Russian/Soviet characters




Hey all, I'm thinking I might do up a Russian/Soviet themed piece next month, and was wondering if anyone had some super kool themed characters that I could use.

Mind posting a screenie ortwo if you're cool with their use?



Argh I actually just got rid of my main Soviet character but I think I still have a screenie of her I could post. Heck just talking about her is making me want to remake The Republic's Hammer anyway Will throw a pic up to help ya out once I am home. ((Yay I'm home, posted her. She was Grav/Kin but now remade her into an Earth/Storm.))



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
Hey all, I'm thinking I might do up a Russian/Soviet themed piece next month, and was wondering if anyone had some super kool themed characters that I could use.

Mind posting a screenie ortwo if you're cool with their use?
Coolness is in the eye of the beholder, but here are my three.

Starshina Mir is a Peacebringer while TT is a Warshade.

Red Square is a Dual Blades/Willpower Brute.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



This was my russian character, Redd Star. He was a MA/SR scrapper but only lasted to about lvl15 as i got bored with MA/SR. He was one of my first characters actually, and one of the first costumes i designed, looks so plain now, lol.

That red star emblem did inspire me to make another early costume. He's not russian or anything, infact more likely to be Dutch, and was really only a joke, i didn't even roll him up as i thought he'd get busted immediately for copyright or something. I thought it was funny though, meet...


My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



I got three on Freedom

Soviet Woman

Soviet Rock

Soviet Cold



Soviet is more then Russian ofcourse...

From the Ukraine... Cher Nobyl (Fire/Rad)

I also made a ice/energy blaster with blue/white armore called Siberian Sentry. No screeny atm though.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Ohhh wow! This sounds like a fun one, Juggy! I shall post my Ruslana when I get home today.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Once a PC, now an NPC in a defunct AE Arc. But feel free to use him if you like. Powers are Invulnerability/Super Strength.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Soviet is more then Russian ofcourse...

From the Ukraine... Cher Nobyl (Fire/Rad)
Or the Bad Czech if we're including Bloc nations.

(If this is stretching your definition of "Soviet" beyond what you envision, no worries. I'm just adding to the thread)



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Red Square is a Dual Blades/Willpower Brute.
but but but ... the square ... it is ... yellow ...

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
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Ooo! I love Russian characters. I wish there was a RPVG on Virtue with them. Here is mine - Soviette. I'm probably going to reroll her as a Brute in GR or whenever Brutes get BS or MA. She has MA/SD right now as a Soviet version of Captain America of course but I'm toying with the idea of giving her a Khopesh for the sickle and the shield for the hammer. In the end, I'd like to take her as a Brute to blue side.

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The Queen's Menagerie



Okay I can't resist... This is Project Chernobyl. Basically he is the real reason behind the meltdown... It was secretly a Soviet Super Soldier Program that went very wrong. PC is the only thing that walked away and has remained in hiding for years, until the Rikti invaded and he could stay hidden no longer. (yeah I know pretty lame...)

And just for giggles:
Molly Tov Cocktail



This is Rodina-Mat, an Earth Control/Icy Assault Dominator.

She is a decommissioned Soviet supersoldier, a leftover from another era. Infused with the ability to control Earth and ice, the name Rodina-Mat (meaning: mother motherland/mother homeland/motherland) was chosen for her. The operations and personal information of the supersoldiers in this program remains classified to this day.

As the Russian government tries to distance itself from the old Soviet cold war regime, old supersoldiers of that period, like Rodina-Mat, feel betrayed by their homeland. Fueled by this betrayal, Rodina-Mat seeks to reunite the former Soviet Republics, by force if necessary, and make her country the superpower it once was.

Ill/Emp, Stn/Ice, FF/Rad, Plt/Fire, Nrg/Nrg, Ice/Cld, Mrc/Psn, Ice/WM, Mnd/Psi, Earth/Son, SS/Inv, DB/Drk, Fire/Ice, NB/SR, Fire/Elc, NW, Fort, Bot/TA, Son/Kin, Crab, Arch/Fire, Drk/Elc, Nin/TA, Grv/Elc, Elc/Wll, Mnd/FF, Drk/Thm, Clw/Reg, Stn/Nrg, Elc/Mnt, Ice/Earth, Spn/Fire, DP/Trp, AR/Rad, BA/SD, DB/SR, Fire/Stn, WS, Drk/Stm, Dem/Drk, Rad/Nrg, SJ/SD, Fire/Psn, Elc/Nrg, SF/SR, Bst/Stm, DP/Fire, Thg/Trp, Wtr/Psn, BS/Wll, Nat/Psy. BR/Time



Comrade Hero - Hero of the Russian Federation

Comrade Hero Reference 2010
Comrade Hero Profile 2010

Comrade Hero Physique/Face Reference
Comrade Hero Uniform Reference

Converted (with a few liberties) to the old Classic Marvel RPG by TSR.


Fighting AM (50)
Agility AM (50)
Strength UN (100)
Endurance SH-Y (200)
Reason IN (40)
Intuition AM (50)
Psyche AM (50)

Health: 400
Karma: 140
Resources: RM (30)
Popularity: 50 (100 in Russia)

Real Name: Aleksandr Alexandrovich Biryukov.
Other Known Aliases: The Man Who Fell To Earth.
Identity: Publicly known.
Date of Birth: November 5, 1970.
Place of Birth: New York City, NY.
Known Relatives: Aleksandr Biryukov (father, deceased), Caroline Jackson (mother), Nina Jackson (sister), Thomas Jackson (grandfather, deceased), Holly Jackson (niece), unidentified grandparents in Ukraine (deceased).
Citizenship: Dual citizenship of the United States and the Russian Federation with no known criminal record.
Occupation: Adventurer and Crimefighter. Former fighter and test pilot, cosmonaut, and aeronautical engineer.
Marital Status: Single.
Education: Aleksandr graduated from secondary school in 1988 and joined the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation School for Fighter Pilots. He graduated with honors in 1993, receiving his Pilot-Engineer diploma. Aleksandr subsequently attended the Ministry of Aviation Industry Test Pilot School in Zhukovsky, receiving his Test Pilot Degree in 1996.
Past Group Affiliations: Member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Attained rank of Colonel in the Russian Federal Air Force and Russian Federal Space Agency. Former Special Operative in Directorate "V" (Vympel) of the Russian Federal Security Service, Former Special Operative with the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) of the Russian Interior Ministry.
Present Group Affiliations: Unknown
Base of Operations: Formerly Moscow. Currently International.

Aleksandr Alexandrovich Biryukov was born with latent metahuman potential but this did not manifest until he was in his mid-thirties. Aside from being healthier, stronger, faster and fitter than most people, there was no indication that Aleksandr was anything other than a normal human.

Massive exposure to cosmic radiation, the trauma of surviving the vacuum of space, re-entry into Earth's atmosphere and crash landing in the frozen Arctic, activated Aleksandr's metahuman potential.

As Comrade Hero, Aleksandr's Powers are derived from his unique metahuman physiology and the unknown cosmic energies surging within him.

Metahuman Physiology:
Comrade Hero's metahuman physiology provides him with extraordinary levels of agility, strength, endurance, speed, and reaction time. In addition, his metahuman physiology provides him with the following Powers:

Hyper Speed: Comrade Hero is fast. He possesses Hyper Speed at Amazing rank.
He may:
Substitute for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 3 combat actions per round.
Substitute for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
Substitute for Intuition for initiative.
Reach maximum flight, swimming, or ground speed in one round and has no penalties making high speed maneuvers or starting or stopping suddenly.

Regeneration: Comrade Hero has Amazing regenerative and recuperative capabilities, enabling him to rapidly recover from any form of harm at a rate fifty times faster than normal. With time, Comrade Hero can regenerate large areas of lost tissue, organs and limbs. Comrade Hero's regenerative and recuperative capabilities are strong enough to repair fatal damage and eventually return him to life if he is ever killed. Comrade Hero is immune to disease, illness, and the effects of aging.

Self Sustenance: Comrade Hero does not require air, food or water; and his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance. Bodily wastes are internally recycled back into usable materials. Comrade Hero can go for weeks without sleep; however he will eventually tire and require rest.

True Invulnerability:
Comrade Hero is capable of operating freely in the vacuum of space, in the crushing depths of the oceans, and surviving extremes of temperature and other hostile environments.

Comrade Hero has Class 1000 Resistance to Fire, Cold, Radiation, Toxins and Corrosives. His body's cells protect him internally as well, so even his insides wouldn't be melted by drinking a vial of acid.

Comrade Hero's skin, muscles, bones and cellular structure are far denser and durable than those of a normal human providing him with Unearthly protection from Physical and Energy attacks. Comrade Hero is considered a CL1000 obstacle when it comes to trying to block, lift, knock down, slow or stop his movement. Comrade Hero cannot be stunned or slammed, regardless of what Martial Arts or Attack Column is used.

Comrade Hero has an Amazing degree of protection against all other forms of harm.

Cosmic Energy:
Massive exposure to cosmic radiation permanently affected Comrade Hero at a cellular and genetic level. He is constantly absorbing and storing energy and radiation that is used to support a variety of Powers:

Cosmic Energy Emission:
Comrade Hero can harness his cosmic energy to attack opponents in the following ways:

Energy Melee: Comrade Hero can unleash up to Unearthly intensity cosmic energy attacks through his fists in hand-to-hand combat.

Energy Beams:
Comrade Hero can fire concentrated beams of up to Monstrous intensity cosmic energy through his eyes up to a maximum distance of 1 mile.

Enhanced Vision: Comrade Hero has the Amazing ability to see in spectrum of light and energy. So far he has demonstrated the ability to see in Thermal, Infrared, Ultraviolet and X-Ray vision. Comrade Hero operates without penalty in complete darkness or in extreme light conditions. He also has the ability to detect and see through visual based illusions and holographic projections.

Enhanced Awareness:
Comrade Hero has the Amazing ability to detect and identify various types of energy and radiation related phenomena within a range of 1,000 miles. Comrade Hero has the Unearthly ability to detect and identify cosmic radiation and related phenomena within a range of 16,000 miles. Both types of Energy Detection are always active. By concentrating, Comrade Hero can detect the presence of life and identify the nature of that life within a range of 3 miles. This is a practiced Power Stunt and has to be activated.

Invisibility: Comrade Hero has the Amazing ability to become completely invisible. Comrade Hero is effectively rendered undetectable in the light and energy spectrum, and is exceedingly difficult to track once invisible. He can remain invisible and undetectable for extended periods of time.

Power Boosting:
Comrade Hero can direct his bodies energies into his Fighting Agility, Strength, and Psyche raising them as high as +2CS. It is an instantaneous boost and will be used when the challenge calls for it. He would normally raise +1CS, then +2CS if the initial boost is ineffective. To activate an increase he must make a Psyche FEAT.

Resistances: Comrade Hero has Unearthly resistance to Power and Energy Manipulation and Vampirism attacks.

True Flight: Comrade Hero can defy gravity, hover freely in space, and fly at Shift-Z airspeeds in atmosphere and Class 3000 speeds in space. Comrade Hero is a superior pilot and aerial combatant, and his Agility and Fighting automatically increase +2CS whilst in flight.


Strength: Able to lift/press up to 100+ tons (can be power boosted to lift/press 250+ tons). Throw items up to a maximum distance of 352 yards (can be power boosted to throw a maximum distance of 660 yards). Able to leap a maximum of 100 feet up, 100 feet across and 150 feet down (can be power boosted to leap a maximum of 200 feet up, 200 feet across and 300 feet down).

Ground Speed:
Comrade Hero's standard ground speed is 120mph. He can achieve a top ground speed of 210mph and cover long distances without needing to make an Endurance FEAT check for Exhaustion.

Flight Speed:
Comrade Hero can surpass supersonic speeds in atmosphere, although he generally restricts himself to flight speeds of up to Mach 6. He can accelerate to near light speeds in space.

Swimming: Comrade Hero can swim through water at a maximum speed of 391 knots. He can cover long distances without needing to make an Endurance FEAT check for Exhaustion.


Comrade Hero is a retired Colonel of the Russian Federal Air Force and Russian Federal Space Agency. He is a highly trained and experienced fighter and test pilot, cosmonaut and aviation, aeronautical, and astronautical engineer. He receives a +1CS bonus in these fields and related construction projects cost -1CS.

Comrade Hero's Reason is considered Amazing in the fields of astronautics, stellar cartography, physics, computers and electronics.

Comrade Hero is familiar with Russian, Ukrainian, U.S and International Law (primarily as it pertains to super hero actions). He gains a +1CS to all FEAT rolls involving the law, including correct legal procedure.

Comrade Hero is trained and experienced in military and civilian small arms. He is intimately familiar with fighter aircraft weaponry, equipment, tactics, and operation. He can fire such weapons and operate aircraft at +1CS.

Comrade Hero is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Comrade Hero incorporates techniques and elements from a variety of martial fighting styles including Boxing, Pankration Wrestling, Judo, Sambo, Systema, and Krav Maga. He can Stun or Slam an opponent regardless of their comparative Strengths and Endurances. Comrade Hero receives +1CS to Fighting ability when engaged in unarmed combat, + 2CS to his Strength for Grappling attacks (including damage) and +3CS to hit in a Grappling attacks, a + 1CS to Strength for Escaping and a +1CS to Agility for purposes of Dodging and Evading.

Comrade Hero is fluent in Russian, Ukrainian, English, and Mandarin Chinese.

Comrade Hero also has the First Aid Skill.

Comrade Hero maintains excellent relations with the Russian Federal Air Force and Russian Federal Space Agency.

Comrade Hero has contacts in the Russian Federal Security Service, the Russian Interior Ministry, and Russian Main Intelligence Directorate.

Comrade Hero also has contacts amongst local law enforcement agencies in Russia and the United States.


Disguise: Comrade Hero's wears a distinctive green and red uniform with a bright yellow star emblazoned across his chest. The uniform is completed by black boots, gloves, a small face mask, and a tactical belt around his waist. The most notable feature is Comrade Hero's glowing red eyes. His eyes never blink or waver in their gaze.

Precautions: Comrade Hero's superhero and public identity is widely known in Russia, the Ukraine, and to a lesser extent in the United States.

Confidants: The exact nature and strength of Comrade Hero's abilities and powers is known to a handful of individuals.

Profile: Comrade Hero is a celebrated national figure in Russia and the Ukraine. His fame and recognition is somewhat diminished in the United States where superheroes are more prolific.

Concealment: Comrade Hero makes little attempt to hide his normal and superhero identities.

Effects of Secrecy: The police, intelligence agencies, and other law enforcement organizations know both of Comrade Hero's identities. This information can also be uncovered by any competent researcher.



Alright Juggy, I decided on the Russian uniform instead of the lacy look. Let me know if the lacy look is what you prefer.

This is xXx RUSLANA xXx my fire/kin corruptor. Soviet spy by day, singer by night!


The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Somehow, I imagined Comrade Hero should be used right away. :P

I've a "supposedly" Russian character but I don't think it would fit... only the name sounds remotely as such and probably doesn't make sense.



Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post

Who doesn't love a lady in uniform?



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
Somehow, I imagined Comrade Hero should be used right away. :P

I've a "supposedly" Russian character but I don't think it would fit... only the name sounds remotely as such and probably doesn't make sense.
I wanted to wait.

It's like suggesting a Cat themed hero or villain. Now, I know there are a huge amount of Cat themed characters in City of Heroes with great costumes and back stories, but for me Feral Kat and Feral Kitty immediately spring to my mind.

Ask me for a Phillipino based hero and Bayani comes to mind.

Based on a Norse Mythology theme? Thor's Assassin.

A towering titan that carves a bloody path of destruction in his path with an Axe? Juggertha anyone

There are also a lot of great Russian/Soviet themed players out there in City of Heroes. Comrade Hero was a very, very small hero when he joined the Pinnacle based RP Group the CCCP (Communist Crusaders for the Proletariat) and started up a sister branch on Protector.

And I'm not very Russian at all. I'm a bonafide 100% Kiwi - as in from Aotearoa/New Zealand - not the hairy, brown fruit.



*head tilt* Would very much be interested in hearing a Kiwi faking a Russian accent. This is an intriguing thought. Most folks can't get rid of their personal speaking style entirely when adopting temporary accents (see also: terrible "British" accents of most American actors.)

/THREADJACK holy crap. LOL

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



*old* character - as in "soon after COV release." (Don't play redside Guardian much.) Should look very roughly put together - cast iron and bolted. Molotov's Fury, fire/fire brute.

... should really update his look. I've been through three or four graphics cards since I made him. >.<