How Close Am I to Perma Dom Now?




I know it isn't as important an issue now that Dominators have been buffed, but I would still be interested in knowing whether or not this plan for my Plants/Energy Dominator has achieved permadom. And if so, if it has been achieved at my current level (47).

I'm still trying to get the 5th Malaise's Illusions for my Seeds, 2 more Posi's for Dark Obliteration, and 3 more Expedient Reinforcements (once for the Fly Trap and one for the Seer, which would be slotted come 48.) Those just are not available at any price right now.

So, did I make it, or am I still lacking in the recharge department for permadom solo? (I know I get real close on teams with SB or AM, and have had it stacked 2 to 3 times a few times).

Also, what is needed for perma Hasten? Do I already have that now, or is it even possible?

Anyway, here is my plan in Willowpaw Format (Power/Enhancers/Slotting Levels). All of the generics are level 50. I can't even begin to name the levels for all of the individual set pieces. But I don't think that matters for this question.

01 => Power Bolt - Kinetic Crash(6) - 1/3/5/17/27/29
01 => Strangler - Neuronic Shutdown(5) - 1/3/5/7/7
02 => Bone Smasher - Stupefy(5) - 2/9/11/11/15
04 => Roots - ACC(2) - 4/9
06 => Air Superiority - Crushing Impact(5) - 6/19/21/23/31
08 => Seeds of Confusion - Malaise's Illusions(5) - 8/17/42/42/42
10 => Swift - RUN - 10
12 => Hasten - RCH(3) - 12/13/13
14 => Fly - FLY(2) - 14/15
16 => Combat Jumping - Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance / Karma -KB - 16/19
18 => Hurdle - JMP - 18
20 => Stamina - ENM(2) - 20/21
22 => Power Blast - Kinetic Crash(6) - 22/23/25/25/27/29
24 => Power Push - Kinetic Crash(6) - 24/36/37/37/37/39
26 => Carrion Creepers - Crash(6) - 26/31/34/34/36/36
28 => Total Focus - ACC / DMG - 28/34
30 => Vines - Neuronic Shutdown(5) - 30/31/43/46/46
32 => Fly Trap - Expedient Reinforcement(4) / Call to Arms(2) - 32/33/33/33/43/43
35 => Power Boost - RCH - 35
38 => Power Burst - Kinetic Crash(6) - 38/39/39/40/40/40
41 => Dark Consumption - ACC / ENM - 41/50
44 => Dark Obliteration - Positron's Blast(5) - 44/45/45/45/46
47 => Summon Seer - Expedient Reinforcement(4) / Call to Arms(2) - 47/48/48/48/50/50
49 => Super Speed - RUN - 49



Good good. So it looks like getting either that last Malaise I need, the last 2 Posi's, or one of the Expedient Reinforcement recharge bonuses will put me over. Just lacking 4.25% with my current setup.

Doesn't look like perma Hasten is going to happen unfortunately, at least not when running solo. But that is not a big deal anyway.



You can use the VG base +rech empowerment as a stop gap.....

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



when your perma dom drops, just go take a nap and when you wake up your dom will be up again! magic!




Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
I know it isn't as important an issue now that Dominators have been buffed, but I would still be interested in knowing whether or not this plan for my Plants/Energy Dominator has achieved permadom. And if so, if it has been achieved at my current level (47).

I'm still trying to get the 5th Malaise's Illusions for my Seeds, 2 more Posi's for Dark Obliteration, and 3 more Expedient Reinforcements (once for the Fly Trap and one for the Seer, which would be slotted come 48.) Those just are not available at any price right now.

So, did I make it, or am I still lacking in the recharge department for permadom solo? (I know I get real close on teams with SB or AM, and have had it stacked 2 to 3 times a few times).

Also, what is needed for perma Hasten? Do I already have that now, or is it even possible?

Anyway, here is my plan in Willowpaw Format (Power/Enhancers/Slotting Levels). All of the generics are level 50. I can't even begin to name the levels for all of the individual set pieces. But I don't think that matters for this question.

01 => Power Bolt - Kinetic Crash(6) - 1/3/5/17/27/29
01 => Strangler - Neuronic Shutdown(5) - 1/3/5/7/7
02 => Bone Smasher - Stupefy(5) - 2/9/11/11/15
04 => Roots - ACC(2) - 4/9
06 => Air Superiority - Crushing Impact(5) - 6/19/21/23/31
08 => Seeds of Confusion - Malaise's Illusions(5) - 8/17/42/42/42
10 => Swift - RUN - 10
12 => Hasten - RCH(3) - 12/13/13
14 => Fly - FLY(2) - 14/15
16 => Combat Jumping - Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance / Karma -KB - 16/19
18 => Hurdle - JMP - 18
20 => Stamina - ENM(2) - 20/21
22 => Power Blast - Kinetic Crash(6) - 22/23/25/25/27/29
24 => Power Push - Kinetic Crash(6) - 24/36/37/37/37/39
26 => Carrion Creepers - Crash(6) - 26/31/34/34/36/36
28 => Total Focus - ACC / DMG - 28/34
30 => Vines - Neuronic Shutdown(5) - 30/31/43/46/46
32 => Fly Trap - Expedient Reinforcement(4) / Call to Arms(2) - 32/33/33/33/43/43
35 => Power Boost - RCH - 35
38 => Power Burst - Kinetic Crash(6) - 38/39/39/40/40/40
41 => Dark Consumption - ACC / ENM - 41/50
44 => Dark Obliteration - Positron's Blast(5) - 44/45/45/45/46
47 => Summon Seer - Expedient Reinforcement(4) / Call to Arms(2) - 47/48/48/48/50/50
49 => Super Speed - RUN - 49
It might be more costly, but not that bad, to get a bit over what your plan is.

When i was running at the 73 boost from IOs it was a very very small window to click Domination again in. And i would constantly forget to click hasten if i changed that off auto in favor of domination.

For that build i would suggest trying to find room for atleast one LotG process for recharge, and the purple confusion set is normally pretty cheap for purples and those two alone would boost you 17.5 percent in recharge and give you a nice gap to work with in.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
I know it isn't as important an issue now that Dominators have been buffed, but I would still be interested in knowing whether or not this plan for my Plants/Energy Dominator has achieved permadom. And if so, if it has been achieved at my current level (47).

I'm still trying to get the 5th Malaise's Illusions for my Seeds, 2 more Posi's for Dark Obliteration, and 3 more Expedient Reinforcements (once for the Fly Trap and one for the Seer, which would be slotted come 48.) Those just are not available at any price right now.

So, did I make it, or am I still lacking in the recharge department for permadom solo? (I know I get real close on teams with SB or AM, and have had it stacked 2 to 3 times a few times).

Also, what is needed for perma Hasten? Do I already have that now, or is it even possible?

Anyway, here is my plan in Willowpaw Format (Power/Enhancers/Slotting Levels). All of the generics are level 50. I can't even begin to name the levels for all of the individual set pieces. But I don't think that matters for this question.

01 => Power Bolt - Kinetic Crash(6) - 1/3/5/17/27/29
01 => Strangler - Neuronic Shutdown(5) - 1/3/5/7/7
02 => Bone Smasher - Stupefy(5) - 2/9/11/11/15
04 => Roots - ACC(2) - 4/9
06 => Air Superiority - Crushing Impact(5) - 6/19/21/23/31
08 => Seeds of Confusion - Malaise's Illusions(5) - 8/17/42/42/42
10 => Swift - RUN - 10
12 => Hasten - RCH(3) - 12/13/13
14 => Fly - FLY(2) - 14/15
16 => Combat Jumping - Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance / Karma -KB - 16/19
18 => Hurdle - JMP - 18
20 => Stamina - ENM(2) - 20/21
22 => Power Blast - Kinetic Crash(6) - 22/23/25/25/27/29
24 => Power Push - Kinetic Crash(6) - 24/36/37/37/37/39
26 => Carrion Creepers - Crash(6) - 26/31/34/34/36/36
28 => Total Focus - ACC / DMG - 28/34
30 => Vines - Neuronic Shutdown(5) - 30/31/43/46/46
32 => Fly Trap - Expedient Reinforcement(4) / Call to Arms(2) - 32/33/33/33/43/43
35 => Power Boost - RCH - 35
38 => Power Burst - Kinetic Crash(6) - 38/39/39/40/40/40
41 => Dark Consumption - ACC / ENM - 41/50
44 => Dark Obliteration - Positron's Blast(5) - 44/45/45/45/46
47 => Summon Seer - Expedient Reinforcement(4) / Call to Arms(2) - 47/48/48/48/50/50
49 => Super Speed - RUN - 49
Your build shows promise, as a benchmark for you to use I shall now once again present the three stages of Permadom Dragonball Z style.

Enemy: "Why did you stop fighting, tired already?"
Dominator: "Nope we'll get back to the fight, but you need to learn things about Permadoms starting with the basics. This is my normal state of being..."

Dominator powers up: "This is a permadom; 70% recharge from IO sets and 6 slot hasten. Your build might be a bit clunky and you risk frequent power crash but congratulations you are a permadom!"

Dominator powers up again: "This is what is known as a Permadom that as Ascended past being a Permadom, or just call it Permadom 2. 90% recharge from IO's and 6 slot hasten is the minimum for this but you get permadom plus permahasten, a tighter build and fewer power crashes.......but just gets even better!"

Scene cuts to Recluse and his goons:

GW: "Has he really found a way to surpass an Ascended Permadom? Is that possible?"

Black Scorp: "Bah! He's just bluffing!"

Mako: "Yeah, he'd be what: 'Double Ascended'? Big deal"

Dominator starts powering up: "AND THIS.......!"

Lord Recluse: "What the.....what's he doing?"

Dominator: "GOES......EVEN......FURTHER BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Insert 10 minuts of gratuitous yelling as the dominator energizes while everyone is too dumbstruck to do anything.

Dominator: "Sorry that took so long, but it takes a bit of time to power up like this. In this form, 123% recharge from your IO's and you can throw hasten out the window, and have a razor edged build. This is what I call a Super Permadom THREE"

Only way to go past this would be to do the Fusion Technique or wait for the Incarnate levels.

Have fun!



Domination also provides protection against knockback, if you're perma- then you could drop that Karma proc in Combat Jumping in exchange for a Luck of the Gambler. Those are really pricey, it's probably easier to run a few Strike Forces for the 250 merits you need to get one.



That Karma is for when I am exemped low enough to not have the protection from the Kinetic Crash sets (like beneath level 18 or so). At that point, I would be missing most of the recharge bonuses, and would not have perma-dom.

Additionally, as I hinted in the first post in this thread, perma-dom is not that important now anyway due to the damage buff Dominators received, and I was just doing this as an FMI (For My Information) thing. I probably would not be hitting Domination every time it came up anyway. After all, didn't the damage buff outside of Domination come with a price (as in reduced damage while in Domination?), or am I misunderstanding things again.

But even though perma-dom is not that big a deal now, I still like having all this extra recharge anyway, to help my Seer come back more frequently for example.

Lastly, even if I did have the merits to spend on the LotG Global Recharge enhancer, I would not be able to get myself to use it, as the proceeds from the sale of one of those would be better spent on IOing out a couple other villains.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
After all, didn't the damage buff outside of Domination come with a price (as in reduced damage while in Domination?), or am I misunderstanding things again.
There is no penalty payed for entering Domination, no more Jekyll and Hyde syndrome.

If you can permanently enter Domination mode, there is absolutely no reason that you wouldn't want to do such.



Is that 123% recharge bonus one that must be maintained at all times? I assume so. If my Hasten isn't perma, then the question becomes, assuming Hasten is on AUTO, how much additional global recharge is needed such that the overall effect is that Dom is perma?

In other words, the answer isn't 123 - 70 since the 70 from Hasten isn't always applied.

Non-perma-Hasten + X% global recharge = PemaDom. How much is X?


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Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Is that 123% recharge bonus one that must be maintained at all times? I assume so. If my Hasten isn't perma, then the question becomes, assuming Hasten is on AUTO, how much additional global recharge is needed such that the overall effect is that Dom is perma?

In other words, the answer isn't 123 - 70 since the 70 from Hasten isn't always applied.

Non-perma-Hasten + X% global recharge = PemaDom. How much is X?

70% recharge from IO plus 6 slot hasten is the beginning of Permadom.



Also, I'm pretty sure its 125% global recharge for Hasten-less Permadom.

123 (assuming Nericus is right) is the amount of global recharge you need for Permadom without Hasten. At that level of global recharge you've got Perma-Hasten anyway but it's nice because you can go afk with Dom on auto and it won't drop.

70% recharge and 6 slotted Hasten is the bare minimum, but you'd be much better off 3 slotting Hasten and aiming for 75-80%. The last 3 slots in Hasten are of really, really little value so you'd get more Permadom breathing room with more global recharge, (which will also help the recharge on Hasten).

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You don't need to 6-slot Hasten in order to achieve permadom with 70% global recharge. 3 lvl 50 rech IOs will do.

You *will* have to be very quick activating both Hasten and Domination every time they're up though, but you get used to it



Originally Posted by PowerLeveler View Post
Domination also provides protection against knockback, if you're perma- then you could drop that Karma proc in Combat Jumping in exchange for a Luck of the Gambler. Those are really pricey, it's probably easier to run a few Strike Forces for the 250 merits you need to get one.
LotG is only 200 merits.

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



105% recharge here.

I put dom on auto so the only thing I need to worry about hitting is hasten, but often I find I don't even need to do that.

I could probably find room to bump it to 123%, but not interested as the build I have on my fire/psi is fine for farming.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post

I could probably find room to bump it to 123%, but not interested as the build I have on my fire/psi is fine for farming.
Like the old saying goes: "If it's not broke, don't fix it."



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Also, I'm pretty sure its 125% global recharge for Hasten-less Permadom.

123 (assuming Nericus is right) is the amount of global recharge you need for Permadom without Hasten. At that level of global recharge you've got Perma-Hasten anyway but it's nice because you can go afk with Dom on auto and it won't drop.

70% recharge and 6 slotted Hasten is the bare minimum, but you'd be much better off 3 slotting Hasten and aiming for 75-80%. The last 3 slots in Hasten are of really, really little value so you'd get more Permadom breathing room with more global recharge, (which will also help the recharge on Hasten).
Those 3 extra in hasten shave a few more seconds off the recharge of hasten. If u can manage it with 3 recharge, that's fine.

And yes, 123% is right. Though 125% can be a bit better.



My goal is usually 100% minimum global recharge with Hasten 3-slotted. At that level I have enough breathing room that I don't feel like a slave to the Domination icon, watching for it to recharge. I still occasionally let Domination drop, but at that level I can keep it up most of the time comfortably.

I have Hasten on auto and a bind on my jump key to activate Domination. Since I use Hurdle+Combat Jumping for movement during combat, that means I'll usually fire off Domination shortly after it recharges even if I don't notice it. The downside is that when I'm moving around and Domination isn't up yet, I keep hearing that "not recharged" sound over and over.



Big thanks to everyone for all the useful info. Now on a tangent here, I just timed my Fortunata pet from cast time to recharge time, and I have her recharge down to approximately 5 or 5 1/2 minutes. So then, with enough global recharge, would it ever be possible to have 2 Fortunatas out (even if only very briefly), or are the Patron pets coded Highlander style so that there can be only one?



only one at a time.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Is that 123% recharge bonus one that must be maintained at all times? I assume so. If my Hasten isn't perma, then the question becomes, assuming Hasten is on AUTO, how much additional global recharge is needed such that the overall effect is that Dom is perma?

In other words, the answer isn't 123 - 70 since the 70 from Hasten isn't always applied.

Non-perma-Hasten + X% global recharge = PemaDom. How much is X?

In my experience 3 slotted Hasten + 74 global recharge. = permadom.

My Mind/nrg has 155% recharge (with Hasten 3 slotted) is perma

My Plant/Fire has 150% (with Hasten 3 slotted) is perma

My Fire/Psy has 144% (with hasten 3 slotted) is just barely perma.. if I blink she lose's it.

So from my expereince its 74% with 3 slotted Hasten to make it 144%

Note* Hasten is not perma on any of my doms since you need 110% recharge to have perma hasten without it turned on.

I would assume the 2-6 second down time from hasten will account for the 123%

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Protip: put dom on auto and watch hasten to click. Its a lot less intensive.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by Chrome_Family View Post
In my experience 3 slotted Hasten + 74 global recharge. = permadom.

My Mind/nrg has 155% recharge (with Hasten 3 slotted) is perma

My Plant/Fire has 150% (with Hasten 3 slotted) is perma

My Fire/Psy has 144% (with hasten 3 slotted) is just barely perma.. if I blink she lose's it.
So these totals of yours are IO set plus hasten, correct?



From the Guide to Perma Domination with IOs, which is one of the guides at the very top of this forum in the big, stickied, easily noticed "Dominator Guides" topic:

With common IOs:
3 slotted hasten needs an extra 69% recharge from sets
4 slotted needs 67%
5 slotted needs 65%
6 slotted needs 64%

In order to maintain permadom.