Why make a scrapper when you can make a brute?




Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
Scrappers stack. Brutes don't. On a team, one brute is theoretically superior to one scrapper. Once you get three brutes on a team, they'll be fighting each other for Fury, while if you've got three scrappers, the only thing they'll be fighting for is to see which one gets to fire off their AoE in the middle of the next spawn.
My Dark/WP Brute used to have terrible issues with this, looking jealously at the */Elec brute getting all the Mob love with their fancy-pants damage aura.

In general Brutes on teams can do as much or more damage as scrappers, but there are lots of terms and conditions attached to that and others playstyles can interfere with your ability to do it.

For example no Brute is going to enjoy a Herding Tank playstyle very much (and why would they )



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
While solo! Where numbers matter!
Even when you're not solo a Brute will have higher numbers than a Scrapper, but that is almost irrelevant because at a certain percentage the difference between having 500 and 600% damage buff will begin to not matter.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



As others have said I think Scrapper-only powersets and playstyle preferneces will always keep plenty of Scrappers around. I don't like chasing Fury and vastly prefer have better instantaneous damage with a scrapper. By that I mean, if I step away from the keyboard to do something else I know I can come back and do full damage to the next mob, or take my time going from mob to mob with no loss in damage, or stealth a mission to a boss with no loss in damage. If I want to go all scrapper-lock kill frenzy mode, then I accept I will be slightly less effective than a brute doing that. It's a trade-off I am happy to make.

Same reason why there will always be both brutes and tanks. Some people just prefer one over the other, even though they can do similar functions.

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



My three favorite ATs are scrappers, brutes and stalkers. What can I say? I love melee. That said, there are distinct reasons to play each one. Aside from game mechanics and technical reasons, each has a different playstyle and feel.

I guess the reason you might still make one is similar to the reason people play Martial Artists: not everyone is obsessed with being at the absolute maximum DPS/survivable/OMG indestructible cap. Some people just like playing the game because it is fun.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



I'd be curious to see an expirement on who actually runs missions faster, brutes or scrappers. Perhaps we should time ourselves running 3 back to back Borea missions at various levels of difficulty. I suspect we'd find that it has much more to do with who's driving then what toon is playing... but in general, if the same player is driving, scrappers will finish quicker due to a faster start and very little difference in top end kill speed.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



because a Lamborghini could never be made available at the same price - i.e. its comparing apples to oranges. Id play a scrapper cuz I want a hero, not a nasty, scummy rotten to the core villain!
Unless I'm playing redside. Then I play a villain cuz i dont want to be a nose in the air, goody goody two shoes sappy hero!
Only those who play simply for min/max will care about the damage difference.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
But then we start getting into the world of psycho-number crunchers with purpled out builds versus players that have never heard of Mids.
Entirely correct. And if you're forming a pick up group task force, there's such a small and arguable difference between Scrappers and Brutes numerically that if that's all you're going on, you could be rejecting a psycho-number cruncher Scrapper in favor of a "what's Mids'?" Brute that never learned how to play their archetype.

More mathematically speaking, if Scrapper performance is 581+/-300 and Brute performance is 592+/-300, even if the difference is real, it is statistically insignificant. You'd be MUCH better served by taking a quick look at power choices and IO set bonuses than going by archetype here, and BOY do I not want this game to head down THAT road. It's supposed to be casual-friendly. Are we really going to start doing gear checks? Are we really going to start rejecting entire archetypes because average performance is 2% lower than another archetype with the sort of spread in performance that we see around here?

I do think that Brutes are ever so slightly superior on paper on average. I think that's about the least relevant thing there is when picking teams.

Mind you, I don't pick up group, so none of this is really relevant to me personally. I think it's just a very bad direction for the player base to head down.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Exaclty the question is not relevant when asked to the community as a whole. There cannot be one right answer that stands true both for the min/maxer crowd and for the "what's Mids ?" crowd.

However it's relevant when asked to oneself only, and there personal preference can easily make the balance weight more on one side or the other, because it's not like the difference is huge.

But it's a fact, as very soon we'll have both ATs available to both sides, we'll have more questions like "Brute or scrapper for my X/Y combo ?" on the boards. And it will be easier to answer that, as depending on the combo there can be obvious advantages to roll it as a brute or scrapper.



Originally Posted by Ehina View Post
Exaclty the question is not relevant when asked to the community as a whole. There cannot be one right answer that stands true both for the min/maxer crowd and for the "what's Mids ?" crowd.

However it's relevant when asked to oneself only, and there personal preference can easily make the balance weight more on one side or the other, because it's not like the difference is huge.

But it's a fact, as very soon we'll have both ATs available to both sides, we'll have more questions like "Brute or scrapper for my X/Y combo ?" on the boards. And it will be easier to answer that, as depending on the combo there can be obvious advantages to roll it as a brute or scrapper.
VERY well said.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by Tongz View Post
The POINT is: There is no mechanical reason to play or recruit a Scrapper *instead of* a Brute.
There is no mechanical reason to play or recruit a non-IOed character instead of a IOed character. Yet i've never seen someone ask "ITF starting, LFM IOed characters."

And yes, there is a lot of mechanical reason to recruit a scrapper instead of a brute. fire/shield scrapper will put a lot more damage then a axe/EA brute. It's only in "what you play" that it will really make a difference, because you'll be making (more or less) the same exact build for both. But even then, like a lot of people mentionned:

1) Scrappers start at full speed, brutes don't.
2) Scrappers can take breaks, brutes will lose the fury.
3) Scrappers are better at poping a huge burst damage at the beginning of the fight. There damage start at full speed and BU is more effective for them.

Yes brutes might be tougher then scrappers. But you just need to have enough survivability. Same reason why a lot of people think brutes are better then tankers. Tankers might have better survivability, but it's often wasted. The same could be said about a brute's superior protection compared to scrapper.

You can argue all you want that brutes are mathematically superior to scrappers. I'll point out that 149,6 instead of 149,5 is still just a 0,07% difference. And mathematically, close enough to zero to be ignored. (you really want to invite someone over another for the abilitie to do 1 more damage over 10 secondes? assuming the two never overkill a target.)

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Gonna have to echo this.........
I'll third that for my main scrapper. I have 2 50 scrappers, 2 50 brutes, 3 40+ scrappers. With going rogue coming I have no desire to make a brute over a scrapper just because I will be able to play them blue side.

Now to the question, since I form alot of groups and task forces, brutes will not be "replacing" scrappers. Just like always it is first come first serve. So, in conclusion, scrappers will never be obsolete.



I think we need a fourth melee AT. A Scruter.

edit: fifth. lol @ over-saturation.



I didnt really understand it until I rolled my DA tank. Bear with me.

I joined a group that had another tank. They asked who wanted to lead it, and everyone said "Lol Dark". One guy started in about how Stone Armor is soooo much better than everything else and how I was stupid for rolling DA. I told him stfu, and I have a 50 stoner that I hate.

I then proceeded to make the other tank look like complete garbage.

Just because numbers say one should be better doesn't make it so. And that is why scrappers will still be damned popular when GR comes round.

I have a number of brutes, I play them like tanks. Really pissed off tanks that want to kill everything in sight and aren't terribly worried about the people using him as a meat shield.

I love my scrapper because no one expects me to tank with him. Plus he has a sword.

Personally, I think the real question should be "why make a tanker when you can make a brute" a few skittles and my brutes have Tanker level resistance to go with the tanker level hp, but they kill a lot harder.

I am not asking that question tho. I did that a long time ago and got a lot of people all pissy.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
For example no Brute is going to enjoy a Herding Tank playstyle very much (and why would they )
Your kidding me? It's that playstyle for my Brute or I am logging. (My Brutes survivability is often linked to needing some numbers).

On topic, couldn't give a monkeys, either are welcome and fine.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Instead, I ask: Why make a brute when you could make a tanker?

A tanker will always be more survivable than a brute. If you want to tank, then it's a no brainer. One is numerically superior to the other.

The answer to the OP's question is simply "What do you want to do?"

Do you want to scrap? Or do you want to brute?

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Your kidding me? It's that playstyle for my Brute or I am logging. (My Brutes survivability is often linked to needing some numbers).

On topic, couldn't give a monkeys, either are welcome and fine.
Sorry, should expand on that. No brute is going to enjoy a tank on a gr team running off to herd like you can still get blue side The Herding to Here on every single spawn type.

A brute would much prefer to do as you say, take the alpha themselves to angry up the blood.



Top Seven reasons to make a Scrapper instead of a Brute

7. You need your other sword hand free to give your foes the finger.

6. Quick Recovery before level 4 is just too painful.

5. Eagle's Claw. Just, Eagle's Claw.

4. Having a mag 3 PBAoE fear just seems too much like cheating.

3. Having Fury and perma-Rage on the same character is cheating.

2. Perverts my six-slotting of Brawl from an ironic statement to min/maxing.

1. Impossible to realize my character concept: Nuclear Urchin.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Right. I might not be a Tank, but squishy I ain't. And chances are, unless that Brute really, really knows what they're doing and have spent billions, they're squishier than my Scrapper. Hell, unless that Tank knows what they're doing, they're probably squishier than my Scrapper.



I blanked out when someone said that scrappers can take a break........... that worries me, over 6 years and it turns out I could have taken a break....... not sure when, maybe in between missions while people were loading? Surely not while anything was still standing?

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Sorry, should expand on that. No brute is going to enjoy a tank on a gr team running off to herd like you can still get blue side The Herding to Here on every single spawn type.

A brute would much prefer to do as you say, take the alpha themselves to angry up the blood.
Am still always surprised when Tanks want to play fetch over a distance rather than just gather up as they go. A good tank should play for having a brute on the team

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Here it is, guys... the big question. Has it been asked before? Probably. Has it been answered in full? Not that I know of. So, it's still on the table.

What advantages does a Brute have over a Scrapper? Scrappers have about the same amount of HP and do more damage. On top of that, if we're imagining, say, a brute vs. scrapper PVP match, the Scrapper will kite so the Brute can't build Fury and spike it down with criticals before the Brute can make much headway. In PVE, the damage differences are huge, and the Scrappers can keep that damage 24/7, lazy or active.

Once Going Rogue hits, will Brutes be obsolete? Should I delete my level 24 elec/*? Which TASTES better, cake or pie?!?



When it comes to Brutes, they really have only one major advantage.

Powersets. Brutes have access to Super Strength, and Stone Melee, sets that would be absolutely mindbogglingly good in the hands of Scrappers. In terms of actual damage, Scrappers and Brutes are relatively even. Brutes Fury mechnanic is countered by Scrappers higher base damage, which means any damage buff is more effective on a Scrapper, then a brute.

But brutes skew the tables a little bit by having access to overpowered sets like SS and Stone, but thats not because of the Brute itself, but because of the set.



I love to run SFs.

I intend to make a scrapper to run these. I think that the scrapper will be able to generate more damage more quickly because I shouldn't have to wait on fury to build. In theory I could be able to cut a minute or two here and there on some of the kill boss (and his minions) objectives



This is a funny thread. Scrapper and Brutes have all had their advantages discussed pretty well. I would say that if I was running a ITF or LGTF and I was FORCED to pick between a brute or a scrapper (assuming the builds were relatively similar in terms of IO's and such), I would take the brute. Why? Brutes can tank easier than the average scrapper. OK, dodged a tomato there, close one. My scrapper, like many of yours can tank too. Some would say why not just get a tank then. Well, why get a tank when you can have a brute? The logic goes on, so the debate is question is somewhat pointless. I think tanks will have a mild decrease in the population however unless the mission content becomes so difficult it requires a capped tank for the team to survive (like STF, hami raids, a few other etcs...)

Why make a scrapper when you can make a brute? Here are 12 reasons for me.

(1) Katana on my female toon looks dead sexy with the animations. <awaits thong costume piece>
(2) Eagles Claw animation FTW. Yummy
(3) Random crits are like little rewards. It's a psychology thing here.
(4) Regen on scrappers is all melee has for PvP blueside. (ducks a chair being thrown at head by pvp community).
(5) I can get up and pee and not worry about losing fury. Peeing when you need to is always a plus.
(6) The vanguard katana looks like a lightsaber, but sexier than the broadsword lightsaber.
(7) Martial Arts is the most comic book looking power since energy blast.
(8) People don't ask me if I am a tank by mistake as a scrapper.
(9) My female toons don't look bruttish enough. She Hulk smash? Meh, not my bag baby.
(10) Nostalgia. My first lvl 50 was a scrapper. I always figured my last lvl 50 would be a scrapper one day too.
(11) I can turn into a little ball of spikey death with a scrapper. Quills sounds do cause fury however on the other side of the screen.
(12) Why not?



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Instead, I ask: Why make a brute when you could make a tanker?

A tanker will always be more survivable than a brute. If you want to tank, then it's a no brainer. One is numerically superior to the other.
only out of the box. when I finally get my DA brute finished (i got a DA scrap and stalker that get my attention first). I am seriously thinking of stripping my DA tanker to the bone as the only thing he will have over the brute is @20% more resistance. an orange skittle and the brute is shining just as bright, only pushing out a ton more damage.

That said, if some of the statements made by the devs concerning upcoming endgame content are true, especially about it being a ton more challenging, the whole "why roll this when you can play this" becomes moot because everyone will have a seat at the table.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.