Masters of Lady Grey




Liberty server is proud to have their own group of players to wear this shiny new badge with the "broken" setting.




we tried it last night. We got to the green mitos and still couldnt get them held how much troll/dom ddid u need to get them done.

Not gonna be that hard if the mitos are fixed or enough control is brought. But without stoping the heals its stinks.

Also need some eoes they helped a ton

neg rep me




"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



I don't know whether you could see the picture or not, but team make up was 2 illusion controllers*, 4 more controllers, 1 Veat, and 1 Brute. We did different combinations that worked the same way but had accidental fluke deaths. The first 2 attempts was: 1 brute, 2 doms, 5 controllers ---- 1 tank, 2 Veats, 5 controllers. Both combinations worked but accidental deaths were the cause of our sole deaths. With the 50 mag hold protection on each green mito, you need to overwhelm them with holds so fortunatas, controllers, and dominators are the archetypes of choice. As far as Essence of the Earth inspirations you mentioned, none of us really used them. I had bought 10 EoEs off the market for people to use and e-mailed them to some players for them to "claim" when the mission would be up, but none really popped them. When I saw Turgenev's post that his team was able to do it, we decided to give it a go with a faster time because we love this challenge.



Originally Posted by Desum View Post
When I saw Turgenev's post that his team was able to do it, we decided to give it a go with a faster time because we love this challenge.
Our first run was a similar time (1h15m). We did the 2nd run immediately thereafter and almost - ALMOST - got it to under one hour. (And holy crap, did we panic when we got "CHALLENGE FAILED" while taking out the last 2 generators, until we realized we just failed the time limit!)

Side note: Our 7 controllers had five Illusionists, which makes for a very unhappy Tank with all the PA out... XD

Now it's just doing this for time... and it's great to see others rising to the occasion. Bugged or not, where there's a will, there's a way.

Grats to you and your Liberty crew for a successful run, Desum!



Thank you thank you! Getting it down to under an hour must be insane considering how nerve racking the Hamidon mission is. We literally took every precaution imaginable because once someone was tagged, we retreated and rebuffed. On this run, on the final green, one of our squishies was tagged and the DoT stayed on him for a good amount of time. We had the rads surroundinging him with radiant aura to keep his health up. When the realization that we killed all the mitos, it was a huge sigh of relief to know we were over the biggest hurdle.

Since the previous image does not show proof that such a badge does exist, here is the image of a toon with it:



Originally Posted by Desum View Post
As far as Essence of the Earth inspirations you mentioned, none of us really used them. I had bought 10 EoEs off the market for people to use and e-mailed them to some players for them to "claim" when the mission would be up, but none really popped them.
I played Spacegirl (50 mind/rad controller) on this LGTF and actually used both EoEs I was given, in reaction to being hit by mito damage. I was pretty twitchy about using them (clicked them as soon as I saw I was taking damage) so it might not have been strictly necessary, but I figured I'd rather use them and be safe. I'm convinced they reduced the DoT damage on me, though I guess there could be some placebo effect there.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



That's great! Way to go, Liberty!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's pretty epic doing it with the Hamidon not being fixed yet
Sorta; I'm in full agreement that the current "bugged" status leans players towards a particular "win" team build just to accommodate the bug. That bug (i.e., wrong design choice) needs to be dialed down appreciably to make the encounter a challenge w/o forcing build requirements to get past it.

That people can DO it shouldn't validate the current difficulty rating; it should just show stubbornness on the part of the playerbase that refuses to be locked out of a reward because of a bad judgment call. I think Castle's intention of MAG 10 hold difficulty on the green mitos is sufficient. I also think that intentionally failing a mission to get past it early on should NOT be permitted on Master runs, but that's a hard mechanic to enforce for Master requirements. (Maybe make an Ouro flag of "no mission failures"?)



We ran this TF a few days ago. An experienced team of 8, with controllers, and the Healing Mitos, being insanely impervious, forced us to abandon the TF. Someone on the team said that this was a change intended to correct a weakness in the Healing Mitos, and that they were deliberately set this way.

In frustration, I petitioned and received a response as follows:

Subject: Having to Abandon Lady Grey TF

Discussion Thread
Response (Harris) 05/23/2010 08:19 PM


Thank you for contacting the City of Heroes Support Team.

An Arch-villain or Hero is intended to be a very difficult enemy to defeat and take longer to defeat than normal bosses. In most situations, a team will be needed to defeat an Arch-villain or Hero of the same level. At this time, all Arch-villains and Heroes in the game are working as designed. We strongly recommend going to the forums as there is wealth of player based knowledge on the best strategies for Arch-villains and Heroes.

You can reach the City of Heroes or City of Villains message boards at or Thank you for your cooperation.

GM Harris
City of Heroes Support Team

Customer (XXXXX) 05/23/2010 08:13 PM
Windows: Weakened Hamidon mending mitochondria cannot be damaged at all-- three controllers on the team and we can\st make a dent. i understand this was intentional??

So, is this really due to be fixed, or is this overamplified "weakened" Hami working as intended?

#141757 We Are Legion, #99205 We Too Are Legion, #5514 Bug Hunt

VIRTUE HEROES: Ebon Witch, Essense, Ossum Possum, Eversoul, Jacob Ravenshire
VIRTUE VILLAINS: Gentleman Caller, Little Green Vistor, Black Apple, Emily & Timothy Ravenshire



So, this is working as intended?

I really do wonder if some of these developers actually play this game. I've run the LGTF many times, and Hami has always been a sufficient challenge for us. It seems unbalanced to have something like a single Healing Mitochondrion completely shut down a MoLGTF.

#141757 We Are Legion, #99205 We Too Are Legion, #5514 Bug Hunt

VIRTUE HEROES: Ebon Witch, Essense, Ossum Possum, Eversoul, Jacob Ravenshire
VIRTUE VILLAINS: Gentleman Caller, Little Green Vistor, Black Apple, Emily & Timothy Ravenshire



It's currently WAI - Working As Intended. There is, however, a fix coming. We don't know when, however. Castle made the change to the code, and checked it in. That means it's out of his hands. The QA Team, Quality Assurance Team, has to make the final decision that it's fit to Publish to the Live Server Environment. When they make that decision, we'll get the patch with the fix.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



is it only hold that the mitos have mag 50 protection against or does it include stun, fear, and all the rest?

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



The greens are really only resistant to holds at mag 50. The reason? Holds are the only way to shut off Regenerative Aura, the green glow that caps their regen at 8.33% per second and gives them about 90% resistance to everything under the sun. Unless you can hold them and shut off that aura, you can barely dent them and they'll just regen it back within seconds. So, without holds it's pretty much a pointless endeavor. Other mezzes don't work. So immobilzes, stuns, fears, KB/KD, and confuses are worthless.

I don't know what the hold protection on the greens is in the zone raids, but in a mission where you are limited to 8 players, mag 50 is just too much. In some of our other attempts, 4 controllers couldn't hold it. Even 5 had trouble and took much longer than necessary. While I do understand that the devs wanted to make this challenging and even knowing that AVs have mag 50 protection when the PToD are up, it's a little silly to have that much hold protection on something that regens that fast with that much resistance. Every other AV in the game with insane regen (Madam of Mystery) or a metric ton of hitpoints (Reichsman or Lord Recluse in the STF) have a gadget or a trick to beating them that can be accomplished with a team of 8. Setting the greens to have similar protection to what they have in the Hive or the Abyss just frustrates players.



Originally Posted by Aerik View Post
I don't know what the hold protection on the greens is in the zone raids, but in a mission where you are limited to 8 players, mag 50 is just too much.
Do people not bother reading before complaining?
We know it's too high. The devs know it's too high. Castle has already fixed it. It just hasn't gotten to the live servers yet.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



always nice to have things come together so nicely. great crew= great times. was a pleasure getting this badge, not just for the shiny, but to show what players can do if they have a mind to. agreed tho that TF/SF shouldnt require the "right" sets to complete ... for the casual player the LG as is, is unplayable. only us serious nuts bother to try 8)



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Do people not bother reading before complaining?
We know it's too high. The devs know it's too high. Castle has already fixed it. It just hasn't gotten to the live servers yet.

Yes, I know that Castle fixed it on an internal build. Yes, I know that build has to pass QA before hitting Test and going live. Yes, I know that Desum and I are stubborn and wanted to get the badge anyway.

I'm pretty sure that Castle did exactly what I would have in this scenario. He looked at the problem, noticed the minus sign in front of the number, looked at his notes and set it to what he thought it was supposed to be. The person who changed it during i10 testing never bothered to document why exactly they changed the power to a negative hold protection. In the same situation I would have done what he did. I applaud his decision to change it to something more reasonable. Mag 12 is easily doable with two characters that have a ST hold. That makes it so the abberation of having a team of nothing but controllers/dominators isn't necessary to finish one specific mission.

So, then, what we are left with is that my original statement. Am I wrong? Would it be fair to change the Honoree's Unstoppable to grant him 100% resist to all AND give him capped regen? Or how about changing the Madam of Mystery to have something like 80% resists?

I learned quite a bit about different tactics through all of our runs on the MoLGTF - Hard Mode. I also learned that in certain cases, there are mechanics about the game that are very delicate. I would much rather the change happen the way that it did (going from 50 to 12) than the opposite because it was decided that the encounter was just too easy even with the change. That being said, we also need to take into account that certain things need to be balanced around certain encounter sizes. The reason why it's the 'Weakened' Hamidon is that no team of 8 players is capable of taking it on as it exists in the Hive and the Abyss. In fact, on the couple of live Hami raids I've been a part of, 50 people have had issues on the 'real' Hami.

AVs aren't pushovers. Despite what the wunderkinds in the Scrapper forums have shown, AVs are not to be trifled with. But, they are killable because they aren't invincible. Even our powersets are balanced around the idea that max resist and regen should be mutually exclusive. A regen scrapper with Granite Armor resistance levels would be horribly broken.

I like the idea of the Hamidon encounter, don't get me wrong. It makes the whole LGTF seem epic. I mean, our last-ditch effort to save the world from annihilation rests on an 8-person Hami raid? Totally epic. But I also want to be able to finish that raid. Do I want it to be a pushover? No. But, I don't want to have to quit because I didn't bring the right team makeup. Or one of the controllers didn't take Blind.

When the fix goes live (and I'm pretty sure it'll be in the next build that hits test) and everyone is out getting their MoLGTF badges, I'll wear mine with pride knowing that Desum and the rest of our team tried and tried and finally won through with superior tactics and a small amount of luck. And long after the infamous 'invincible green mitos' are nothing but a footnote that gets brought up in LB or VirtueUnited and is mostly forgotten, I'll still disagree with the change as it was. I will still give my congratulations to every team that succeeds, and I'll still enjoy being able to run the Lady Grey for a long time to come.

And, yes, I'll still read the Dev Digest.



Aerik, thanks for the explanation on the mezzes!

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



We did another successful run for the Master of Lady Grey's Task Force Badge. The team was made up of a brute, a fortunata, 2 dominators, and 4 controllers. The time this time was 1 hr 4 min. Congratulations to all the players who attained this badge!

Here are two of the players:



It doesn't require nearly as many control types as y'all are bringing along. When we took it down last week we had a tank, 3 defenders, 2 trollers (an ill and a Grav), and 2 forts. Would have been faster but we didn't use pets because we didn't want draw to much hami agro.

I we used 3 EOE's in total, 2 for the tank killing the yellows and one on my fort during the blues.

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
It doesn't require nearly as many control types as y'all are bringing along. When we took it down last week we had a tank, 3 defenders, 2 trollers (an ill and a Grav), and 2 forts. Would have been faster but we didn't use pets because we didn't want draw to much hami agro.

I we used 3 EOE's in total, 2 for the tank killing the yellows and one on my fort during the blues.
You're right, but "master of" setting had us thinking to go for overkill on the holds to get the greens down as fast as possible due to their 50 mag hold protection. This second time around, we used EoEs and these were mainly used by the brute. While the brute stood by the Hami to grab aggro, the rest of they team did not have to worry much about the damage inflicted by Hami and were free to kill the Blue and Greens. The Yellows were taken down first by the brute and fortunata. Building the team, I felt this was a "safe" team makeup.