26 -
Just to clarify. You said that the defending team picks the map the first round, the challenger the second and that each subsequent round is decided randomly. Reset of cage, office and something i cant remember now that I am typing. I guess my question is, does that mean that teams can't pick cage or something? I'm sure that's the case, I just wanted to clairfy as it wasn't obvious to me in your original post. Thanks
STFU VEX! Dex isn't going anywhere. Besides, if he ever did leave he would most def sensai all over me and teach me his magnificent ways.
@unholy weapon....
What is this like a VORI reunion or something?? -
Yeah, what's up with the new guy? Locks were non-existent, and his eclipse could most def use some work.
[QUOTE=FourSpeed;2871325]There are several AT's/Builds that are playable in PvP.
Apart from various build advice, for a younger player, I'd focus more on the
mindset than the build.
I agree with what was said in this response about the mindset but I think that having a decent build can help to set him up for success. In contrast if he is running around on a build not as great for pvp it can wreak havoc on a kids self esteem and turn him off to pvp. That being said here are a few things to try:
1.) Stalkers are fun and pretty easy to play. You dont always have to engage and you dont get attacked as often. Good for a beginner who wants to watch a few fights and learn how others play.
2.) A /Pain domination corruptor. They are pretty fun to play and sturdy for a ranged AT. The healing aura power isnt DR'ed.
Heroes he could try:
1.) Regen scrappers are pretty tough. I would recommend a sturdier AT if he is new.
2.) Blasters are great but he will probably die a lot at first. If he is determined then he could start here and be off on a great foot for future pvp, ie arena or whatever. Blasters are essential for the more competitive stuff whereas scrappers and stalkers arent. Psi or sonic with energy manipulation are both pretty popular but he could casually pvp that elc he already has. If he wants to be taken seriously and do arena or something i would make one of the ones I listed above.
Anyhow man, I hope this is helpful. He can learn to pvp anything he wants but anyone on here will tell you that certain ATs are better so yeah. Good luck to your son. -
All Dex Snausage questions should be directed to Vex as he has been appointed caretaker since Dex lost the ability see below his waste. Thank you.
-Rodge -
I like it. Besides, the more your group plays/practices together the better it will get. Good luck to your squad. *e-slaps steatoda on the bottom.
-Rodge -
I agree with Vex regarding the whole Test vs. Freedom thing. I think that you're more likely to get interest if it's on live. New people tend to shy away from the test server thing. And yeah, I look forward to getting it handed to me a few times. That's why you guys pvp right? Competition keeps it interesting. I really hope this pans out. I am really looking forward to it.
Wait until Treefingers gets back in the mix son.
Server: Freedom
Characters I PvP:
Treefingers (ill/emp), Isothermic (elc/therm), Noirvax(fire/SS), Arctic Assailant (Ice/cold), Shatter Brain (Psi/em), Soul Vax (Spines/regen), Soul Rex (Mind/Fire)
Arena mainly, some RV occasionally.
I can be reached in game on most nights after 10 EST. -
Quote:My Two Cents:I am probably the 100th non-PVP'er coming in and starting the 100th iteration of an old idea... but I had a thought for "starter" PVP. It may be a solution without a problem.
The alleged problem is "people with really expensive builds destroying new kids." The one time I tried arena PVP recently, there was a very helpful and expert PVP'er stomping me and my wife, both at once, with a permadom build. I'm quite certain they would have stomped me anyway, but we were just blatantly underpowered for the environment.
One of the problems with getting new PVPers, presumably, is the barriers to entry. Skill is a valid barrier- if I'm not good, I should lose- but having to accumulate a billion inf, invest strategically, and THEN learn the skills is a bit rough.
Obviously we can't set money limits, but we could have some limits that people could see and check.These are the ones I could come up with.
UNLIMITED: Current standard. Play what you like.
CLASS 49: Play what you like, as long as it's level 49 or less. This guarantees no purples.
BASELINE: Level 49 or less, no set bonuses at all.
Interesting idea? Stupid idea? Both? Neither?
This is an MMO and if someone dedicates themselves to earning a certain set of IOs or multiple sets for that matter then they should benefit from it. And the benefit for both pve AND pvp should be equivalent to the time and resources spent to get such IOs. Yeah, it takes a lot of time and effort to get purples and pvp IOs. But, It only makes sense to reward people for that effort, Right? Chew on this; if two fire/kins have the same build/skill level but one has busted his #$* to purple himself out he is gonna farm/Tf/pve in general better than the other, significantly better. Should we "equal" the playing field for the other becuase of difference in sets? I think not. On a slightly different note, I understand where you're coming from being new to pvp and all but nothing they do is really gonna help get more people involved in pvp. They had similar hopes when they dropped the I13 bomb but I didn't really notice a difference in numbers. If anything it dropped. And now all we are left with is a different group of people min/maxing the new system to take advantage of all the nubs coming in. No offense intended there. Bottom line is that people who pvp well do so because they work hard towards doing so. Anyhow, as I expressed at the beginning of the post, this is just my opinion as it's worth just as much as the next guy's