Discussion: City of Heroes Returns to PAX Prime in Seattle this Sept!




Originally Posted by Fury161 View Post
His sword is strapped to his back... Back details?
thats what i saw too, and immediately thought this. But a lot of people are thinking its a zone revamp.

God PLEASE dont let it be another zone revamp. I mean, i welcome new content and such, but do I really need to roll more alts so i can experience this stuff?

Come on... give my main something else to do besides run the level 50 TF's.

I get this game was built and intended for teaming and making alts... but look, its time to move away from this mentality. Your customers are here and arent leaving. Give them content to do for their level 50 toons, please!

If you're trying to give new customers something to do, well you just gave them GR and not to mention on all the legacy level 5-30 content.

/end rant



Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
thats what i saw too, and immediately thought this. But a lot of people are thinking its a zone revamp.

God PLEASE dont let it be another zone revamp. I mean, i welcome new content and such, but do I really need to roll more alts so i can experience this stuff?

Come on... give my main something else to do besides run the level 50 TF's.

I get this game was built and intended for teaming and making alts... but look, its time to move away from this mentality. Your customers are here and arent leaving. Give them content to do for their level 50 toons, please!

If you're trying to give new customers something to do, well you just gave them GR and not to mention on all the legacy level 5-30 content.

/end rant
If they revamped a zone, you could very easily run the arcs on your 50 via Ouroboros. Just sayin'.



Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
God PLEASE dont let it be another zone revamp. I mean, i welcome new content and such, but do I really need to roll more alts so i can experience this stuff?

If you visit the zone and team, you'll automatically EX down to the level of the group. Also Ouro is available. Try one of the server channels, or hopefully the new LFG screen will allow folks wanting different mission types (TF, CoP, Ouro., etc.) to make a queue for folks to join.



Well, in the first picture, we have an old city of heroes. In the new picture, it's a shiny new city of heroes.... ( ' :




Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
What could this mean? Find out at the City of Heroes panel at Pax Prime tomorrow morning!

Okay it is tomorrow morning right now. Wake up and get to the panel and end my suffering!

Who cares if PAX is a couple hours earlier than my time zone anyway? Do eeeeet!

Alright fine I wouldn't be up this early either if I were there but I will be watching the site for all the goodies coming out at Pax today.



What we are all expecting now: cross server teaming, zone revamps, new task force, moving hair

What we are probably getting: Apex as trainer in Boomtown.

I'm lowering my expectations to avoid disappointment!



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I'm lowering my expectations to avoid disappointment!
Wow...that IS low.



Originally Posted by Dirt_bag_Don View Post
Wow...that IS low.
The North end of Boomtown, to be exact.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
The North end of Boomtown, to be exact.
Haha. It's true, though, more often than not these teasers turn out to be underwhelming, so it's probably wise to have *no* expectations and just be pleased by whatever gets added to the game.



Coming up pretty quick here! *holds breath*



I stand corrected on the 'underwhelming' thing this time. The fitness pool is being made inherent in Issue 19 -- that's a pretty big change and most players will be very pleased by it!



Inherent how? As in, Hurdle and Swift are automatically granted at 6, Health at 14, and Stamina at 20, and remain slottable with their current sets and at their current strengths?

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.



Originally Posted by MagicFlyingHippy View Post
Inherent how? As in, Hurdle and Swift are automatically granted at 6, Health at 14, and Stamina at 20, and remain slottable with their current sets and at their current strengths?

Yes, how are they 'inherent'? Have they made any 'other' adjustments...like powers costing more endurance because of it or are we really getting an awesome thing like all Fitness powers for free with no reduction in their effectiveness?

That'd be sweeet....No more 'boring' power picks...

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Somebody post details nao plz



If you look at the actual description of the Fitness pool powers, they really are so generic that they're the kind of thing you'd expect every superhero to be able to do anyway, even if they didn't have any actual super powers:

Health - You heal slightly faster than a normal person.
Hurdle - Increase jump height.
Stamina - You recover endurance slightly more quickly than normal.
Swift - You can naturally run slightly faster than normal.

So I think it really does make a lot of sense to make them inherent for us.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



This game needs to be easier.



The panel discussion was great, not super informative but it was fun to see some of the dev team talking about the work they do. It is obvious that they enjoy their jobs very much and work together like a family.

The M&G needed a much larger venue. It was crazy packed full of folks. I wasn't able to stay very long (I think I've developed a touch of the claustrophobia), but I did get to say hello and thank you to War Witch herself.

I hope that next year's M&G can be shifted to a larger space, or at least one that has a higher ceiling.



I'm also willing to interpret the second picture as cross-server teaming, but how about only on Task/Strike Forces? That's why they're by Positron.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Megami-Neko View Post
I'm also willing to interpret the second picture as cross-server teaming, but how about only on Task/Strike Forces? That's why they're by Positron.
The 2nd picture, like the first, is a reference to the new Apex Incarnate TF, not cross server teaming

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Just a big bug thank you to the Ocho, EMpulse, Positron, the two producers whos' names I'm forgetting, my fellow coaster enthusiast War Witch, Avatea and anyone I missed for a wonderful Meet and Greet at the Elephant and Castle (who really needs to come up here for one of these sometime).

Food was great, the Devs could not have been nicer and the only minor complaint is that we love them so much that we were a bit cramped in the space provided. Seriously - if you ever get a chance to meet up with the folks who make this game in person - take advantage of it. They are all top class folks.

Big Bug Hugs to all, and have a safe flight tomorrow!

-Robert Escher
Onus Vox, the big Bug™

"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The 2nd picture, like the first, is a reference to the new Apex Incarnate TF, not cross server teaming
Unfortunately I read this thread before posting, but not certain others. <.<

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



That isn't his sword, it was War Witch's, but he took it after she was killed.



Originally Posted by Escher View Post
Just a big bug thank you to the Ocho, EMpulse, Positron, the two producers whos' names I'm forgetting, my fellow coaster enthusiast War Witch, Avatea and anyone I missed for a wonderful Meet and Greet at the Elephant and Castle (who really needs to come up here for one of these sometime).

Food was great, the Devs could not have been nicer and the only minor complaint is that we love them so much that we were a bit cramped in the space provided. Seriously - if you ever get a chance to meet up with the folks who make this game in person - take advantage of it. They are all top class folks.

Big Bug Hugs to all, and have a safe flight tomorrow!

-Robert Escher
Onus Vox, the big Bug™
I couldn't put it any better myself! As always, many thanks to the OCR team and devs for an awesome M&G! Had such a wonderful time! I'm new to Seattle and it's so comforting to know there's a large player base in my new home...hope those I meeted and greeted with this evening keep in touch!



I also had a great time at the M&G. I actually played a game of Apples to Apples with Posi, some fellow gamers, and one of the producers. I won too, but no prize. I did discover I need to brush up on my trivia.
Also, I heard that Lord Recluse (one of our fellow gamers is working on a full Recluse costume) might be at PAX next year.