Masters of Lady Grey




Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
When we got to hami I first said to take out rikti & pylons...but then someone /tell'ed me saying that it might be better to keep pylons up.

I remember reading in diff. spots on the forums that the pylons don't do anything so at first I was like, "meh"...but then I changed my mind and said, "Just do rikti but not pylons."

I guess the pylons do something (they should since that is how Hami is 'weakened' supposedly in the story line)....took out all of the mitos with no issues

Team make-up was a bit weird and not 'optimal' I guess but it definitely worked
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
So what exactly is the effect of the pylons on hami and on the mitos? Does anyone have actual numbers?

We've always taken them out completely first, so I don't know what happens (or doesn't) to hami and the mito's stats if you leave them up.
Completely guessing here, but I think the pylons only affect Hami itself, not the Mitos, so it's not essential to take them out right away. In fact, some people even leave the Rikti alive as well and have a tank pull them into the Hami goo to take the agro while we take down the Mitos quickly.

I don't believe there is any right or wrong way to do it... as long as everybody on the team is on the same page and the job gets done.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I just completed this yesterday with a good team

When we got to hami I first said to take out rikti & pylons...but then someone /tell'ed me saying that it might be better to keep pylons up.

I remember reading in diff. spots on the forums that the pylons don't do anything so at first I was like, "meh"...but then I changed my mind and said, "Just do rikti but not pylons."

I guess the pylons do something (they should since that is how Hami is 'weakened' supposedly in the story line)....took out all of the mitos with no issues

Team make-up was a bit weird and not 'optimal' I guess but it definitely worked

Team was:

Me: Kin/Rad Def.
A Fortunata (with perma-Mind Link)
An Ice/Fire Blaster
A Katana/SR Scrapper
A Dark/Thermal Corruptor
An Empathy/Energy Defender
An Elec/Shield Def. Scrapper
A Mind/Psy Dom. (perma-dom)

Completed it in 2:14:44 (had a break once we got to the Hami mission)...completed the psychics mission as well. And we didn't really 'stealth' and blow up the gens...we kind of cleared most rikti in the last room before taking out the generators (as a precautionary). Great team and great fun

Having the Mind Dom. confuse the Riders (along with other mobs) is always fun...aaah, confuse...
Allegedly the pylons reduce Hami's aggro range to the point where you would shouldn't aggro it until you attack the greens. I've seen nothing yet to substantiate this as we make it a point to NOT aggro Hami

Also I've seen no indication that the Mitos are affected by the pylons.

Better yet, here's a question: the leader of the team gets the Hami aura and its description indicates said aura is to enable one to fight extradimensional foes, in this case the Rikti.

Well since we've been fighting Rikti in the first three missions of this TF without said aura, and that only the leader gets the aura, and everyone on the team can affect the AV's in the last mission......doesn't that make that aura and hence the Hami mission itself rather pointless?



We just completed this on Pinnacle last Friday night.

Our team:

Jane Reaction (@Catatomic) Fire/Kin Controller
Coldly Logical Kara (@Neuronia) Mind/Cold Controller
Dakota Sunrise (@Dakota Sunrise) Stone/Stone Tanker
War Shadow (@War-Shadow) Claws (?)/ Dark Scrapper
Greta-001 (@Doomguide) Claws/Super Reflexes Scrapper
Stratoburst (@Stratoshock) Human-form Peacebringer
Rita Ricochet Dual Pistols/ ?? Blaster
DarkSabyr (@Darksabyr) Scrapper

Most of the TF was a cakewalk, we took our sweet time with Hami then ghosted to Honoree, shiny badge is ours!


Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
we chose to go slow and confuse the EBs in misson 2 worked great

made it super easy
Agree with this, just stacked Confuse on the Riders, let them drain themselves then moved on, so nice.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Better yet, here's a question: the leader of the team gets the Hami aura and its description indicates said aura is to enable one to fight extradimensional foes, in this case the Rikti.

Well since we've been fighting Rikti in the first three missions of this TF without said aura, and that only the leader gets the aura, and everyone on the team can affect the AV's in the last mission......doesn't that make that aura and hence the Hami mission itself rather pointless?
AFAIK, the only thing that does is brightly flash around your character, and annoy you.

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Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Well since we've been fighting Rikti in the first three missions of this TF without said aura, and that only the leader gets the aura, and everyone on the team can affect the AV's in the last mission......doesn't that make that aura and hence the Hami mission itself rather pointless?
I think it is supposed to allow you to fight Honoree specifically. Everyone can fight the Rikti themselves. and Honoree is the only extra-dimensional enemy in that last fight.

But I'm with Kheldarn on the actual in game effect. =)

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I think it is supposed to allow you to fight Honoree specifically. Everyone can fight the Rikti themselves. and Honoree is the only extra-dimensional enemy in that last fight.

But I'm with Kheldarn on the actual in game effect. =)
But again, the aura is only on the leader and its description seems to indicate that the aura doesn't affect teammates, yet all can fight the Honoree....

Also yes that aura is annoying, when the TF first went live I was leader on the team and crashed as mish 5 started, when I returned I still had the aura....for 2 weeks after the TF was done.



IIRC, the aura is completely superfluous. It was SUPPOSED to allow the team leader to fight Honoree or do extra damage or something, but when it was realized that a team leader may crash and never come back and leave the TF unwinnable, they pretty much nixed the idea but left the power effect in for some silly reason.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Also yes that aura is annoying, when the TF first went live I was leader on the team and crashed as mish 5 started, when I returned I still had the aura....for 2 weeks after the TF was done.
Oh I remember that bug. Same thing happened to me. Apparently it only removed the "buff" from the leader of the team when the TF was completed. If leadership changed, or even if the TF was unsuccessful and disbanded, the aura would remain for days and weeks. Wasn't it something like 48 hours of online time? That was crazy stuff!



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Oh I remember that bug. Same thing happened to me. Apparently it only removed the "buff" from the leader of the team when the TF was completed. If leadership changed, or even if the TF was unsuccessful and disbanded, the aura would remain for days and weeks. Wasn't it something like 48 hours of online time? That was crazy stuff!
It was 2 weeks when it hit me. Looked cool at first but the coolness wore off fast.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
IIRC, the aura is completely superfluous. It was SUPPOSED to allow the team leader to fight Honoree or do extra damage or something, but when it was realized that a team leader may crash and never come back and leave the TF unwinnable, they pretty much nixed the idea but left the power effect in for some silly reason.
Then in other words, the Hami mish of LGTF is basically pointless now. Well maybe not pointless as it still serves the purpose of stumping some MoLGTF runs