becalm: Official Ladder Roster
mez i love you
Peril needs to view this thread more often.
This team is destined to win because I make the builds. Look at this one, you can't lose with this:
You sir are a genius.
edit: wrong thread :/
Hax on the views :P
I just finished taking a stroll in the server forums, and I popped a blood vessel in my eye.
How the eff is this thread over half a million views???
- Convenient - //\ - Exile - //\ - AatC -
I don't even have 3 PCs and who uses IE? Get out of here with your hearsay. HEARSAYER!
Yeah we were trying some kid out for our team and he gave us false information on your operation, I really dont think hes going to make the squad with that kinda attitude.
Yeah, what's up with the new guy? Locks were non-existent, and his eclipse could most def use some work.
that's wassup, get dem keelz.
Updated roster:
Added @M3zm3r1z3
Currently listening to Anthony Hamilton, I also have black friends, I'm not racist.
@unholy weapon and @silent aether, do it up. =)