is that we're paying and playing.



All I ask is that they make it so it looks like your fury bar is full. Chop off that last 15% or so. That way it tricks my eyes into thinking my fury bar is near full as it should be.



Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
I know lot of players take it as a given that every brute everywhere has been running around with perma-90% fury and perma-resistance cap from buffs while sitting at the HP cap regardless of their secondary - but just because people tout it as so, doesn't make it true.

Seeing as little to no real testing was done on Fury in group situations, I'll wait til I can get some regular teaming in before my final judgment on the whole of the changes made to Fury.

Solo it's not a very large nerf and nothing people should go crazy about, and I agree that the improvements made to degradation will help the average player while solo.

I wouldn't be so sure.

There was a lot of testing done in Jury rigged AE situations using custom mobs, some spreadsheet calculations and some simulations.

I saw very little in the way of "testimonials" from people testing fury in a team situation, it might be fine but I don't think there has been really much testing on that particular aspect.
Solo I honestly can't tell a difference in how fast the fury bar empties out. If I go too long between spawns it's practically zero again and it doesn't "feel" any different than before in that regard. I can, however, definitely tell a difference in where it appears to stop building. It's a plain and simple fact that it just doesn't go as high when solo as it used to.

Is it a huge nerf? No, I don't think so. But it is a nerf, which is annoying. I can't say I care for it.



The only issue I have with this is that it's not done because the brutes are OP compared to the content...they've been going along for 5 years the way they were. It's that they're OP compared to another class...this nerf never would have happened if not for GR.

So if brutes were fine for the content before, then one can assume since they were toned down they're going to be "less fine" for the content.

At least the scrappers and tanks will feel better.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Also, as an aside, Going Rogue finally fixes (to a degree) the bugged-since-the-beginning-of-time Fury bonus for hard targets. Brutes generate bonus Fury for every attack against either an AV or another player in PvP.
I just want to clarify, I believe that Fury bonus is for successful attacks, and not for attacks that miss.

I am very happy about that getting fixed though.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
All I ask is that they make it so it looks like your fury bar is full. Chop off that last 15% or so. That way it tricks my eyes into thinking my fury bar is near full as it should be.
I pretty much said that the whole time it was being tested.

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Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
I just want to clarify, I believe that Fury bonus is for successful attacks, and not for attacks that miss.

I am very happy about that getting fixed though.
Yes: the attack must actually hit to generate the bonus Fury.

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Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
At least the scrappers and tanks will feel better.
I'm considering re-doing my Dual Blades Brute as a Scrapper, than take my Brute blueside. I don't know yet, I'll think about it after the GR boom livens down. Or at the very least I may have to softcap my Brute's S/L defense. I was trying to avoid Kinetic Combat IO's because their price but if I want to keep using my Brute I'm going to have to adjust, I guess. But I certainly agree with that quote now.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
All I ask is that they make it so it looks like your fury bar is full. Chop off that last 15% or so. That way it tricks my eyes into thinking my fury bar is near full as it should be.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
The only issue I have with this is that it's not done because the brutes are OP compared to the content...they've been going along for 5 years the way they were. It's that they're OP compared to another class...this nerf never would have happened if not for GR.

So if brutes were fine for the content before, then one can assume since they were toned down they're going to be "less fine" for the content.

At least the scrappers and tanks will feel better.
I agree 100%