New Player. Lots of questions
First off, welcome to the game and to the forums! First off, I highly recommend checking out ParagonWiki (a web site) that offers a lot of information that you might find useful.
On to your questions:
1) There is the Player Guides section, if you want to take a look at that for help, though you'd want to stick with newer guides over older ones (basically, don't look at anything previous to what is labeled as I9, which means that it was written post-issue 9).
Also, it is very hard to gimp your character in this game. Certainly, some sets are better at some things than others, but any set can go through PvE and do fine. So don't worry too much about that.
2) A bit, yes. You will want to see how Aggro works in this game compared to others, but you can actually learn that while playing a Tanker. As a new Tanker, I would strongly advise getting the power Taunt at level 10 to help with Aggro control. Tankers also tend to bloom a little later in this game than some of the other Archetypes (ATs), mainly because their defenses aren't up to their full strength until level 22, when they can get single-origin enhancements (SOs)
3) Definitely. Although, there are no "Needed" ATs in this game, they are still desirable on teams.
4) Both can be, especially Tankers, since they have the survivability to take on a lot of foes. Controllers will depend a bit on what sets you choose as to how fast you'll be able to go through the PvE game. For instance, a Fire Control/Radiation Emission Controller will be able to solo a lot faster than an Ice Control/Force Field controller.
5) Yes and Yes, to certain extents. The Invention system is out crafting system, and any character can take part in that. There is a player-driven economy in the auction houses (Wentworths hero-side, the Black Market villain-side.
6) Depends on what you're looking for. Roleplaying? PvP? Mature servers? There's no wrong choice here, but population can play a part in these things. Freedom and Virtue are the two most populated servers, but there are people on all of them.
7) Of course!
Edit -> I win!
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
And the race is on (we have competition helpfulness here )!
Here's a link to your new best friend, one of the best Wikis in the gaming industry, ParagonWiki! You may find other things under the Titan Network umbrella to be helpful and/or fun as well.
Dec out.
So here are my questions:I think I have the basics of the archetype system, but am quite confused as to which powersets to use with any given character. I'm concerned that my choices now will nerf my superheroe in later gameplay. Are there any detailed overviews out there to help me with my decisions?
I'm somewhat attracted to the tank and controller archetypes. My experience with the tank in other mmorpgs is that one needs to know the game in order to play the tanker well; is this the case with this game? |
Are tankers/controllers a needed/wanted archetype for grouping in the game? |
Are tankers/controllers reasonable solo classes for the time when groups are not available. |
Tanks have a defensive (or resistance based) primary, with offense secondary, so they'll get attacks slower - that said, you'll also *tend* to find you can crank up the difficulty (again, set dependant on how far) and mow through groups on your own if you choose later in the game.
Is there crafting or a player economy in the game? Not a biggy, just want to know what I'm facing if I subscribe. |
Which server? Obviously looking for a server with reasonable population and adult super groups. |
Are new players welcome in the game? |
... I am, of course, kidding.

Welcome to the city!
We are very glad to have you back and the game has evolved from what you seen before. Now on to your questions...
[*]I think I have the basics of the archetype system, but am quite confused as to which powersets to use with any given character. I'm concerned that my choices now will nerf my superheroe in later gameplay. Are there any detailed overviews out there to help me with my decisions?
The powers are balance mostly but each type has a bonus effect and slightly different style. You won't nerf yourself but some Powers might fit your game play better then others. For example the Tanker. A Willpower/Dark Melee plays diffrently then a Stone/Fire. Reason is the Stone Fire tanker has more AOE attacks. My 50 Tanker is a Willpower/Darkmelee and I love playing him. Thought I Solo mostly and it fit my style. Main thing is Try them all! you got 12 starting character slots in each server!
[*]I'm somewhat attracted to the tank and controller archetypes. My experience with the tank in other mmorpgs is that one needs to know the game in order to play the tanker well; is this the case with this game?
This game is easier to get a handle on the basics. That said the system can be confusing when you include Invention Enhancements. Go to the Archetype Forum page and check out some builds that been posted or just ask for build advice. Note Tankers are late bloomers they really start to become "Super" around 20-25 some even all the way to 32. That said they can be fun. (In teams they are Argo controllers in away making sure they are the ones being attacked instead of the team. So be prepared!)
[*]Are tankers/controllers a needed/wanted archetype for grouping in the game?
NO NO and thankfully No. Having the Triforce of Tank/Healer/DPS dealer is GREAT! It's not needed! Any mix of Archetypes can make a good team if the players know how to handle the characters. A team of Controllers (8 Max) can be untouchable as well as a team of Scrappers.
[*]Are tankers/controllers reasonable solo classes for the time when groups are not available.
Most of these builds can Solo alright but not the best. That said it's up to the powers and power choices. As I said before I have a Willpower/Dark Melee who very good at Soloing but not as good in a team. The powers lack major Auras to be an Argo magnate.
[*]Is there crafting or a player economy in the game? Not a biggy, just want to know what I'm facing if I subscribe.
We have Wentworths/Black market for buying and selling Salvage/Recipes. You Use the Salvage to construct Temp powers/Costume parts (example are tech wings)/Invention Enhancements
[*]Which server? Obviously looking for a server with reasonable population and adult super groups.
Freedom and Virtue are the most popular right now. Virtue is the major Role Playing server so your best bet to find Supergroups that role play "Adult"
[*]Are new players welcome in the game?
YES! we are very Newbie welcoming as you are about to see as a swarm of posters will greet you. That is if they didn't get their post done before me!
Welcome to CoX universe I'll try to give you the short version imho.
1. It's really very had to actually end up with a gimp character. There are build threads and suggestions for almost any character you can conceive on the AT forums. There are definitely easier ways or powers to chose first while leveling, but it all works itself out in the wash so to speak. If you have a concept you'd like to explore search or post on the appropriate AT forum and somone will gladly offer advice.
2. That definitely helps but it's nothing you can't learn as you go.
3. Both AT's are very helpful on a team.
4. Both are solo friendly. Controllers may have a harder/slower time of it until the get their pets (except mind which does not get a pet, but a mass confusion power that doesn't draw agro). Tanks solo pretty easy at mid levels.
5. Crafting is in the form of invention origens and there is a consignment system in game to sell components or crafted enhancements.
6. When you log into the game you see the list of servers. The servers towards the bottom are the more populated ones. The second and subsequnt times you log in the first server listed is the last you visited followed by online population low to high. Generally Freedom and Virtue have the highest average population.
7. Welcome to the game You will find most people friendly towards newcomers
Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom
And the race is on (we have competition helpfulness here
![]() Here's a link to your new best friend, one of the best Wikis in the gaming industry, ParagonWiki! You may find other things under the Titan Network umbrella to be helpful and/or fun as well. |
1. Powerset choices won't nerf a character. Heck, even power choices won't
nerf a character - unless you purposefully try to nerf yourself (like choosing
as many pool powers as possible). Each Archetype forum has a Guides topic
stickied. Now, for many archetypes, those guides haven't been added to
in the past year or so, but they're decent overviews of most of the powersets.
2. No, you don't need to know the game well to play tank or controller (or any
other archetype)
3. No archetype is needed over any other. Still, in my experience, teams appreciate
what tanks and controllers can add to a team (aggro management, mob control,
safety, buffs, etc)
4. It depends. Tanks are generally acceptable solo (slower than a more damage
oriented archetype, of course). Controllers, some power combinations lack
sufficient damage-oriented powers to make soloing what I would consider fun.
Other controller combinations have acceptable damage.
5. Yes, there is crafting (Invention Origin enhancements, temporary powers,
some costume items) and an economy (Consignment House market - cross-server,
and with Going Rogue it will be cross-faction as well). There's a nice forum with
folks who will help you come up to speed on the Market.
6. Virtue and Freedom are the most populated US servers. Maturity is debatable
You could succumb to altitis early, and make one or more characters on each server
(or each faction [villain, hero] per server) so you'll always have someone to play.
7. New players are very welcome. At the top of this forum, there's a sticky for the
Mentor Project, if you want someone to help show you the ropes.
Global: @AcceleratorRay
Heroes on Triumph
Villains on Victory
Proud member of Triumphant Defenders
Fight My Brute
Just checked the forums and saw 7 helpful replies already. Havent read them all, but what a great community response. Thankyou.
Will look at them all, and reply after I have looked at them.
Thanks so much from you all for the great welcome!
Hello all;
I purchased CoH back when it went live. I had difficulty with the game because I could not seem to get the games graphics to run properly with my computer at that time. Recently I saw the "ultra-graphics" update and the upcoming xpansion. So I downloaded the demo. I'm much impressed by the way appearance of the game and the apparent excellent game community. I saw a video where one of the expansion devolopers said that now is the best time for new players. I certainly hope it is true. I'm not unfamiliar with mmorpgs, but none the less am feeling slightly overwhelmed with archetypes, power sets etc. So here are my questions:
- There's lots of quite detailed guides in the various AT sections. As you've heard already it's difficult to really gimp a character by your powerset choices. Some combinations work better than others but none are incapable of working.
Quote:- I'm somewhat attracted to the tank and controller archetypes. My experience with the tank in other mmorpgs is that one needs to know the game in order to play the tanker well; is this the case with this game?
- Are tankers/controllers a needed/wanted archetype for grouping in the game?
- Are tankers/controllers reasonable solo classes for the time when groups are not available.
GOOD tankers are always welcome on any team worth joining, unfortunately there's a lot of bad tanks in the game. Playing one well really isn't all that hard, you just need the tanker mindset and to be able to pay attention to the entire battle, grab loose aggro and protect the team. It'll take some time and practice to get the fine points down but just being first into battle and paying attention to the rest of the team will put you ahead of about half the tankers in the game.
I would suggest a resistance primary tanker over a defense for your first tank; they tend to mature faster. Defense sets are highly capable in the middle-late game but they struggle early while resistance sets are strong early and many continue strong all the way to 50. I'm personally partial to the Invulnerability set as it starts strong and matures roughly second only to Stone.
For a secondary the only sets I would avoid would be Energy Melee and Dual Blades, EM because it's probably the weakest secondary and DB because it's heavily reliant on combos... this attack, then that one followed by that one to be effective, I think a tank has other things to worry about than a specific order of attacks.
Controllers run a large range from highly effective solo and teamed to effective teammates and terrible solo depending on powerset choices. Primaries like Ice or Earth are long on control and very weak on damage so tend to solo poorly. On the other hand primaries like Illusion or Fire have a lot of damage with somewhat lower control... not that they're incapable of control.
For a solo controller good choices would be Illusion/Radiation or Fire/Radiation. The Illusion matures earlier and is one of the best combinations in the game for taking out hard targets solo while the Fire/Rad is phenomenally powerful when teamed with other Fire/Rad controllers... a full team of Fire/Rads is arguably the most powerful team in the game.
Quote:- Is there crafting or a player economy in the game? Not a biggy, just want to know what I'm facing if I subscribe.
- Which server? Obviously looking for a server with reasonable population and adult super groups.
- Are new players welcome in the game?
Thanks for any and all help. |

Which server you select is up to you, all of them tend to have their own personality. For straight population the biggest two are Freedom and Virtue. I mainly play on Guardian; it's middle of the pack for population and has a good community. I'd suggest checking out the server forums a bit farther down and see which ones suit you.
Welcome to the game, and enjoy your stay!
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
I can't remember who run's it but there is also a mentor's movement to help new players ease into the game. Basically long time veterans who team up with newbie players and answer any questions they have and can guide them through the nuances of things like crafting and the market.
Edit: Did a little searching and found the thread about the Mentor Project.
Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules. |
I can't remember who run's it but there is also a mentor's movement to help new players ease into the game. Basically long time veterans who team up with newbie players and answer any questions they have and can guide them through the nuances of things like crafting and the market.
The Mentor Project and Stalemate is one of the people who run in.
Ok, finally gotten through the first ten posts and you all have done a great job of answering my questions. So again my thanks! I have just come from a game where the users go out of their way to criticize, antagonize or insult posters. This community seems to be quite the opposite and is very nice to see.
A couple of follow-up questions:
- Many of the replies indicated that no particular type of class is needed in an instance/group (And yes, I come from the "holy trinity" type mmorpg). In these types of mmorpgs, the instance that does not require the trinity could be viewed as one that is not challenging. One of the things that attracted me to this game is reading posts that indicated that grouping is needed at times ( I read this as the game has challenge). So is their challenge in the grouping? Where am I getting confused here?
- Super groups. I take it super groups are guilds? If the game is heavily instanced and not much population is immediately available in the open world. Is the best place to search one out on the server boards or is there someplace in game.
Let me join my voice with the chorus . . . Welcome!
Personally, I'm partial to Controllers as my favorite arctype, so I can give you a few things from the Controller perspective. If you want to try a Controller, but you are unsure where to start, I suggest you take a look at my Illusion/Radiation guide. Ill/Rad makes a great starter character, fairly easy to play moderately well either solo or on teams, and yet it can become one of the most powerful builds in the game with a lot of effort and understanding.
My guide gives a lot of basics about Controllers in general as well as Illusion and Radiation in particular. It is very detailed and provides not only information about the powers, but also gives advice on leveling up the character and strategies that will be effective. If you want details, you won't be disappointed.
It is interesting that you are interested in both Controllers and Tankers . . . in some ways, they are two sides of the same coin. Both are responsible for trying to protect the team by drawing the attention of the foes.
Don't feel you are locked in to one character or another. Try lots. Try any powerset that looks like fun. Any combo can be effective, even if some are more effective than others for some purposes. I started with a Scrapper, then tried a Blaster, then a Tank, then a Defender. I thought I had found my favorite in the Defender . . . until I rolled up a Controller to be the Defender's sidekick. That Controller turned out to be my favorite. He was my first 50 and continues to be my favorite character in the game -- my Illusion/Radiation Controller.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Everyone has pretty much answered your questions, I thought I'd put in some random thoughts.
If you decide to be a tank, don't stress out that at the early levels, you don't feel tough. Early on, before you start getting good defense/resistance powers, your only real difference between your tank and a more squishier character is your extra hit points. Later on, you'll get tougher. In fact, depending on the particular tank you are, you'll get very tough.
In any of the characters you make, there are reasonable variations. Don't let anyone give you a hard time if the build you chose to make deviates in some way from some standard vanilla build.
There is a crafting system, largely based on crafting enhancements for your powe. The system was added some years after game launch, and it's not required, as in your characters will still be viable if they are not packing the best crafted Invention Origin enhancements.
I also would recommend trying to solo a bit, to see your own content at your pace. Once you get the hang of the game, leveling can become very fast, and you can miss a lot.
Virtue Server-
MA: (All SFMA, all technically long/very long, but all play quickly)
#200411 "Exploding Planet" (I apologize in advance for the final mission, but in all likelihood, the planet will explode.)
#144416 "Shadow of Grime Alley"
#161003 "You Don't Know Beanstalk, Jack"
Let me join my voice with the chorus . . . Welcome!
I suggest you take a look at my Illusion/Radiation guide. Ill/Rad makes a great starter character, . I |
One other thing. I believe that I have the basic city of heroes version that came out on release. Am I better to re-sub or purchase the going Rogue complete expansion on the 17th of August. I also understand the architect edition is another expansion pack. Will I want to have all of these in order to get the fullest gameplay out of the game?
Tangogulf2 has more questions: Many of the replies indicated that no particular type of class is needed in an instance/group (And yes, I come from the "holy trinity" type mmorpg). In these types of mmorpgs, the instance that does not require the trinity could be viewed as one that is not challenging. One of the things that attracted me to this game is reading posts that indicated that grouping is needed at times ( I read this as the game has challenge). So is their challenge in the grouping? Where am I getting confused here? |
Super groups. I take it super groups are guilds? If the game is heavily instanced and not much population is immediately available in the open world. Is the best place to search one out on the server boards or is there someplace in game. |
Dec out.
A couple of follow-up questions:
[*]Many of the replies indicated that no particular type of class is needed in an instance/group |
Sometimes, a team might run across a particular enemy, or numerical odds that they might want to have a different team composition. You might all be packing fire, and run across a boss who ignores fire. Those situations are relatively rare.
[*]Super groups. I take it super groups are guilds? |
Virtue Server-
MA: (All SFMA, all technically long/very long, but all play quickly)
#200411 "Exploding Planet" (I apologize in advance for the final mission, but in all likelihood, the planet will explode.)
#144416 "Shadow of Grime Alley"
#161003 "You Don't Know Beanstalk, Jack"
OK, the way the "holy trinity" works vs. the way this game works depends on the size of the buffs, really.
NORMAL GAME: Tank's got a lot of hit points and some gear so they take slightly less damage. Healer and badguys play pong with the Tank's health bar. DPS tries to shoot badguys without getting squished.
I don't play NORMAL GAME so this may not be exactly accurate.
THIS GAME: Tank has slightly more HP and self-buffs to be 10 times tougher than an undefended character. [Defense = get hit less, Resistance = take less damage from what lands, Regeneration = self-heal back faster. Some combination of these ends up being "around a factor of 10" tougher. ] Any given Defender can probably make everyone else on the team 5 times tougher than an undefended character. Many characters have enough protection that, in combination with a given Defender, they can hit the Defense or Resistance caps.
The result of all of this is that you can have a Tank, with nobody helping them, that's 20 times tougher than "baseline". You can have a Force Field defender who makes the entire team 10 times tougher than baseline. You can have, with the right support, a Blaster who is literally 40 times tougher than they would be without support.
What I'm trying to say here is, the solution to tough content is often "add more defenders or controllers." Incidentally, there isn't much call for "healers" after the first 20-ish levels because an unbuffed squishie is either totally healthy or totally dead. I ran a Force Field defender who didn't have a heal, and recommended that other FF defenders not take one either. "Anyone who's got the bubbles on and still dies is incompetent. Having a heal just gives the incompetent guy an excuse to blame YOU."
Anyway, getting off topic...
2. There are two good ways to have/build a community in addition to Super Groups [which form coalitions at times.]
One way is "by hand." Join a couple crappy teams, and when you find someone on those teams who is good, add them to your Friends list, or Global Friends list. [gfriends are more personal and closer- as well as the length of the list being limited- so if someone rejects a global friend request, don't hold it against them.] If one of your new Global Friends is on, ask what they're doing and if they'd like some help with it. THEIR friends are probably also good. Eventually you build up a network. Often someone will invite you to an SG, if you're good.
The other way is to join Global Channels for your server. RF2009 on Freedom is an example of this- "Radio Freedom 2009", a replacement for the old Radio Freedom channel. I think. Anyway, global channels are a place for people to hang out, look for teams, find teammates, organize events, ask/answer questions, lie about ***** size, whatever. Not all channels are good or constructive. Much, I imagine, like not all guilds are good or constructive...
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Checking it now!
One other thing. I believe that I have the basic city of heroes version that came out on release. Am I better to re-sub or purchase the going Rogue complete expansion on the 17th of August. I also understand the architect edition is another expansion pack. Will I want to have all of these in order to get the fullest gameplay out of the game? |
Longer answer: the version you have gives access to all of "the game" as it exists right now, both hero and villain sides. There are some perks, quality of life powers and/or costume pieces you can get with the various editions, but nothing that is required to play the full game.
That said, there are some nice little items you can get with the various editions - check ParagonWiki for more detail on each of the editions and what comes with them. Also, you typically get a month's gameplay with each edition, which can offset the cost. For example, I found a copy of the Collector's Edition at BigLots for $10. It came with a month of gameplay when I registered the code. The month of gameplay is worth $15, so I basically got all the perks in the edition, and a month of gameplay for $5 less than a month of gameplay alone.
Some of the editions are a bit difficult to find, such as the aforementioned Collector's Edition.
There are also Booster Packs that you can buy from the NCStore. They cost $10 each. They give various costume pieces, emotes, a temp poewer and some other perks. Each Booster Pack is themed around one of the Origins (Natural, Science, Tech, Mutation, Magic). They are fun, but not required to play the game. None of these gives a month of gameplay.
If you want to access the new areas and such with Going Rogue, you will need to purchase the expansion.
Checking it now!
One other thing. I believe that I have the basic city of heroes version that came out on release. Am I better to re-sub or purchase the going Rogue complete expansion on the 17th of August. I also understand the architect edition is another expansion pack. Will I want to have all of these in order to get the fullest gameplay out of the game? |
The wiki gives info on what the various editions give you, but it's sort of annoying to find the correct link on my phone.
The reason almost any team can do any content has more to do with the flexibility and overlap in capabilities of the various archetypes. And of course the ability to adjust mission difficulty.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Yes, grouping here *is* needed at times - task forces, giant monsters, a few raids. But on the other hand - ATs are not like classes in other games (that I'm familiar with.)
For instance, if I see a Ranger in Aion, I know they'll be focused on range, have stealth, possibly rely on stuns. A Gladiator (working from memory) is going to be kiteable, etc.
If I see a blaster, I don't know if I'm going to be dealing with damage-damage-damage (fire,) endurance draining, control (ice,) what their secondary is going to be like, etc. I don't know (for one that seems to trip people from other MMOs up) if that Defender is even going to have a heal - there's no "healer" in the game, though there are powersets that have a little more focus on healing than others. They may be able to give me shields, or debuff the enemy to the point where they're no threat, or buff me. They may choose to stay at range (say, Force Fields) or be right in the middle of the action (many Kinetics.) The same AT can play vastly differently depending on the sets chosen.
Super groups. I take it super groups are guilds? If the game is heavily instanced and not much population is immediately available in the open world. Is the best place to search one out on the server boards or is there someplace in game.Again thanks for all the great replies. |
Pop down to the server boards, find the server that looks interesting, find out about the global channels. Just mentioning "LFT" in broadcast doesn't tend to do much.
Okay lets see if I can be of a bit more help.
[*]Many of the replies indicated that no particular type of class is needed in an instance/group (And yes, I come from the "holy trinity" type mmorpg). In these types of mmorpgs, the instance that does not require the trinity could be viewed as one that is not challenging. One of the things that attracted me to this game is reading posts that indicated that grouping is needed at times ( I read this as the game has challenge). So is their challenge in the grouping? Where am I getting confused here?
Difficulty can be adjusted. you can choose to fight foes -1 to your level all the way up to fighting foes +4 levels of your current level. On top of that you can increase the amount of foes you face. All the way to facing the same amount of foes if you were on a full team of 8 heroe/Villains. (The contact to make these adjustments show up as a blue figure on white dot on the minimap that you can access by pressing M in the game.)
[*]Super groups. I take it super groups are guilds? If the game is heavily instanced and not much population is immediately available in the open world. Is the best place to search one out on the server boards or is there someplace in game.[/LIST]
Supergroups are useful if you find a good one. Joining a Global chat channel is another way.
Note Trial accounts are limited to basic Chat options to reduce SPAMMERS I'm sure you seen them those who advertise X amount of In game currency for X amount of real life cash. Only a full account has access to Global Channels. Your Global Name is the same as the Name of your first character created. You can change this once under options.
One other thing. I believe that I have the basic city of heroes version that came out on release. Am I better to re-sub or purchase the going Rogue complete expansion on the 17th of August. I also understand the architect edition is another expansion pack. Will I want to have all of these in order to get the fullest gameplay out of the game?
Good Vs Evil has
Jump Pack Power (exclusive to GVE)
Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member Badge (exclusive to GVE)
Pocket D VIP Pass Teleport Power (exclusive to GVE)
Justice Costume Pieces (exclusive to GVE)
Sinister Costume Pieces (exclusive to GVE)
Where the Architect Edition has An activation code that can be redeemed for the user's choice of either Super Booster I: Cyborg or Super Booster II: Magic.
So is their challenge in the grouping? Where am I getting confused here?
There are tasks designed to be inherently more challenging. They are known as Task Forces and Trials. They're also more time consuming as they are a chained set of related missions. The first one you can do is the Positron Task Force.
You're actually joining the game at a great time because after Going Rogue, the next game update will be "Issue 19" (abbreviated i19) in which an official end game will be added. Up to and including now, CoH doesn't have a large variety of top level raid-type tasks; there are a few terrific ones like the Imperious Task Force (ITF) and the Lady Grey Task Force (LGTF), but it's not a major focus of the game like it is in WoW.
In WoW there's such focus on the end game that it's common for people to have very few characters since they continue to pour effort into their main. In CoH the end game has basically been "roll up a new alt!" And that's still great advice since there's such a gigantic diversity of characters available. But as of i19 you'll have the option to participate in a new and ultra-challenging end game. We don't know the specifics yet, however. More info will come out on that probably about 3 months after GR goes live.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Hi, welcome to the game!
Well , there's not much else for me to add to the girth of information thrust at ya, so i'll keep it simple.
Global Chat Channels :- (Lists may be incomplete)
Our game is really an instanced game, and as many have noted, you're not likely to see tons of folks running around in zone and you may therefore believe you're in a wasteland. Basically the Global Chat channels, or global channels, are chat channels which let all of it's members chat, regardless of server, e.g. I may be on Virtue server, but chatting on 'Pinnbadges' a Pinnacle team resource. Most servers have at least 1 channel which is focussed on team building and basically it lets you shoot the *cough*. The really cool thing, is you can feel like you're with a bunch of people, even if you're soloing.
Again, just welcome to the City!
Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.
Hello all;
I purchased CoH back when it went live. I had difficulty with the game because I could not seem to get the games graphics to run properly with my computer at that time.
Recently I saw the "ultra-graphics" update and the upcoming xpansion. So I downloaded the demo. I'm much impressed by the way appearance of the game and the apparent excellent game community. I saw a video where one of the expansion devolopers said that now is the best time for new players. I certainly hope it is true.
I'm not unfamiliar with mmorpgs, but none the less am feeling slightly overwhelmed with archetypes, power sets etc. So here are my questions:
- I think I have the basics of the archetype system, but am quite confused as to which powersets to use with any given character. I'm concerned that my choices now will nerf my superheroe in later gameplay. Are there any detailed overviews out there to help me with my decisions?
- I'm somewhat attracted to the tank and controller archetypes. My experience with the tank in other mmorpgs is that one needs to know the game in order to play the tanker well; is this the case with this game?
- Are tankers/controllers a needed/wanted archetype for grouping in the game?
- Are tankers/controllers reasonable solo classes for the time when groups are not available.
- Is there crafting or a player economy in the game? Not a biggy, just want to know what I'm facing if I subscribe.
- Which server? Obviously looking for a server with reasonable population and adult super groups.
- Are new players welcome in the game?
Thanks for any and all help.