Super Booster V - Emotes: Feedback




Energy Morph and Dimension Shift aren't even remotely mutant themed, but I'll accept them as late gifts for Technology users. Rapid Boil is groady, but I like it, and several other existing costume morphs work for mutants, too. Really, Energy Morph is all I care about. My armored scrapper is going to use that so much. I second the suggestion to make the standup slower and more dramatic, though.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
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Pocket D is gonna be filled with /e growlers.



Subjective: Any chance for /e growl not to hide spines (when spines power has been used)?



Subjective Feedback: I think the growl emote makes the growling sound a little too often. I'd like to use this as an "idle" animation for my feral scrapper when waiting on teams for AFK members, etc. but I don't want to annoy them with frequent growling sounds.




Not a fan of Showoff. It seems too fast.

I love, love, LOVE Dimension Shift. It is just perfect for one of my favorite toons.

Boil is nasty. So that's good.

Energy Morph.. not sure about it yet. It's neat but not sure if I'll put it to much use.

Growl is cute. I'd love a mini travel power like Ninja Run where you can run on all fours tho. Just sayin!

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Show off is a bit faster then it should be.

Love the costume transformation emotes, the Energy Morph is definitely the Terminator timewarp; nice touch! Dimension Shift I can see using for a few characters.



what do i need to type to do the new costume emote changes never done it before



Menu > Costumes > pick the emote from the drop down menu and then click the costume to change to.

From the command line and to create macros/binds....

See here:

The new ones are:

/cce # CCRapidBoil

/cce # CCDimensionShift

/cce # CCEnergyMorph (bugged, not working)

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/em showoff is just to fast, it looks like you're just spazzing out.

/em growl is cute and all, but let me get this right. CoH doesn't seem to go in one direction for people, but this animation which begs for animal style heroes, fits? o.O

Boil, but probably the more mutant-y if not limiting one of the bunch.

Energy it, seems more demony and really seems to encourage the "this a demon pack not a mutant pack" of the costume sets.

Dimension Shift...old style sound effect, with a more sciency feel imo. But, eh, mutants and science can go together just fine. Mutant doesn't HAVE to mean born that way, even if the origin says so...look at the TMNT. Mutant turtles not born that way.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Subjective Feedback: I particularly like the dimension shift and energy crater emotes.

Showoff is just the sort of emote that came up in David Nakayama's topic about animation. It could use some improvement and slowing, but it fills a need.

However, it has nothing to do with mutation whatsoever, even by wide interpretation. Combine that with how it fills a needed role, and I suggest that it definitely should be a general emote rather than a mutant booster emote. On a list of desired general emotes, showing off could be near the top, and the presence of this emote in a mutant booster could make another such emote less likely to be added.

I'd prefer having versions of the costume change emotes, rather than the inappropriate classification of showing off as a mutant ability. The crater and dimension would work very well as regular emotes, with no costume change required.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



So far I like what I've seen, my only issue is that energy morph, for something that is going to leave a crater in the ground certainly lacks a little.... Oomph. I was expecting something that was going to sound and feel powerful and in that aspect, it really didn't deliver.



I agree that Energy Morph reminds one of the Terminator teleport because of the crater and the crouch, but the energy sphere/flash remind me more of Firestar's transformation animation from the 1980's Spiderman show. (and she was a mutant, wasn't she?)

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Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Subjective: Showoff seems to animate a bit too quickly.

Growl is fun.

I don't know in motion, but judging by the screenshots, the wings position feels wrong. They should be behind the head, or more spread to the sides of the body. The way they do now looks disturbing to me, not too natural.



It seems the Dimensional shift is still broken with firey aura toggles on. Not sure if other toggles from other powersets interfere. <sent a bug report>

Showoff needs to be a bit slower.

Other than that everything looks fan-damn-tastic!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



No word on the possibility of a silent version of the growl emote? Again, really would make a nice stance emote sans the growl audio.