Beastial Claws




Honestly who else is tired of being Wolverine? Who wants to be an awesome mutant like Captain Mako, badass of the seven seas?

This set would be the same as regular Claws, and depending on input the damage would work like so:

Option A: Reduced Lethal with Toxic DoT

Option B: Reduced Lethal, with Lethal DoT

Option C: No damage type change at all

It just makes sense to add a powerset like this, if someone wanted to make a demon, mutant, werewolf, vampire, or some other crazyness why should they have to choose a powersetset that completely destroys the concept? Most of the animations are already in game (not counting the Snake ones), only 3 are missing. I know I'm going to ask the question that will be answered with "DUH, <insert overfluffed forum post describing and repeating why they won't do it>" But.

Is it really too much to ask?

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.



You know, I'm actually very much for a second claws set being introduced.
One without a ranged attack and 40ft ranged cone shockwave.

I still have absolutely no idea what my lion-man character is supposed to be doing when he uses Focus or Shockwave.

Yeah, Toxic DoT would be an interesting addition.



I just want to see them add "animalistic" running options.

Now that we have ninja run, I am confident that this would be doable.

Lets just hope it doesnt resemble Tim Allen in "The Shaggy Dog". That would be sad.




I'd be content to see these as a weapon choice option on the tailoring screen for the existing set.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I'd be content to see these as a weapon choice option on the tailoring screen for the existing set.
This. Everytime I go to make a werewolf costume I wish this.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Actually, I'd love a Beastial Claws set just for a mutant concept I have (without being a furrie or a beast...just huge hands with clawed fingers)

I wouldn't care if it was all Lethal or Lethal/Toxic. I also wouldn't care if it was just the current claws set, made with new animations to allow it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I can't get behind making a new powerset.

It just wouldn't be different enough from the existing Claws set to justify itself.

Some new weapon/costume parts; big clawed "gloves", claw finger extensions, 5 thin metallic blades out of the hands/fingers themselves, "energy" type claws (rather than the vanguard single blades), etc -- Yes please.

But it should definately just be costume/weapon customization bits.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



No need for a new set they simply need to add bestial claws to the weapon choices for claws. Oh yeah and do whatever it takes to make it possible to replace the current animations for Focus and Shockwave with a lunging animation. I have absolutely loathed the ranged claw attack since I first saw it in the side scrolling X-Men arcade game!


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



^^ Agreed ^^

Make it so DEvs !!!!



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
I just want to see them add "animalistic" running options.
A loping travel power would be cool! Hmmm... maybe as part of a Bestial pool power set?


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I'd be content to see these as a weapon choice option on the tailoring screen for the existing set.

Been waiting for talon type finger claws for a while. I was hoping they'd be in the Mutant Booster too.

Just make them a Weapons Option once you give your the Claws powerset. I've never really paid that much attention to Claws, do the animations uses fists or open hands?

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



I've been asking for oversized talons as a claw weapon option for ages. Every time I brought it up I was told that the problem was how the hand closes to a fist when you go into the combat stance. Why a piece couldn't be created that was big enough (see Freakshow perma-mounted weapons) I do not know. I bet it COULD be done. I've long since given up on it ever BEING done.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I've been asking for oversized talons as a claw weapon option for ages. Every time I brought it up I was told that the problem was how the hand closes to a fist when you go into the combat stance.
I believe that Brawler once said that first our characters have to have hands with individual fingers as well. I took that as a bit of a tongue in cheek response.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



While I don't think adding a new, similar powerset would be a good idea, bestial animations would be awesome. As a whole they seem so nonchalant and wussy. For my Claws Brute to savagely tear apart its prey would be a great success!



Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
I believe that Brawler once said that first our characters have to have hands with individual fingers as well. I took that as a bit of a tongue in cheek response.

Actually, I think he was being serious.

Look at the model for yor character's hands. They don't have individual fingers, so any "beastial claws" you added to those hands would resemble a curved garden trowel more than claws.

There are a couple problems with it, lack of individual fingers is one. Combat stances is another, the stance you use with claws has the fists closed by default. That's probably because in the beginning there was only ONE option for claws, and a closed fist made perfect sense for it.

It probably is possible to do, but I'm sure it is not going to be a thing BaBs does in his spare time like the Walk animation. It will very likely require some serious time devoted to it (especially since people will demand that ALL characters get hands with individual fingers, not just people with Claws)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Don't forget to mention that you aren't just making finger mesh, but a billion and a half "new" glove options as well.

At that point you'd almost be better off just updating the entire body mesh.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
You know, I'm actually very much for a second claws set being introduced.
One without a ranged attack and 40ft ranged cone shockwave.

I still have absolutely no idea what my lion-man character is supposed to be doing when he uses Focus or Shockwave.
^ this ^

I've always considered "ranged claw attacks" to be dumb, quite frankly. This isn't X-Men vs Street Fighter

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



I wouldn't mind having a oversized glove option, more so if I can keep it toggled on the whole time.

But then, my concept is using on in that other game, with the hands maxed out in size.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



And when I suggested an 'Oversized Gauntlet' customization option for Shield Defense so you could block with a shield hand plus have the option of pairing Shield Defense with off-hand sets like Claws and Dual Blades, the idea was labeled 'Ridiculous' >_>



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
And when I suggested an 'Oversized Gauntlet' customization option for Shield Defense so you could block with a shield hand plus have the option of pairing Shield Defense with off-hand sets like Claws and Dual Blades, the idea was labeled 'Ridiculous' >_>
I would go with a katar/buckler combo on each hand for Shield Defense and Dual Blades. Not sure on the claws, maybe a buckler combined with a three bladed version of the viper claws.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Actually, I think he was being serious.

Look at the model for yor character's hands. They don't have individual fingers, so any "beastial claws" you added to those hands would resemble a curved garden trowel more than claws.

There are a couple problems with it, lack of individual fingers is one...
Maybe this is a little too simple-ish for what some folks are asking for, but I'd be happy with combining the Monstrous gloves option (that adds talons to fingertips on a many of the glove styles) with the Claws animations, but change it to use open hands instead of closed fists. Sure the hands are still "mitten" like, I don't think you need full on free fingers to pull this off. Granted I have no idea how much work that would require though. >.>

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



I agree, claws that are more real claws would be great. Not sure if a power set of its own is needed, but maybe a choice between a ranged attack and another melee attack is what is needed, as well as a turn off effect and some proper gloves for costumes.

Otherwise I am all for this!



For the longest time, Ive wanted the option of making it so a claw's scrapper could just simply open up the hand and remove the blades protruding from the wrist.

From what I read in this post, it is far from "simple" but it is something that could open up so many different styles of characters. Werewolves, Ferocious demons, etc.

50's (Only most important)
Zuraq (53 EM/SR Brute)
Stagmalite (50 Granite/Fire TanK)
(Couple of other's I don't care about.)



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
Maybe this is a little too simple-ish for what some folks are asking for, but I'd be happy with combining the Monstrous gloves option (that adds talons to fingertips on a many of the glove styles) with the Claws animations, but change it to use open hands instead of closed fists.
Yeah, this is the problem, while it would be possible to have the claws coming out of the fingertips, the problem is that all the animations have the attacker using his closed fist. So the best you can do is choose claws that look enough like fingers to give the illusion that your hands are open.

If the claws DID come out of your fingertips, the current animations would make it so they were sticking through your palms and out the back of your hands.

With Power Customization, though, this has become a possibility. Combining Weapons with Power Customization has been discussed before, it isn't currently possible, but might be eventually. For instance, choosing clawed fingers instead of one of the blade options might change the animations so your hands are held open.



I think at this point new animations for the claw attacks are not completely out of the question.