North American Training Room unavailability - Week of July 19th




Don King hair + belly jewel =...

...make sense? =D


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
I blame the Players. You were all SO IMPATIENT for release date info that marketing put out an arbitrary release date a few months out just to shut you up and now all of a sudden we're less than a month away and GR is no where near ready for public testing. You brought this on yourselves. If the consensus was "take all the time you need", we'd be getting TEN levels of incarnates with GR and 1-50 content instead of 1-20 ...and a pony, too! But nooooooo, you people wanted everything NAO NAO NAO. Well fine, enjoy your 1 week of "loyalty time" because there wasn't enough time for beta and enjoy your half-finished, buggy product as a result, I hope you enjoy it!

ps, who likes my awesomly bright Don-King hairdo and belly jewel?
*cries uncontrollably* :P



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Don King hair + belly jewel =...
...make sense? =D
*ROFL* Oh..nevermind..that was priceless!

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
*ROFL* Oh..nevermind..that was priceless!
And for everything else, there's MasterCard!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post bugs me. Granted SOME of those people will be CoH players, and I'm OK with that, but many will not. At this point, even if our access started in the next day or two, it would feel pretty "token" assuming GR is going to keep it's 08/17 release date (I'm starting to wonder, at this point). I probably won't mess with it, and just wait for launch. If they'd wanted it to mean a good deal, they'd have had to do it back in June or early July not less than a month before the game goes live, also the fact they mentioned it on the French forums and not ours is fairly telling...but then again, the Euros have always been getting information on features before it was ever posted to us...

I guess my biggest disappointment is the lack of information we've received. As far as I can tell, no one has answered players' questions about the third tier of closed beta access (whether it's granted by pre-order as stated last year, or by pre-purchase which was available earlier this year, or whether it's even still valid). I'm glad that Avatea reassured the Francophile players that the Loyalty Program beta would start soon, but it would have been nice to have the same information in the language spoken by the majority of subscribers.

It doesn't necessarily gall me that non-players who attend Comic-Con may get to preview the game before most Loyalty customers; I hope that it hooks them and we get a new influx of interested subscribers. But it does mildly irritate me that we have received so little information about stuff in Going Rogue. There are two additional powersets being added. Neat! What are they like? We don't really the know the answer. There's a new morality system that's triggered by something called tip missions. What's that like? Well, there's an IGN article sort of talking about it, but that's suspect because its first publication had several errors (including calling Neromancy, a powerset in CoV since its inception "new").

I'm patient. I'm quite happy that fully half of the new powersets have been available months in advance of Going Rogue's launch. I'm happy overall with the direction that the game has taken in the last few years. I just wish that there had been more of a response to the questions of the community at large. Even a "we can't tell you that, but rest assured, you'll know soon" is better than silence.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
On this, I do feel the need to disagree. You can't blame "the Devs" (i.e. the people who work on the game) for the actions that NCSoft and/or Marketing takes. This whole thing smells of Marketing and NCSoft Management to me.
The devs set when a Closed Beta happens and decide who gets in and who doesn't. Marketing doesn't. If anything, marketing wants an Open Beta sooner rather than later to generate hype.

If Loyalty people are given access next week, or even next, that smacks of an Open Beta in CB clothing. In other words, they didn't award GR access to loyalty people, they just denied it longer to everyone else because otherwise a true OB would have been longer. Another way of saying it, is if the Loyalty program never happend, whenever they add Loyalty people is the point they would have just opened the beta to everyone anyways. That's how I see it as things stand.

Positron clearly said they were dropping it (Alpha Incarnate Slot) to make it more of what it should be
It's his responsibility to make sure the feature is ready by the release date. The reason for it not being ready doesn't matter. It's his job to account for time needed to make changes based on player feedback. Maybe if they had started the beta earlier in the first place, or talked to players at the design stage, they would have had time to use the feedback they got.

However, by the same token, if trying to get it done NOW might mess up the already-decided release date, NC/Marketing will come to War Witch/Posi whomever and go "'re probably not going to make the release date, you need to make it, so something has to go."
Or the devs could have said "Lets promise the first of the end game content even though it's not ready, because we know theres a lot of people saying they're not into side switching or 1-20 content. If we run out of time, we cut it and we don't tell them about that until the last minute because by then we've got their money and there's not much they can do."

That or they decided voluntarily that it needed to be dropped in order to make the release date, and thus make Incarnates better once it does come out.
It's the fact they tricked people into preordering who otherwise wouldn't have if they had known any bit of the Incarnate system, their reason for getting GR, wouldn't arrive until the Fall. They also tricked people into keeping their accounts active at a time when the devs hadn't put out much content and people didn't have a reason to stick around, but did because it was implied it would get them Closed Beta access.

It is also important to remember that the game IS a business, and thus, it's supposed to take any chance it can to make more money, especially in this economy.
Good companies make money by pleasing their customers and having a good product or service. Bad companies make money with cash grabs and tricking people with bait and switch.

Comparitively our people at PS/NC are saints).
You say saints, I say snakes. I've found how the Loyalty program has turned out and the incident with the Incarnate Alpha slot to be very snakey indeed. While snakes can be good to keep the rats away, you run the risk of being bitten, which is what they've done here. From here out, I'm not about to carry them across any deep water if they ask.

That's why I always preorder at a store, if I have the option, as that can be cancelled before release, the NCSoft "prepurchase" cannot.
I don't see how you can say this, and keep insisting that NC or PS can be trusted. One owns the other, they are the same.

I do agree that they have a select batch of players they tend to listen to more than others, though I think that happens by nature when some people contribute more than others, and have shown themselves to do so.
I think it's because the devs are human, and all humans exibit favouritism. Some people try to avoid doing that though. Some don't.

The only point I agree fully on, and have always is that their communication system of relating info to the players is always lacking, thus giving the appearance of "hiding in their tower" as you put it, that's always been a problem, and still is.
Not exactly what I meant. I'm referring to times when the devs can't defend themsevles over something and suddenly they've gotta run or they just say "Well, we're right because we're the devs and you aint." It's like the Nuke in Rock, Paper, Scissors. "I'm taking the ball and going home."

Frankly I suspect they got majorly overworked went into "oh crap" mode, especially once the release date was moved and finalized, and didn't have the people on communicating they should have, as those people were probably operating in CB.
I have no doubt they're in a scramble. But the cause of that is purely theirs and they've got the time to throw half a week away so the department heads can muck about at Comic Con. The fact that they're even trying to sell to that crowd makes me facepalm, because as far as I'm concerned, design-wise, 75% of the time they turn their backs on comic fans.

I just felt the need to state my own position, and refute some of the blatently self-serving points of your post.
You can see, or not see, what you want. In the end, you're still left waiting.




Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Don King hair + belly jewel =...

All I can say is "Well played".

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by TerraFan View Post
It's really nice that the people who, in good faith, expected something more than a two week preview of GR, and were actually interested in BETA testing by making sure they kept to their end of the deal, are getting treated properly.

I didn't expect to be brought in on the first wave, but I certainly didn't expect to be relegated to a week early version of a 'free preview'. It was my hope to actually be a part of the 'testing' process, as being told that as part of the loyalty program would give us 'Closed Beta'.

Yes, if they give it to us with a week or two before it launches, they will have technically have fullfilled their end to the 'letter' of what they said, but for those of us who really and honestly did want to be a deep part of the assisting to help find bugs and test things, this has been an utter disappointment.
I really think that these closed beta issues for people, should be taken up with NCSoft Support, the Community Moderators etc. I don't think complaining about it in the forums is going to get this taken care of. In fact, and this is pure speculation, it might be one of the reasons your not in the closed beta.

Closed Betas rely on a certain level of discretion with the NDAs and what not, by complaining over the forums like this, your demonstration a lack of discretion.

Just a thought.

As for the training room being unavailable... I'm sure it's for comic con or what ever, but it's kind of inconvenient. I love to test new builds, recipes and such on the training room and that means I can't for the next week. I know it's a small thing, but at the same time, did they really have to do this with the training room? They couldn't do it with training room 01 or something?

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Yay im so glad im not part of the loyalty program.Im also glad I know all powers that are in the 2 powersets(kin melee and elec control). I may be missing out some would say.........even though i pre purchased and believe I deserve GR CB access but im not getting it so **** me.Hate me for trolling or posting my thoughts on the situation thats been explained time and time again but oh well its whatever.



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I really think that these closed beta issues for people, should be taken up with NCSoft Support, the Community Moderators etc. I don't think complaining about it in the forums is going to get this taken care of. In fact, and this is pure speculation, it might be one of the reasons your not in the closed beta.

Closed Betas rely on a certain level of discretion with the NDAs and what not, by complaining over the forums like this, your demonstration a lack of discretion.

Just a thought.

As for the training room being unavailable... I'm sure it's for comic con or what ever, but it's kind of inconvenient. I love to test new builds, recipes and such on the training room and that means I can't for the next week. I know it's a small thing, but at the same time, did they really have to do this with the training room? They couldn't do it with training room 01 or something?
Seeing as how I've never said anything before this, I can't see that my silence about not getting in could put me on any kind of list to NOT get in. I don't follow that train of logic at all. Complaining about something that I was promised, but not yet be delivered on is fully within my purview. I am no, nor have I on any other things I have been under an NDA, released information, so that statement of yours is intellectually dishonest.

As for contacting someone. Who? PS has been shuffling people around so much it's difficult to tell. A month ago, I would have said that might be Doc Deliliah, but she's been gone for three weeks and a friend of mine who PM'd her about another issue is not only waiting for a response, the pm hasn't even been read.

There is no clear cut chain of response that we've been given. No "This person is in charge of X".

Arc #1267 The Key of Brass and Flame



Instead of complaining here about it, go take a look at the announcements. Skippy Sidekick posted earlier today that the Loyalty Closed Beta starts tomorrow with links and notes for the pre-download. Now go forth and download in preparation for tomorrow.



so the loyalty closed betas starts tomorrow? NICE

that means the beta build hopefully has been thru most of it horrible crashing and completelyy out of whack testing phase is ready for the players.

Having been in a few of the closed betas over the years, the early builds are not that hot. A lot of frustrations like find the glowie, and the glowie is located behind a wall or something like that. When IOs came out, it was like beyond confusing....and half of them didn't work in the powers they were supposed to at first. Sometimes in the early builds, the "new and shiney" isn't there, because they are fixing the code after new changes unexpectanly breaks something esle.

I am glad this is FINALLY going to this stage, that means GR beta is stable, and polished enough to play....with some feedback and data minining, they might actually make the scheduled Aug release.



Honestly, I think that the Devs have missed an opportunity here. I guess I should have figured that the "Loyalty" thing was more a marketng ploy than an actual part of the betatesting. That said, as I said, it's an opportunity missed.

This close to GR, I rather doubt that the Devs see this expansion of the Beta-pool as testing a great deal, other than perhaps stress-testing (which is useful in and of itself). That said, it could have been more.

I've been on both sides of the betatesting process. I've tested games, and I've also been on the design side. I know when working on the design side, the thing I BADLY needed was more testers who were intent on really putting the game through its paces. Honestly, you can never have enough of those people. The ones who want to get into a game, dig at it, poke at it, and find issues. Ones who won't be upset when a bug pops up, but instead realize that's precisely why they are there... to find those bugs, so they can be dealt with pre-release.

Obviously, our Paragon Studios Overlords have a group of testers they've used over the course of time. However, a few more weeks for the 60 Month and Loyalty people would have given them a chance to scout for new blood. To see who really "gets it". Who understand that they are there not to simply preview the new shinies, but to help test the game.

I guess in the end, it's a matter of communication. What we have can't really be called "early access" (since we can't carry characters from the Beta to Live). On the other hand, it's closer to "early access" than it is to "testing". Or at least so it seems to me. So, to those who thought they'd get a chance to truly give back, by being part of the testing process, it's a bit disappointing.

(All on Virtue)
Guidestar: lvl50 Grav/FF Controller
Madame Insight: Lvl 50 El/El Blaster
Astrolabe Lvl 50 Grav/Eng Dom
Too many others to consider.



Interesting! I may have to test out GR for a bit today. (Providing I get in with the rest of the vets and loyalty peeps)

Should be fun to test out the new 1-20 content with some mixed teams!

I was mostly looking forward to the Incarnate stuff, but I'm patient! As long as it's before March of next year.

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




i thought, and maybe I am wrong here - that if I plunked down my money for GR months before it was even in beta I got - dual pistols. demon summoning and beta access?? check check and ...wait a second....



I think there are three additional waves of beta participants. 60 month vet rewards holders, Loyalty program peoples, and then people who pre-ordered GR. You'd be in the last wave unless you qualify as one of the other two.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



I pm'd a red name about pre order beta access and I got no reply.This was my second attempt since one Mod didn't give me a clear answer.Really does suck to see something last. Its like getting the last slice of pizza........everyone wants it, but to me it just doesnt taste the same.



Really wouldn't hold your breath about getting any emails regarding any of the betas. I've had access to several although the email never come through. Simply have to log in and test access.

I can agree with many. Too many promises and guarentees went out with this expansion that should not have. Really as it is marketing is largely to blame as anything to do with 'advertising and promotions' is there department. I would have been appreciated if the devs had given out an expected time line when it came to the 'tier' invites. At least then those waiting an hoping to be a part of the true testing know whether to even bother looking for that invite.

Personally I was hoping to get in earlier then this 'token' entrance (cause that's all this really is) to actually test the coming product. It's a shame the devs don't include newer as well as heavily veterned players in their testing. Newer players would give them a better knowledge of whether this is entrance level freindly and vetrans have such a great knowlegde of how AT's feel when played.

In the end this is the Dev's loss and hopefully does not give us the same issues AE did. We can't afford to lose more veterns.



Originally Posted by Ghantana View Post


Personally I was hoping to get in earlier then this 'token' entrance (cause that's all this really is) to actually test the coming product. It's a shame the devs don't include newer as well as heavily veterned players in their testing. Newer players would give them a better knowledge of whether this is entrance level freindly and vetrans have such a great knowlegde of how AT's feel when played.

In the end this is the Dev's loss and hopefully does not give us the same issues AE did. We can't afford to lose more veterns.
Honestly, none of the players know how beta tests are selected. For all we know it can be a random selection out of all available accounts, all subscribed accounts over N months, people with names starting with the letter Q, or it could be completely manual.

While I do feel that there was too little detail regarding the loyalty program, especially tying it directly with this expansion, if one of my accounts has beta access, I will log in and poke around. If I find a bug that hasn't yet been found, yay for me. If not, oh well, I have plenty of bugs at work to find. I'm not going to get myself worked up over something that, for all I know, is still up in the air.

To the people who are getting bent out of shape over this expansion: go chill out, watch some TV, go outside, read a book, drink, whatever floats your boat.



Originally Posted by Ghantana View Post
It's a shame the devs don't include newer as well as heavily veterned players in their testing.
Are you sure that they didn't? Do you have inside knowledge about every person invited to the beta? I can't even begin to guess the selection requirements used to invite people to the betas (past or present). The developers ask the people they choose to ask. They have a reason for who they are inviting.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Terminal Velocity View Post
Since I don't think there's a thread for this, Loyalty Closed Beta Starts Tomorrow
Shenanigans for the "Loyalty" part.



Originally Posted by Denji View Post
Shenanigans for the "Loyalty" part.
Yeah. It did not start yet.



something that I was promised
YOU WERE NEVER PROMISED. No one was promised. Please let that sink in before more complaining commences. All they've ever said, for any method of qualifying for beta, was that you'd be ELIGIBLE for beta testing. Closed Beta never invites everyone and their dog. That's what Open Beta is for. It's been like this for every Closed Beta they've ever ran, and ever will run. You did the things they asked for, and got put on a list. That's all they said they'd do. There's been no redname post, no community rep post, no anything, that says you're guaranteed to get in by doing X, Y, or Z.

Ahh....I feel better now.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.