Radio/Newspaper Missions, Flawed




(wall of text incoming, tl;dr at the bottom)

Does anyone else find radio/newspaper missions relatively boring and uninspired? Right now you simply run 3 random missions and save/rob a bank. Nothing particularly interesting about that right?

What about changing it so that these missions have more of an impact on the game? For example, right now I love picking missions that involve the Council because they're not a pain to deal with. But what if after three missions involving the Council, they realize you're out to get them? They could do a number of things, such as sending out ambushes on the streets, laying low for awhile so you can't find them, or even sending reinforcements to a subsequent mission. Suddenly there is a bit of strategy in choosing these missions, do you want to avoid making these enemies too angry or do you want to provoke them to get more kills?

Or on a deeper level, what if stuff you retrieve in some of these missions carry over. Say, you get the Liquid Computer from the Outcasts. That's it, mission over, didn't make one bit of difference. What if it continued from there? You could have to deliver the computer to Dr. Smythe, while being ambushed along the way by angry Outcasts. Or the delivery could be an instanced mission, delivering it to a Longbow or Wyvern operative. With Going Rogue there could even be a Vigilante/Rogue possibility of selling it to the highest bidder among groups such as Malta, the 5th Column, or the Council.

tl;dr, Radio missions could potentially more interesting by making them impactful, be it making enemy groups angrier at you or allowing you to make choices as to what to do with retrieved goods.



Originally Posted by Lurker Hunter View Post
Does anyone else find radio/newspaper missions relatively boring and uninspired? Right now you simply run 3 random missions and save/rob a bank. Nothing particularly interesting about that right?
They're randomly-generated filler missions originally designed to help you get to the next tier of content if you don't level fast enough.

Newspaper/Radio missions aren't content. Go talk to your contacts



I think that Newspaper/Radio missions are supposed to be quick 'I wanna punch someone in the face without having to think about it' missions that you can jump into. I can see where you're coming from, but I think simplicity is needed somewhere in the game for those who just wanna log in, grab a PuG, and get to earning the experience. Radios do that, and I think it works. In fact, I'd love for the devs to streamline this experience further by having the detectives give out their phone number. When in one of these 'let's go!' teams, I find that having to see to the detective can actually be quite an interruption at the early levels.

I generally stick to story content. I too am left unsatisfied when it's radio-simple.



Alot of the Contact storylines are Great and fun to play. The Radio Missions are the quick things.

Much like Spiderman web slinging and sees a bank being robbed he comes in beat the thugs and swings away.

For the Major "Save the world" Storys there are the Task Forces and Story Arcs.



Originally Posted by Lurker Hunter View Post
what if stuff you retrieve in some of these missions carry over. Say, you get the Liquid Computer from the Outcasts. That's it, mission over, didn't make one bit of difference. What if it continued from there? You could have to deliver the computer to Dr. Smythe, while being ambushed along the way by angry Outcasts.

This already exists.

It's called a mission arc.



I think there is room for something more team friendly that is less filler content than a radios. Mission arcs are almost kind of like, "Your team could do this if you just really want to, but I'm going to annoy the heck out of you by making you run all over the world pointlessly. Why don't you just go do that nice radio mission instead? And by the way, only the mission owner will have any idea what's going on or earn special rewards unless all team members sync up their missions exactly. Really. Just do the radio."

Some of the newer missions are better designed but to anyone who mostly PUGs radios do get really tired after a period of time, and mission arcs are just a PITA for all the running around they make you do just to go talk to (read: click on) random NPCs.



Originally Posted by RottenLuck View Post
Much like Spiderman web slinging and sees a bank being robbed he comes in beat the thugs and swings away.

In the comic books, the average radio mission might be an issue long, featuring a villian you'll probably remember well enough to discuss with friends, but not well enough to wonder when they're coming back.

Longer, more dramatic, more interesting stories are call "story arcs", and your contacts hide them from you until you drag them out of them, sometimes forcibly.

Neither is "better" than the other. Apples and Oranges; what are you in the mood for?

(Under this theory, street sweeping would be those first 1-2 pages, where the hero beats up some bad guys just to get some action panels in early.

...hey, this analogy actually holds up pretty well...!)



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Your team could do this if you just really want to, but I'm going to annoy the heck out of you by making you run all over the world pointlessly.
That why you should play redside



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
That why you should play redside
Exactly what I was thinking.

Might explain why redside the arcs give out fewer merits IME, but loading screens for the umpteenth time zoning for a mission arc from a contact who won't give out his cell until the last mission?
Running Emmert-era blueside arcs send me back redside after a while.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
That why you should play redside

This is so very true arks Redside are great for teaming, especially the Nerva ones. I think every ark in Nerva has an EB or AV at the end. I count that as a good thing.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



My only problem with radio/paper missions is that its highly likely some players do not realise that there are story arcs.

I think the devs should review the old arcs and bring the travelling into line. They should then also give everyone all the contacts a zone has to offer the first time they arrive there.


I have a few characters who at level 5, joined a radio team and then quickly became level 14. Then having to go back and bring all your contacts up to date is a real time waster.

Oh, and they can get rid of the "Kill 10 CoT in Perez Park" missions, something my level 7 Defender wondered why bother with.



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
My only problem with radio/paper missions is that its highly likely some players do not realise that there are story arcs.

I think the devs should review the old arcs and bring the travelling into line. They should then also give everyone all the contacts a zone has to offer the first time they arrive there.
I think the problem is more a matter of the convenience of radio mishes outweighing the interest of the story arcs, but I do agree completely with your suggestions. I recall once when I wanted to share the Dr. Vahz arc with a friend. I had to run three bank missions until it gave me a contact with the arc. Then it sent me hopping back and forth between Steel, Skyway, and Perez Park. Finally, we got to face off against a fun EB, but it really didn't seem worth the effort.

I'd like to add my hope that missions going forward will be more like the recent mid-20's arcs blueside. Even though we don't have the same access to the story details as the mish leader, dialog and events in the mission give us a better idea of what's happening compared to older arcs.



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
They should then also give everyone all the contacts a zone has to offer the first time they arrive there.
That wouldn't be a good idea, given that there are a lot of duplicate contacts with the exact the same missions. The Vahzilok Plague, for example, is available from four different contacts. I don't know about you, but I've never been super eager to fight techno-zombies in sewers.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
That wouldn't be a good idea, given that there are a lot of duplicate contacts with the exact the same missions. The Vahzilok Plague, for example, is available from four different contacts. I don't know about you, but I've never been super eager to fight techno-zombies in sewers.
You make it sound like you could end up running that arc again and again. You can only be given ONE of those contacts. You can only have one contact per origin for each 'level band' (i.e. 10-15, 15-20, etc).

Additionally, you can have contacts outside the origin structure (like the ones in Faultline, Striga, RWZ, etc, etc).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
You make it sound like you could end up running that arc again and again. You can only be given ONE of those contacts. You can only have one contact per origin for each 'level band' (i.e. 10-15, 15-20, etc).

Additionally, you can have contacts outside the origin structure (like the ones in Faultline, Striga, RWZ, etc, etc).
Yes, I'm aware that, currently, you can only be given one contact per story. However, the post I quoted was suggesting that all contacts in a zone be automatically added to a character's contact list upon entering a zone for the first time. So, unless there's a system in place to ensure that four contacts don't simultaneously give you the exact same mission, then automatically unlocking every contact in a zone the first time you enter it would be a bad idea.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
You make it sound like you could end up running that arc again and again. You can only be given ONE of those contacts. You can only have one contact per origin for each 'level band' (i.e. 10-15, 15-20, etc).

Additionally, you can have contacts outside the origin structure (like the ones in Faultline, Striga, RWZ, etc, etc).
Yeah this is what I meant. I think it would open up many more possibilities if we just got contacts as we arrived at a zone or even reached a new level bracket.

Part of the reason people just do paper missions is because you:

A) Its effectively the same "contact" whatever zone you are in.
B) You can always phone that contact and get a zone specific mission.

I actually think it has less to do with the actual travelling from mission to mission and more to do with the effort required to actually get contacts of your own level and then go speak to them in person.



Some of the newer missions are better designed but to anyone who mostly PUGs radios do get really tired after a period of time, and mission arcs are just a PITA for all the running around they make you do just to go talk to (read: click on) random NPCs.
Personally, I've always preferred story arcs to newspaper missions, even making it a point to run as few newspaper missions as possible on my characters. Although, I'd have to admit that I do find some of the older story arcs as boring and repetitive as newspaper missions.

Although, it seems like the obvious solution to this problem would be the non-farm AE arcs. All the enjoyment of a player-created story without the hassle of running around Paragon City.

Of course, that brings up the problem of running into poorly-written stories, abandoned arcs, etc. However, I think there are a sufficient number of player resources that could help most people avoid that problem.

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



You know,

I don't care what the devs say about 'preserving' content. A lot of those old blueside story arcs are amazingly long, boring, repetitive and stupid. They need to be removed and replaced by stuff that is fun.

Kill-alls on huge, multilevel lab maps are not cool. The blue water room in Council bases with a kill all objective is NOT cool.

A lot of the old content arcs deserve 2 - 3 missions at MOST and none of them need to be kill-alls. Either they need revamping, or they need to go.

Tie contacts to story arcs and keep the arcs in a specific zone. It makes better sense and keeps the time wasting to a minimum.

Most of the old blueside arcs have some good story...but insanely dumb missions tied to them where nothing of consequence happens. It's just whack a mob until you get sick of it. Do you really want new players coming across these 'gems' and judging your game by them?



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
You know,

I don't care what the devs say about 'preserving' content. A lot of those old blueside story arcs are amazingly long, boring, repetitive and stupid. They need to be removed and replaced by stuff that is fun.
No. Adding content is good. Deleting content is bad. Even if YOU don't happen to care for it. No one ever has to do the old Positron TF again, if they don't want to. But, if someone does, it's there.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I don't know about you, but I've never been super eager to fight techno-zombies in sewers.
UNN-tss UNN-tss UNN-tss BRAINS! UNN-tss UNN-tss UNN-tss...


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville